Council Legislation

Proposed Ordinance No. 2023-39

Title: An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Relating to Title 3 of the Pierce County Code (PCC), "Personnel"; Amending Chapters 3.08, "Definitions," 3.12, "Code of Ethics," 3.14, "Whistleblower Protection," 3.15, "Workplace Safety and Violence Prevention," 3.32, "Classification Plan," 3.40, "Personnel Board Appeals," 3.52, "Working Conditions," 3.68, "Sick Leave," 3.69, "Humanitarian Catastrophic Sick Leave," 3.70, "Shared Sick Leave Program," 3.72, "Vacation Leave," 3.76, "Leave of Absence with Pay," 3.80, "Leave of Absence Without Pay," 3.81, "Military Service," 3.92, "Reimbursement of Expenses," and 3.98, "Domestic Partnership Benefits"; Renaming Chapter 3.16 PCC, "Equal Employment Opportunity," Adopting a New Chapter 3.18 PCC, "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion"; and Directing the Human Resources Director to Update the Administrative Guidelines to Incorporate Changes Authorized by this Ordinance.

Status: Passed

Sponsors: Councilmembers Ryan Mello, Jani Hitchen, Dave Morell

Final votes

October 10, 2023
Aye Nay Nay Aye Aye Aye Aye

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Public Comments

Name Date Comment
Lois Walsh 9/29/23 10:08 AM I oppose this ordinance for the same reason that I oppose Ordinance 2023-36. The adopting of more woke policies for Pierce County does not guarantee equity and costs the taxpayers needless expense. Please vote NO.
Kathryn Brooks 9/29/23 10:45 AM I oppose ordinance 2023-39. Seriously people, diversity,equity and inclusion does not mean grossly misusing using pronouns. Why can’t we just call people by their names that were given to them at birth. Let’s get back to basics and a little common sense. Maybe a refresher English course would help.
Kristina Miles 9/29/23 10:50 AM We do not need more of this nonsense in our county. It does no good and honestly only causes more problems and wastes money.
Ramdas Vaidyanathan 9/29/23 12:01 PM Vote NO. English has been around for a thousand years and it is ridiculous that they want to change basic grammar for virtue signalling. This trend will make other languages have even more difficulty… like Hindi or French as each object has a gender .. “La Table” and now this Grammar police will push them to change too. Elderly people will have the most trouble to try to remember these confusing changes.
Alfred Emerson 9/29/23 12:23 PM Stop and Vito this action. this is a waist of time for law enforcement. it go's against the constitution. what is happening to ourFREE SPEECH!
Greg Chapman 9/29/23 12:36 PM You people have a lot of gall to legislate speech. May you all rot in hell.
Lynsie Holt 9/29/23 2:10 PM OPPOSED please stop spending tax paying dollars and our valued county representatives time on poor legislation and propositions!! This is social justice activism centered nonsense and I am tired of my taxes supporting this garbage. OPPOSED, OPPOSED, OPPOSED!!!!!
Maggie Rody 9/29/23 8:40 PM I am opposing Chapter 3.18PCC, Diversity Equity & Inclusion. Folks, I don't care if the dictionary has changed in recent years to include "they" or "their" to be gender inclusive definitions instead of using the pronouns that have always been: he/she, him/her (singular), they/them (plural). It is simple English and has been taught for hundreds of years, "they" refers to a plural use of the word for 2 or more people or things. Trying to rewrite our English language to mean something it doesn't so the very few will not be offended, personally offends me! I expect our council members to spend their time working at their pay grade level and NOT wasting taxpayers dollars changing words so someone feels better. Come on folks, do what you were voted in to do!!! This is insulting! I understand other changes like adding and updating "emails" and not just registered mail in other areas of these amendments. Why does the majority continually have to acquiesce to the minority? It really needs to STOP! I know not all of the council members are for these pronoun changes, and I thank you for that.
Dorothy Apple 10/2/23 11:34 AM Oppose ordinance 2023-39. This is an ordinance that looks good on the surface, but is not and is deceptive. This is a waste of the work we hope to achieve in Pierce County and certainly another woke movement trying to invade and destroy Pierce County's future like King County. Please Oppose ordinance 2023-39.
David Moylan 10/2/23 4:11 PM I rise in Opposition to proposed Ordinance 2023-39. This ordinance may look like a “fresh coat of paint” to innocuously update what has worked effectively to clearly direct administration of Pierce County Human Resources. Unfortunately what 2023-39 actually accomplishes is to “poison the well”. Contrary to popular belief, one’s self-identifying pronouns are NOT and should not be the preeminent defining characteristic by which anyone should be concerned. I would hope that the Pierce County Council will recognize this and direct your efforts to more worthy (and less decisive) issues. Thank you for your consideration and representation of my viewpoint when casting your vote (in opposition to 2023-39).
