Council Legislation

Proposed Resolution No. R2021-192

Title: A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Appointing the Facilitator and Members of the Equity Review Committee; and Amending Resolution No. R2021-109 by Adding a Non-Voting Tribal Representative to the Equity Review Committee and by Changing the Deadline for Holding the First Meeting of the Equity Review Committee.

Status: Passed

Final votes

November 9, 2021
Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye

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Public Comments

Name Date Comment
Timothy Reynon 11/9/21 3:33 PM I'm writing to express my support for a tribal representative to serve on the County's Equity Review Committee. What I don't support is for that tribal representative to be a non-voting member of the Committee. The message that sends to the indigenous people on whose land the County operates and exists, is that your voice doesn't matter to the same extent as those who took our land in the first place. Such a distinction on this important Committee undermines the hard work that many of you have done to strengthen and improve the relationship with our tribes in Pierce County. I would strongly encourage you to make this tribal representative position a voting member of the Committee. Thank you for your time and consideration.