Council Legislation

Proposed Resolution No. R2022-77

Title: A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Requesting the Planning and Public Works Department Address Climate Change and Environmental Resiliency in all Elements of the Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update, Consistent with Pierce County’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policy Established in the County’s Adopted Sustainability 2030 Plan; and Requesting the Planning and Public Works Department Conduct Environmental Review and an Evaluation of Impacts of all Proposed Amendments for Consistency with Pierce County’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policy, through the Required Environmental Review Process Associated with the 2024 Periodic Update to the Comprehensive Plan.

Status: Passed

Sponsors: Councilmembers Ryan Mello, Marty Campbell, Jani Hitchen, Derek Young

Final votes

May 24, 2022
Aye Aye Nay Aye Aye Aye Aye

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Public Comments

Name Date Comment
Pete Weymiller 5/18/22 4:04 PM Dear Councilmembers, My name is Pete Weymiller and I am a retired math and science teacher and baseball and football coach, and a Biologist who founded the Facebook Group The Climate Cure (for the Greater Gig Harbor Area). Thank you to Derek Young for his visionary leadership, especially in defending logic and reason when addressing climate change resilience and carbon reduction. Thank all of you for following directives from the Best Available Science when there are many evidence-lacking conjectures out there that contradict these facts, but are still being pushed by some leaders for political reasons only. You know that for decades the BAS has predicted the extreme weather events from climate change that we are experiencing now with increasing frequently and intensity, also predicted. Even though the Puget Sound Region is predicted to be spared the worst from climate change (in the near future), we cannot escape extreme weather events like the heat events last summer and the wildfire smoke that kept us indoors in years past. This resolution calls for carbon reduction and climate resilience in every part of the Pierce County Comprehensive Plan. Supporting this resolutionseems a no brainer. It helps protect your constituents during a climate crisis and has state and federal funding to support it! (With potentially much more coming). Please do more during to head off this emergency and put our county in the forefront of emerging technologies and policies to effectively control climate change. Please continue to heed advice of authorized experts in science and economy and adopt energy storage systems with promise and sustainability like green hydrogen and policies that work with capitalism, like a carbon tax that works with capitalism, instead of those that battle market forces. And please consolidate our climate resilience and carbon reduction resources so that we can be prepared with most effective control of and response to climate change. By joining with neighboring counties that have similar demographics and ecosystems and climate change risks we can get the most "bang for our buck" from state and federal funding. And we can design and share plans that are the most effective and at the front of the innovation curve. We already have this collaborative! Please take advantage of Pierce County Regional Council to take on this mission. Thank you all again for addressing climate change as it should be addressed: as a global emergency. And thank you for taking the time to read this. Pete Weymiller
William T Rowland 5/19/22 7:55 AM While I do not see any TRUE direction in the proposal, based on history, anything GREEN ENERGY just creates more government control and does not address any client issues. We need smaller government not more. As we have seen in the past, government grows and citizens suffer. I think it is time for elected policy makers to look as how many failures have passed and address them. STUPIDITY - doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.