Council Legislation

Proposed Resolution No. R2021-109

Title: A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Relating to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Reaffirming the Pierce County Council's Commitment to Community Inclusivity; Incorporating by Reference Recitals Contained in Resolution No. R2020-43, "An Emergency Resolution of the Pierce County Council Requesting Thoughtful and Thorough Review of the Policies, Procedures and Best Practices Employed Through the Law and Justice Systems of Pierce County in the Discharge of Their Duties in the Service of the Citizens of Pierce County, in Embracing the Diversity of Our Citizenry"; Requesting that the County Executive Forward to the Council Legislative Recommendations to Establish a County Equity Index and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy; Requesting that the Proposed Equity Index and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy be Designed to Guide All Aspects of Executive Department and Council Decision Making, Including Services, Programming, Policy Development, Budgeting, and Employment; Requesting that Recommendations

Status: Passed

Final votes

August 3, 2021
Aye Aye Excused Aye Aye Aye Aye

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Public Comments

Name Date Comment
Kristy Gledhill 7/20/21 10:30 AM I wasn't able to speak at the human services meeting today where Council was considering both 2020-108 and 2020-109, but I support the passage of both resolutions—not only for the reasons enumerated by Ms. Lisisich, Ms. Kileian and Ms. Perkins—because it seems important to me to note that these resolutions both are a continuation of the important work of the public review committee (2020-43) that was formed last year to consider the tenets of the original 2020-43. That committee's work was requested, its recommendations considered, and here we are beginning to acknowledge, honor and pursue those recommendations with 108 and 109. This equity effort at the county is underway, good work already done, and these two resolutions work to help keep momentum. Please pass both of these resolutions unanimously, as Ms. Perkins suggests, to communicate a message of equity and inclusion throughout the many sectors—racial and otherwise—of our diverse community.