ROBERT BORTON 10/2/23 7:16 PM They/them is PLURAL. He/she/him/her is SINGULAR. Plainly stated. Our council members must have enough education to know that referring to he/she as they/them is improper English. Our council should stop caving into the minority class who demands that the rest of society play along their pretend game, so they can feel better about themselves. Our council is employed to conduct meaningful business for Pierce County. Proposal Ordinance No. 2023-39 is a total waste of taxpayer funds.
Terry Clumpner 10/3/23 11:13 AM Another instance of the left pandering to the 1/2 of 1% of the population in order to further destroy our language, customs, and American way of life. Stand firm against!
Terry Clumpner 10/3/23 11:16 AM The left just keeps chipping away at our fundamental values, language, and traditions. They won't stop until America is destroyed.
Lynette Borcherding 10/3/23 2:01 PM I oppose this ordinance. Stop this insanity and vote NO.
Craig Jordan 10/3/23 3:44 PM Hopefully we are all adults here and can use the English language as we see fit.
William T Rowland 10/4/23 6:26 AM This change shows favoritism and removes the ability to encourage the advancement of knowledge and abilities and unjustly rewards due to ideology. This is wrong in every aspect. I think it is time the council starts focusing on their oath of office and stops pushing woke ideology through legislation.
John Leslie 10/4/23 10:08 PM I object to proposed chapter 3.18 and all associated text revisions related to gender. The attempt to substitute subjective truth for objective truth has no place in our County codes. It is an OBJECTIVE FACT that men are men and women are women. This is not debatable. Our chromosomes cannot be changed. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and are free to pretend they are not the gender they were born, but forcing this delusion on the whole county is unthinkable. How can pretending along with someone's mental illness be beneficial to the citizens of Pierce County?
Teea Bandy 10/5/23 5:15 PM Please VETO Ordinance 2023-36, the "Commission on Equity”, a measure that seeks to fundamentally transform the foundations of Pierce County Government. We DO NOT need more government regulation, more government spending or more government oversight over every minute of life here in Pierce county. I ask you to VETO Ordinance # 2023-39 for Pierce County.
Thomas Raymond 10/6/23 10:18 AM Just stop the foolishness.
Loretta Fulk 10/6/23 10:30 AM I shall merely echo every word spoken by those already OPPOSING Ordinance No. 2023-39. I most definitely oppose the woke policies written in this Ordinance. Stop pushing an agenda that promotes more division, lawsuits, etc. Vote No on Ordinance No. 2023-39.
Patrice Tullai 10/6/23 2:05 PM I oppose this ordinance. It is unjust and UN American
Valerie Hines 10/6/23 2:23 PM I echo every word spoken by those already OPPOSING Ordinance No. 2023-39. I most definitely oppose the woke policies written in this Ordinance. Stop pushing an agenda that promotes more division, lawsuits, etc. It is unjust and UN American. Stop promoting confusion and lies. Its a lie to refer to one person as a thee & a they. That is NOT a thing!!!! Vote No on Ordinance No. 2023-39!!!!!
Francesca Donaldo 10/6/23 2:27 PM I oppose this ordinance. We do not need this type of racism in our policies. We are a society of merit. Reverse racism solves nothing and further declines our society.
Marcia Mehr 10/6/23 2:30 PM I oppose this Ordinance. This is getting ridiculous. Please Veto
Janis Slansky 10/6/23 2:30 PM Vote no. This is NOT good for Pierce County!
Kathleen Mathis 10/6/23 3:14 PM Oppose ordinance 2023-39. Cumbersome, inappropriate, waste of time. Stop caving to minority and inappropriate actions that destroy the fibers of our social constructs. They/Them is plural, not singular, not correct English. Anyone who has any education can see how inappropriate and incorrect this ordinance is. Do not waste taxpayers monies over this.
Dana Nelson 10/6/23 3:14 PM Please vote no!
DENISE Sievers 10/6/23 3:22 PM I OPPOSE the Proposed Ordinance No. 2023-39. PLEASE vote NO
Maurita Zurschmiede 10/6/23 3:31 PM This infringes on Freedom of Speech. This is very harmful.
Ashley S 10/6/23 3:44 PM I oppose this ordinance.
Eugenia Wren 10/6/23 3:49 PM I oppose Ordinance No. 2023-39. Please do not vote for this.
