Council Legislation

Ordinance No. 2023-36

Title: An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Adopting a New Chapter 2.40 of the Pierce County Code, "Commission on Equity."

Status: Passed

Sponsors: Councilmembers Ryan Mello, Marty Campbell, Jani Hitchen

Final votes

September 26, 2023
Nay Nay Nay Aye Aye Aye Aye

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Public Comments

Name Date Comment
Michelle Ash 9/24/23 12:03 PM Vote no on ordinance 2023-36! Political objectives posing as advocates for equity have the potential of being weaponized. This unelected council could significantly affect Pierce County residents by silencing the voice of the public and undermine our democratic system. I ask that you vote no on this ordinance. Thank you!
Sue Ann & Eddie Hamilton 9/24/23 12:10 PM Councilmembers: - According to our Declaration of Independence; the Creator of men made people equal in His eyes and gave them all equal rights for which governments are instituted to secure. by the authority of and consent of the governed. - It is necessary, on occasion, to remember and be recommitted to this godly principle.     - Elected representatives of the governed accomplish such mainly through legislation and enforcement.  We are, then, a nation (society/community) of laws and not men.  Personal agendas have no place in the process, but only sincere and honest debate which the motivation is simply and purely that which best serves the people.        - As the one is not accepted on the account of national or personal advantages enjoyed above the other, so neither is the other rejected for the want of them, There is neither bond nor free, master or servant, male nor female; but all are one.  This principle remains foremost for our national survival.   -  In our strenuous nature, work today is never disciplined, but sprung into being by impulse without the necessary due diligence to bring it into compliance with the principles upon which America was founded -- religion and morality. - True earnestness is found not in the inclination to serve people, but  every project conceived must be disciplined to obey religion and morality.             "Men, in a word, must necessarily be controlled, either by a power within them, or by a power without them; either by the word of God, or by the strong arm of man; either by the Bible, or by the bayonet." Robert Charles Winthrop -- 18th Speaker of the US House of Representatives           “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”Morality and virtue are the foundation of our republic and necessary for a society to be free.  John Adams -- 2d President of the United States - We wrestle not with flesh and blood, but spiritual powers -- rulers of the darkness of this world and a host of wickedness.  Attempts to control the outer man are doomed to fail, ss evidenced by our many social and cultural ills today.   - We must come to the realization and be committed to a virtuous responsibility of being transformed by the renewing of our mind. - RECOMMEND: Many religious leaders, as in the time of Christ, have strayed from the TRUTH, but there remains a remnant.  We implore you, as government leaders:         - Offer a proclamation asking Pierce County religious leaders to call people to pray            and to provide instruction in religious doctrine and morality.            - If a commission is decided upon, do not weigh it down with complicated restrictions or    guidance, but allow them to develop a close working relationship with religious leaders to hear public concern and inform citizens on basic civic functions which influence government on their behalf - voting, government operation, relationships with officials and agencies, etc.                   - Then, may the Commission be able to fulfill its purpose to advise the Council. -  In this way, over time, may we be more loving and respectful of one another and be blessed with the equity our Creator offers through religion and morality.  Thank you for the opportunity to partake in the American Experiment.. Respectfully, Sue Ann & Eddie Hamilton 7510 208th St Ct E Spanaway, WA. 98387 253.846.8615  
Kathleen McCarver 9/24/23 3:19 PM Please vote "NO" for Ordinance 2023-36 Thank you, Kathleen Mccarver
Kathleen McCarver 9/24/23 4:34 PM Please vote "NO" on Ordinance 2023-36
Loretta Fulk 9/24/23 4:47 PM Please vote "NO" on Ordinance 2023-36
Christine Gregg 9/24/23 9:40 PM I am writing to you as an extremely concerned citizen of Pierce County. We The People have voted to elect you. Who appointed this commission?… not WE THE PEOPLE!! Who is deciding on this new Ordinance to establish this new permanent commission? Not WE THE PEOPLE. This measure seeks to fundamentally transform the foundations of the Pierce County Government. While the stated objectives of this ordinance may appear commendable on the surface, a closer examination reveals underlying concerns that threaten core principles upon which America was founded. Ideological Agenda: Similar initiatives across the country have demonstrated a tendency to conceal radical ideological agendas behind the façade of equity. The promise of fairness often devolves into divisive and harmful policies, with the potential for the propagation of divisive ideologies such as Critical Race Theory. Threat to Duly Elected Representative Government: Of particular concern is the potential for the Commission on Equity to become a politically charged gatekeeper stacked with activists. This unelected body could exert undue influence over Pierce County's decisions, effectively sidelining the voice of the people and undermining our democratic process. Free Speech and Individual Liberties: We must also consider the potential impact on free speech and individual liberties. When government bodies are entrusted with imposing ever-changing speech and behavior codes, they risk stifling open discourse and infringing upon our fundamental right to express our beliefs freely. Preservation of Our Principles: The supporters of this Ordinance present it as a partial solution to historical injustices. Still, we must remain vigilant and consider the broader implications. This measure threatens to replace the foundational principles of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" with a bureaucratic focus on "diversity, equity, and inclusion.” Financial Impact: Ordinance 2023-36 presents a significant financial burden for our county. The fiscal note projects an expenditure of $356,520 in 2024 alone, with the expectation that this cost will continue to rise in subsequent years. As responsible stewards of taxpayer dollars, we must question whether this represents the best allocation of our resources, especially when there are pressing needs demanding attention. These types of issues need to be put before WE THE PEOPLE. Please do not pass this ordinance without putting it before those who elected you!
Steve McCoy 9/25/23 8:54 AM Strongly oppose Ordinance 2023-36. The construct of equity is a neo-marxist idea. Recent policies focused on equity have resulted in discrimination and intolerance. Our state and federal constitution recognizes equality, working to establish a system of law in which all have the opportunity to succeed. A commission based on equity undermines our basic rights granting unconstitutional power to unelected bureaucrats. Vote NO.
