Council Legislation

Proposed Ordinance No. O2024-532

Title: An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Related to the Operation and Expansion of the Pierce County Water Utility; Amending Pierce County Code Chapter 7.10, "Pierce County Water Utility," and Chapter 4.48, "County Funds," to Establish a Water Utility Enterprise Fund; Satisfying Conditions Required by Ordinance No. 2023-44s2; Authorizing the Planning and Public Works Department to Take Necessary Actions to Acquire the Public Water System Currently Owned by Kapowsin Water District and Terminate the Existing Receivership; and Setting an Effective Date.

Status: Completed

Sponsors: Councilmembers Jani Hitchen, Dave Morell

Final votes

August 6, 2024
Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye

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Public Comments

Name Date Comment
Holly Myers, Department of Health 7/2/24 2:20 PM Dear Pierce County Council: This letter is written in support of the proposed Pierce County Water Utility (Utility) expansion. We understand this proposal will initially address the Kapowsin Water District (KWD) infrastructure needs and expand to proactively offer consolidation options for other water systems. We appreciate the County’s continued commitment to providing safe and reliable drinking water to its citizens and willingness to work with struggling and failing systems to meet their technical, financial, and managerial demands. The Department of Health Office of Drinking Water strongly supports this as a local solution for communities. Local oversight and ownership of drinking water utilities ultimately provides the professional support and larger rate bases needed to support these communities. We believe this Utility project will provide ongoing community support for safe, reliable, and sustainable drinking water in Pierce County. We look forward to working with you on this project.
Chantell Harmon Reed, MS-HCM, Doula 8/5/24 9:32 AM We support Planning and Public Works’ proposal to create a county‐owned, regional water utility. This expansion will help ensure residents on small water systems have consistent, affordable access to potable water. Adequate maintenance and water infrastructure monitoring protects people from life threatening bacteria, chemicals, and service interruptions. Reliable water and sewer infrastructure supports health equity and aligns with our mission to protect and improve the health of all people and places in Pierce County. When water systems fail, customers are responsible for repair costs they may not have planned for. This creates an increased financial burden for residents with limited incomes. A County-owned water utility will increase coordination on planned maintenance, providing customers sustainable water access at a lower, predictable cost. We commend Pierce County Council’s dedication to protecting the health of residents, no matter where they live. Please support Planning and Public Works’ Water Utility proposal.