Council Legislation

Ordinance No. 2020-136s

Title: An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Establishing a County Board of Health and Department of Public Health; Terminating the Agreement Creating a Combined County-City Health Department Known as the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department Upon a Date Certain; Amending Chapter 2.06 of the Pierce County Code, "Departments and Organizations"; Repealing Chapter 2.32 of the Pierce County Code, "Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department"; Directing the Clerk to Take Certain Actions; Requesting that the Executive Take Preliminary or Transitional Steps Necessary to Implement this Ordinance Including Forwarding Draft Legislation to Create an Executive Department to Manage Administrative Functions of the Health Board; Amending Pierce County Code References to the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department Consistent with this Ordinance; and Establishing Effective Dates. (Terminating TPCBH Interlocal)

Status: Defeated

Sponsors: Councilmembers Pam Roach

Final votes

December 15, 2020
Aye Nay Aye Excused Nay Aye Nay

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Public Comments

Name Date Comment
Dawn Ellis 12/1/20 7:57 PM I do not understand why anyone would even begin to think that eliminating the Pierce County Health Department would be a good idea, particularly during a pandemic. I would like to read/see a rationale. This move has not been widely publicized. I can’t imagine that County residents would be in favor of it.
Jeremy Walker 12/1/20 10:18 PM This not only seems unnecessary, but dangerously inappropriate given the COVID-19 Pandemic. To take over the administration of the communities' public health during such a time is an incredible challenge under good times. As someone who's career is in change management, I urge you to reject this ordinance. This is not the time to be playing with people's lives.
David Berg 12/1/20 11:12 PM I oppose the rash and dangerous proposal to terminate the TPCHD. A decision of this magnitude clearly needs to be made in the most open and transparent process possible. To rush it through, during a pandemic, is unacceptable. The TPCHD is working hard to support our health care workers (like my wife) and protect our citizens. This action, at this time, is unjustifiable.
rachel strasser 12/2/20 6:25 AM To introduce this kind of legislation during a pandemic is reckless and irresponsible.
Katherine Briddell 12/2/20 8:00 AM This is the most ill-conceived bit of legislation that I have ever read. We are in the We are in the middle of a global pandemic and to dismantle the entire public health department with a "Health Board," which is just the County Council wearing a "Health Board" hat, is inconceivable. We are a growing county - one that requires MORE not less public health resources. The idea of replacing an entire department full of public health professionals and replacing it with a part time board of elected officials is a really bad idea. If you are unaware of the importance of Public Health, please refer to this simple explanation: Now, more than ever, we need a team of trained professionals to help us through this global health crisis and this economic calamity. I urge you to vote down this disastrous proposal. Thank you.
Hayley Mathews 12/2/20 8:09 AM This is completely irresponsible and unnecessary. The middle of a pandemic is the worst time for making huge changes to our health department. And I would hate to see a department answering to the county executive, who has no experience in health care or epidemiology. This would literally put people’s lives at stake.
Ronald Delzer 12/2/20 9:05 AM This is an idiotic move based in the politicization of public health during this pandemic. It's bad policy for the health of the citizens of Pierce County and it's fiscally wasteful to create redundant public health infrastructure.
Kristi Picio 12/2/20 9:29 AM I don’t understand how it is logical or wise to turn the health department in to an elected board of people with no experience in such matters. The health department is not something that should be politicized by being run by elected officials. It should be run by heath professionals and other experts in their fields of study. OH, lest it be forgotten, we are in the middle of a pandemic? This seems like a lame duck power grab and I don’t understand why this would not be something you would see more widely publicized or perhaps up for a vote by the PUBLIC that this would affect. I am disappointed that anyone would think this was a appropriate thing to do.
Fran E Russum 12/2/20 9:53 AM Ms Roach. I am amazed that you weren't tapped for a position on the national level with the amount of stupidity you are showing here with this ridiculous legislation I guess you just waited til too late in the game. Please, other council members, show some sense!
Claire Aijian 12/2/20 10:29 AM This proposal, in the midst of a pandemic, makes absolutely no sense. TPCHD has been doing important work since March to help handle this pandemic. Now is not the time to break away from the existing health department and to threaten the health and safety of our community. It is extremely disappointing, though not surprising, to see this ordinance was sponsored by Pam Roach and that outgoing Republicans are creating a mess that they won't have to deal with when they leave council.
Christine M Diedrich 12/2/20 10:42 AM Horrible timing, we need the strength and efficiency of a combined health department. To separate them would be a detriment to all. Tacoma is the county seat and this Proposed Ordinance seems like a power grab of the type I expect from certain council members. This will be a disservice to all citizens of Pierce County, which does include Tacoma.
Leeroy Perkins 12/2/20 11:09 AM What the heck is this crap ?? Public health is a county responsibility, so if we dissolved this partnership, we'd have to continue supporting that function but lose Tacoma's funding share, currently $1.1m per biennium. This is madness...
Hope Bourne 12/2/20 11:39 AM This is wildly irresponsible and is detrimental to our community as a whole. Please do not allow this ordinance to pass.
Jason Huntington 12/2/20 11:40 AM No. Just, no. Leave public health operations in the hands of career health experts and other non-partisans who are specialists in their respective fields. Let elected officials direct policy, but not control matters of scientific inquiry and best-practices.
Jessica Sills 12/2/20 11:41 AM This is absolutely insane. Do not terminate our county health department in the middle of a pandemic with no backup plan. I cannot believe I even have to send this in as a public comment. Thank you to my rep, Marty Campbell, for voting to drop this proposal discussion.
Nicole Porter 12/2/20 12:13 PM We are currently going through a pandemic. This course of action would be disruptive in a time when we need things moving smoothly.
Lisa Borkowski 12/2/20 12:16 PM This is fucking madness. Terminating this agreement during a global pandemic is an absurd proposal. Stop wasting our time.
Wendy Wright 12/2/20 12:40 PM I urge you to oppose Ordinance 2020-136. Residents of Tacoma and Pierce County need the Health Department now more than any time in our history. We are in the middle of a Covid19 pandemic. People's lives are dependent upon public health officials. I cannot imagine why a proposal to terminate the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department has even been suggested. The Health Department provides vital services during normal times. It is just as essential as the Fire and Sheriff's Departments. During this pandemic, the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department is vital in saving people's lives. Please vote against Ordinance 2020-136. Wendy Wright 10905 - 144th St. E. Puyallup, WA 98374
Laura Svancarek 12/2/20 12:57 PM Dear Pierce County Council My name is Laura Svancarek, and I am a resident of Pierce County District 4 represented by CM Ladenburg. I am writing to express my deep concern over Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136, which requests the dissolution of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. We are in the middle of a global pandemic. As of December 2nd, Pierce County has had more than 18,000 positive COVID cases and 321 COVID deaths. On November 23rd, a staggering 5,633 COVID cases were reported. This peak is part of an ongoing surge in COVID cases, with daily reported cases greatly surpassing the number of reported cases in the previous April and July surges. The Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department provides the residents of Pierce County with free and accessible COVID testing. Paired with critical contact tracing, this saves lives, reduces the strain on our overburdened healthcare providers, and reduces the spread of COVID. This work is crucial during the COVID pandemic, and the dissolution of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department at this time would be disastrous for our county. Understanding that this ordinance would not take effect until January 2022, its passage would cause a redirectly of Health Department budget and staff time into transitional planning and away from COVID prevention measures. Additionally, it would undermine the decisions of the Health Department in the public eye, making it more difficult to enact and enforce public safety measures. This proposed ordinance comes at the very end of the county budget process. I am asking you to please have the courage to vote against this ordinance or against the budget if this ordinance is included. I ask that you set aside criticisms of the Health Department at this time and understand that its full dissolution is not the solution and will have incredible negative impacts over the coming months. If this ordinance is passed, I ask that Councilmembers take up the work to undo this action as soon as the new session begins. Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope that you will make the choice to reject this ordinance for the health and safety of our county and everyone in it. Sincerely, Laura Svancarek
Heather Howell 12/2/20 1:01 PM Please do NOT get rid of TPCHD. The services they provide are vital to the Pierce County community as a whole. I can't even understand how this would even be considered.
Stacey Soltoff 12/2/20 1:01 PM It is unconscionable to be making major changes to the Health Department IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC! Please revisit this matter after the coronavirus pandemic is over.
Terry Woodall 12/2/20 1:03 PM As a Pierce County school nurse who also lives in Pierce County and works closely with the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department, I was shocked to hear that this agency may be dissolved...what does that even mean? I read the proposed ordinance, but can't find an explanation as to the alternative plan, other than the title. What is the benefit of this? Especially during a pandemic??
Susan Brown 12/2/20 1:26 PM THIS IS NOT AN APPROPRIATE TIME TO REORGANIZE! Ridiculous waste of resources at this time. Think about it later if it's needed at ALL. Stop politicizing a virus.
Lance Phillips 12/2/20 1:43 PM I believe the current leadership, specifically Dr. Chen has been crucial to our county, especially through our current pandemic. I believe the Interlocal Agreement should continue. Transitioning to a different leadership model will just continue to tax our already fatigued public health workers. Thank you
Bryan Hornbeck 12/2/20 1:43 PM This is an absolutely reckless proposal that serves no discernable purpose. Not only should this be rejected, Pam Roach should tender her resignation for sponsoring such an absurd proposal.
Catherine Robins 12/2/20 1:44 PM This would be one of the most short-sighted, misguided, unfortunate decisions that could possibly be made during this COVID pandemic. I vehemently oppose this proposal and wonder why it is even being given the time of day.
Lynae Kibiger 12/2/20 2:02 PM Absolutely oppose. As a communicable disease epidemiologist, I see no justifiable reason to separate the local health department. TPCHD has been instrumental in prevention measures and community safety, recently during the Hepatitis A and COVID pandemics. Public health is dedicated to serving the community and should be supported and not shaken during a crisis.
Leora Miyasato 12/2/20 2:03 PM We have a well functioning health dept currently staffed by professionals and they are doing a great job during a 100 year pandemic, to replace them with part time political people , is irresponsible. We need to keep our health dept.
Shannon Mortimer 12/2/20 2:16 PM Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department’s mission is to protect and improve the health of all people and places in Pierce County. As a community based Health Care center worker, we work closely with the TPCHD to ensure access to all citizens. Their work with tackling known and emerging health risk through policy, programs and treatment to protect public health is invaluable. Please do not pass this Proposal. I am a Pierce County/Tacoma resident as well.
Trelayna Sizer 12/2/20 2:18 PM Don’t dissolve our city’s partnership with the county!! Public health relies upon this partnership. Don’t be irresponsible.
Jennifer Lacy 12/2/20 2:40 PM I cannot believe this is even being consider during a pandemic. Pam Roach is & has been problematic & should be ashamed but her history of poor behavior has shown she probably won't be. I plead with the other Council members who still have their common sense & conscience intact and still care about this community to not allow this insanity to move forward.
Grady Thompson 12/2/20 2:47 PM This proposal to terminate the interlocal agreement which would dissolve the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department is absurd and unacceptable. Now is NOT the time to make any changes to the public health department that is serving us well in the midst of a pandemic. TPCHD has kept communities safe and healthy for a very long time, and there is no reason why this change should be done. I am surprised and angered by this proposal.
Matthew Price 12/2/20 3:23 PM Dismantling the health department in the middle of a pandemic makes no sense. Wait to bring this proposal when the pandemic is over and give the public plenty of time for comment
Amy Simondet 12/2/20 4:09 PM I review the Pierce County Covid resources daily to support my business in operating safely. We operate in multiple counties and I am impressed by the quality of information and responsiveness of our county compared to others. The department is a vital support for local businesses and families.
Halli Pringle 12/2/20 4:11 PM DO NOT TERMINATE THIS AGREEMENT! We are in a pandemic and I cannot believe I have to write a message about this. I do not support this.
Matt Stevens 12/2/20 4:24 PM This is among the most absurd things the council could propose. Destroying a critical part of our healthcare infrastructure during a pandemic is dangerous. Doing so without a plan in place as to what a future looks like is insane. Doing so without first having discussions about existing partners is just downright wrong. This should be rejected completely.
Jodi Lorenz 12/2/20 4:27 PM Strongly opposed to this.very concerned Health care worker with 15 years experience and current county resident.
Ann Darling 12/2/20 5:24 PM There is absolutely no reason,or cause, or legitimate thought for the County Council to undertake such a harebrained decision - most particularly at this moment in time. As a member of the Health Care community for 35 years, and as someone who has worked WITH the TPCHD extensively, on many fronts, I can attest to the excellent functionality of the organization. The citizens of Pierce County do NOT need this kind of disruption. We deserve a council that is concerned to deliver the best services, without wasting our money in such frivolous undertakings as this. I URGE you to vote NO on this proposal.
Darcie Kiyan 12/2/20 5:26 PM It is outrageous that the County is considering tampering with the good work of the Health Department. A neutral, reliable health department is critical - especially now, during a pandemic. Please vote no on this proposal.
Deanna Hite 12/2/20 5:31 PM I oppose the proposal to Terminating the Agreement Creating a Combined County-City Health Department Known as the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. This partnership is instrumental in times like we face now. Moving away with from this partnership would be detrimental to the citizens of Pierce County.
RODNEY RHYMES 12/2/20 5:33 PM I oppose this legislation during the pandemic
Amy Query 12/2/20 5:47 PM Please vote no on this proposal. This is absolutely not the time to dissolve (or reorganize or restructure) our health department. We are in the middle of a pandemic, cases are skyrocketing, and vaccine distribution is coming. We need the steady guidance and leadership of the TPCHD. I can see no legitimate reason why you would want to dismantle the department (and make it into an executive-controlled board). This proposal sounds like you’re politicizing COVID, which is unacceptable. Please help us all get as healthily through this as possible by KEEPING TPCHD INTACT.
Cynthia Rhymes 12/2/20 6:03 PM I strongly oppose especially during a pandemic!
Jensen Cowart 12/2/20 6:07 PM I'm absolutely appalled that the council would even consider of disbanding the Tacoma-Pierce county dept of Health in the middle of a pandemic, never mind actually put it to a vote. I shouldn't HAVE to explain why the health department is important to folks who's jobs are to run the government. The fact that many of our elected officials are deliberately trying to impede any efforts to contain the virus is why the United States has the worst infection rate out of every country in the world and why we can't safely open our economy back up. Do the right thing and sink this proposal so it never sees the light of day.
William Horne 12/2/20 6:14 PM No way! This is no time to be messing with the health department.