Lurene Muckley 9/25/23 10:14 AM Please vote NO on ordinance 2023-36. Stop wasting time, money, and resources on stuff like this that causes further divisiveness in our community. Get your focus off the current buzzwords and get back to basics that actually help our community to grow and flourish.
John Leslie 9/25/23 11:04 AM I am writing to implore you to vote no on Ordinance 2023-36. I will do my best to attend and testify at the upcoming council meeting, but reality may prevent me so I am writing to convey my position. I have no issue with the pursuit of “Equality”, but “Equity” is a whole other matter. The underlying philosophy of “Equity” embodied in this ordinance is untenable under our constitution and necessitates the ongoing and ever-changing assessment and control of a 3rd party to force different outcomes for different people. The proposed pursuit of “fairness” in implementing Equity policies inevitably result in just the opposite. Within the Equity framework it is inescapable to treat some as “more equal than other” to quote George Orwell’s Animal Farm. This also by necessity requires that someone decide who is more equal and the actions required to correct the inequities. We are a nation of individuals, not a nation of groups. Our constitution, unique around the world, was written for individuals not groups and to categorize people into groups to be treated differently than others is unfair and unequal. It flies in the face of what makes this nation stand out above all others. To the individuals of this County, whom you were elected to represent, this ordinance will enshrine and empower you or your assigns the power to decide who is more and less equal. It will lead to taking freedoms and assets from those deemed less equal and bestowing the same to the more equal. By passing this ordinance, you demean everyone in Pierce County even those who you propose to create fairness for. It is insulting, damaging and dangerous. Please vote NO. John Leslie
Lynsie Holt 9/25/23 11:20 AM Hard OPPOSED to this proposition. Our family does NOT support these agendas and activist focused circus groups. VOTE NO PLEASE
Daryl Osborn 9/25/23 11:25 AM Please vote no on this proposal, our family does not support this ordinance.
Brenda Arola 9/25/23 12:13 PM My family opposes ordinance NO.2023-36. Please vote No
Sandra Wusterbarth Brown 9/25/23 12:16 PM Equity makes such a big difference. My thanks to the committee who has spent hours crafting a thoughtful proposal. Please pass this.
Darcy Slattery 9/25/23 1:18 PM While Equality is an admirable endeavor, equity is an entirely different issue for me. This proposal had the potential to distort and corrupt the values this country stands for. It's a can of worms we most certainly must not open. I implore you to vote NO on this proposal!!
Sam Warren 9/25/23 1:20 PM I strongly oppose this ordinance. Can you tell me what you already do with the money that myself and other pierce county residents give to you provides? certainly not better policing, certainly not better fire or paramedic support. You aren’t fixing our roads, so why should we allow this blatent power grab? This is an affront to real work being done to provide support to people who need it and a money waster. stop spending money on things that we don’t want or need.
Dexter D Slattery 9/25/23 1:38 PM Refer to the declaration of independence and the bill of rights. We do not need RACIST laws enacted upon "We The People"
Ryan Holland 9/25/23 1:59 PM This commission on equity, taking a different direction in policy within the county bylaws, has potential to affect changes in the long-term that will not allow certain demographics of residents to voice their concerns. Involving political advancement of equity, when equity is already key within the bylaws of county structure along with diversity and inclusion. There is no need for advancement of this next chapter when people of certain demographics are already protected by law. I oppose this ordinance proposal and I ask you the council to vote NO on it. The current policy is already effective and sound for ALL demographics. Thank you.
Cindy Byers 9/25/23 2:19 PM Please vote NO!
Samantha 9/25/23 2:22 PM Vote NO on Ordinance 2023-36
Dennis Cummins 9/25/23 2:24 PM This needs to stop. But when has the liberal agenda ever paused their agenda. This is wrong. We oppose this bill since it’s structured against those with traditional family values.
ramdas vaidyanathan 9/25/23 2:38 PM As a person of color, post Barack Obama, feel we have achieved a balance. Wasting time and money on frivolous issues like this is a total waste for our county. Please …Just do your job, instead of virtue-signalling for everyone. The $340K that will go upto $1 Million shortly can be used for many other purposes.
ramdas vaidyanathan 9/25/23 3:01 PM Vote NO please
SammieJo Thirtyacre 9/25/23 3:26 PM Vote NO on ordinance 2023-36. We have elected officials to represent Pierce County residents. We don't want, nor do we support, an appointed commission of people for whom we did not vote to represent us, creating or enforcing policy that will undermine the voices of "We The People" of Pierce County. The ideology promoting "equity" is Marxist. Equality, on the other hand, is an American ideal that focuses on equal rights of every individual. Equity, again Marxist ideology, demands that groups, not the individual, have comparable outcomes. This is discriminating against some to force an outcome on or for others. Policies focused on equity have resulted in discrimination and intolerance all over our state and throughout our country. Washington state's Constitution (and our federal Constitution) recognizes equality, in which every individual has the opportunity to succeed. A commission based on equity undermines our basic rights and gives unconstitutional power to unelected officeholders. This is wrong. Vote NO.
Maggie Rody 9/25/23 4:22 PM Please vote "NO" on the proposed ordinance #2023-36.
Jeanette Montgomery 9/25/23 5:22 PM I strongly urge all members of the Pierce County Coumcil to vote no! this commission board is racist! The Supreme Court of the United States just struck down affirmative action so this commission is unconstitutional. I do not want my taxpayers dollars to fund you are racist commission. Equity is not equality
Alfred Emerson 9/25/23 5:28 PM stop this action now
Lorraine E Georgeson 9/25/23 5:31 PM Please vote NO on ORDINANCE 2023-36. It is unnecessary, expensive, and I don't believe it will produce good results in our community. This type of decision should go to a vote of the people and not be decided by the legislature.