Sherry Christensen 10/6/23 4:01 PM This ordinance will do nothing to make life truly can't 'fix' inherent differences among people that are there naturally. In other words: you're destroying the progress of the National Civil Rights legislation by favoring one sector of society over all others.
Sandra Jeffers 10/6/23 4:37 PM What you or I prefer should never be forced on someone else. And you can’t legislate respect, nor force someone to agree with you. I prefer that you leave things exactly as they are, and just concentrate on less divisive matters. it takes a lot more courage to stand up for truth, and to insist on something that is not true, just to get along with someone else. You are smart, people stand up for truth.
Scott Berry 10/6/23 5:12 PM I strongly encourage you to VETO any DEI ordinances. The DEI movement is a societal issue that is both divisive and discriminatory.. We don't need our local government (or any government) infringing on these issues. We already have an abundance of workplace policies that deal with these issues. If you truly value the freedom to say, think and be who you want to be, then less regulation is needed, not more. Referring to Ordinance 2023-39 specifically: Look, I don't mind if people want to live on the fringes of society. It's a free country (or it used to be). But you and I should not have to change how we use the English language to accommodate those that live on the fringe. We have gotten along just fine using pronouns in the traditional fashion for centuries. I think rational, mature adults can work out any supposed DEI issue with the need for more regulations or ordinances.
Scott Berry 10/6/23 5:13 PM I strongly encourage you to VETO any DEI ordinances. The DEI movement is a societal issue that is both divisive and discriminatory.. We don't need our local government (or any government) infringing on these issues. We already have an abundance of workplace policies that deal with these issues. If you truly value the freedom to say, think and be who you want to be, then less regulation is needed, not more. Referring to Ordinance 2023-39 specifically: Look, I don't mind if people want to live on the fringes of society. It's a free country (or it used to be). But you and I should not have to change how we use the English language to accommodate those that live on the fringe. We have gotten along just fine using pronouns in the traditional fashion for centuries. I think rational, mature adults can work out any supposed DEI issue without the need for more regulations or ordinances.
We don't need this ordinance.Than you very much. 10/6/23 5:34 PM We don't need this ordinance.There is a lot more important issues that need addressing.
Harolee Fairley 10/6/23 5:38 PM Equity is the modern word for a Marxist, communist ideology. Hard work and individualism mean nothing. EQUITY:equal outcomes regardless of one's efforts.Equity has been introduced to America under the guise of "fairness," goodness," decency," and any other virtues that seemed helpful to the equity advocates. I urge you to do your homework, this is an incredible threat to Freedom! This should not have a place in our society!
Vanessa McCoy 10/6/23 7:16 PM I am opposing Chapter 3.18PCC, Diversity Equity & Inclusion. Folks, I don't care if the dictionary has changed in recent years to include "they" or "their" to be gender inclusive definitions instead of using the pronouns that have always been: he/she, him/her (singular), they/them (plural). It is simple English and has been taught for hundreds of years, "they" refers to a plural use of the word for 2 or more people or things. Trying to rewrite our English language to mean something it doesn't so the very few will not be offended, personally offends me! I expect our council members to spend their time working at their pay grade level and NOT wasting taxpayers dollars changing words so someone feels better. Come on folks, do what you were voted in to do!!! This is insulting! I understand other changes like adding and updating "emails" and not just registered mail in other areas of these amendments. Why does the majority continually have to acquiesce to the minority? It really needs to STOP! I know not all of the council members are for these pronoun changes, and I thank you for that. This is bringing in inequality and a new form of discrimination, and is a huge waste of taxpayers money.
Jacquelyn Smith 10/7/23 3:38 AM Loretta Fulk 10/6/23 10:30 AM I shall merely echo every word spoken by those already OPPOSING Ordinance No. 2023-39. I most definitely oppose the woke policies written in this Ordinance. Stop pushing an agenda that promotes more division, lawsuits, etc. Vote No on Ordinance No. 2023-39
Diane Feaster 10/7/23 5:05 AM VOTE NO ON ORDINANCE 2023-39 DEI programs around the country have proven to miss the mark and inadvertently sow further divisions among us. DEI initiatives seek to equalize group outcomes, leading to unequal treatment for one group in the quest of “equity” for the other.
Kathy Gadbois 10/7/23 6:41 AM Opposed to Proposal 2023-36. I ask our representatives to recognize these truths: 1) words don’t define a person, their actions do 2) we together, are they and them Please spend your time in office looking for better ways to bring our society together to provide a path to improve society as a whole rather than dividing us further.
Carrie Swanson 10/7/23 8:05 AM While all people deserve respect and kindness, the DEI agendas are moving to a dangerous place, away from a merit based system. Please oppose this proposal and rethink how to achieve the outcomes differently.