Justin King 12/2/20 6:30 PM It is one of the most idiotic ideas I have ever heard to even consider causing any kind of disruption to the health department services during a pandemic. This is one more example of the vocal minority of the cult of trump trying to grab power. Please throw this idea in the garbage where it belongs
Desiree Kennedy 12/2/20 6:42 PM I strongly oppose this proposal because it would directly harm the health of residents in Pierce County. As a resident of unincorporated Pierce County, I receive daily information from TPCHD on positive COVID cases, deaths, and outbreaks in Pierce County schools. I use this daily information to make educated decisions regarding where I go, which businesses I shop at, and when my child will go return to school. I feel that separating from the TPCHD during a pandemic is irresponsible and reckless. I do not trust the Pierce Country Council to administer information regarding real-time health concerns. I also greatly appreciate the TPCHD for launching COVID testing at three school districts in Pierce County and shocked this Council would suggest separating during this critical time. Please veto this proposal and insist the department which controls important health related messaging in Pierce County remains bipartisan!
Jennifer Hansen 12/2/20 7:16 PM The middle of a pandemic is absolutely NOT an appropriate time to make major changes to the health department! I am floored that this is even being proposed and discussed. I find it shameful, irresponsible and embarrassing. I vehemently oppose this ridiculous legislation.
Kelsey Keizur 12/2/20 7:17 PM Oppose proposal
Tim Bagwell 12/2/20 7:47 PM Please stop the Trumpian take over of health and science. When it comes to medical advice, no one should ever, ever ever ever take advice from an elected politician. I want my health advice to be devoid of any political utterances. I want scientific proof and that does not exist in the land of the GOP.
Susan Potter 12/2/20 8:02 PM This proposal is wreckless. It will harm the one agency that is leading the way through this pandemic and is preparing to distribute immunizations. A thoughtless power grab by the council and county executive that will harm many. There is NO reason for this proposal. Bad decision. Bad timing. Bad optics. Do better for your constituents.
Michelle Regan 12/2/20 8:02 PM This proposal is not only unnecessary, it is particularly I'll timed. To introduce such a measure in the middle of a pandemic in the very agency responsible for guiding the response to the pandemic and for providing measures to counter the pandemic is extremely unwise, to put it kindly. For the measure to be introduced by outgoing council members a month before they leave is unconscionable. I strongly oppose the proposed ordinance.
Cheryl Reid-Simons 12/2/20 8:14 PM I have heard of a lot of stupid things, but this takes the cake. If there is an issue with a City-County joint health department, address it before or after we get through this crisis. But diverting attention and energy from public health in the middle of a pandemic is asinine and dangerous. That this was proposed by Pam Roach does not surprise me. Please do not let her childish, vindictive personality endanger the lives of Pierce Counry citizens. Vote No.
Mark Craddock MD 12/2/20 8:31 PM I am a family physician working in Gig Harbor.We are a group of 5 family physicians and 10 Nurse Practitioners and PA’s.We have been working with the Pierce County Health Department throughout the pandemic.The current structure and functioning of the Health Department is great.Dr.Chen has been responding in a knowledgeable and wise way to the pandemic.This is not the time to change the structure or funding of the Department.It can truly cost people’s lives if there are changes which have unforeseen consequences.
Winfield Giddings 12/2/20 8:31 PM It does seem a bit ridiculous to build a whole new government institution that concerns health during a health crisis. The time it will take to bring this online will squander precious time and lives and money. The TPCHD is already figuring how to distribute the vaccines - and you think a brand new department will get that up and running better than an established department can? There is no good reason to not continue our relationship with the TPCHD.
Courtney Stowe 12/2/20 8:33 PM I oppose this proposal as it doesn't seem wise in the middle of the pandemic to create County Health Department only. Why? It makes no sense.
Whitney Chiang 12/2/20 8:45 PM Why does anyone think it’s a good idea to dissolve the health department in the middle of a pandemic? We need stability, not to completely upend a system that’s been working since the 70s. Please don’t pass this dangerous and ridiculous proposal.
Jessica Winston 12/2/20 9:08 PM This would not benefit the people of Pierce County who benefit from the numerous programs under the TPCHD umbrella.
Andrew O 12/2/20 9:19 PM This proposal is extremely irresponsible during a global pandemic. I urge all council members to reject any ordinances dissolving the Tacoma Pierce County Health Dept. The only thing the coucil should be doing during a pandemic is supporting public health officals in doing their job to keep us safe! Pam Roach is my council person, I urge you to withdrawl this ordinace immediately!.
Geneal Palmer 12/2/20 9:28 PM It needs to maintain independence from the political whims of politicians. TPCHD handles services from septic tanks to food handling permits as well as a COVID pandemic. Keep politics out!
Matthew Hilditch 12/2/20 9:33 PM This is a terrible idea. The health department right now needs to be given support and encouragement to work even harder in the middle of this terrible, deadly, dangerous pandemic (that frankly, the citizens of this region are doing a horrible job of listening to the health department about). Terminating the agreement will cause unnecessary and unhelpful confusion and chaos and be the exact wrong thing we need right now. Make no mistake - doing this is going to hurt the fight against the coronavirus and that means it will cost lives and it will cause more people to suffer major health damage. The fact that you would even suggest that tells a frightening and disturbing truth about you. If you vote to do it, it will be much, much worse.
Lori Ward 12/2/20 9:42 PM Dear Pierce County Council / Doug Richardson My name is Lori Ward, and I am a resident of Pierce County District NUMBER 6 represented by Doug Richardson. I am writing to express my deep concern over Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136, which requests the dissolution of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. We are in the middle of a global pandemic. As of December 2nd, Pierce County has had more than 18,000 positive COVID cases and 321 COVID deaths. On November 28, a staggering 411 COVID cases were reported. This peak is part of an ongoing surge in COVID cases, with daily reported cases greatly surpassing the number of reported cases in the previous April and July surges. The Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department provides the residents of Pierce County with free and accessible COVID testing. Paired with critical contact tracing, this saves lives, reduces the strain on our overburdened healthcare providers, and reduces the spread of COVID. This work is crucial during the COVID pandemic, and the dissolution of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department at this time would be disastrous for our county. Understanding that this ordinance would not take effect until January 2022, its passage would cause a redirection of Health Department budget and staff time into transitional planning and away from COVID prevention measures. Additionally, it would undermine the decisions of the Health Department in the public eye, making it more difficult to enact and enforce public safety measures. This proposed ordinance comes at the very end of the county budget process. I am asking you to please have the courage to vote against this ordinance or against the budget if this ordinance is included. I ask that you set aside criticisms of the Health Department at this time and understand that such drastic changes are not the solution and will have incredible negative impacts over the coming months. If this ordinance is passed, I ask that Councilmembers take up the work to undo this action as soon as the new session begins. Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope that you will make the choice to reject this ordinance for the health and safety of our county and everyone in it. Sincerely, Lori Ward
Levi Harrison 12/2/20 9:50 PM It is absolutely ridiculous, in the middle of a pandemic, to dismantle a well established and crucial arm of our reaction to covid and other health issues. The health department does more than it appears on face value, and is integral to the framework of our city and county. Please consider opposing this ordinance, at least until this public health crisis is over and we have to the room to readjust.
Vicki Bates 12/2/20 9:51 PM Vote NO on Ordinance 2020-136 As a community member and a professional educator, I rely on the TPCHD for coordinated, clear public health guidance that assists my family as well as those I serve. To eliminate this longstanding partnership on two weeks notice, in the middle of a pandemic is irresponsible and dangerous. I expect more sound care and concern for our residents than this negligent measure suggests.
Roseann Slobe 12/2/20 10:11 PM In the middle of an awful pandemic, when we need health care guided by science, why the hell would anyone attempt to disband our Tacoma - Pierce County Health Department? You work for the people, not corporate or personal interests. Stop destroying our health and well-being with this nonsense disbanding. In this moment of crisis, we need the scientific leaders in our community to guide us. Keep the Tacoma - Pierce County Health Department as one organization. And wear a damn mask.
Tara Price 12/2/20 10:14 PM Dear Pierce County Council, My name is Tara Price, and I am a resident of Pierce County District Four represented by Connie Ladenburg. I am writing to express my deep concern over Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136, which requests the dissolution of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. We are in the middle of a global pandemic. As of December 2nd, Pierce County has had more than 18,000 positive COVID cases and 321 COVID deaths. On November 28, a staggering 411 COVID cases were reported. This peak is part of an ongoing surge in COVID cases, with daily reported cases greatly surpassing the number of reported cases in the previous April and July surges. The Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department provides the residents of Pierce County with free and accessible COVID testing. Paired with critical contact tracing, this saves lives, reduces the strain on our overburdened healthcare providers, and reduces the spread of COVID. This work is crucial during the COVID pandemic, and the dissolution of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department at this time would be disastrous for our county. Understanding that this ordinance would not take effect until January 2022, its passage would cause a redirection of Health Department budget and staff time into transitional planning and away from COVID prevention measures. Additionally, it would undermine the decisions of the Health Department in the public eye, making it more difficult to enact and enforce public safety measures. This proposed ordinance comes at the very end of the county budget process. I am asking you to please have the courage to vote against this ordinance or against the budget if this ordinance is included. I ask that you set aside criticisms of the Health Department at this time and understand that such drastic changes are not the solution and will have incredible negative impacts over the coming months. If this ordinance is passed, I ask that Councilmembers take up the work to undo this action as soon as the new session begins. Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope that you will make the choice to reject this ordinance for the health and safety of our county and everyone in it. Sincerely, Tara E. Price
Kristy Fry 12/2/20 10:28 PM This is irresponsible! In the middle of a pandemic and major public health crisis, it's like disbanding the fire department in the middle of a fire. I'm baffled as to how this would help anyone, this is nonsensical.
Roslyn Shipp 12/2/20 10:43 PM Absolutely not! It is abhorrent to consider this is even a real proposal. We are in the middle of a global pandemic. Science is real. Data doesn’t lie. We need transparency and science-minded leadership in the midst of this challenge - which Tacoma-Pierce County Health has consistently provided. If the system is already working as designed, leave it alone. The safety of my family should not be used as a pawn in your political game. Please do not pass this nonsensical legislation!
Renee Adkins 12/3/20 12:41 AM To disband the Health Dept during a pandemic that is out of control is one of the most irresponsible acts I have ever heard of, and I am 61 years old.
Daniel Pincas 12/3/20 1:31 AM Dear Councilmember Roach, As your constituent living in Edgewood, I urge you to oppose Ordinance 2020-136. This Ordinance seems to be very poorly timed and poorly thought out. The goals are unclear to me, aside from your public comment to the Tacoma News Tribune stating "the people would have much more control and influence if the health department board is the elected members of Pierce County." Well, I'm one of 'the people'. And I want health professionals to be in charge of public health decisions, not the County Council. I fail to see how removing the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department from the Council Departments and Organization as proposed in Exhibit A of Ordinance 2020-136 helps me or my fellow citizens. By placing the council as the Health Board, you are putting health professionals in a position where they have to report directly to you. This is a politicization of health care when we don't have the time or the money to block health care decisions. If you're going to propose an Ordinance like this, provide evidence as to why it is better, and share that with the public, before trying to sneakily pass something like this and dissolve the Department. What do you believe it will accomplish? And where is the evidence that it will accomplish what you think? At the time I wrote this, I read every single of the 22 public comments that were posted on Not a single public comment is in support of this Ordinance. As you represent the people, and you are doing this ostensibly to provide the people more control, I think you have your message. Vote NO on this Ordinance. Thank you, Dan Pincas
Joyce Hamamura 12/3/20 6:03 AM Totally irresponsible move in the middle a historic worldwide pandemic,
Judy Norris 12/3/20 6:29 AM Dear Councilmember Richardson, I was shocked to find that Proposal 2020-136 was slipped into the 1 Dec 2020 consent agenda. Slipping proposals of the magnitude of 2020-136 into a consent agenda is an underhanded way to do county business. The Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department has done an outstanding job managing this global pandemic at our local level, and clearly WA state is far ahead of other states, per population, in managing our public health response. The timing of this proposal by Pam Roach is suspect and it looks like a lame duck power takeover. We already have a lame duck president who is doing his best to destroy trust in our democracy. Do you want this to be your legacy as you leave office? The failure of your council to pass a mental health tiny tax increase is already a shame on this county council. Please vote NO on this proposal as the T-PCHD already has successful partnerships with PUBLIC representation. I request a response fully explaining your rationale as to why the council should vote on this proposal before the 7 Dec 2020 Rules and Operations committee meeting. Sincerely, Judy Norris
Chris Barnes 12/3/20 6:45 AM Please reject Ordinance 2020-136. There is no need to change the structure of the Health Department. This is especially troubling as it has been slipping into the consent agenda.
Brian Curtis 12/3/20 6:46 AM This proposal seems like a way to politicize a vital service to the citizens of the county. I think we should have learned from the current situation that putting folks other than scientists and doctors in positions that affect public health decisions is a bad idea. Vote NO!
Melissa Gill 12/3/20 7:13 AM It is incredibly irresponsible and dangerous to shut down or massively reorganize our health department during a pandemic! Don’t do this!
Beth Elliott 12/3/20 7:14 AM I strongly oppose the proposal to move the TPCHD under the control of the Pierce County Government. Frankly, I was shocked to see such a proposal. To my knowledge there has been no public discussion on this topic, no prior discussion at all! The TPCHD is a model agency. It has support from the City of Tacoma, Pierce County Government, the State and other funding sources. It has broad representation from across the County as well as the City of Tacoma. It is functioning well and has handled this Covid 19 crisis admirably. I urge you to vote no on this power grab of a proposal.
Amanda Figueroa 12/3/20 7:16 AM A proposal like this is irresponsible during such a major health crisis. To protect the lives of Pierce County residents, the County Council should be leaning into how to support the health department’s pandemic response, not changing structures of control. To be done responsibly, this effort should come after a study, proactive outreach for community input, and discussions that permit voters to learn about and consider the implications before the council votes. I am vehemently against this reckless timeline of this proposal and do NOT support it.
Zachary Duris 12/3/20 7:16 AM This is an incredibly disturbing and politically motivated decision by two council members in their way out. This will do not but politicize an effective Health department all because some council members refuse to understand science. Stop attacjing the people of pierce county and their health.
Chrissie Wheatman 12/3/20 7:25 AM I oppose this 2020-136
Debbie Schumsky 12/3/20 7:42 AM I am strongly opposed to Proposed Ordinance 2020-136. I can't think of any reason to split up the health district. The cost would be ridiculous & the greater community would not be served at all. Oh, by the way, please let Ms Roach know there is a pandemic in progress that really needs to be with fewer borders, not more.
Frances. Bailey 12/3/20 7:44 AM It seems you want to dissolve a working health department in the middle of a pandemic with no plan for transition. Maybe there are political issues but please wait until the crisis is over. The department is doing it job and, it seems to be doing I well. This is one of the worst ideas I've ever heard of and we've seen a lot of bad ideas in recent times.
Ronald Frederick 12/3/20 7:51 AM Undermining our Health Department is something that should not be done let alone during the middle of a pandemic. My understanding is that no one consulted with Dr. Anthony Chen about this proposal. If true, that demonstrates the underhanded nature of this effort. And then to put it on the consent agenda! Ridiculous.