Linda Ader 9/25/23 5:32 PM I oppose proposed ordinance 2023-36. DEI is simply reverse discrimination and divisive. The Pierce County council already has multiple ways for all members of Pierce County to engage with their county officials. There is no need to create privileged mechanisms for certain subgroups of the County's population to engage in the political process. Equity is not equality; it instead is a Marxist ideology. America's and Pierce County's social cohesiveness is degraded when these principals are engaged with by the government. Please Vote NO!
Ghyrn L Wakefield 9/25/23 5:35 PM Please vote NO on Ordinance #2023-26. I am concerned about what’s not being said. Similar commissions around the U.S. seem to create a “foot in the door” for radical activists who impose policies opposed by family and faith groups, such as Critical Race Theory, etc. I am concerned that this unelected group could exert undue influence over Pierce County's decisions, undermining our democratic process. I’m concerned that when government bodies are entrusted with imposing rapidly evolving speech and behavior regulations, it ends up stifling the free expression of those who aren’t up on the latest politically correct lingo. I’m concerned that this measure threatens to replace the foundational principles of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" with a bureaucratic focus on "diversity, equity, and inclusion." I’m concerned about the financial burden Ordinance 2023-36 imposes on the taxpayers.
Garret Treadwell 9/25/23 5:40 PM All you are doing this lining the pockets of nongovernment organizations. There’s no free lunch someone pays for it
Dr. Mark vonEhrenkrook 9/25/23 6:08 PM Council members, I strongly urge your to vote no on Proposed Ordinance No. 2023-36. Our society is at a tipping point and proposals like this, even if signed into law, will soon be repealed. You get to choose which side of the "Great Reset" will be your legacy. Please consider wisely and carefully your vote. Assess the current political climate in the U.S. VOTE NO! We the people will remember how you voted.
Connor Mott 9/25/23 6:26 PM Please vote NO on Ordinance 2023-36. We do not need another DEI committee that will bring further division and waste our county's resources when they are better utilized elsewhere. We the People have spoken.
Patti McMullan 9/25/23 6:27 PM VOTE NO!!!! This is an agenda and attack on traditional family values.
Harolee Fairley 9/25/23 6:57 PM Vote No on Ordinance 2023-36. The people say NO! Send it out to the people to vote, the council should not be deciding this. This is unconstitutional.
Kathryn Baldridge 9/25/23 8:41 PM Please vote “No” on proposed ordinance No.2023-36. We do not need an appointed commission on equity in Pierce County. This is not how we taxpayers want our tax dollars to be spent... I urge all council members to oppose this proposed ordinance.
Stacy Roland 9/25/23 9:11 PM Please do not pass Ordinance 2023-36. It is not in line with my beliefs and therefore I oppose it.
Jessica Mitchell 9/25/23 9:19 PM My family adamantly opposes the passage of this ordinance. No commission is capable of ensuring equity for all people. All Americans and residents of Pierce County have equality under the law, which is the highest standard we can hope for. That is equal access to communication, resources, and opportunities. Establishing an unelected equity commission is going to end up discriminating against ordinary citizens in favor of special groups deemed as victims. This is something that God hates. It is called partiality. Synonyms for it are terms such as bias, prejudice, and favoritism. God says in James 2:9, "but if you show partiality, you commit sin, and are convicted by the law as transgressors." Our constitutional republic form of government was designed to prevent unelected, elite people or groups from making the decisions for all other citizens. It seems like the sponsors of this ordinance want to do good for people they think are oppressed. That is an admirable goal if the people are truly oppressed. The wording in the commission document presents systemic racism as a basis in fact for the need for this group. This is a highly politicized topic that is not settled fact. Implementing an unelected body of people to solve this fabled problem is dangerous and would be an irresponsible expenditure of taxpayer dollars. A case in point is included in section 2.40.100 Compensation, "Members of the Commission who are of low income may receive a per diem of $200.00 each day they attend a Commission meeting, provided that the members are not otherwise compensated for their attendance at meetings." How is this not showing prejudice or partiality towards a certain group of people over others? This is unequitable and therefore also hypocritical.
Kira Gilbert 9/25/23 9:21 PM Please vote NO on Ordinance 2023-36. I am strongly opposed to this divisive proposal. "Equity" is a mask for redistribution and creates resentment and anger because it is fundamentally unjust and skews incentives. Diversity, as it is being used here, is code for racism (racial preferences). "Inclusion" is anything but inclusive, if you disagree with the ruling parties. And "equity" is (again) a smokescreen for redistribution. Please - vote - NO. Thank you
Gretchen and Candido Corrales 9/25/23 9:47 PM We urge a no vote on 2023-36. This is an attqco on tradiotional marriage/families. Please vote no!
Myla Colbert 9/25/23 10:03 PM I ask the council to vote NO on Ordinance 2023-36. We as a people know that we need to embrace diversity and support and love our fellow citizens. We do not need the permanent establishment of an unelected Commission on Equity. The Pierce County Council and other governing bodies are Elected to represent ALL citizens to be inclusive of ALL interests they represent. This Ordinance is unnecessary and distracts from the work of the existing elected body from representing and supporting the businesses and citizens of the county who you are to represent. I respectfully request that the council vote NO on this Ordinance.  
Edith Owens 9/25/23 10:03 PM Please vote “NO” on Ordinance 2023-36, Commission on Equity. A basic definition of equity is “fairness or justice in dealings between persons.” By creating this Commission on Equity, the scales of justice will be skewed toward a specific group of people, despite what is said. As a result, many decisions will not be fair nor just. For those who truly need help, there are already avenues in place. Instead of spending the hard-earned money of those who work and pay taxes, an alternative solution needs to be found that involves programs and organizations already in place. One concern I have is the statement of “identifying and eliminating laws, policies, systems, and practices, many of which are deeply rooted in our nation’s history which negatively impact our community.” We are here today and able to enjoy the freedoms we have because of the brave men and women who came before us and fought for those freedoms. This statement negates much of the good in our history and the whole reason we were founded as a nation. The second concern I have is that the code does not specify how the members of the commission are appointed. Perhaps this is common knowledge that I am not aware of, but it is not spelled out in the code. It details that the Executive can remove a commission member, but it does not say who appoints them. My concern is this: because the members will not be elected by the people, whoever does the appointing can skew the commission in a manner that will not be fair or just to a large population of people in Pierce County. Ultimately, it will result in a more divided Pierce County instead of bringing unity. Again, please vote NO on Ordinance 2023-36.