Gina Bachmeier 10/7/23 8:29 AM I oppose this ordinance and encourage the council to do the same. 1. Resource allocation: changing policies for pronouns requires significant time, effort and resources. Pierce county has significant challenges ahead of us and it is unfortunate that the council is devoting time to copy editing. 2. Consistency - is it the council’s intent to copy edit all county policies? 3. There is a wider community impact here that seems to be disregarded here. While this copy edit may be supported by a portion of the county it is not the majority, it is simply the loudest. Reading the public comments on this ordinance it is clear that this ordinance is not supported, 3. In the council’s attempt to be inclusive you have eliminated my identity. Why would you simply not add they/them, why delete female and male pronouns?
Angela Whalen 10/7/23 9:52 AM DEI policies promote hiring that fails to take the best candidate for a position. Limitations on freedom of speech are a dangerous, slippery slope toward loss of all freedoms.
Barb Caldwell 10/7/23 11:21 AM This is an outrage and should be reinforced for the sake of our future.
Carol A. Krona 10/7/23 4:19 PM OPPOSE $2023-39!
Kenneth Hummel 10/7/23 4:56 PM This is a bad proposal, do not pass this legislation!
Sherryl van den Heuvel 10/7/23 5:35 PM VETO - VOTE NO ON ORDINANCE 2023-39!
Sarah lyle 10/7/23 8:57 PM Strongly oppose . Just hire and treat people based on their actions , abilities , and history . No decisions based on equity .
Lori Sherman 10/8/23 6:48 AM All men are created equal. One doesn't put a person into a job just because of the color of their skin or the sexual preferences. It is wrong and unfair. The most qualified person should be hired.
Michael 10/8/23 10:30 AM Please don't give privileges to one group of people over all other people, Because this creates....dangerous consequences..t-y..
Christine Gregg 10/8/23 5:13 PM I am opposed to anyone demanding HOW I will be addressing other humans. As long as I am congenial and kind that is all that matters. This is a waste of tax payers time and money. Get to work on something that has common sense attached.
Irina Didita 10/8/23 6:12 PM I strongly disagree. Please vote NO
Rustam Dodita 10/8/23 6:14 PM Please vote NO
Denis Miksanski 10/8/23 6:42 PM Please vote no
Esfiri Dodita 10/8/23 7:41 PM Please vote NO
Lia Dodita 10/8/23 7:41 PM Please vote NO
Samuel Dodita 10/8/23 7:42 PM Please vote NO
Timothy Dodita 10/8/23 7:42 PM Please vote NO
Sandra Kord 10/8/23 8:41 PM Please....VOTE NO ON ORDINANCE 2023-39! Thank you.
Jessica Mitchell 10/8/23 9:27 PM Please vote NO on this ordinance. First of all, requiring all Pierce County employees to follow DEI gender-neutral terms and to embrace related policies is untenable group-think and instigates the policing of unanimity of thought and speech. By definition this is NOT DIVERSE. Secondly, this is NOT EQUITABLE NOR INCLUSIVE for those employees who have different beliefs or who want to use correct and proper English grammar. This is a violation of employees’ first amendment rights of freedom of conscience and speech. Passing this ordinance would be demanding all county employees to think and talk the way a small percentage of leaders and activist groups want OR suffer the consequences. How is that tolerant??? Won’t this devastate employee morale? This ordinance is utterly un-American. Is the county prepared to defend their DEI mandates in court? I don’t want to see taxpayers’ funds wasted on this! I urge you to vote NO.
Manita Angela 10/8/23 11:13 PM Please vote no
Joel Hansen 10/9/23 5:21 AM Vote No
Perry L Hall 10/9/23 7:55 AM Vote no.
Linda Ader 10/9/23 8:46 AM Please vote no on Proposed Ordinance No. 2023-39. This ordinance is an infringement of citizens and government workers first amendment rights. Gender is real and biologically prescribed ad it is immutable. No one should be forced to pretend otherwise by the compulsion of speech, especially speech that is out of step with reality.