Tynan Ramm-Granberg 12/3/20 7:53 AM This proposed ordinance appears hasty and counterproductive. Why not have staff research other options (existing around the state, or elsewhere) and have a more public discussion of the pros and cons of these models? There is no demonstrated need to push through this ordinance in the middle of a public health emergency.
Brittany Carbullido 12/3/20 7:59 AM I am against this proposal, especially in the middle of a pandemic. It appears to have been sprung on Tacoma without warning, which is extremely concerning. Based on news reports, it appears the Councilmembers who introduced this did so based on concerns from Pierce County residents regarding the current setup. Those concerns should be documented and provided to the Council in a transparent way for discussion instead of taking action behind the scenes and blindsiding both the county and city. Thank you.
Melissa Wade 12/3/20 8:04 AM I vehemently oppose this reckless, scorched-earth, and blatant power grab proposed. There is no legitimate reason whatsoever to disband the Public Health Department, layoff dozens of workers, and cause an already over-burdened department to experience more burden in the middle of a historic pandemic, all for the endgame of simply being able to appoint a political crony than have the current independent board select the director. This is yet another example of the nationwide GOP policy of "if we can't control it, it must be destroyed." Shameful.
Christa Jeffreys 12/3/20 8:07 AM To whom it may concern, I am horrified that there would be any action or changes to our health department during a pandemic! This screams of partisanship. This is not the time to do this. We need to work together to get through this. I ask that you reject this.
Andrea Munro 12/3/20 8:17 AM I am shocked that the council is considering reorganizing our public health department in the midst of a pandemic. I strongly oppose the change that would establish separate public health departments for Pierce County and the city of Tacoma. First, by pooling resources the currently structure should more efficient than the purposed change. Having two public health organizations doing the same work will require coordination that currently happens within the Tacoma-Pierce County partnership. Based on the legislation there does not appear to be a justification (even a financial one) for creating separate systems for Tacoma and for Pierce County. Such a separation would lead to the need each organization to create messaging campaigns instead of having a single unified message. In addition, this change will likely lead to confusion for the public around where services (like COVID tests) are located and who can access that resource. Many people live and work in both the city and county and having one organization improves communication and decreases potential red-tape. The current system makes sense. In addition the timing of this proposal is deeply upsetting. At the moment we are in the midst of a global pandemic and the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department has been doing amazing work. We were one of the first areas in the US with cases and they have been working tirelessly to keep us safe and to provide recommendations based on science. Reorganization of departments takes time and effort. To do this at this time would be a distraction. This proposal represents a waste of our resources at a time when our health system and public health are stretched thin. This proposal should be withdrawn.
Jennifer Thompson 12/3/20 8:27 AM I think this is a great idea. Giving voice to more people is needed to be able to better represent the communities. Tacoma Pierce County is a HUGE area and all areas are NOT the same nor should they be treated as such.
Tracy L Prezeau 12/3/20 8:28 AM I vehemently implore the entire Council and Exec to reject this outrageous proposal to disband the partnership between the County and City of Tacoma especially during a surging global pandemic. Policy positions should consistently provide solutions and improve lives, this proposal not only does not remotely come close to accomplishing either goal it would only have deleterious effects on County citizens, employers, and our community rit large. Please vote "no".
Eric Nusbaum 12/3/20 8:29 AM Strongly oppose this proposal -- terrible timing, and putting our citizens at risk in a vulnerable time. Please work with cities and listen to them.
Nathan Blackmer 12/3/20 8:45 AM It is hard to understand if this is just stupid, or actively evil. Disrupting our system in the midst of a global health crisis is unacceptable. Trying to slide it in like this is cowardice. Playing politics with peoples lives is never acceptable.
Lyn Geer 12/3/20 8:47 AM Last thing we need is major organization change in the middle of a pandemic ...and adding more executive admin layers is rarely a good way to function smoothly
Adelia Jeffreys 12/3/20 8:48 AM Leave things as they are. Especially during these times with this virus.
Gayle elliott 12/3/20 8:49 AM Do not do this is middle of pandemic!!!!!
Kimberly KUETER 12/3/20 8:50 AM It's a pandemic. All hands on deck. This legislation looks a lot like pulling the rug out from underneath the TPCHD team. Instead of providing needed support and deserved respect to TPCHD, this action suggests your priorities do not include the work they are doing and the people they are serving. What is more important than keeping together the team ensuring your community's health is secure and managed responsibly during this pandemic? Nothing. Nothing is more important than keeping together the team ensuring your community's health is secure and managed responsibly during the pandemic.
Gabrielle Fuentes 12/3/20 8:58 AM Hello, I'm writing to voice my opposition to the proposed transfer of the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department to the county. In the future this may be something to consider, however, in the midst of a pandemic, when TPCHD has already established relationships with schools, businesses, and more, this would be detrimental to public health. Having gone through major structural changes in organizations I work for, there is always a lot to work out, and a lot of people to train. There are always holes left to fill that you catch later on. We can not afford this during a pandemic. TPCHD has coordinated mobile testing across the county which makes it extremely accessible for people without vehicles. I'm a librarian in Fife, and our customers in the most need have accessed the mobile testing sites many times, and could not afford to have a disruption in this service. I sincerely hope this isn't a purely political move. If so, I'd urge you to examine your consciences, and make sure you feel comfortable with the possible surge of cases, long-term health effects, and death that changing ownership and leadership of a health department would cause in the middle of a pandemic. Thank you, Gabrielle Fuentes.
Nancy Barnum 12/3/20 8:58 AM I cannot believe that during this time of pandemic that there are those who would undermine public health. After retiring from Public Health -- Seattle and King County after 24 years, I can say I know the importance of a robust Public Health Department. Shame on you, Pam Roach, for even suggesting such a thing. A page from the Trump playbook for sure. Shame. Respectfully, Nancy Barnum
Kelli Brown 12/3/20 9:02 AM I do not think it will be of value to the citizens of Pierce County or the City of Tacoma to dissolve the interlocal agreement. I strongly oppose this legislation, and will be spreading the word to help bring awareness to this. There are many financial and community benefits to working together as a team. I do not see a benefit in isolating and separating public health.
Heidi J Smidt 12/3/20 9:02 AM Please do not consider supporting the proposed ordinance to terminate the relationship between the county and the city when it comes to health! During this pandemic, the TCPHD has been doing all that it possibly can to ensure that residents of all of Pierce County have access to information, testing, etc. I would love to understand councilperson Roach's reasoning for even suggesting this at this crucial time! Please oppose the proposal! Thank you!
Linda Shelley 12/3/20 9:05 AM This seems like a dangerous and unwarrented move. If the city council was taken by surprise, this doesn't seem to be well thought out or discussed. Why the rush for making such a big change? Take your time and make the right decision!
Laura Anglin 12/3/20 9:28 AM I'm very concerned about proposed ordinance No. 2020-136. The interlocal agreement with the city seems to have served both well. It may be that dissolving that agreement is a good idea, but I'm very concerned that it has not been sufficiently studied. If it is in fact a good idea, robust analysis should so show. Please table it.
Kimberly C Hulse 12/3/20 9:45 AM Dear Councilmember Morell, I urge you to vote no on this proposal. It is a distraction during a public health crisis that needs the full attention of the TPCHD. Thank you for your consideration of the health and safety of all your constituents.
Stephen Pan 12/3/20 10:00 AM I would like to know why the agreement was first put in place in 2006 and then why there is consideration to disband the agreement? Is this a means to bring everything under the guise of the pierce county council?
Sherrie Pierson 12/3/20 10:04 AM Why on earth would you consider this enormous move in the midst of a pandemic?! Feels like a huge waste of taxpayer dollars when the state can ill afford the expense in light of economic hardship due to COVID.
Anthony Colosimo 12/3/20 10:04 AM Hi, my name is Anthony J. Colosimo and I live in District 4 in Tacoma, WA. Thank you for taking my comment. I am responding because I am concerned about proposed ordinance 2020-136 which suggests the dissolution of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. We are in the middle of a global pandemic, and I am deeply concerned that this ordinance would detract from the departments ability to provide essential and life saving services. I am having a hard time understanding the reasoning for introducing this ordinance at this time. This is not an appropriate ordinance for public safety and public health, and should be rejected.
Sondra Harrington 12/3/20 10:14 AM After researching this proposal, I understand that the rationale behind dismantling the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department is driven by partisanship rather than the exigent needs of the county during the pandemic. This proposal mirrors the current federal administration's capricious move to disband the National Security Council's directorate for global health and security in 2017. While correlation is not causation, with the United States suffering with the highest infection and death rates on the globe, it can be assumed that if there was a coordinated federal response to the pandemic through that body, thousands of lives could have been saved. As a parent of someone with a life threatening condition that would greatly affect her ability to recover from Covid infection, I strongly oppose this ordinance and call for leadership from this council which would include bolstering the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department rather than dismantling it with no plan for transition to a replacement public health body.
Alicia Lovins 12/3/20 10:17 AM We are not in a place to take away support and needed guidance during this pandemic. I truly cannot believe this is being proposed.
Amy 12/3/20 10:18 AM Way to politicize public health more than it already is. I cannot even imagine how much funding will be needed to recreate all of the services IN PLACE already: Ground water / well protection, waste water, environmental pollution, pest control, the list goes on. The county council will "replace the health department"? How on earth are they qualified? This boggles my mind. I do not support this, and the timing of this proposed ordinance is no accident - when the public is not able to come to meetings and stand up to speak.
Sarah York 12/3/20 10:22 AM Hello!  I am writing to express my concern for the proposal to disband the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. Please DO NOT do this! It is the wrong moment to make this kind of statement and change while we are still in the midst of a pandemic. If you do not have a much better plan ready and waiting to go (which you did not specify when the proposal to disband was given), do not do this. Our public health officials are already under great pressure and stress, I'm sure. This is not what they need right now. Please do not make changes like this right now and consult the county health department before making changes!  Thank you for your time.  Sincerely, Sarah York
pooner cooke 12/3/20 10:23 AM hey, just one little question: are you insane? i know republicans refuse to recognize the pandemic in any serious capacity, but the rest of us take this virus seriously. and YOU choose this moment for your idiotic partisan powerplay, suggesting we need LESS cooperative healthcare in tacoma and pierce county! truly, hoping you finally see the light from the ICU at TG.
Paul LaKosky, Ph.D. 12/3/20 10:36 AM Dear County Council, I am writing in strong opposition to proposed ordinance 2020-136. TPHD’s current structure, as an independent agency, encourages community engagement, timely communication, and builds productive partnerships with community stakeholders. These are essential for responsive initiatives to emerging public health threats that are both salient and well-received by the public. To end the current structure would effectively kill the Board of Health. The proposed structure would critically impair its ability to promptly and effectively respond to emerging public health crises. Promulgating this change during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the on-going epidemics of opioid use and overdose deaths, Hepatitis C, and homelessness, is not only illogical, but unconscionable as well. Sincerely, Paul LaKosky, Ph.D.
Kathy Porter 12/3/20 10:39 AM Are you crazy or do you just not care?
Joseph Early 12/3/20 10:43 AM I am extremely disappointed to see something like this. I oppose you increasing the amount of political control that you would like to exert over the health decisions of the county, because I view your concerns as out of line with the health goals of the people of pierce county.
Kathryn Szymanowski 12/3/20 10:44 AM TPCHD is doing great work in a bad situation. We should be listening to what TPCHD says they need to get us through this crisis (and our other current public health crises, like the opioid epidemic), not trying to radically change their structure and mission. Please vote no on this proposal.
Don Tucker 12/3/20 10:44 AM Did you forget that we're in the middle of a pandemic??
Jennifer Brave 12/3/20 10:58 AM During a pandemic, this is the worst thing to do. We need coordination and oversight.
Kristine Wagner 12/3/20 11:01 AM This proposal is absolutely horrendous. We are in the height of a deadly global pandemic, people are dying everyday and the last thing we need to be doing is changing the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department because some on the council, who won’t even be on the council next year, decided we should. As a citizen of Pierce County, I adamantly oppose this terrible and atrocious idea. Let the public health officials focus on the pandemic and all the other work they do and stop trying to screw around with things that don’t need to be screwed around with. This proposal is 1000% unacceptable.
Shannon Lynn 12/3/20 11:21 AM I am flabbergasted and outraged that elected council members would even consider dissolution of the Pierce County Health Department, especially in the middle of a global pandemic. What would you propose as a replacement? What is your alternate plan to support our communities? Without any plan or proposed alternate support for our communities during this global health crisis, your consideration of this is outrageously irresponsible and will not be forgotten.
MICHELLE CEYNAR 12/3/20 11:49 AM I cannot imagine what the rationale is for dissolving the combined Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department and creating a new health board, particularly now in the middle of a pandemic. We need more stable, scientifically grounded public health leadership, not less. This proposal will only serve to create confusion and reduce services for residents of the county. Duplicating efforts and costs, especially during these economically challenging times seems like the anthesis of good leadership. Given that no reasonable rationale, projected costs, anticipated outcomes or evaluation of effective ne ss of the current struct submitted, I strongly oppose this legislation. I cannot imagine what the rationale for proposing the dissolution of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department during a global pandemic might be other than a political power grab. We need more stable, scientifically grounded public health leadership, not less. This proposal comes without a clear rationale based upon an analysis of the existing structure demonstrating a need for a change. There is no analysis of cost savings, current outcomes, projected benefits or a plan for implementing a new county health department. It seems to me that duplicating public health efforts and costs, particularly during these challenging economic times, is fiscally irresponsible and the antithesis of good leadership. I strongly oppose this legislation and urge council members to vote against it.
Jennifer Boutell 12/3/20 11:52 AM The Tacoma Pierce County Health Department provides crucial oversight and services to the entire region. Eliminating this key partnership and drastically restructuring services during a global pandemic is irresponsible at best and malicious governmental malpractice at worst. Please vote no on this ordinance.
Nicholas Rajacich, MD 12/3/20 12:20 PM In case you haven’t noticed, there is a severe pandemic actively occurring in our county and our country. A major upheaval in how the tacoma pierce county health department is governed during a time like this seems questionable at best and foolish at worst. Given the times we live in, it is highly likely that a sudden change in how TPCHD runs will result in lost lives from COVID-19. Given the timing of this proposed ordinance it is hard not to conclude that this isn’t somehow politically motivated. If, in fact, that is the case then shame on the council for risking lives for political gain. I urge all members in the strongest possible words to vote against this ordinance. If there is a desire to change how the health department is managed then please let the public know what the problems are and how the proposed solution might work thus allow a public discussion about solutions. I would like to remind councilmembers that you are elected to do what’s best for the county and its citizens. Please remember that when you vote on this ordinance and please reject it.