Kyle whiteside 9/25/23 10:17 PM NO!
Dan Pielak 9/25/23 10:22 PM I have waited for the PDF to be available. Still waiting. Marty Campbell is my councilmen. This Ordinance 2023-36 you are co-sponsor on shows me how much you hate this Country. I have asked you to reverse your support for this Unamerican measure. Educate yourself on the meaning of equity versus equality.
Lori Cummins 9/25/23 10:29 PM We strongly OPPOSE this 2023-36 Ordinance!! This brings more division in our communities and destruction to what is right and moral and just. We take a stand for our freedoms granted to us by our constitution and even more importantly, the freedoms granted to us by God. We stand for the preservation of all legal documents signed on our behalf from our founding fathers who helped establish all our freedoms and safety from wrongful governing individuals here in in the United States of America. The Pierce County Council should focus on important matters such as helping law enforcement so they can do their jobs so they can help stop the increase of crime that has skyrocketed -all kinds of theft, drugs, and so much more. Focus on critical issues , not political agendas and ideologies.
Dan Hudson 9/26/23 12:26 AM Please vote NO on 2023-36. The ordinance expands gov't and adds UNELECTED people in positions to decide our future. How can you add 15-17 years olds to groups making decisions for us when they are not mature enough to vote or even drive! The ordinace, while labeled for equity, is blatantly inequitable in section: 2.40.100 Compensation. It ONLY pays a person for work IF they earn below a certain amount. How is that equitable?! I was raised that you should be paid a for an honest days work and furthermore that women (a protected group) should be paid equal to men. So even that tiny bit shows the brokenness of this ordinance. This spends our tax money without any clear activities to address. It just says matters of equity. Aren't ALL our county facilities open to all already? It also reads that different groups have differnt needs. We are all created human and have the same basic needs. Usually, culturtally different groups initiate their own cultural special interest groups. For example the Korean Womans Asso. ( They are not graphed onto the county gov't permanently. Why would we ever consider creating a permanent group that is stacked with under-age, unelected people, paid from public taxes to promote their own special interests? We are a govt with open, equal access already. VOTE NO on this ordinace and let individuals work through their councilperson for their needs like the rest of us.
Susan Pagaduan 9/26/23 3:56 AM Vote no on 2023-36
Christine McDonald 9/26/23 4:29 AM Vote no on ordinance 2023-36 stop wasting time and money
Valerie Hines 9/26/23 5:31 AM Please Vote NO!!!! This measure threatens to replace the foundational principles of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" with a bureaucratic focus on "diversity, equity, and inclusion." We must also consider the potential impact on free speech and individual liberties. When government bodies are entrusted with imposing ever-changing speech and behavior codes, they risk stifling open discourse and infringing upon our fundamental right to express our beliefs freely. Of particular concern is the potential for the Commission on Equity to become a politically charged gatekeeper stacked with activists. This unelected body could exert undue influence over Pierce County's decisions, effectively sidelining the voice of the people and undermining our democratic process. This will also have a Financial impact!!! Thank YOU for Voting NO!!!
Staci Ellis 9/26/23 5:47 AM VOTE NO! It is my understanding that a vote on adopting a divisive, immoral ordinance which is deceptively called Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Ordinance 2023-36 is being called for today! While the stated objectives of this ordinance may appear commendable on the surface, a closer examination reveals underlying concerns that threaten core principles upon which America was founded: Ideological Agenda: Similar initiatives across the country have demonstrated a tendency to conceal radical ideological agendas behind the façade of equity. The promise of fairness often devolves into divisive and harmful policies, with the potential for the propagation of divisive ideologies such as Critical Race Theory. Threat to Duly Elected Representative Government: Of particular concern is the potential for the Commission on Equity to become a politically charged gatekeeper stacked with activists. This unelected body could exert undue influence over Pierce County's decisions, effectively sidelining the voice of the people and undermining our democratic process. Free Speech and Individual Liberties: We must also consider the potential impact on free speech and individual liberties. When government bodies are entrusted with imposing ever-changing speech and behavior codes, they risk stifling open discourse and infringing upon our fundamental right to express our beliefs freely. Preservation of Our Principles: The supporters of Ordinance 2023-36 present it as a partial solution to historical injustices. Still, we must remain vigilant and consider the broader implications. This measure threatens to replace the foundational principles of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" with a bureaucratic focus on "diversity, equity, and inclusion." Financial Impact: Ordinance 2023-36 presents a significant financial burden for our county. The fiscal note projects an expenditure of $356,520 in 2024 alone, with the expectation that this cost will continue to rise in subsequent years. As responsible stewards of taxpayer dollars, we must question whether this represents the best allocation of our resources, especially when there are pressing needs demanding attention. I am asking you to vote NO on this ordinance. We are Americans first and having just arrived back from Ghana on a medical mission - I am certainly blessed and grateful for returning to a country with the principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We should NOT be changing such important values nor should we be using tax payer money to fund yet another bureaucratic committee when our county has higher needs of attention to poverty, housing issues, crime and being mindful of ALL residents not a select group. ~Staci Ellis Fircrest resident
Marty Warden 9/26/23 6:16 AM This bill is unconstitutional and defies the very principles it claims to protect. Vote no on 2023-36
April Uriarte 9/26/23 6:28 AM This is not Equity. It it were you would be making equality for all people. But you are only picking the ones that you chose too be worthy of equity. Laws should not suppress freedoms. This law is a suppressor of freedom of choice. It violates Constitual Law.
