Council Legislation

Proposed Ordinance No. 2023-44s2

Title: An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Adopting the Biennial Budget of Pierce County for Fiscal Years 2024 and 2025; and Setting an Effective Date.

Effective: January 1, 2024

Status: Passed

Sponsors: Councilmembers Ryan Mello, Marty Campbell

Final votes

November 21, 2023
Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye

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Public Comments

Name Date Comment
morningstar stevenson 11/14/23 9:07 AM Thank you to the Pierce County Council for all your past support of emergency food services in our community. The need at our food pantry has increased greatly since government funding provided to families during the pandemic ended. Even just tracking the need since July, we have seen the number of people served rise from 293 in July to 428 in October. In July we served 117 households and in October we served 159. We have used the funding that we have previously received from Emergency Food Network to purchase food high in protein such as beans and canned chicken. Please continue to support emergency food funding across the county.
Michael Moran 11/14/23 10:29 AM Thank you to the Pierce County Council for all your past support of emergency food services in our community. As you are all well aware, ongoing supply delivery issues (the ‘supply chain’ problem) is impacting everything from pharmaceuticals, food, and consumer goods. Food Banks around the state of Washington faced logistical problems acquiring food for the poor. In the first food bank survey gauging demand since the nationwide end of a critical pandemic-era food benefit, in March 2023, nearly two-thirds of responding food banks reported an increase in demand for food assistance, according to Feeding America’s latest food bank pulse survey. ( Food Insecurity is getting worse: 44 million people in America are food insecure. 13 million are children 49 million American turned to a food program in 2022 All counties in the United States 100% have food insecurity Source: USDA's annual Household Food Insecurity in the United States report Please continue to support emergency food funding across the county.
Doug Baxter-Jenkins 11/14/23 10:35 AM Thank you Pierce County Council for your support for emergency food programs. Since the pandemic, the need for food bank support keeps increasing. Please continue to support emergency food funding across the county. This funding will allow our community to continue feeding those who most need it.
Andrea Davis 11/14/23 11:19 AM Thanks for your past support of EFN, and I am encouraging support of the proposal before the Council today. As you may know, the level of hunger and food insecurity in our community was magnified with the pandemic and has unfortunately gotten worse with inflation. With all these pressures, many families are struggling and EFN is able to serve 50+ food pantries and shelters across the County. Thank you for supporting access to food in our communities. Please fund this proposal, thank you!
Peter Lantz 11/14/23 1:41 PM As a member of the Board of Directors for Emergency Food Network, I would like to thank Pierce County for their support of our efforts to eradicate food insecurity. The need for this support has increased dramatically in the wake of Covid 19 and the current economic pressures felt everywhere.
Julie Boyd 11/14/23 4:58 PM Thank you Pierce County Council for your past and present support of the effort to reduce hunger for all people. Your ongoing support of the Emergency Food Network (EFN) ensures a food safety net for children and individuals struggling when so many of the COVID response funds are ending. As you are aware housing costs in Pierce County are in the top 20 highest in the nation coupled with layoffs, inflation and interest charges people are forced to chose between their home payment or food for their families. I pray you keep this top of mind in your discussion and vote this evening. We appreciate your continued support.
Sharon Snuffin 11/14/23 8:29 PM I urge you to continue your support of the Emergency Food Network in the coming budget. The need continues to grow - 30% over 2022!
Jo Jellen 11/15/23 10:56 AM The need at our food pantry Trinity Lutheran Church Food has has grow and continues to grow. Without the support of Emergency Food Network we would not be able to grow and keep up with our needs. Emergency Food Network has been more than generous with their support. To the point that if they have the resources they allow us an extra pickup when we need it. We absolutely would not be able meet our communities Food needs without them. Please continue to support Emergency Food Network because they support our community.
Ahndrea blue 11/21/23 2:23 PM I am Ahndrea Blue from Eloise's Cooking Pot Food Bank. Thank you for your support of the food banks. It has been a blessing to our clients. Please support council member Campbells amendment for the BIPOC farmers hub and distribution for the local food banks. This food is much needed in the area which is a food dessert and the BIPOC farmers have been displaced. They lost their location for their farmer's market. The hub creates a win-win for the Bipoc small businesses and local food banks.
Lori Forte Harnick 11/21/23 4:01 PM I am writing in support of the importance of the $500,000 of this appropriation that shall be used for the Human 11 Services Department to allocate funding to providers of digital literacy and 12 digital equity services in Pierce County. Digital literacy and digital equity 13 services means services to expand digital access among communities 14 most impacted by COVID-19, including Black, Indigenous, People of Color 15 (BIPOC); seniors; limited English proficient residents; individuals with 16 disabilities and communication barriers; low-income; unemployed and 17 underemployed residents; those experiencing homelessness; or those 18 residing in rural areas.