Matthew Mauer 12/3/20 12:23 PM Restructuring our public health department in the middle of a pandemic with virtually no study is incomprehensible. Please reconsider.
DD Storm Reyes 12/3/20 12:46 PM There is absolutely no solid reason to terminate the agreement with the Health Department. It has an excellent record, outstanding leadership and innovative processes to deal with public health issues. Durng a Pandemic, with vaccine distribution coming soon, it is insane to even consider severing the agreement. It would be an unnecessary expense and disruption. Communities need to work TOGETHER, particularly as regards Public Health. Disease ignores boundaries.
Ernest Blackwell 12/3/20 1:34 PM I do not want a politically partisan county executive or council deciding what's best for me during a global pandemic or health crisis. Keep your politics out of my health care (and restaurant inspections, etc.).
Marcus Young 12/3/20 1:54 PM It has become sadly clear that our ELECTED officials have forgotten that you were ELECTED to serve the people and not your party or your ego. The very appearance of this is unsettling! To know that this was presented by a group of the council who out of the four, three will be replaced in less than 30 days leaves the impression that this was your way of sticking your middle finger up at the people who did not reelect your party. Because you rushed to push this through, you are leaving thousands of people confused, worried and in a panic, as if we do not already have enough to be worried about. Regardless if this move is right or wrong, THIS IS NOT THE RIGHT TIME for this! Lets get over our hurt ego's and do what you were elected to do...SERVE THE PEOPLE!!!
Erika Willaford 12/3/20 2:24 PM The idea of making this change in a rush, with insufficient time for consideration of its consequences by the people of Pierce County or even the people who represent them, is disturbing. My representative on the council is quoted in the News Tribune saying, “Every person in Pierce County should have an equal ability to have their opinions on the board on health”. How is that principle consistent with rushing through a significant change? And where is the wisdom in doing so during a period in which public health is especially precarious? I hope that measuredness prevails in the council’s consideration of this ordinance. Please oppose its passage at this time.
Debra Jerome 12/3/20 2:39 PM Besides that is sounds like a power grab, politics should not govern science. A friend of mine use to say w'hy do we want to throw the baby out with the bath water?" Reform should not cost our health within our community and there should be a clear concise outline of specifics of the proposed changes. At this time I oppose the support of Ordinance 2020-136. We cannot afford disruption during the pandemic nor distract from the ongoing information updates. Budget s ma need adjusting but I strongly feel the Health Department needs to operate independently. I strongly urge the council to not support/vote for this ordinance. Thank you for your consideration.
Mac Buff 12/3/20 2:55 PM Dear Pierce County Council, My name is Mac Buff, and I am a resident of Pierce County District 4 represented by Connie Ladenburg. I am writing to express my deep concern over Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136, which requests the dissolution of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. We are in the middle of a global pandemic. As of December 2nd, Pierce County has had more than 18,000 positive COVID cases and 321 COVID deaths. On November 28, a staggering 411 COVID cases were reported. This peak is part of an ongoing surge in COVID cases, with daily reported cases greatly surpassing the number of reported cases in the previous April and July surges. The Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department provides the residents of Pierce County with free and accessible COVID testing. Paired with critical contact tracing, this saves lives, reduces the strain on our overburdened healthcare providers, and reduces the spread of COVID. This work is crucial during the COVID pandemic, and the dissolution of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department at this time would be disastrous for our county. Understanding that this ordinance would not take effect until January 2022, its passage would cause a redirection of Health Department budget and staff time into transitional planning and away from COVID prevention measures. Additionally, it would undermine the decisions of the Health Department in the public eye, making it more difficult to enact and enforce public safety measures. This proposed ordinance comes at the very end of the county budget process. I am asking you to please have the courage to vote against this ordinance or against the budget if this ordinance is included. I ask that you set aside criticisms of the Health Department at this time and understand that such drastic changes are not the solution and will have incredible negative impacts over the coming months. If this ordinance is passed, I ask that Councilmembers take up the work to undo this action as soon as the new session begins. Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope that you will make the choice to reject this ordinance for the health and safety of our county and everyone in it. Sincerely, Mac
Sid Olufs 12/3/20 2:55 PM This is SUCH a dumb idea!!!! We are in the middle of the worst pandemic in a century, and you want to dramatically reorganized the Health Department???? The Council member proposing this is not interested in public health, this is a political move. Shame on any of you who vote for it. For shame.
Tara Mattina 12/3/20 2:56 PM A blatantly political power grab is never a good look for government. During a pandemic, when trust in accurate, credible health information is paramount, it’s downright dangerous. During this difficult year, I’ve felt especially fortunate, as a 30-year Pierce County resident, to live in a community with local and state public health leaders that demonstrate integrity and transparency in communicating health information in real time—even when the recommendations are painful and unpopular. I am appalled that some elected Pierce County Council members and an executive would seek to upend our trust by eliminating the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department built on partnership and broad oversight. I do not support Ordinance No. 2020-136, and you shouldn’t either.
Kathleen Hewitt 12/3/20 3:04 PM The timing of this ordinance is destructive to the people of Pierce County, A pandemic is in our midst and we need all hands on deck. That means leadership from those elected to represent us. I do not even understand why this has been initiated during a time when Covid 19 is so out of control. Please stop the madness and consider what you will do to the citizens when what we need most of all right now is a stable Health Department. I implore you to put politics and big business aside and do the right thing.
Christopher Coppeans, MD 12/3/20 3:06 PM Dear Board, Reporting on this proposal indicates that it will: 1. Remove municipal and medically trained representatives on the board 2. Replace them with additional county board members. 3. Remove funding from Tacoma going to the health department - approximately 6% of the budget. Losing money in order to remove municipal and medical representatives from the table when it comes to guidance of the health department seems a really bad idea. As a physician, I oppose this change. Sincerely, Chris Coppeans, MD
Rosemary Cooke 12/3/20 3:10 PM I am writing to express my shock and opposition to this proposal, which is indefensible in the midst of an uncontrolled pandemic. The reasoning proposed by Councilmember Roach, that putting the health department under control of the county executive would "give the public greater say" is purely fatuous; this is nothing more than a partisan power grab and displays pure contempt for the public health and safety of residents of the county by treating it as a political football. I urge you all to reject this proposal out of hand.
JonnaLyhn Prill 12/3/20 3:16 PM I do not support the proposal to remove the Health Department from the Council. We are in a pandemic, and thousands of people in our county are affected by it. Many of us rely on the information provided by the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department for assistance and guidelines during this time. Keep the politics out of this area and let those who, like Dr. Chen, have studied and trained to deal with health issues, be the ones in charge of it.
Alisha Kamp 12/3/20 3:18 PM It is unwise to dissolve the health department or make such drastic changes at this time considering the circumstances. The level of productivity and help during a pandemic will decrease with such a large transition and programs that are benificial during this crisis could slip through the cracks or be sidelined.
Jean Borst 12/3/20 3:45 PM During a pandemic?? What are you thinking?! Terminating the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department is a bad move. Stop playing politics when the health and lives of Pierce County citizens are on the line. I strongly oppose this proposal. It's reckless and dangerous, and it doesn't surprise me a bit that Pam Roach is behind it.
Norman Brown 12/3/20 3:49 PM No. Why is this even being considered during a PANDEMIC?
Astrid Deleo 12/3/20 3:51 PM Please, do not dismantle the joint Health department, we need it now more then ever and making changes in the middle of a pandemic - with no good reason as to why, is a waste of time and money. Thank you.
Karin White 12/3/20 3:51 PM This proposal is the worst thing I've ever seen come out of Pierce County, where I have lived since 1976. I am disgusted that this would even be proposed during the middle of a pandemic that is killing citizens, and especially elderly and marginalized citizens. Those proposing this should be ashamed of themselves, as should the County Executive. I am 1000% opposed to this ordinance.
Kayla Becker 12/3/20 3:52 PM Tacoma is the largest city in Pierce County and should remain as an independent health department with its own Board. It has been a very successful model and institution and this "disbanding" should not be allowed to take place. There is no reason for this and I see no benefit to the citizens, only harm. Please vote no and do not allow this to pass.
Vanessa Henry 12/3/20 3:59 PM I'd like to express my strong objection to the Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136 to disband the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department in its current form and establish a County Board of Health and Department of Public Health. I echo the sentiments of the Director of Health Dr. Anthony Chen, that this is a terrible time to be making this change and dividing the department's attention during this pandemic is extremely unwise. Thank you.
Brett Johnson 12/3/20 4:00 PM Dear Executive and Councilmembers, Tacoma is a big part of Pierce County, and we ought to approach public health crises in collaboration with our combined strength. The pandemic has stressed our political divide to the point of breaking, that much is clear. This proposal has been introduced quite suddenly, and without much consideration regarding the possible repercussions. If this move will truly benefit residents throughout the county, you need to take the time and make the case to the public. Ramming this type of proposal through before members' terms end is neither prudent nor thoughtful. I urge you to vote against this proposal and allow for further public dialogue, instead of accommodating the emotional pleas of a few at the height of a pandemic. Thank you for your consideration!
Janeen Provazek 12/3/20 4:03 PM We must not terminate the current Tacoma-Pierce County Health Dept! This leaves our public health in the hands of a small group of white politicians. This is not the Antiracist direction that Pierce County recently committed to via Resolution R2020-43. Who ever is proposing this is not at all in tune with the needs of our diverse community. Please rethink this! Thank you
Melissa McNulty 12/3/20 4:17 PM This proposal is ludicrous. Why would anyone suggest disbanding the Health Department during a pandemic? It’s irresponsible and put the community and its members at risk. Politics needs to stay out of public health!
Sarah Middleton 12/3/20 4:18 PM Please do not do this during this pandemic. We've already had one catastrophe with the US Government making hospitals send covid case reports to their website, which at the onset was reported to be non-working by health officials and medical staff. Please hold off until after the pandemic to avoid any other possibilities of error in reporting information.
Verna Lilly 12/3/20 4:20 PM December 3, 2020 To: Pierce County Council Re: Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136 Letter to oppose the passing of 2020-136 Dear Pierce County Council, my dad always said, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Several attentive and concerned friends have brought to my attention that the Pierce County Council is considering terminating the agreement for the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department and establishing a County Board of Health and Department of Public Health. I strongly oppose this proposal. • First off, “It ain’t broke” – Don’t mess with it! • Second, even considering something like this during the full thrust of a global pandemic is irresponsible (I’m being polite). • Third, there would be no cost savings – administrative and logistical costs associated reorganizing the department would be huge • Fourth, there would be no value or improved service to the public health at a time when they are strongly relying on the health department to provide consistent service and public health support • Fifth, the health department is just weeks away from mass distribution of Covid-19 vaccines. It has already been staffing and supporting testing sites for months, as well as providing mass flu vaccinations – you want to disrupt that flow?? Is this really an appropriate time for a change of this magnitude to even be considered? There’s another thing my dad use to say, “If you don’t know what you’re talking about, shut up and listen. You might learn something.” My dad was rather direct. I suggest the Pierce County Council take the time to listen, learn and let the public health professionals do their job without distraction. Don’t drop an announcement like this on them and the public like a bomb. It’s a bad idea with bad timing and frankly (I am my father’s daughter after all) shows poor leadership. You can do better. With respect for the important public service role you play, Verna Lilly 8368 6th Ave Tacoma, WA 98465
Heather Kibbey 12/3/20 4:35 PM I worked successfully with TPCHD staff during my 23 years with Pierce County. The board system as it now is works well, and has County Council representation. The TPCHD is already chronically underfunded, and that will grow even worse if entirely the responsibility of the county. Leave the system as it is, and provide more funding for their valuable work!
Tracy Lynn Prezeau 12/3/20 4:40 PM This proposed ordinance is unnecessary and reckless. Disrupting our Public Health system during a global pandemic is wholly without cause nor benefit. This proposed ordinance should be rejected by the Members of the Council and the Executive. As a citizen of Piece County it appears to be without merit and justification. I implore the Council not to support this ordinance and to retain the 48 year old relationship between the City of Tacoma and Pierce County. Thank you, Tracy Prezeau
David Lepore 12/3/20 4:44 PM I strongly oppose the proposal to "terminate" the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. This is partisan politics at its worst. Rushed with zero transparency in the process and a great example of why people do not trust politicians. The services provided by the TPCHD before, and during the COVID pandemic have been extremely valuable to the citizens of Tacoma and Pierce County. A wonderful example of how a health department should run and now you want to rip it apart and make it worse. Absolutely shameful and irresponsible that several members of the council who are serving the final days of their terms are willing to propose and support this.
Erin Davis 12/3/20 4:45 PM This is such a terrible and dangerous idea that it makes me question both the motives and the competence of the entire council. Very disappointing.
Courtney Stoker 12/3/20 4:47 PM Please vote no on ordinance 2020-136. It has not been adequately studied nor put through the normal committee review process. This should be in the Human Services committee, not Rules and Operations. Not to mention the complete absurdity of making monumental structural changes to our public health apparatus in the middle of a global public health crisis! Without notifying a single one of your partner agencies! This is beyond irresponsible. The County Council literally has one job right now- protect the residents of Pierce County from a global pandemic. And y’all, this ain't it.
Sean Lundblad 12/3/20 4:59 PM I vehemently oppose this proposal. The public service that has been provided by the TPCHD is exceptional. Given its exceptional service delivery, breaking up this institution makes no logical sense. The citizens will be less well served. I sincerely hope this proposal is not being driven by political ideology or related to the smart actions that have been taken to protect public health in Tacoma and Pierce County during the COVID pandemic. Please do not adopt this misguided proposal.
Susanna Buttorff 12/3/20 5:05 PM As a health care profession, you cannot dissolve a structured health department in a middle of a pandemic. Not surprised this is sponsored by Pam Roach. I am absolutely against this proposal.
Elizabeth Hamre 12/3/20 5:09 PM This is an extremely unwise decision to make in the middle of a global pandemic. This threatens jobs at a time when unemployment is rising. This is a power grab by the council, considering we have created a wonderful partnership with the other cities. To destroy a partnership that has been an example for the entire state is ludicrous. I urge the council to reject this proposal as a disgusting power grab.
ERIC LEWIS 12/3/20 5:30 PM This proposal is extraordinary short-sighted and cuts money from the public health budget that will be needed to over the next several years to deal with the effects of the pandemic. Don't play politics with public health.
lynn jodoin 12/3/20 5:58 PM As a registered nurse that serves all demographics and socioeconomic levels of Pierce County, I oppose this proposition especially in the middle of a pandemic. Not only does this community have the pandemic to deal with, we have an abundance of other social-economic issues such as homelessness, drug use, cultural disparities in healthcare, limited access and opportunities to healthcare, hunger now due to people losing jobs and homes. With all the talk of defunding the police, fire stations in these difficult times, why would you even think of taking away another service to this community. Other than monetary gains, how are you helping the community by proposing this idea? Do better for all of the people of this county.