Lukas Galeos 9/26/23 6:32 AM Hi Paul, This committee of equity would spell disaster for our community. I’ve already been a part of a Liberal company, DaVita Inc., who enacted these mandatory ideology training sessions on their people. I’ve never seen such hostility and suppression of free speech as during my required attendance to those meetings. They don’t promote unity within our community. They cause good-hearted people, who truly care for their community, to question and cross-examine whether if everything they say might be a micro-aggression or if they’ll get accosted from someone who identifies with some set of intersectional minority groups. It’s no way of living, constantly in fear to using your freedom of speech to do good. I believe in good faith that we the people stand as a majority in opposing such undue treatment and certain hostility toward any group, and I urge you to oppose this ordinance with a strong stand against it.
Patrick W McDonald 9/26/23 6:41 AM Vote no on 2023-36. Do not waste more of our tax dollars on something the majority does not want.
Daniel B 9/26/23 6:44 AM Mr. Mello's response to opposition of this ordinance is that it will provide help to people "who don't speak English". In other words, Americans continue to get taxed to death so our wages can be given to non-citizens, most likely illegal aliens who have no right to our livelihoods. This is "1984" on steroids. You cannot legislate people's desire to do the right thing.
Molly 9/26/23 6:56 AM I vote NO on ordinance 2023-36
Michaela Rody 9/26/23 7:53 AM I vote NO on Ordinance 2023-36.
Paula Vander Poel 9/26/23 8:10 AM Vote NO...As representatives, notice the support ratio here, that needs to be Seriously Considered. Other comments re: the proposal: 1} Is this a Paid position? ($200 compensation if income is not more than 400% of federal poverty level) 2} Who & How are the Commission representatives chosen? As noted, this should be a reflection of "All people", so none is "threatened", "regardless of race, sex...." Is the vote of >10% (%?) of the community wagging the whole of the community? Yes, this community should have a voice, but NOT Disproportionately so. STOP rubbing our noses in "systemic racism", that is Causing the problem when we are being divided based on our race... in these causes. 3} What is the DEI, and How is it determined? Since this index is to be a guideline for legislation that affects the Whole, the Whole should have Ample opportunity to evaluate and determine if this should dictate our actions. 4} Legal Citizens should be the community represented here in Pierce County, USA legislation. 5} Referencing - Equity #2) 'identify/eliminate laws...which are deeply rooted in our nation's history, which negatively impact our community' - Before eliminating our foundational laws, again the Whole of the community needs to be in agreement, not a >10% determining for all. Ref. #3) there should be Equal access to resources, again Not disproportionately to any specific group based on race/sex...... This also should Not mean Unending resources, but should be based on the available - Financially Responsibly Funded - resources. I Vote NO based on the inadequate information that, as noted here, leans toward a very disproportionate influence on a legislative system that is meant to represent the Whole.
Tamara W 9/26/23 8:25 AM 31 2.40.020 Purpose of the Commission. The purpose of the Commission is to promote equity in Pierce County by hearing, engaging, and collaborating with the community; and to act as a conduit to promote two-way communication between the community and decision-makers. The Commission shall develop recommendations and promote policies and actions that ensure all people have access to the resources and opportunities necessary to achieve their full potential – regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, income, neighborhood, or other factor. The purpose of the commission is so vague that, it gives a free range for unelected individuals with certain agendas a free range to police organizations and individuals based on their personal beliefs. Unfortunately, under the pretend of “equality”, a monster of oppression and control is raised before our eyes. Big NO on this one!
KDavies 9/26/23 8:32 AM We urge you to vote NO on this proposal. Pierce County (and beyond) have no place for the installation of the divisive culture of so called equity, which is nothing more than a push to segregate, divide, and demean anyone not falling in line with an agenda of pushing groups of people down under a guise of lifting others up. It's rubbish. It's disingenuous. It should not have made the light of day for consideration. Vote NO!
Suzanne Wood 9/26/23 8:39 AM Please vote "NO". Had enough of special rights.
Doug Rody 9/26/23 8:42 AM Vote no, this is a ridiculous overreach.
Diane Nelson 9/26/23 8:46 AM Please vote no on Ordinance 2023-36! Although this can sound good on the surface, after reading the entire ordinance, I have some red flags. I am concerned that this would promote false gender ideologies that have invaded our public schools under the name of " Diversity and Equity". As both a recently retired public school teacher and a concerned citizen, I know that these radical ideologies are causing such confusion in students. They are being groomed to transgender: taking puberty blockers which stunt brain growth and having surgeries that mutilate their bodies and often cause lifelong painful medical conditions. We need to protect our children! This ordinance will open the doors to much more harm for our children than compared to any good it might accomplish. Again, please vote no!
Michael Gilbert 9/26/23 9:02 AM Vote No. The stated purpose of the proposal is to promote "equity" not equality. As I read the comments, no one here is in opposition to equality of opportunity. By promoting equity the county is supporting, funding and ratifying a spoils system based upon race and other characteristics unrelated to merit or effort. Please don't use our taxes for this. What are the deliverables? What measure will be used to assess the effectiveness of this commission? There are no deliverables, there is no way to assess the effectiveness. Thus neither the commission on equity, nor the councilmembers will ever be held accountable. The commission on equity has no standard by which it may be judged and the councilmembers have no standard to conduct oversight. This empirically demonstrates failure at the start. Please do not vote for this.
Cal 9/26/23 9:03 AM Definite “NO” on this one!
Amanda Johnson 9/26/23 9:26 AM Vote NO on 2023-36
David R. Bryant 9/26/23 9:27 AM I oppose. This board would be extremely partison and its recommendations would be used in political attacks against elected members the committee members do not agree with.
