Council Legislation

Proposed Resolution No. R2021-108s

Title: A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Requesting that the Pierce County Executive Create a Tool Measuring Accessibility, Livability, Education, Environmental Health, and the Economy Throughout Pierce County to be Called the Countywide Equity Index; and Requesting a Completion Date of August 15, 2022.

Status: Passed

Sponsors: Councilmembers Marty Campbell, Ryan Mello, Jani Hitchen

Final votes

August 3, 2021
Aye Aye Excused Aye Aye Aye Aye

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Public Comments

Name Date Comment
LARRY GERINGER 7/1/21 9:33 PM This "EQUITY" language is just a reaction to a national call for inventing another level of confusion and more bureaucratic interference with our lives.. Laws, rules , and regulations already exist to do exactly what this resolution says get busy and take care of worthwhile needs of your citizens..
Elaine Biggerstaff 7/16/21 2:30 PM I strongly object using my tax dollars to implement a Marxist, racist and insane "equity" plan. There is no way for anything to be equitable unless you favor Communism. What a complete waste of money and time and what a disappointment that Pierce County Council members are part of the destruction of this country if they pass this legislation.