Malia Sexton 12/3/20 6:01 PM It is irresponsible at best to disband an independently operating public health partnership and department in the middle of a global pandemic. This proposal is an obvious grab at politicizing COVID-19 further and attempt to disrupt the continuity of public health decisions and collaborations to get this community through the pandemic as safely as possible. It is an underhanded and shameful proposal. I urge you to vote no and maintain some level of personal and professional integrity.
Nicholas Mead 12/3/20 6:21 PM Please do not abolish the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department during a pandemic. This department has been my primary resource for learning how to protect myself and my family during the covid-19 pandemic.
Anthony Su 12/3/20 6:30 PM I cannot even imagine how this would be a good idea. To disband the Health Department, in the middle of a pandemic nonetheless. What sort of spurious logic led to this proposal? There is no reason why this proposal should be approved.
Jessica Wyant 12/3/20 6:53 PM I have not seen any good reason to take this action, and can not imagine any reason good enough to do something like this during a global pandemic. If you are unhappy with the way the PC Dept of Health is conducting I suggest that you use the skills that you were elected for and work with the DOH to have better (fill in whatever it is here). This comes across as a power grab and will a huge stain on your careers if you move forward with it. In case my wording is not clear, I oppose this action strongly and as a resident of Pierce County I am counting on the Dept. of Health to be tip top shape and fully funded, because the people who live here need them. Thank you
Shanon Bills 12/3/20 6:55 PM I absolutely oppose this proposal. There is no need to terminate the current agreement with TPCHD. Please focus on what you can do to help the Citizens of Pierce County, not on creating more government agencies.
Catherine Mulhall 12/3/20 7:06 PM During the pandemic especially, I find this proposal absolutely irresponsible. This is a time (above any other in the past century) where collaboration with our Public Health department is absolutely paramount. I vehemently oppose this proposal.
Jonathan Bergeron 12/3/20 7:11 PM Is this really the time to be playing politics with the health department? During a national pandemic? Do not play political games with this department. This is not the time do be looking at disbanding or augmenting a vital community service that is keeping everyone updated on the pandemic and it’s impact on Pierce County.
Emmanuel Rodríguez 12/3/20 7:26 PM As a public health professional and former employee of TPCHD, I often think about important relationship between government and the public. The health department is comprised of diversely gifted and hardworking individuals who know center community. They understand the nuances of prioritizing resources and addressing the burdens of public health threats in the community. Declaring racism a public health issue is not political, it’s data driven. This is supported by health disparities research and epidemiological findings, at local and national level. This is an attack on public health and frankly I am hurt. I strongly oppose this proposal and stand with TPCHD workers.
Patrick Babbitt 12/3/20 7:36 PM As someone who works in Tacoma and spends time in Pierce County, I am affected by and my behaviors impact local public health. Terminating the city-county health department, a process which would take place over the next 12 months if this ordinance is passed, would disrupt their life-saving activities during the worst global pandemic in 100 years. People's health and the recovery of our economy -- including the countless livelihoods our economy underwrites -- depend on the neutrality and smooth operation of our local health departments. The science is clear that if we can contain and then smother the spread with the help of a vaccine, our economy can reopen in phases -- saving lives. We depend on their guidance. This is not the time to disrupt their work.
Helen Edwards 12/3/20 7:38 PM I cannot believe Pam Roach proposed this Ordinance and I cannot believe the Pierce County Council is entertaining it while we're in the middle of a pandemic. It feels as if members of the council are planning on doing as much damage as possible before they leave their posts and I cannot speak strongly enough against this proposal.
Catherine Hall 12/3/20 7:44 PM Oh . my . God That you are even considering this in the midst of a worldwide pandemic is the height of irresponsibility. Don't be stupid. Keep the TPCHD intact.
Todd Crawforth 12/3/20 7:55 PM I voice my adamant opposition to this proposal of dismantling the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. From personal experience, the TPCHD has provided incredible support to individuals and businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. To even consider such a proposal at this very time is an immoral act and threatens the very health and safety to the communities that the TPCHD provides services to.
Sandy Wusterbarth Brown 12/3/20 8:05 PM It is irresponsible to try and politicize the Department of Health in the middle of a pandemic. Do not accept this power grab to allow the permitting of sewer and septic to be political at the expense of our county’s health. Continue to be as transparent in meeting the challenges of our health services by allowing a panel to oversee these processes. If you wa t to consider this, do so when people can attend and voice their opinions.
Courtney Stockton 12/3/20 8:23 PM I support Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136
enrique leon 12/3/20 8:28 PM It is a threat to our community and those we serve to think about dissolving the current health dept. As a physician working in Puyallup I oppose Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136. The Tacoma Pierce County Health Department has successfully served Tacoma and Pierce County for 30 years. This is disruption to fragile healthcare system. Please save lives and money and don't do this.
Joy Caddock 12/3/20 8:29 PM Any major structural shifts and dissolving of health department contracts or relationships is irresponsible during a pandemic. Full Stop. In the interest of the people of Pierce county and surround, please withdraw this proposal. Sincerely, Joy Caddock Resident of Pierce County.
Jennifer weddermann 12/3/20 8:43 PM In these times, unification and joining forces would seem to be a more appropriate direction than breaking things apart.
Audry Kahlstrom 12/3/20 8:46 PM Please do not disrupt the Pierce County Health department during such a crucial time. I am an inpatient hospitalists NP at St Joes Hospital in Tacoma and appreciate all of the help the health department has given us during this pandemic, they are essential to this crisis.
Katherine L Maggio 12/3/20 8:54 PM This ordinance could not come at a worse time!! Can we please get through this GLOBAL PANDEMIC before we give an inexperienced person this task?
Ashley Bieker 12/3/20 9:00 PM Dear Pierce County Council, My name is Ashley Bieker, and I am a resident of Pierce County District 7 represented by Derek Young, as well as a family medicine physician who has worked in the local community for the better part of the last decade. I am writing to express my deep concern over Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136, which requests the dissolution of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. We are in the middle of a global pandemic. As of December 2nd, Pierce County has had more than 18,000 positive COVID cases and 321 COVID deaths. On November 28, a staggering 411 COVID cases were reported. This peak is part of an ongoing surge in COVID cases, with daily reported cases greatly surpassing the number of reported cases in the previous April and July surges. The Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department provides the residents of Pierce County with free and accessible COVID testing. Paired with critical contact tracing, this saves lives, reduces the strain on our overburdened healthcare workers, and reduces the spread of COVID. This work is crucial during the COVID pandemic, and the dissolution of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department at this time would be disastrous for our county. Understanding that this ordinance would not take effect until January 2022, its passage would cause a redirection of Health Department budget and staff time into transitional planning and away from COVID prevention measures. Additionally, it would undermine the decisions of the Health Department in the public eye, making it more difficult to enact and enforce public safety measures. This proposed ordinance comes at the very end of the county budget process. I am asking you to please have the courage to vote against this ordinance or against the budget if this ordinance is included. I ask that you set aside criticisms of the Health Department at this time and understand that such drastic changes are not the solution and will have incredible negative impacts over the coming months. If this ordinance is passed, I ask that Councilmembers take up the work to undo this action as soon as the new session begins. Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope that you will make the choice to reject this ordinance for the health and safety of our county and everyone in it. Sincerely, Ashley Bieker MD
Rita Adams 12/3/20 9:03 PM At a time when our county is fighting a pandemic, this is not a time to make big changes to the health department. Let's table this conversation for another time.
Robert Nunes 12/3/20 9:04 PM The proposed ordinance is a belligerent and frustratingly ill-conceived power grab. It's fiscally & operationally bad policy and poor stewardship. The disturbing trend toward greater politicization of public health takes us down an imprudent & regressive path. The goal should be a majority of expert & medical seats tempered by a minority of elected ones - not the other way around. The proposed change is just backward-thinking. It will dilute efficacy & efficiency and disenfranchise stakeholders. Please reject this ordinance. Thank you.
Elizabeth Hetrick, PharmD BCCCP 12/3/20 9:16 PM Dear Pierce County Council My name is Elizabeth Hetrick, and I am a resident of Pierce County District 7 represented by Derek Young. I am a mother of 3 young children, my oldest is in 1st grade at Washington Elementary. I am also a critical care pharmacist specialist in an ICU in Tacoma, as well as volunteer pharmacist at the Neighborhood Clinic in downtown Tacoma. I see the devastation from COVID first hand. I am writing to express my deep concern over Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136, which requests the dissolution of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. The Heath Department needs to be spending time now working on vaccine distribution plan, not reorganizing their structure. We are in the middle of a global pandemic. As of December 2nd, Pierce County has had more than 18,000 positive COVID cases and 321 COVID deaths. On November 28, a staggering 411 COVID cases were reported. This peak is part of an ongoing surge in COVID cases, with daily reported cases greatly surpassing the number of reported cases in the previous April and July surges. The Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department provides the residents of Pierce County with free and accessible COVID testing. Paired with critical contact tracing, this saves lives, reduces the strain on our overburdened healthcare providers, and reduces the spread of COVID. This work is crucial during the COVID pandemic, and the dissolution of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department at this time would be disastrous for our county. Understanding that this ordinance would not take effect until January 2022, its passage would cause a redirection of Health Department budget and staff time into transitional planning and away from COVID prevention measures. Additionally, it would undermine the decisions of the Health Department in the public eye, making it more difficult to enact and enforce public safety measures. This proposed ordinance comes at the very end of the county budget process. I am asking you to please have the courage to vote against this ordinance or against the budget if this ordinance is included. I ask that you set aside criticisms of the Health Department at this time and understand that such drastic changes are not the solution and will have incredible negative impacts over the coming months. If this ordinance is passed, I ask that Councilmembers take up the work to undo this action as soon as the new session begins. Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope that you will make the choice to reject this ordinance for the health and safety of our county and everyone in it. Sincerely, Elizabeth Hetrick, PharmD, BCCCP
ed miller 12/3/20 9:21 PM The Tacoma and Pierce County Health Dept is successful and, I think, a great model of working government. The data coordination and unified response on the current covid crisis has made it easier to know how to respond and what's going on in my city and the surrounding county. This ordinance doesn't pass the smell test of our country's current political divide infiltrating best practices in healthcare. Please put a stop to that infiltration and continue the partnership, thank you
Colleen Gray 12/3/20 9:27 PM Do not dismantle the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department in the middle of a pandemic when the public needs information and guidance. BTW, your district map link is 404.
Stephanie Nehser 12/3/20 9:30 PM Not wise to change a appropriately funded and well run department during a time of crisis. There are other much more critical matters to be considered and that need attention than revamping an already sound program.
Amanda Silber 12/3/20 9:56 PM As a resident of PC, science teacher in public schools in PC, and board member of the Eatonville Family Agency, I strongly oppose this proposal. It is unethical and inappropriate to effectively dissolve the TPCHD in the middle of a pandemic. Dr. Chen and his staff have done an incredible job. Suggesting that everyone needs to have a say in public health is uninformed and will lead to poor health outcomes; not everyone has year of experience in science or public health, analyzing data, and understanding epidemiology. Expertise and scientific understanding matter. Regardless, NOW is not the time to even consider something like this; the outcomes for our community, our children, and especially those in need of the testing, contact tracing, and health supports that TPHCD provides, if this proposal passes, would be devastating. Please vote NO on this proposal for the health and safety of our community.
Shannon Ergun 12/3/20 9:59 PM At a time when communities should be working together to support public health, this ordinance creates greater costs for the county and divides the city and county efforts of collaboration and community safety. It is appalling that this would even be considered during the current crises.
carol l resnick 12/3/20 10:36 PM The middle of a pandemic is not the time to eliminate the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. I vote. fyi the link to "View district map" doesn't work.
Jansen Edwards 12/3/20 10:54 PM The city of Tacoma should know that working with Pierce County at-large on the mitigation of COVID-19 and associated illnesses should be a precedent. Understanding that the City of Tacoma wants to eliminate the TPCHD tells the citizens, myself included, that there is no concern given to the grievousness of the pandemic in general. What does the City of Tacoma or Pierce County hope to gain from this? We need as much help as we can get from anywhere we can muster. Our citizens, as well as others, are worth it. It makes sense to keep entities like this in place during the pandemic to ensure that they are making appropriate health decisions in terms of the public good. Why does the City of Tacoma want to disallow that to occur? We need to maintain this body for the foreseeable future.
CHARLOTTE SWEET 12/3/20 11:10 PM This seems like a REALLY bad idea. To even think about this massive transition during a time of crisis is, in my opinion, irresponsible to the health and welfare of your constituents. Perhaps this is better tabled until after the pandemic threat has passed.
Ryan Marsh 12/3/20 11:31 PM No, no, no, no, No! If it ain't broke, don't "fix" it! The solvency of this city/county cooperation has been absolutely beneficial to all of the residents in this area. As a lifelong resident of Pierce County, I feel there is absolutely no need to separate this functional entity! Put whatever money this would take, into schools, or low income housing.. That would better serve us!
Aleeza Mccant 12/4/20 2:18 AM Do not do this. The board does not need to control this. Leave it alone.
Paul Blanchard 12/4/20 3:31 AM What the actual HELL, people! We're in the middle of a PANDEMIC! You really think NOW is the appropriate time to start reorganizing our health departments? (actual question) Have you all lost your damn MINDS? (rhetorical question) This proposal is not only untimely, it's unbelievably reckless. Here's a thought. Let's NOT focus on making “transitions” and “administration revisions” while people are getting sick and DYING from COVID-19. Let's postpone this academic discussion for a better time, like maybe when we're NOT in the middle of a global CRISIS! July works for me. Anyone else good with July?
Cheri Solien 12/4/20 3:41 AM The Health Department is not broken. We are in the middle of a 100 year pandemic with over-loaded hospitals and a vey high death count. I want medical professionals making health decisions, not a lame duck county commission with no expertise in Medicine or pandemics. This is especially egregious as it is last minute and a political play, not a sound medical decision. This board will put all of the community and our medical care givers are a higher risk, and there is a high chance they won't be there for the ordinary medical needs of residents that need medical care. I DO NOT support this Proposed hair-brained political ploy ordinance by Pam Roach to terminate the Tacoma/Pierce County Health Department!
Dwight McCartney 12/4/20 6:22 AM While the proposal may or may not have merit, I believe that it should have more time for consideration. Please do not rush this while we are fighting a deadly pandemic. Thank you.
Erin Davis 12/4/20 6:41 AM There is no potential for the public to benefit from this and lots of potential for harm. I’m extremely disappointed that anyone on the council would try to do this.
Laura Stahl 12/4/20 6:58 AM It is unconscionable to dissolve an independent public health entity in the middle of the pandemic, without a vote from the public, & zero transparency as to the benefits or impacts of such a dissolution. I categorically oppose the proposal to dissolve the TPCHD— it has been a transparent source of information throughout these months, following the CDC.