Emily Anderson 9/26/23 9:47 AM I oppose this proposal. The people of Pierce county cannot afford any more taxes. The fiscal impact for 2024 is $336,720 2024 and $448,760 in 2025. We need to focus on fixing what broke not creating more distractions.the school system is failing to educate our kids. They don't know math, reading, or writing. Our bus service to get the kids to school is a disaster. The amount of crime and violence needs to be addressed. We are struggling to put food on the table and keep a roof over our head. Please focus on the current issues and stop spending the money we don't have.
Leonard Proctor 9/26/23 10:17 AM Please vote NO on 2023-36. Thank You !
Doug Hay 9/26/23 10:32 AM Vote NO. The proposed composition of this group is note an equitable representation of Pierce County population. Members will likely qualify for the $200/day per diem...only takes income less than 4 times the poverty rate (~$80k for family of two, ~100k for family of 3). Jury duty pays $10 / day. Membership selection is ill-defined.
Lynette Borcherding 9/26/23 10:34 AM I oppose the permanent establishment of the "Commission on Equity”, a measure that seeks to fundamentally transform the foundations of Pierce County Government. This measure threatens to replace the foundational principles of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" with a bureaucratic focus on "diversity, equity, and inclusion."
Jared Haviland 9/26/23 10:39 AM I respectfully ask that all members oppose this ordinance. Aside from the issues this ordinance is looking to address, I stand firmly against any such “appointments” of people who are not directly accountable to the people of their local districts. The people should be influencing their local representatives, and not a carefully selected board of advisors. Please vote no, and I thank you for your service.
Karen & Dick Crowe 9/26/23 10:52 AM Please vote "NO" on the proposed ordinance #2023-36. We greatly oppose this unnecessary ordinance with its agenda that is anything but unnecessary equity.
Kelly 9/26/23 11:01 AM How bout NO scott..The ladies who keep our t1d kids ALIVE and able to function at school get paid $2500 a month after taxes..some have 10 t1d kids to look after every day per school. There's also kids with hypoglycemia and severe allergies and I'm sure a few other life threatening diseases.she is on high alert giving 120 percent 9 and a half hours a day 5 days a week. She thinks about those kids after hours and prays for them at night. She babysits those kids on the weekend because 1 in 400 people know how to treat either of those illnesses, you can't just leave them with anyone. So invested She will take on a second job before leaving those kids. giving more of herself then you government clearly know or care to about you put that money toward them huh? And if you need help deciding just remember my kid can't pay your future taxes if he's dead We see you school nurses, you deserve more help & more pay.Thank you for being there helping our kids live a more normal life!
Pamela 9/26/23 11:07 AM I oppose ordinance 2023-36 because the commission created as a result of it is unnecessary and would be detrimental. People have equal rights under the law already. This proposed ordinance would cause some to get special attention or special representation, or extra consideration. This is not good, because it create another situation of prejudice, bias, and inequality. Therefore, this ordinance would be causing the exact thing it proposes to remedy. Although the purpose of the commission says that it is to “ensure that all people have access to resources and opportunities”, the motivation behind creating, the commission is stated as, to “create a permanent and adequately, funded board, commission, or similar structure to engage and collaborate with impacted communities, and to advise Pierce County government on equity issues as identified by the board, commission, or structure”. It is clear from this statement that the ordinance recognizes that the commission established would be focusing on certain communities, certain populations and certain issues. This is specifically not equal. It doesn’t level the playing field, it adds lumps to it. If help is truly the goal, then fewer laws, government agencies, commissions, and ordinances would be helpful. Fewer committees, piles of forms and government red tape would be helpful. Creating one more unelected commission that has power to affect change but that is focused only on certain segments and communities flies in the face of the equal opportunity that it is trying to reach. It will not help. And if you are trying to get equal outcome for all, then this commission will really not help. You can’t make people achieve their full potential and the opportunity to do so already exists without this commission. Not to mention that helping people reach their full potential is the job of parents, families, teachers, coaches and mentors, but not government. A government commission will only make it better for some and worse for others. That is not equity.
Ernie J Nelson 9/26/23 11:11 AM An unconstitutional and unelected radical group of people are pushing these policies. The vast majority of Pierce County residents DO NOT support this wicked and unconstitutional proposal. Please vote NO !
Trevor Collins 9/26/23 11:11 AM Please vote no 2023-36
Kyle 9/26/23 11:14 AM We do not want this passed
Aileen Carrell 9/26/23 11:48 AM Vote NO on Proposed Ordinance 2023-36. If a Committee was already formed and outlined the format to address the DEI issues, why in the world do we need a permanent committee of unelected, unvetted "special" people to decide policies that benefit their particular view? Of course the temporary committee recommended a "permanent" that they could appoint their special interest friends and idealogies...and get paid to do so. Isn't the role of the elected County and City officials to listen to ALL the people? This is a waste of tax payer dollars that we need for more critical issues in our communities. This is an offense to the rights of all citizens. The prior group does not appropriately represent MY voice or the voice of many in Pierce County. Why should you approve a permanent group that doesn't represent the many? YOU SHOULD NOT APPROVE A PAID, SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP TO DICTATE POLICY FOR OUR COUNTY. I respectfully request a NO VOTE on this proposed ordinance. Thank you.