Sue Ann & Eddie Hamilton 10/9/23 8:55 AM You have been chosen and exalted to rule and do good among all the people. Serving a minority of special interest favoring other causes is detrimental to the well-being of the majority will not be successful. Therefore, we caution and pray for you that you may be prudent and wise instead of foolish, perceiving the calamity contained within the “woke agenda” to which, relating to recent matters, you ignored pleas of the governed from whom your authority is consented, and you seem intent to establish as preeminent in Pierce County. Considering language, death and life are in the tongue, for out of the abundance of the heart does a person speak, both good and bad. Should the reigning principle of the heart be good, it brings forth accordingly. Conversely, though superficially virtuous and even satisfying for awhile; yet, the nature be lustful; it will not be sufficient to fulfillment, but soon, be exposed by the light of truth. Regarding the new section on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, it is a deception. Rejecting truth and exalting self above all that is right brings forth delusion. Because the love of the truth is not received, a lie is believed through which ill-will, corruption and improper influence prevail, while justice is denied. Let those who have ears hear and examine themselves.
Nadine Legkun 10/9/23 10:47 AM I’m against ordinance 2023-39. Thank you
Alexandr Legkun 10/9/23 10:50 AM Please reject ordinance 2023-39. Thank you.
Alla Khleborod 10/9/23 10:54 AM Please vote no on proposal 2023-39. Thanks.
Vitaliy Khleborod 10/9/23 10:57 AM Please reject ordinance 2023-39.
Viktoriya Legkun 10/9/23 11:18 AM I oppose ordinance 2023-39
Dmitri Legkun 10/9/23 11:19 AM I oppose ordinance 2023-39
Maria Legkun 10/9/23 11:44 AM Reject 2023-39 proposals
Mihail Legkun 10/9/23 11:48 AM Reject ordinance 2023-39
Diana Andritcaia 10/9/23 1:13 PM Oppose ordinance 2023-39!
Oxana Crigan 10/9/23 1:25 PM I oppose ordinance 2023-39!
Victor Crigan 10/9/23 1:27 PM Please… vote NO
Cazimir Tcaciuc 10/9/23 1:30 PM Reject 2023-39 proposals.
Crigan Dmitrii 10/9/23 1:33 PM I oppose ordinance 2023-39!
Tatiana Tcaciuc 10/9/23 1:36 PM Please… vote NO!
Serafimovici Anatole 10/9/23 1:40 PM Reject 2023-39 proposals!
Serafimovici Silvia 10/9/23 1:42 PM Please vote NO!
Yana Zalevskayi 10/9/23 1:43 PM Please vote NO!
Amber Stol 10/9/23 2:07 PM 2023-39 Please vote "NO"
K. Ashbridge 10/9/23 2:13 PM Please oppose Proposed Ordinance No. 2023-39. This is not beneficial and is actually harmful to Pierce County and WA State.
Stephanie J Christel-Lewis 10/9/23 2:37 PM Please stop wasting our money on foolishness and virtue signaling. This is so tiresome. If you are bored at work tell your supervisor. If there is no work for you to do, find another job and quit wasting our money!!!
Stephanie J Christel-Lewis 10/9/23 2:38 PM PLEASE VOTE NO!
Anita 10/9/23 2:51 PM Please vote NO on 2023-39. While I may (and do) perceive myself differently that other people perceive me, how I respond to their perception is totally up to me. It’s not up to them or any government agency to ensure their perception of me matches my own. Thus, it has always been. This is a waste of time and money.
Candy Estruth 10/9/23 2:57 PM 2023-39 not necessary or helpful in any way. Please vote no.
Samuel Stol 10/9/23 3:01 PM 2023-39 Please Vote "NO"
Mary Haugen 10/9/23 3:10 PM I oppose this ordinance. Instead of bringing unity it will cause more division and confusion. What a waste of taxpayer money for pronouns that falsely give some people their worth!
Chris 10/9/23 4:16 PM A waste of time & money, as it will end in court. Pierce county does not need more *Woke*. Just because we are on the left coast, we don't need to emulate California.
Deb Newton 10/9/23 5:14 PM I respectfully request you VETO this DEI in the Proposed Ordinance No. 2023-39. This has no place in Governance in the US as it is Marxism played out. I agree with all the others when also want this un-constitutional legislation cancelled and quit trying to bring it up in other forms within other legislation. WE WILL NEVER WANT THIS DEI IN ANYTHING.
Michelle Ash 10/9/23 5:47 PM Please....VOTE NO ON ORDINANCE 2023-39! Thank you.
Sheila Ash 10/9/23 6:13 PM PLEASE - VOTE NO ON ORDINANCE 2023-39! Thank you.
Irina Litvinyuk 10/9/23 7:15 PM Reject ordinance 2023-39
Sergey Litvinyuk 10/9/23 7:17 PM Reject ordinance 2023-39
Lidia Stratienco 10/9/23 7:21 PM Please vote NO!
Veniamin Stratienco 10/9/23 7:23 PM PLEASE VOTE NO!