Betsy Perdue 12/4/20 7:10 AM The residents of Tacoma, and Pierce County as a whole, need responsible leadership. Dissolving the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department is an insult to all residents who believe in science and want medical professionals, not politicians, directing and advising the citizenry about public health issues. Councilwoman Roach, author of the bill, has been promoting “fake news” which puts our neighbors in danger. She has stated that masks promote infection, in light of all we know now, is beyond irresponsible and insulting to those of us following CDC guidelines to keep ourselves safe from Covid. This parting shot from lame duck officials is unconscionable. It begs the question WHY? I have not heard or read any solid reasons for this proposed action. People (and science) over politics, now and always. If it’s not broken no fix is needed.
Nina Rook 12/4/20 7:27 AM At a time when we are trying to limit the loss of life, health, and livelihood caused by the pandemic, why would you even consider increasing the stress on our overworked public health employees by introducing yet another area of uncertainty?
Kathryn Johnsen 12/4/20 7:45 AM The council's proposal to terminate the Tacoma Pierce County Health Dept is outrageous. I strongly oppose the council’s motivation and time frame for this act. Please don’t vote this through. This city and county deserve public health professionals guidance in decision making and not a politician’s perspective, nor agenda, as the currently proposed change would have as a consequence. Thank you.
Susan Paganelli 12/4/20 8:01 AM This is NOT the time to make a major change like this. We are in the middle of a health, mental health, and economic crisis. Upending the Health Deptartment now for unclear reasons is not the way to go. If a change needs to be made, make it with ample time to research and consider the ramifictions as well as give the public time to consider and make input. A few weeks is not ample time. Please do not pass this proposal!
Alden Bickford 12/4/20 8:05 AM I am outraged the Republican council members are endangering Pierce country residents lives by attempting to dissolve our health department during a global pandemic. I have never commented on a proposal before but the vile callousness of this legislation prompted me to contribute. How dare these council members but their profits and selfishness above the health and safety of their constituents. Shame on them.
Augustine Canales 12/4/20 8:08 AM This seems like a power grab and the people who vote can see that is all this is. People who are in charge should not be trying to fix the health department when it is obvious that it is not broken. All you would do in the end is making funding for vital programs harder to get.
Kenneth Spurling 12/4/20 8:09 AM This is a horrible idea. Please do not replace trained medical personnel with elected officials.
Jolene Agostini 12/4/20 8:12 AM Once again a horrible decision that will affect the poor and middle class. Stop trying to use this pandemic to push through these proposals. The Health Department is a positive major source in our community and needs to stay in place.
Bruce W. Daily 12/4/20 8:28 AM I think it is counter productive to separate our Pierce County Health Services from the currently existing Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. As a county, most residents are dependent and tied to the residents and businesses of Tacoma in many ways, and most certainly in the realm of health services. The cooperative efforts made by the joint health departments during 2020 during the pandemic has been beneficial for all and should remain as a joint public heath services partnership into the future. Much more public input and discussion is in order before any changes are made by county officials. This proposal should be tabled for this year and any considerations to change the current agreement discussed openly with citizens of the whole county in 2021. To rush this change legislation though now in December 2020 is unfair to county residents and appears very underhanded on the part of current county elected representative and executive officers. Please do not approve any changes at this time to the joint county/city agreement of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. Thank you, Bruce W. Daily 410 Key Peninsula Hwy SW, Lakebay, WA
Lynn Lloyd 12/4/20 8:30 AM This proposal would further fragment our already fragmented healthcare system. What benefit could this possibly have during a pandemic? Please slow this down so that the comunity can consider the repercussions to our public health. Respectfully submitted, Lynn Lloyd
Gilbert F. Gallegos 12/4/20 8:30 AM I oppose this proposal because it basically attempts to break up an interlocal agreement between PIerce County and the City of Tacoma WITHOUT having a plan of what is to succeed it. Furthermore, it makes little sense to destroy the expected efficiencies inherent in an a cooperative interlocal agreement only to "go it alone" and lose funding in the process. I also disagree that elected officials are somehow more able to make wise public health decisions than a Board of individuals with expertise in Health matters.
Barbara Przasnyski 12/4/20 8:53 AM I am opposed to this legislation. There is no clear plan for how this change would improve what already exists.
Kathleen Brammer 12/4/20 9:28 AM I do not support support this proposal. Trying to rush this through at the end of the year, in the middle of a pandemic is wrong, wrong wrong! I want public health decisions to be made by experts in public health, NOT POLITICIANS! I'm talking to you Pam Roach (don't let the door hit you in the a** on the way out!)! This agreement has been place for over 30 years, any changes should be made with thoughtful consideration from the public. I am outraged the council is trying to push this through as a power grab. I voted Republican last election, I will rethink that if you push this through.
Fahren Johnson 12/4/20 9:33 AM TPCBH is a vital pillar of Tacoma Community. They provide many resources for free to our most marginalized BIPOC communities. This is another blow to our community commitment to Anti-Racist practices and policies in the health sector, that we are trying to reform! They provide free vaccines and immunizations in partnership with other health partners for 253 students and families. We are in the middle of a pandemic, In short, now is only going to delay distribution of much needed care and services, reduce services that can be provided, slow things down, waste money we don’t have and in the end, but most important people will die.
Michael White 12/4/20 9:34 AM I am against this proposal. I really am upset by the way this is being handled by the proponents. Please vote against this and keep science involved in our decisions.
Franz Von Hirschmann 12/4/20 9:47 AM This proposal from Pam Roach is just another demented Republican stunt, along the lines of Trump's "stolen election." Cease and desist now. Time to sue Republicans for malfeasance.
Bob Akervick 12/4/20 9:48 AM What the heck?! In the middle of a pandemic, without consultation with the partners? To consolidate power? The timing couldn't be worse and the motivation is suspect.
Greg Amann 12/4/20 10:01 AM I am very opposed to this ordinance. This seems like a power grab with no adequate notice, public process, or explanation, being pushed through by two outgoing council members. The TPCHD has always put the health and safety of the citizens of Pierce County first, and had done an excellent job of guiding the county through the Covid pandemic. The public will not be well served by this ordinance.
Deborah Elven-Snyder 12/4/20 10:03 AM The existing Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department is an effective and well-run organization that serves residents well. I see no reason to change it, especially without a clear plan for replacement while we are in the middle of a serious health crisis. This is bad legislation and should not be supported by the Council.
Holly Ludwig 12/4/20 10:06 AM It seems unconscionable to me to dissolve the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department as we fight a public health crisis, please fully oppose this proposed Ordinance. During an unprecedented global pandemic, the residents and families in Pierce County deserve to feel like this Council has our safety and health at heart. Dissolving the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department at a time like this is not only unnecessary but extremely alarming. Why would you do this? Please keep the people of Pierce County safe and oppose this proposal.
Christopher savage 12/4/20 10:17 AM I oppose this ordinance and believe things should stay the way they are currently.
Grayson Crane 12/4/20 10:20 AM It is unbelievable that the council would propose moving away from the public health department as COVID continues to surge nationally and locally. As an essential worker and farmer, I am appalled by this proposal and strongly oppose this. I am concerned that Rep Pam Roach, who has supported agriculture and farming, has not seen the connection between public health regarding COVID-19 and our farming and agriculture communities.
Stan Shaw 12/4/20 10:22 AM I’m writing to comment on Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136. I feel strongly that this is a dumb and thoughtless ordinance that will have hurtful long range and long running effects. We’re in the middle of a global health crisis and this would dissolve, or cripple our health department! And this is going on rushed and at the end of your terms. Shame on everyone who votes for this. The people of Pierce County and Tacoma need our leaders to act like leaders and a think of our health and safety. Not everyone wants to wear a seatbelt or helmet, but we do those things for the greater good and safety of all. Theses aren’t the Dark Ages, stop acting like it!
Amy savage 12/4/20 10:29 AM Why on earth would the Council try to separate the Health Departments during a pandemic? This is already a chaotic enough time and this move would extraordinarily irresponsible. This would remove the only voice of a health professional from the overseeing body of our public health department. Unless this is your goal, which is shameful.
Jeffrey Robinson 12/4/20 10:36 AM I would suggest that this proposal not move forward until the rationale behind such is vetted through both data and public discussion. Doing such in a time such as now, I feel to be poor judgement
Miriam Barnett 12/4/20 10:56 AM I am in extreme opposition to Ordinance 2020-136. This is not the time to be considering disbanding our Health Dept. This idea is not well thought out and makes no sense. And why the rush? And why during a pandemic? Please vote NO on this ordinance. The Tacoma Pierce County Health Dept is one of the finest in the nation and they have done an impeccable job during this pandemic. NO NO NO to 2020-136. Thank you.
Russell Parks 12/4/20 10:57 AM It is the wrong time to mess with Pierce County Health Department. I think I can speak for lots of folks in my community. We are freaked out about COVID-19. It is all around us and we know of or know people who are sick from the virus. It is just bad optics and is adding to stress to peoples lives. It is just mean spirited to do something like this on your way out the door. Wrong time to rushed do not pass this ordinance.
Sarah Cole 12/4/20 11:02 AM We have more important and critical issues to deal with right now. This is NOT the time to propose this legislation.
Petra Cole 12/4/20 11:06 AM The middle of a global pandemic IS NOT THE TIME to upend our county health department.
Dana M Orr 12/4/20 11:12 AM This is a terrible idea. I can attest to the potentially damaging consequences of this proposal. As an independent agency, the current structure encourages prompt communication, productive partnership building, and responsive initiatives to emerging public health issues. To kill the Board of Health, and place the department under a large bureaucracy would reduce the effectiveness of our work. To propose this in the middle of the worst public health pandemic of the century is unconscionable.
Tanisha Antoine 12/4/20 11:14 AM This is not the time to propose a disband of an effective board and medical tool. We are in the middle of a Pandemic we should be using This board as a blue print to expand (Per Council Member Roaches comments) but not dissolve with no future plans on what actions will be taking place to supplement the absence of this Board. This is very deceitful and down right dirty for any Council Member to support this effort to eliminate this Medical Health Board at this time with no direct lines of implementations for the future.
Gavin Cole 12/4/20 11:16 AM THIS IS NOT THE TIME to create tension and instability in our community health care system. Please first consider all the negative consequences of this proposal before voting.
Britton Sukys 12/4/20 11:21 AM Terminating this partnership disrupts a coordinated effort to battle a pandemic, it undermines Public Safety and Public Trust! There is no reason for this move other than distraction for the failure by the county to get our CARES Act dollars where they are needed! This is a hard NO. Not now, not later. Strengthen the Health Department, keep T-PCHD Independent of Politics and out of the hands of the PC Executive!
Maureen Reilly 12/4/20 11:31 AM This is a huge change and should be considered carefully after all due diligence. It is a mistake to rush it through like this especially in the middle of a pandemic.
Brian Nelson 12/4/20 11:39 AM To disrupt a major public health agency during a global health crisis is stupid. We need consistency not disruption.
Emily BC 12/4/20 11:40 AM Mid-pandemic is a terrible time to transition a local agency into a larger, slower bureaucracy.
Bethany Llewellyn 12/4/20 11:56 AM I have been very impressed with the health department's response to COVID-19 and particularly with their work providing easy access to testing. This work is critical, especially at this time, and it's important that the health department remains supported. Dissolving this relationship at this time would be a serious mistake.
Kathleen A LeGreid 12/4/20 11:57 AM ON THE PROPOSED TERMINATION OF THE TACOMA/PIERCE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Since 1972, the Interlocal Agreement (ILA) with the City of Tacoma has been in place. Public health should be the first priority. I have always been proud of the partnership between Tacoma and Pierce County. Why fix something that is not broken? "Our public health system was already in deep decline with twenty years of funding cuts,” Jefferson Ketchel, Washington State Public Health Association executive director, told the Tacoma News Tribune. “The sharp increase of politically driven rhetoric and schemes, such as this proposal, along with the resource gaps puts everyone’s health at greater risk."
Karla Rixon 12/4/20 12:07 PM I do not think it's a good idea to dissolve the Health Dept in the middle of a global pandemic, or really at any time. The Health Dept has done great work in its current form for decades, and there's no reason to undermine and politicize the important work it does providing care to Pierce County. Please reject this ordinance entirely.
Janet K Runbeck 12/4/20 12:11 PM Poor timing to rush through a governance change of an agency that works well as is. Do not pass this ordinance.
Lou Foster 12/4/20 12:16 PM I am against the agreement to terminate the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Dept. This has been an integral part of the Pierce County response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Alyssa Wiedenheft 12/4/20 12:21 PM I absolutely abhor the idea that this is even under consideration. What a despicable thing to undertake in the midst of the worst pandemic in our nation’s history. Pam Roach should be ashamed - as should anyone siding with her on this disgusting idea.
Rachael De Souza, RN 12/4/20 12:42 PM Dismantling the TPCHD at this time is a bad strategic decision. I am a nurse, with experience working in a big Tacoma hospital when COVID19 first hit us, and also currently working in public health as a Tacoma Public Schools nurse. Nurses constantly rely on the TPCHD to guide us with expert scientific advice and resources to address health needs involving ourselves, our families, our patients, and our entire community. People trust us because we use up-to-date training and correct skills to address health problems, and we get that training and skill about COVID19 largely from TPCHD. The TPCHD currently has experience and capacity to respond to COVID19 and it makes no sense to dismantle and rebuild a wheel while it is rolling in the correct direction. Approving this proposal would be like demanding a nurse stop giving CPR to a dying patient so you can train her on a new CPR technique you think could work better, meanwhile her patient dies. I'm never opposed to positive change, but let's discuss changing TPCHD in a more rational process, and after the crisis phase has passed. If we don't, our community including ourselves, will suffer.
Patricia Lindsay 12/4/20 1:01 PM Poor judgement on the council’s part if this proposal passes. We are in for the worst few months of this pandemic. We need the wisdom and expertise of our health department officials. They will be crucial in the vaccine rollout. What are you thinking, council members?
Thalia Hull 12/4/20 1:33 PM Disrupting the agency only to duplicate it is untimely, costly and unnecessary. It is a misguided attempt to "fix" something that is not broken. Legislators should focus their attention on issues that need work, not create problems where none exist.
Aydrian Elliot 12/4/20 1:55 PM I recently read a disturbing article detailing the Pierce County Council's proposal to dissolve Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. As a taxpayer and resident of Pierce County and council district 1, I oppose this proposal. With Tacoma being the largest city in Pierce county, they have much to offer in the way of money, additional resources and knowledge that would surely provide a greater benefit to the residents of Pierce county with their input and involvement in our health department than would be provided by creating a new separate entity. Furthermore, going forward with such plans during a global pandemic could have far reaching effects that would be detrimental to the health of all Pierce County residents, as well as beyond our borders. To deprive the people of Pierce county of the services and knowledge the City of Tacoma provides through their involvement in our joint Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department would be short-sighted, irresponsible and negligent. Please do not move forward with voting yes for this dangerous and poorly thought out proposal. I love our jointly sponsored health department, and over the years have benefited from services it offers. Myself and my family wish to keep the arrangement how it currently is. It is not broken, and does not need fixing, please leave it alone.