Aaron 9/26/23 11:52 AM I am requesting you ALL vote NO on Ordinance 2023-36 proposing the permanent establishment of the "Commission on Equity.” It is a leftist socialist measure that seeks to fundamentally transform the foundations of Pierce County Government. This DEI (Diversity Equity Inclusion) agenda places selective and artificial importance prioritizing one ethnic group over another. That goes against the American value of equality. Equity is NOT Equality. Equity is unfair to one group or another because someone decides who is important and who is NOT; this is wrong. These racist attempts to divide us are un-American. They attempt to reverse the gains of the civil rights era. We fully believe and support true EQUALITY….for ALL People. That ALL men and women are created equal and should be treated as such as emphasized in our U.S. and Washington State Constitutions. While the stated objectives of this ordinance may appear commendable on the surface, a closer examination reveals underlying concerns that threaten core principles upon which America was founded. It reeks of an Ideological Agenda: Similar initiatives across the country have demonstrated a tendency to conceal radical ideological agendas behind the façade of equity. The promise of fairness often devolves into divisive and harmful policies, with the potential for the propagation of divisive ideologies such as Critical Race Theory. It is a Threat to Duly Elected Representative Government: Of particular concern is the potential for the Commission on Equity to become a politically charged gatekeeper stacked with activists. This unelected body could exert undue influence over Pierce County's decisions, effectively sidelining the voice of the people and undermining our democratic process. It hinders Free Speech and Individual Liberties: We must also consider the potential impact on free speech and individual liberties. When government bodies are entrusted with imposing ever-changing speech and behavior codes, they risk stifling open discourse and infringing upon our fundamental right to express our beliefs freely. We must protect the Preservation of Our Principles: The supporters of Ordinance 2023-36 present it as a partial solution to historical injustices. Still, we must remain vigilant and consider the broader implications. This measure threatens to replace the foundational principles of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" with a bureaucratic focus on "diversity, equity, and inclusion." It has a negative Financial Impact: Ordinance 2023-36 presents a significant financial burden for our county. The fiscal note projects an expenditure of $356,520 in 2024 alone, with the expectation that this cost will continue to rise in subsequent years. As responsible stewards of taxpayer dollars, we must question whether this represents the best allocation of our resources, especially when there are pressing needs demanding attention. In closing, in align with our Constitution, every race, gender, ethnicity should be valued equally. Not favored, weighted, or shunned by some county bureaucrat playing favorite based on their personal or political bias, agenda, or motives. Furthermore, our tax dollars should be used for fixing roads, building infrastructure, and fighting crime NOT pushing on a leftist socialist agenda on citizens of this county. As representatives of the people, I ask that you vote NO on this flawed and divisive Ordinance.
Carol Rich 9/26/23 11:58 AM Equality of opportunity and equality of outcome (equity) are not the same thing. Equity has been bought and sold by a radical group who bullies white people into thinking they are racist and unkind. It worked in the universities and has changed society into the mess we have now. This stops here and now. VOTE NO!!
John Leslie 9/26/23 12:01 PM The attempt to create equity will NEVER complete. This ordinance sets out to achieve and unattainable goal. My questions would be: 1. By what metric would you measure success? 2. Why are no measures included in the ordinance to set these metrics? 3. How would this be audited for success? The premise that there are “underrepresented, marginalized, etc.” groups is refuted by this very process we are presently participating in. I have a voice right this moment. Communication and input to the Council and Executive are already open to all who wish to pursue them. This is evidenced by this very dialog. 1. If individuals in the arbitrary groups you have established to divide people by do not wish to participate, how would you propose to force change? 2. Would you propose to exclude people who desire to participate in an effort to accomplish this form of “equity”? 3. Do you know if I fit into one of your “diverse” groups? 4. Should communications be filtered to make dominant the ones that are being precluded in your premise? 5. How would this equity be accomplished if not for silencing some and promoting others? There are numerous other questions that arise from this ordinance that demonstrate it as a flawed effort doomed to wasteful efforts at minimum, but more likely to be a damaging construct for all. Vote NO!
James Jennings 9/26/23 12:41 PM Please do not support the proposed legislation related to Ordinance 2023-36, to create an unelected advisory board related to equity. This unelected body could have an undue influence in the development of policies by the Pierce County Council. This Advisory Board would require significant annual expense resources in excess of $300K/year, which could be used to invest in programs that actually help people who live in Pierce County.
Ember Divers 9/26/23 12:57 PM Vote No!
Lori Sherman 9/26/23 1:14 PM People need to be hired on their ability and experience to do a job, not on their sex or color of their skin. That is discrimination.
Paloma 9/26/23 1:15 PM Diversity because it does make a difference, but not in this way. My vote is NO. This causes more division than unity. This is not equitable but is actually granting privelege, and granting certain individuals the 'extra' is the exact opposite of inclusion and equality because now only certain individuals can qualify for the extra. Also, diversity does not mean making everything equal or the same - that flies in the face of diversity. Please vote NO.
Angela schick 9/26/23 1:43 PM US principal is based in equality opposed equity. The modern use of equity is riddled with abuse with in systems and give way for partisan legislation. The ordinance implies the exact opposite of the intent and usage implicating we are in fact unequal and should not have the same access to tax payer resources. Another important aspect is our county has been asked to reduce spending. This ordinance delegates more funds to a bureaucratic system that will inherently favor a few voices over the constituents who vote elected officials into office. This will also provide a network for advocates, special interests or beliefs of a particular party over another. While I admire the county efforts to become and create more equitable programs and allow more voices from disadvantaged groups to be heard this is not the path forward. This is another form of gatekeepers. The only way for legislators to understand disadvantages and create better policy is not hearing from a commission but becoming more in touch with their constituents and their needs.
Nils kozuschek 9/26/23 1:44 PM Please vote no on proposal 2023-36. It is time to stop wasting money on what I feel further divides people in our state and country. If you want everyone to coexist in our county, state, and country. Then stop creating rules and laws that divide everyone based on race, religion, or sexual orientation. Start looking and treating people as equals and respect. There won’t be all this division you are creating. Let’s put the money to more constructive use and better our jobs, infrastructure, and education.
Abigail Perkins 9/26/23 1:46 PM Our family is in opposition to the proposal 2023-36. We are all already made equal in the eyes of our creator. We have equal opportunity nothing more is needed. There is no benefit whatsoever to equity of outcome, it would only further fuel division while actively promoting racism and other types of discrimination.