Jim Hines 10/9/23 9:02 PM I strongly oppose ordiance No. 2023-39 Un-American: In a merit-based system, and as it should be, employees are hired, promoted, rewarded, and retained on the basis of individual ability and fitness for employment without regard to race, color, sex, religion, age, or national origin. Ordinance 2023-39 introduces new sections on diversity, equity, and inclusion policies to Pierce County Code. DEI initiatives seek to equalize group outcomes, leading to unequal treatment for one group in the quest of “equity” for the other. It is of the utmost urgency that we thoroughly reject concepts associated with failed far left ideologies that undermine our traditional American societal fabric. "'Politically Correct' Speech: The ordinance intends to replace gender-specific terms throughout the personnel code with politically correct gender-neutral language. While inclusivity sounds like a noble objective, these changes are being rushed under pressure from the LGBTQIA+ community and other progressive movements. It is imperative that we urgently consider the profound impact of these language alterations on our communication and culture. "Responsibilities and Consequences: The ordinance lays out cumbersome new responsibilities for county employees, departments, and officials under DEI policies, and potential consequences for non-compliance. These measures are destined to become oppressively bureaucratic and will not effectively address the root causes of inequality. "Origins of DEI Initiatives: The County’s DEI efforts are rooted in recommendations from the Pierce County Equity Review Committee and DEI Workgroups i.e., county bureaucrats and political appointees. While addressing systemic issues is undeniably vital, DEI programs around the country have proven to miss the mark and inadvertently sow further divisions among us.
Tracy von Trotha 10/9/23 9:52 PM Amending the Pierce County Code by replacing his or her; him or her; he or she with they, their and them in chapters of Title 3 creates confusion in understanding whether an individual or a group is being discussed. The addition of the proposed Chapter 3.18 is unnecessary and redundant as this language is already included in Chapter 3.16, Equal Employment Opportunity Policy. Please vote no on Proposed Ordinance No. 2023-39.
Carol Rich 10/9/23 10:24 PM Language alterations are not needed. Shouldn't the candidate with the best qualifications get the job?? A merit based system is common sense. Diversity hiring is wrong and unfair to those who are qualified for the job.
Edith Owens 10/9/23 11:52 PM Please vote No on Ordinance 2023-39. While I understand updates are needed (such as adding "email", "website", etc.), other changes included in this proposed ordinance are not needed. I oppose the change from he/she to they/them language. There is nothing wrong with the way it currently written, and there is no need to change that language. Additionally, I oppose the incorporation of a section on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The more you try to force people to behave a certain way, the more stubborn they will be. Adding this section into the codes will only open the door for costly lawsuits. Until these can be resolved, please Vote No.
Suzanne Wood 10/10/23 6:02 AM Please vote "NO" on Ordinance 2023-39. Again this is special rights. Is this another > vote until you get it right? We already have equal rights under the law.
Andrew Andres 10/10/23 6:28 AM I urge you to please vote no. Please notice that there is not one single comment in support of this. We, the People, do not want this.
Linda Wilson 10/10/23 6:57 AM Please vote NO on Ordinance 2023-39
Steve Wilson 10/10/23 7:03 AM Please vote NO on ordinance 2023-39 Ridiculous to get this far. MOST people do NOT want this woke ideology in our system!
Tim Ross 10/10/23 7:55 AM I stand firmly against this Ordinance and pray that you as our representatives do as well. This movement is detrimental to our community. workplaces and families. Please vote "NO"!
Stephanie Shein 10/10/23 8:38 AM Please Oppose this !!!!
Elena Galbraith 10/10/23 8:41 AM PLEASE kill 2023-39! This is a bad ordinance - on the surface it might look fine and acceptable but if you read the details in between the lines you’ll see the eroding of our civil liberties.
Larry Bradbury 10/10/23 9:19 AM Not NO on this proposal. Sufficient laws and policies are in place to protect minority individuals. It is a violation of constitutional and the principles to subject the majority to the objectives of the minority.