Whitney Stevens 12/4/20 2:01 PM This is an irresponsible move during a global pandemic. Our health leaders need to be focusing on taking care of our community and not on rebuilding their entire department.
Sally Abrams 12/4/20 2:06 PM During a pandemic and vaccine distribution we need stability in our health department not a change of this magnitude. Please vote no against this proposal. Thank you, Sally Abrams
Kevin Anderson 12/4/20 2:10 PM It is disheartening to hear we have legislators who want to tear down a system that is so critical right now during this pandemic. I understand there may be cause to review and make changes, but timing is everything. Doing so now would be a critical error that the county cannot afford to do at this time. It also would have a major financial impact that is currently not accounted for within the budget. The system we have is highly functional and while many are divided politically on this topic, now is not the time to make such a change. A tempered and well managed review, not a knee jerk reaction, is what is needed. Table this discussion until after the pandemic is behind us and we can look to a preferred future. Thank you. Kevin Anderson, Puyallup Resident
Lucy Schilter-McKee 12/4/20 2:16 PM DO NOT TERMINATE THE PIERCE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Leave the health and safety of your constituents, and our county, in the capable hands of the competent medical staff of the Pierce County Health Department! Not sure what Councilmember Pam Roach is thinking! PLEASE VOTE NO! Mr.McCune, listen to the people who voted for you and those you represent! Thank you!
Richard Mordini 12/4/20 2:26 PM The health department needs to stay a separate entity so it can continue to look out for the best interests of the citizens.
Mark Yellen 12/4/20 2:28 PM Health workers in this county have been doing heroic work, including my wife who's a nurses assistant. To even consider terminating the Health Department at this time is infuriating and a slap in the face to all those who are working hard to keep our county safe. I oppose this measure in the strongest terms. Anyone who supports this measure is more interested in scoring political points than keeping our county safe.
Linda Garton 12/4/20 2:50 PM Dear Pierce County Council, My name is Linda Garton, and I am a resident of Pierce County District 7 represented by Derek Young. I am writing to express my deep concern over Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136, which requests the dissolution of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. We are in the middle of a global pandemic. As of December 2nd, Pierce County has had more than 18,000 positive COVID cases and 321 COVID deaths. On November 28, a staggering 411 COVID cases were reported. This peak is part of an ongoing surge in COVID cases, with daily reported cases greatly surpassing the number of reported cases in the previous April and July surges. The Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department provides the residents of Pierce County with free and accessible COVID testing. Paired with critical contact tracing, this saves lives, reduces the strain on our overburdened healthcare providers, and reduces the spread of COVID. This work is crucial during the COVID pandemic, and the dissolution of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department at this time would be disastrous for our county. Understanding that this ordinance would not take effect until January 2022, its passage would cause a redirection of Health Department budget and staff time into transitional planning and away from COVID prevention measures. Additionally, it would undermine the decisions of the Health Department in the public eye, making it more difficult to enact and enforce public safety measures. This proposed ordinance comes at the very end of the county budget process. I am asking you to please have the courage to vote against this ordinance or against the budget if this ordinance is included. I ask that you set aside criticisms of the Health Department at this time and understand that such drastic changes are not the solution and will have incredible negative impacts over the coming months. If this ordinance is passed, I ask that Councilmembers take up the work to undo this action as soon as the new session begins. Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope that you will make the choice to reject this ordinance for the health and safety of our county and everyone in it. Sincerely, Linda Garton 661.644.4134
Elizabeth Brownell 12/4/20 2:51 PM Dissolving a 50 year agreement and department is something that should should be done thoughtfully and with care, not in a rush. Having one department for a consistent policy in the whole county, including its biggest city, is better for everyone's health. It's especially important for those of us who live right next door to Tacoma so we're not having to deal with different approaches one side of the street vs the other. And having an independent department that isn't subject to political whims, regardless of whose, is essential for us all. Dissolving the agreement and dissolving the health department are not in the best interests of public health in Pierce County.
Christy Johnson 12/4/20 3:00 PM TPCHD plays a vital role in public health. Do don’t dismantle their efforts.
Marcella Haigh 12/4/20 3:22 PM I oppose the proposal to dissolve the public health partnership board with the city of Tacoma. As a nurse working at Tacoma General on the COVID unit, I know how crucial it is for the city and the county to work closely together and uninterrupted to see us all the way through this crisis. In a time where politics has undermined public health initiatives, it is even MORE critical for the board to be independent of partisan influences. Keep the current partnership, and our vulnerable seniors, alive.
Holli 12/4/20 3:33 PM I can't think of any good reason to disband our TPCHD during a national pandemic just as we need to be gearing up for a medical imperative of distributing vaccinations. The decision to make this a political board rather than one based around science can only delay recovery and cause more damage to our County's economy and health. This is a legacy that will follow the Board members who endorse this course of action.
Jessica Means 12/4/20 3:35 PM We must place a high priority on the health and wellbeing of our community especially during this pandemic During this global pandemic, and it is of heightening concern and deep dismay as a citizen at the Pierce County Council’s recent actions to rush consideration of legislation dissolving the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. Particularly of the fact that the City of Tacoma was not consulted as a stakeholder and partner in this policy move, nor were any other cities or towns in Pierce County. Fast-tracking the dissolution of our community’s public health authority during the current public health and economic crisis does a disservice to our community and is appalling. I ask that County Council member pause their deliberations and engage with stakeholders before making any drastic decisions that could result in negative impacts on our community's health. Dissolving the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department feels like a dangerously political move, frivolously and carelessly jeopardizing the health and workforce of Pierce County constituents. Proponents of this proposal argue that the County Council is an adequate representative voice for governance over a health department within the Pierce County organization. This argument fails to acknowledge that the current Board of Health is apolitical and comprised of medical professionals and elected officials representing jurisdictions throughout Pierce County. The current Board of Health provides balanced perspectives that set partisan politics aside and put the health of the people first. I strongly urge the Pierce County Council to reconsider the timeline for consideration of this legislation, thereby avoiding undue chaos and uncertainty for Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department staff and the community at large. I demand that the Pierce County Council work together as partners with stakeholders when making this major decision that will have far-reaching impacts into the future.
Ming Choo 12/4/20 3:37 PM Public Health should be an independent professional body. It’s agency should not be influenced by opinions of governing body. Please vote “No” to this Ordinance. Thank you.
Laure C Nichols 12/4/20 3:46 PM Dear Councilman Young: I am writing today to strongly oppose ordinance 2020-136 sponsored by Councilwoman Pam Roach. I am truly shocked by this move to end a 48 year agreement between Tacoma and Pierce County for our independent public health department which has served its citizens so well. In fact, its absolutely irresponsible to make this proposal without cause or study in the midst of the worst pandemic of the last century. I have spent my entire career in health care management and earned a masters in public health and epidemiology. This is definitely NOT the time to experiment with a strong health department which is clearly not broken. The County Council has good existing representation on the TPC Health Department's Board of Directors. There is no need for this change. I urge you and the County Council to table this perilous proposal and concentrate instead on how to deploy Federal funding for pandemic relief; help keep our citizens safe; and make our health professionals, hospitals and front line workers priority # 1. Thank you for listening. Sincerely, Laure Nichols
Amy Jean 12/4/20 3:47 PM Please refrain from pushing this poorly timed dismantling of the working relationship of the TPCHD through. Such a terrible idea. If it is so important, it can be reviewed post pandemic. To dismantle a cooperative relationship that has been in use since 1972. three weeks before Christmas, during a pandemic, right before a change of officers, seems poorly timed. The citizens of Pierce County need not be stressed about public health right now. While I understand not everything may be going how everyone sees "best", don't use this as your medium for disapproval.
Michelle Ann Brownlee 12/4/20 3:55 PM This needs to be stopped!! I cannot even believe its onthe table. The health department is a huge part of the community that many people use. Pam Roach as always been a piece of work Just know that voters are watching this closely and you will be voted out forever if you stand with this travesty.
Linda L Curtis 12/4/20 3:59 PM This is not the time to engage in change of this sort. Sounds like too many entities were blindsided by this and further discussion is needed. Besides Pam Roach is a nut case.’
Marc Harrington 12/4/20 4:03 PM Glad to hear a voice for all parties is being heard. I would support that all communities have a voice and one does not over power another. Pierce County is not just Tacoma.
John M. Clemens 12/4/20 4:13 PM I am very much opposed to Proposal 2020-136. The proposal is misguided and unnecessary. During this time of pandemic, the proposed action willl harm many and benefit no one. We need a strong Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department, one that is guided by peer-reviewed medical science, not by the whims or fiat of elected officials. Keep politics out of our public health! Defeat Proposal 2020-136!
MARK MCGAFFEY 12/4/20 4:28 PM Simply astounding. Councilman Campbell, I urge you in the strongest possible way to oppose this proposal. We need clear leadership based in science and logic. We are ever so close to the other side of this pandemic, this would be a terrible time to lose or even diminish these resources. Please oppose.
Michelle Booth 12/4/20 4:35 PM Getting rid of the health department, especially in the middle of a global pandemic, is a terrible idea.
Richard Mordini 12/4/20 4:35 PM The health department needs to stay a separate entity so it can continue to look out for the best interests of the citizens.
Sheila Wynn 12/4/20 4:57 PM This proposal has no merit. It is a baseless attempt to replace professional judgement with political theater. What else could it be? There is no study, no data, no plans, no budget, and no real rationale for making these changes. In addition, to do this while our community and our country is in the midst of fighting to keep a pandemic at bay, is irresponsible. Please do not support the dismantling of the Tacoma/Pierce County Health Department on such flimsy, irrational thoughts.
John Dunham 12/4/20 5:00 PM A terrible idea during a pandemic. Pam Roach is making this a Republican issue when it is a health issue. Council will be better off without her!
Martha Konicek 12/4/20 5:19 PM Dear Council, the proposed legislation is ill advised. It does not answer the basic question of what problem this proposal is meant so solve? there is an inadequate evaluation process of the unintended consequences of such a drastic restructuring of our Public Health services. It is not a professional way to go about it at all. And honestly, during the biggest health care crisis of our century you want to do this? Not impressed. I have worked as a nurse for over 30 years, most of my work is in the community including Public Health. You need to look at successful models and emulate them, not act out in a frenzied manner as you are leaving your positions. Poor decisions lead to poor outcomes. Lives are at stake, get a grip and show responsible leadership. And what is the biggest tell that this is not about quality health services? you didn't include the current Public Health Director Dr. Chen. unbelievable.
Matthew Bartsch 12/4/20 5:23 PM I do not support this proposal and I ask the council to reject it as well.
Edward Walkley 12/4/20 5:26 PM As a Pediatric Emergency Physician I can attest to the strong work done by in the past and during current pandemic by the the Pierce County Tacoma Health Department.Do not pass this bill do not separate the functions and do not give oversight to a political arm.
Betsy K Schultz 12/4/20 5:30 PM Please don't change anything about the health department during a covid. Pam Roach is crazy. Thanks, Betsy Schultz
Christina E Westpheling 12/4/20 5:51 PM Dear Councilmember Ladenburg, I am writing to voice my incredibly strong opposition to this proposal. The Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department has performed their duties to our community incredibly well under the extraordinary circumstances of this pandemic. To make changes to its administration and governance without any plan or consultation with stakeholders is shortsighted, reckless, and will quite literally cost lives in our community. Vote no. Thank you, Christina Westpheling
Barbara Bilyeu 12/4/20 6:11 PM VERY bad idea! There is no good reason to do this - PCHD is a vital resource that provides up-to-date information on a variety of health issues. The COVID information at this time is critical! Leave it alone and thank your stars we have it.
undisclosed 12/4/20 6:45 PM Contact tracing is extremely important and members of the county council do NOT belong on the Board of Health. Don't try to change horses mid-stream, you fools, you're gonna get us all killed.
Christine Cooley 12/4/20 6:51 PM This is incredibly short sighted and poorly thought out. There may be ways to improve the Health Department, but completely dissolving it during a pandemic is not the right process nor timeline. This is a overhanded sign of disrespect to our public health workers when we need to be coming together most.
Jess Thompson 12/4/20 7:11 PM The politically-driven dismantling of our public health department during this roaring pandemic is reckless and dangerous. - We need our public health workers focused on the pandemic, not politics. Even as we’re seeing light at the end of the tunnel, we have to get through what might be our darkest hour first. This debate is a divisive distraction at the exact moment we all need to pull together and pull through. - This 11th hour surprise move weakens our efforts rather than strengthens them. It will do more harm than good at this precarious hour. At a time that partnership and collaboration is so essential, this dissolves and weakens the ability for our county and city leaders to work with medical providers, educators, parents, workers and employers. ​- We are all exhausted and ready for this pandemic to end. But this simply adds another sordid chapter to this very long saga. Once we’re through this pandemic, we’ll all have time to reflect on how we can improve our public health and health care systems. This move has ramifications for everything from drinking water and drug treatment and maternal health. This is a significant dissolution and reorganization of a half-century-old partnership that deserves more than one week of discussion.
Alaa Alshaibani 12/4/20 7:13 PM My name is Alaa Alshaibani, I am a resident of Pierce County, and I am reaching out to ask that you do not approve Ordinance 2020-136. We need to stop the politically-driven dismantling of our public health department, especially given the fact that we are in the midst of a global pandemic. It is reckless and dangerous. Public health is not a partisan issue. The health of the people that you serve is important. The health of the children that you serve is important. The work of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department ensures a healthy county, from our water quality to maternal health, not to mention the jobs of those who have been working tirelessly to ensure our communities safety. Again, please do not approve Ordinance 2020-136. A concerned citizen, Alaa
marilyn kimmerling 12/4/20 7:17 PM This is a crazy proposal cloaked under the guise of "streamlining". We need a comprehensive approach to public health, not fragmentation, as this current Covid pandemic has shown. This feels like a naked political stunt by Roach and Richardson.
Sherri Roberts 12/4/20 7:22 PM This is terrible idea and should “not” be allowed without a vote by Pierce county voters, period! Playing politics during a pandemic is shameful and shows a complete disregard to “all” residents in the county. Please do not change the health department, doing so would put a higher tax burden on the residents. Best regards, stay safe
Amanda Gudmunson 12/4/20 7:27 PM I strongly oppose this proposal. Our county council, in the middle of a global pandemic, should not be considering disbanding the public health department. I support an independent public health agency where decision making is done by medical and public health experts, NOT politicians. The Tacoma-Pierce County Public Health Department should remain as it stands now, so that it can best serve the residents of this county in this time of great need. At best this proposal moving forward would cost taxpayers money to reorganize a massive department, at worst the reorganization could cause disastrous delays in public healthcare that could cost people their lives. Vote NO!