Oneida Arnold 9/26/23 1:55 PM Good afternoon Council Members. I am writing to urge you to vote YES on ORDINANCE NO. 2023-36, adopting a New Chapter 2.40 of the Pierce County Code, "Commission on Equity." I have followed the progress of the Equity Review Committee in Resolution No. R2021-109 since it was created and have appreciated the hard work the committee members have put into leading the Pierce County government into a more culturally competent organization that serves the needs of the entire community. Once again, please vote YES on ORDINANCE NO. 2023-36. Sincerely, Oneida Arnold
Michael Perkins 9/26/23 1:59 PM Council Members, please oppose Ordinance 2023-36 for the creation of the "Commission on Equity". This proposal represents a gross misuse of taxpayer funds. The Declaration of Independence states "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal". This proposed commission is redundant to the Constitution and will create a threat to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. The Declaration of Independence further states "Whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it... to effect their safety and happiness". Vote NO.
Caren Rohr 9/26/23 2:38 PM Vote NO proposing the permanent establishment of the “Commission on Equity”, a measure that seeks to fundamentally transform the foundations of Pierce County Government. Vote NO
Christina Blocker 9/26/23 2:54 PM In the ongoing conversation about the proposed "Commission on Equity" in Pierce County, it's essential to underscore that the values and principles supporting this initiative are universal—ones that can resonate with all of us, regardless of our political affiliations. At the heart of this proposal is the shared belief that every individual in our community should have the opportunity to lead a life marked by dignity, fairness, and the chance for success. This is not a partisan aspiration; it's a human one. The essence of the American Dream is that everyone should have an equal shot at life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Inequities, be they born from socio-economic disparity, racial biases, or other systemic factors, harm us all by weakening the fabric of our community and nation. Moreover, let's consider the principle of accountability—fundamental to good governance and deeply ingrained in conservative values. This Commission would act as an institutional framework for responsible oversight, meticulously scrutinizing policies and practices to ensure they are not just effective, but fair for all residents. By doing so, the Commission brings transparency, rigor, and community oversight to the pivotal issue of equity. It's worth noting that the call for a Commission comes after a measured and deliberative process. The Equity Review Committee, representing a cross-section of the community, diligently analyzed the existing landscape and offered well-considered recommendations. Their work provides a solid foundation for a Commission that aims to be both effective and fiscally responsible. Lastly, consider this Commission as an investment in our collective future. A community that actively seeks to include everyone, where each person can contribute and succeed, is one that is more prosperous and resilient. For those still harboring reservations, I invite you to consider how the proposed Commission's objectives align closely with values we all hold dear: fairness, fiscal responsibility, and the collective betterment of our community. The creation of a Commission on Equity sets a course for a more just, unified, and prosperous future for Pierce County which I support wholeheartedly. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of this important initiative.
Kristy Gledhill 9/26/23 3:15 PM Thank you chair Mello and council members Kristy Gledhill, Gig Harbor I’m here to urge you to accept the recommendation of the Equity Review Committee and your own Health and Human Services Committee to pass ordinance 2023-36. The ordinance, as you know, is the culmination of years of work by two equity review committees and thousands of hours of staff and community volunteer work. The representatives you each chose to serve on those two Equity Review Committees did good, thorough work. Staff members William Bridges and Julie Demuth, among others, have done such good work in facilitating and supporting the community members who have served this effort so far. The process has been inclusive and methodical—including voices from all over the county and from every racial and economic group. I’ve watched the process closely since before the first equity review committee was formed and have been impressed and encouraged by how the years-long project has resulted in the careful approach the crafters of this present ordinance have taken to make sure it fulfills the diverse needs of Pierce County residents. The idea that a permanent commission on equity—coupled with the use of the county’s newly adopted equity index and equity note system—could transform the ways in which county decision makers are able to more clearly “SEE” their constituents is very encouraging to me and to those I work with in this diverse County. We are not a homogenous County. As thorough as any legislator may be in getting out and meeting their constituents, it is impossible to know—without data and tools and connections—how decisions made at the County level truly impact every resident of the county. This Commission on equity brings us one step closer to lawmakers gaining a clearer view of the consequences of their decisions on on the human beings who live here. Please honor the systematic, bipartisan work of county staff and dedicated volunteers—whose one unanimous recommendation was the creation of a permanent commission on equity—by approving this ordinance today. Thank you.
Martin Lehman 9/26/23 3:21 PM Absolutely not! We are opposed to this as you keep wasting our tax dollars on frivolous committees and so called causes which do nothing but strongarm our freedoms. Fix our roads, bring police back to keep the homeless from vandalizing & breaking into my business and update infrastructure as good government would do. This is ment to do nothing but further divide people and force views upon them. STRONGLY OPPOSE!
Pam Grant 9/26/23 4:57 PM Oppose
Tessa Stutes 9/26/23 5:22 PM Please vote "NO" on Ordinance 2023-36. Strongly oppose!
Melody Atwood 9/26/23 8:55 PM Please vote no on Ord. 2023-36. Equity has become a catch-all word that is often used and abused by special interests to promote certain agendas. This Ordinance will will cause harm. As our representatives, please listen to the voices of those you represent.
Rosemarie Dorn 9/26/23 9:31 PM Totally opposed. God given laws. Constitution
Theresa Pfeiffer 9/27/23 7:33 AM I strongly oppose this. Words sound nice but I have witnessed firsthand the victim card being played over and over and behavior tolerated or subpar work is excused. This is an agenda that has marxist leanings.
NathanCarlson 9/27/23 11:07 AM We see DEI initiatives having terrible consequences around the country. It’s legalized discrimination, one only serves to entitle minorities instead of truly empowering them. Do not pass this I’ll-considered proposal. The intent is nice, but the effect will be disastrous.
Tom Sparks 9/27/23 11:24 AM I ask that you vote no on this ordinance. 2023-36! This is not necessary or helpful in our county. The government is elected to serve the population not political agendas. This agenda disguised as equity does not serve the residents of Pierce County in any way. We see what equity has brought to King County and Seattle in the form of drugs, crime, homelessness, businesses shutting down etc. We do not want this in Peirce County. Please vote against this Ordinance. Thank YOU