Lance M. 10/10/23 9:34 AM Here we go again, more leftist political activism attempts from the Pierce County Council. Activist bureaucrats and political appointees and progressive Pierce County council Democrats are pushing a DEI Ordinance to transform our government. This proposed Ordinance 2023-39 will have a Negative effect on our county and citizens. Many county citizens, including myself, have grave concerns about recent developments in Pierce County government. The Pierce County Council Rules Committee has recently recommended a proposal that threatens to transform to the very foundations of Pierce County government. This proposal, Ordinance 2023-39, Title 3 of the Pierce County Code (PCC) under "Personnel", introduces a new chapter titled "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion" (DEI), scheduled for final adoption on 10/10/23. This is flawed and divisive. It is Un-American. Ordinance 2023-39 introduces new sections on diversity, equity, and inclusion policies to Pierce County Code. DEI initiatives seek to equalize group outcomes, leading to unequal treatment for one group in the quest of “equity” for the other. In a merit-based system rooted in American Values and civil rights, and as it should be, employees are hired, promoted, rewarded, and retained on the basis of individual ability and fitness for employment without regard to race, color, sex, religion, age, or national origin. We thoroughly reject concepts associated with failed far left ideologies that undermine our traditional American societal fabric. The promotion of politically correct speech leads to the erosion of free speech. The ordinance intends to replace gender-specific terms throughout the personnel code with politically correct gender-neutral language. While inclusivity sounds like a noble objective, these changes are being rushed under pressure from the LGBTQIA+ community and other progressive movements. This one-sided ideology push is discriminatory and unethical. There is a profound negative impact of these language alterations on our communication and culture. It negatively changes responsibilities and consequences, and increases bureaucracy. The ordinance lays out cumbersome new responsibilities for county employees, departments, and officials under DEI policies and potential consequences for non-compliance. These measures are destined to become oppressively bureaucratic and will not effectively address the root causes of inequality. We should all strive for equality, not equity. DEI Initiatives are divisive and result in litigation. The County’s DEI efforts are rooted in recommendations from the Pierce County Equity Review Committee and DEI Workgroups i.e., county bureaucrats and political appointees. While addressing systemic issues is undeniably vital, DEI programs around the country have proven to miss the mark and inadvertently sow further divisions among us. Furthermore, numerous law suits and litigation across the country have germinated from divisive DEI policies and flawed initiatives. Pierce County citizens are already burdened with higher taxes, inflation, more regulations, and increasing crime resulting in higher insurance premiums. The increased financial cost from avoidable litigation would add to that burden. Our county government should strive to operate efficiently, effectively, transparently, and responsibly. We don’t need a bigger county government; we need one that focuses on fixing roads and infrastructure, fighting crime, and upholding citizens’ Constitutional Rights, Liberties, and Freedom….not infringing on them. For these reasons I request you VOTE NO on ORDINANCE 2023-39!
Terri McCoy 10/10/23 9:39 AM Please vote NO on Ordinance 2023-39. Please protect our freedom of speech and freedom of conscience by voting NO on this Ordinance. Why are you working at changing the definition of personhood from male and female to language most commonly used in connection with the LGBTQ+ community? The DEI religion does not reflect freedom or liberty, it perpetuates the Marxist ideology. It is racism. I believe all people are to be respected and I don't believe anyone should be forced or coerced to speak or act in ways that violate their freedom of speech or freedom of conscience. Please do not suppress freedom and vote NO on Ordinance 2023-39
Steve McCoy 10/10/23 9:47 AM Pierce County Codes section 2.45 states, “No ordinance shall contain more than one subject.” Ordinance 2023-39 contains many subjects, unless you view the ordinance under the single action of rejecting our individual rights, those protected in our state and federal constitution. This ordinance is the attempt to adopt a new set of values as taught by Critical Theory doctrine, labeled Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Essentially, this is the adoption of the values and doctrines of a religion. This policy is beyond the jurisdiction granted to you in governing our county. Your jurisdiction is to protect our individual rights. One of which is the right to our own personal beliefs, of which you have no jurisdiction. You cannot manage how people feel. You cannot manage what people believe. That is simply common sense. If only we could pass a common sense ordinance, but that cannot be managed either. What we believe is an individual right. Our government is designed to protect individual rights; him and her individual rights. We are individuals, we are not them or their. Good management and good government treats people with equality, creating the environment in which people have the opportunity to become diverse and inclusive. It cannot be managed. This ordinance is the attempt to force the ideology and doctrines of a religion onto we the people of Pierce County, male and female, him and her. This is our county, our home. You have been elected to protect the values we cherish, not to radically transform the way we live by embracing a new religion. Reject 2023-39
Suzanne Murdoch 10/10/23 10:24 AM I am opposed to 2023-39 as the terms "equity," "inclusion," and "diversity" can promote discriminatory practices where individuals are seen through the lens of a single inherent characteristic, allowing government to discriminate against other citizens in employment and other benefits in the interest of "equalizing" outcomes. While these terms "feel" right, they do not serve our corporate best interests. As for pronouns, taking gender references out of society at all levels is a tremendous undertaking and I struggle to understand why this is such a key priority when we have so many issues that are directly impacting our quality of life.
Donna O’Ravez 10/10/23 10:38 AM A lot of harmful, expensive “woke” that is PROVEN harmful. What a waste of time and resources.
Michelle 10/10/23 10:40 AM I oppose this ordinance. Another vast waste of taxpayer money that only causes more division and more laws. We need to become serious and caring individuals and start to focus on truth and what is really important - affordable housing, less taxes, reasonable food and gas prices, instead of enabling mental illness and division.
Jared Haviland 10/10/23 11:10 AM I oppose this proposal in the strongest sense of the word. HARD NO.
Kati Haviland 10/10/23 11:19 AM I strongly oppose this! Definite NO. These policies only cause more divide!
Dan Hudson 10/10/23 12:02 PM Please vote NO or Veto this proposal. Secxtion : 3.14.040 Reporting Procedures. The 1 year limitation is too short. Vote NO on Sectin 3:18. It is a foundation to tie behavior to an unspecified, fuzzy set of rules and provides for vague punishment of non-compliance. It refers to Section 3:16 which is BLANK in the document. I'm sure there are already HR guidelines for good and decent behavior in place and there is no need for the vagueness that pins the county to a social construct. Emnployees are already supposed to behave themselves.
Ryan Holland 10/10/23 12:23 PM Our county employees are the backbone of a well functioning government system that already display public service that is effective and sound. Changes to the current Pierce County Code in the described line items made public records will have the following impacts. 1- Diminish accountability in all county departments when discrepancies are noticed and reported. 2- Create more expenses paid by county taxpayers dollars on correction and action items to restore effective operations that are more effective prior to modification. 3- Changes of how pronouns make the individual feel less or not valued as a public service employee and can potentially discourage effective abilities. Over time, can potentially cause disregard, tension, anger, and/or distraction of another person during performance of job responsibilities and can affect the overall operations of county departments. 4- The language and interpretation of policies can be misinterpreted and cause discrepancies affecting the following departments and affect the reputation of the leadership of the county over a period of time. How do I know this you ask? I work at a job in another county that has adopted these policies recommended by guidelines of the County Human Resources Department. It has tied the hands of my management team and their upper management team on taking disciplinary action on employees that have no regard for their job responsibilities and the leadership they report to. The employees that are engaged by management causing the disregard have discovered that they have no accountability to the policies adopted under this model of guidelines set forth by the County Human Resources Department. The face value of this and transparency from my management team has revealed this to me and has given me clarity of the work environment I am surrounded by and has also made it harder for me to do my job. If this gets passed, it is the same model that will affect jobs of the county as well as small businesses forcing them to either shut down, or move to another location that helps them thrive. It will also affect revenue from businesses to the county to fund the county treasury. Without bias and with face value, I ask the County Council to vote NO on this modification ordinance of the Pierce County Code. Thank you for your time.
Dean Busch 10/10/23 1:35 PM I oppose this ordinance for the same reason that I oppose Ordinance 2023-36. The adopting of more woke policies for Pierce County does not guarantee equity and costs the taxpayers needless expense. Please vote NO.
Joseph T. G. Harper 10/10/23 2:00 PM I strongly oppose this proposal. I ask that the Council vote NO on this proposed ordinance 2023-39. This ordinance is blatantly discriminatory and promotes unequal treatment of people on a completely arbitrary and political basis. Merit and excellence should be the standard. Equal opportunity should be the standard. Equal outcomes is simply forced mediocrity on all, and the people of Pierce County deserve better. This infringes on free speech, association, and every value our nation holds dear. This ordinance seeks to enshrine divisiveness and conflict and make injustice the norm. Vote No!
SammieJo Thirtyacre 10/10/23 2:13 PM Oppose Ordinance 2023-39. Veto this Ordinance. We The People of Pierce County do not want this!
Angela schick 10/10/23 2:14 PM This is mostly a symbolic legislative policy that is taking the PC staff time and energy which should be focused on more important issues and policy. Listen to the overwhelming majority In opposition to this policy. This is not what your constituents are concerned about. There are really issues to solve and this is not one here in PC
Tom Shelton 10/10/23 2:16 PM I strongly oppose this legislation due to the discriminatory practices it puts in place while attempting to address perceived discrimination of specific groups.. People are people and the county code of ethics already addresses discrimination, HR policies, and conduct of their employees. This ordinance singles out a specific demographic for special treatment at the expense of rights of others. Judge people on their character and contribution to the county. Respect is earned. Not forced.. VOTE NO on this ordinance.
Zenna Dunning 10/10/23 2:45 PM 2023-39 No, No, No to all of it. Everything. Reject the entire ordinance, every section. No amendments. Unnecessary on every level. Are you all starting to get it? Citizens are saying NO to all of the foolishness.