Kayla Becker 12/4/20 7:33 PM Keep politics out of public health. This proposal is irresponsible and reckless, especially during a pandemic. If this proposal is truly important, it should be brought back up once we have widespread vaccine and the pandemic is resolved. Stop this now.
AJ Meyers 12/4/20 7:53 PM I cannot believe our council is attempting to vote to dismantle our health department. Pam Roach is a disgrace to this state and county for attempting to insert politics into public health, especially as a lame duck. This is such a partisan power grab and it is extremely disturbing to know how corrupt the republican members of this city council are. I hope you can sleep at night knowing blood is on your hands when more people die because of you, Pam. I am appalled and disgusted by your actions.
Julie Arzberger 12/4/20 8:09 PM Are you freaking crazy? Who in their right mind would defund the health department? Absolutely NO! do not do this!
William Vance 12/4/20 8:13 PM Dear council members, My name is Will Vance, and I am a resident of Pierce County District 3 represented by Jim McCune. I am writing to express my deep concern over Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136, which requests the dissolution of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. We are in the middle of a global pandemic. As of December 2nd, Pierce County has had more than 18,000 positive COVID cases and 321 COVID deaths. On November 28, a staggering 411 COVID cases were reported. This peak is part of an ongoing surge in COVID cases, with daily reported cases greatly surpassing the number of reported cases in the previous April and July surges. With the upcoming vaccine distribution challenges, local health departments will be more important than ever. It will largely fall on the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department to ensure safe, fair, and adequate vaccine distribution for the residents of the city of Tacoma and Pierce county, especially the vulnerable populations. This must be done in a scientific, socially responsible manner, and politics should not interfer with this. Work such as this will need to continue long term, and will not be over when this resolution takes effect. The Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department provides the residents of Pierce County with free and accessible COVID testing. Paired with critical contact tracing, this saves lives, reduces the strain on our overburdened healthcare providers, and reduces the spread of COVID. This work is crucial during the COVID pandemic, and the dissolution of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department at this time would be disastrous for our county. Understanding that this ordinance would not take effect until January 2022, its passage would cause a redirection of Health Department budget and staff time into transitional planning and away from COVID prevention measures. Additionally, it would undermine the decisions of the Health Department in the public eye, making it more difficult to enact and enforce public safety measures. This proposed ordinance comes at the very end of the county budget process. I am asking you to please have the courage to vote against this ordinance or against the budget if this ordinance is included. I ask that you set aside criticisms of the Health Department at this time and understand that such drastic changes are not the solution and will have incredible negative impacts over the coming months. If this ordinance is passed, I ask that Councilmembers take up the work to undo this action as soon as the new session begins. Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope that you will make the choice to reject this ordinance for the health and safety of our county and everyone in it. Sincerely, Will Vance
Sally Porter Smith 12/4/20 8:15 PM I have requested information regarding the cost-benefit analysis of moving from the existing combined county-city Health department and have been provided no evidence-based data to support it, no cost-benefit analysis to show that financially this would make sense from a budget perspective. Without a thoughtful evaluation, published analysis with public feedback this move makes no sense especially during a pandemic when the focus of the health department is already under stress. I am very disappointed this was introduced in the manner it was, without thoughtful analysis and consideration.
Cheryl Kopec 12/4/20 8:20 PM The county council’s recent attempt to wrest control of the health department is a political power grab that is shockingly irresponsible during our worst public health crisis in decades, if not longer. We are on the cusp of a COVID vaccine, and distribution will demand the utmost focus of our public health personnel. They should not be worrying about the future of their careers at a time like this. We admire their tireless dedication and should not be placing unnecessary pressure on them at this most difficult of times. Please oppose this ordinance vigorously. I am in a high-risk group, as are my parents, and we absolutely need a seamlessly functioning health department to see us through this present crisis. Don't throw a monkey wrench into the works when right now we desperately need a laser focus on the community's needs.
Laura Penalver-Vargas 12/4/20 8:27 PM I, as a healthcare provider, Pierce County resident and voter, mother, and individual cirizen am deeply appalled and disheartened by Pam Roach's efforts to dismantle the Pierce County Health Department during the greatest national healthcare threat since 1918. Is this the Republican vision for the future? Count me out.
Yvonne Keen 12/4/20 8:42 PM The attempt to disband the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department is reckless at any time especially with no clear plan in place moving forward. We are in the midst of a health crisis due to covid 19 and I rely on the Health department for information and guidance. This is truly an attempt at a public health coup and I am asking for a halt to this proposal immediately.
Leah McCall 12/4/20 8:47 PM To Whom It May Concern: My name is Leah McCall and I am a resident of Pierce County District 1, represented by Dave Morrell. I am writing to express my deep concern over Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136, which requests the dissolution of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. We are in the middle of a global pandemic. As of December 2nd, Pierce County has had more than 18,000 positive COVID cases and 321 COVID deaths. On November 28, a staggering 411 COVID cases were reported. This peak is part of an ongoing surge in COVID cases, with daily reported cases greatly surpassing the number of reported cases in the previous April and July surges. The Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department provides the residents of Pierce County with free and accessible COVID testing. Paired with critical contact tracing, this saves lives, reduces the strain on our overburdened healthcare providers, and reduces the spread of COVID. This work is crucial during the COVID pandemic, and the dissolution of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department at this time would be disastrous for our county. Understanding that this ordinance would not take effect until January 2022, its passage would cause a redirection of Health Department budget and staff time into transitional planning and away from COVID prevention measures. Additionally, it would undermine the decisions of the Health Department in the public eye, making it more difficult to enact and enforce public safety measures. This proposed ordinance comes at the very end of the county budget process. I am asking you to please have the courage to vote against this ordinance or against the budget if this ordinance is included. I ask that you set aside criticisms of the Health Department at this time and understand that such drastic changes are not the solution and will have incredible negative impacts over the coming months. If this ordinance is passed, I ask that Councilmembers take up the work to undo this action as soon as the new session begins. Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope that you will make the choice to reject this ordinance for the health and safety of our county and everyone in it. Sincerely, Leah McCall
L. Hunt 12/4/20 8:51 PM This is a disgusting power grab. It is appalling to propose such a thing in the time of a pandemic. In addition, this shortsighted action would screw up the funding of the health department.
Patrick Keen 12/4/20 8:54 PM Please stop this wrongheaded proposal immediately.
Nicole 12/4/20 8:57 PM This is absolutely unnecessary. It's ridiculous to even think about disrupting the Public Health system when we need them the most like, DURING A PANDEMIC?! There's not even a solid plan as to what will be replacing TPCPHD if this moves forward. Exactly how will this benefit the people in the long run, because proposing these major changes...again...DURING A PANDEMIC, is more detrimental to the public than beneficial.
JESSICA L CAMPBELL 12/4/20 9:06 PM The current health dept has done great work during COVID, please do not terminate the agreement in the middle of the pandemic. We cannot afford anything to change and we do not want the board to be directly under the Executive. Seems like a lame-duck power grab that is going to harm Pierce County Residents.
Hannah Kubicek 12/4/20 9:09 PM Dear Pierce County Council, My name is Hannah and I am a resident of Pierce County District 1 represented by Dave Morell. I am writing to express my deep concern over Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136, which requests the dissolution of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. We are in the middle of a global pandemic. As of December 2nd, Pierce County has had more than 18,000 positive COVID cases and 321 COVID deaths. On November 28, a staggering 411 COVID cases were reported. This peak is part of an ongoing surge in COVID cases, with daily reported cases greatly surpassing the number of reported cases in the previous April and July surges. The Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department provides the residents of Pierce County with free and accessible COVID testing. Paired with critical contact tracing, this saves lives, reduces the strain on our overburdened healthcare providers, and reduces the spread of COVID. This work is crucial during the COVID pandemic, and the dissolution of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department at this time would be disastrous for our county. Understanding that this ordinance would not take effect until January 2022, its passage would cause a redirection of Health Department budget and staff time into transitional planning and away from COVID prevention measures. Additionally, it would undermine the decisions of the Health Department in the public eye, making it more difficult to enact and enforce public safety measures. This proposed ordinance comes at the very end of the county budget process. I am asking you to please have the courage to vote against this ordinance or against the budget if this ordinance is included. I ask that you set aside criticisms of the Health Department at this time and understand that such drastic changes are not the solution and will have incredible negative impacts over the coming months. If this ordinance is passed, I ask that Councilmembers take up the work to undo this action as soon as the new session begins. Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope that you will make the choice to reject this ordinance for the health and safety of our county and everyone in it. Sincerely, Hannah Kubicek
Carmel Ann Camacho 12/4/20 9:11 PM Terminating the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department during a global pandemic is not the right decision.
Amanda Baldacci 12/4/20 9:12 PM I am shocked that the Pierce County council would consider disbanding the Tacoma Pierce County Health department in the middle of a pandemic. This looks like politics at play. The health department is not, and should never be a political entity. It should not be disbanded. Pam Roach is not considering what is in the best interest in the health and safety of our community by pushing for this at the height of a pandemic. This is a terribly dangerous idea. Don’t support this proposal.
Clare McCahill 12/4/20 9:14 PM I am completely opposed to this proposal. The thought of dismantling the very reputable and respected TPCHD during a pandemic is outrageous. Politics has no place in public health. TPCHD should continue to function as it has since its inception- independent of political interference.
Meagan Eyster 12/4/20 9:22 PM As a local pediatric ARNP working on the frontlines in the pandemic, I wholeheartedly oppose this proposition. This has NOT been talked through enough to know what we should do/who we should contact when in need. This is not just COVID related, but food borne pathogens, swimming water, notifications for contagious diseases, such as chlymida and gonorrhea-- which we have MASSIVE rates of right now in Pierce County. This is proposition is a slap in the face to those of us who use and depend on TPCHD for our day-to-day functions. Please, I beg you, to oppose this proposal.
Dianna Sullivan 12/4/20 9:50 PM The Current Combined Health Department works well for the communities it services. I am involved in community work with Health Department and entrust in the current system. I do not agree with politics getting into the way of Health in our communities. Also equity in our county matters!
Jennifer Kurilla 12/4/20 9:55 PM I strongly oppose this proposal, and cannot believe the absurdity of the timing of its consideration during a global pandemic. TPCHDhas done an excellent job communicating with the residents of Pierce County to try to keep the public safe and healthy. This proposed change is unwarranted and unnecessary.
Christine Lindquist 12/4/20 10:39 PM This is a dangerous and ridiculous proposal. I oppose this in the strongest terms. We’re in the middle of an historic pandemic. We need professionals who are skilled and educated in public health making decisions, not politicians.
Mary Anderson Dearing 12/4/20 10:44 PM Tacoma-Pierce County Department of Health has done a stellar, a world class job of managing the Covid-19 pandemic. To endanger that, during the pandemic, by changing the structure of the department and it's reporting chain is nothing less than criminal. I call upon my county council to act responsibly and vote down this proposal soundly. In all honesty, Roach should be reprimanded.
Cathy Tashiro 12/4/20 10:55 PM There is no justifiable reason for this proposal. It makes no sense, and if implemented it would seriously weaken Pierce County’s efforts to control the coronavirus epidemic. I can only think this is petty partisan politics at work
Grace Urfirer 12/4/20 11:00 PM I question the timing of this proposal and believe it creates unnecessary confusion and uncertainty in the midst of a public health crisis. A board that oversees public health decisions should be non partisan. Why rush this decision and distract the health department in a time when its unmitigated attention is needed the most?
Lauri Lindquist 12/4/20 11:11 PM To: Pierce County Council Re: Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136 I am writing to express my clear opposition to proposed ordinance No. 2020-136. I believe that the current structure of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department governance works extremely well. As a community member, I have seen first-hand how responsive, clear, and evidence-driven our public health department has been to the COVID-19 outbreak, amid difficult times, and with limited resources. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Tacoma Pierce County Public Health had earned a national reputation for its successful approach to the ongoing challenges of protecting public health, and providing service to local residents. The independent nature of the agency puts it above politics, which is where it must remain. The Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department advocates public-private partnerships to maximize efforts. It answers to a jurisdictional representative board of health, which includes medical professionals. It is led by seasoned, educated professionals who have spent their careers in this field. Rushing through a decision like this, in the middle of an unprecedented pandemic that has already claimed the lives and livelihoods of so many Pierce County residents, is questionable at best, blatantly political and dangerous at worst. I request that proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136 is voted down for the sake of the ongoing protection of public health for all in Pierce County residents. Sincerely, Lauri M. Lindquist, Ph.D., NCSP 4328 S Park Ave Tacoma, WA 98418 253-258-5854
Jennifer Estroff 12/4/20 11:29 PM This is my first time publicly commenting on a Pierce County Council Ordinance and I am being careful to share my opposition in terms that shared in public record. My first reactions to reading the proposal were unprintable. I am the mother of a two-and-a-half year old, a wife, and due to COVID, currently the sole source of income for my family. I have been experiencing the same waves of pandemic anxiety that everyone is, but news of this proposal has pushed me to the edge of complete panic. The general idea and the details of this proposal are ill-conceived, anti-science, fiscally reckless, and will endanger the lives of all Pierce County residents by shredding the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department at the moment when we need them most. The political point the sponsor appears to making against the COVID response operations of the TPCHD is damaging enough at a time when COVID cases are skyrocketing, hospitals are filling up, and first responders are burned out. But what isn't clearly addressed in this proposal is the harm that will be done to all the other projects that TPCHD leads to make our communities healthier. For example, TPCHD staff lead the Help Me Grow initiative of the First 5 FUNdamentals, an evidence-based program that supports families with children from birth to age five years old. Councilmember Young was key to the creation of the program as a way to reduce the number of Pierce County youth entering foster care. If this ordinance passes, a logical outcome of the disruption in the staffing and logistic support from TPCHD is an increase in youth entering foster care. This will create lifelong trauma for children and families and increased municipal, county, and state costs to care for youth who could remain safely with their families if they continue to get the right early support. Without public health policy experts leading major decisions about the TPCHD, the entire county could suffer devastating consequences. There is no risk/reward assessment that makes this proposal worth pursuing. Members of the Pierce County Council, I ask you to oppose this ordinance proposal with every legal means at your disposal. Thank you.
Shirley Lindquist 12/4/20 11:48 PM This is a dangerous proposal. Politics do not belong in public health decisions.
ROXANNE HO 12/5/20 1:53 AM As a family medicine physician working and residing in district 4, I vehemently oppose this proposal. It is a disservice to our patients and residents to eliminate a valuable public health resource. The timing of this proposal is suspicious as well. I will be watching to see how the votes stand as it will certainly expose those who are trying to help the community versus who is politically motivated and hold their personal interests above those of their constituents.
Barbara Wilcox 12/5/20 4:12 AM Now is not the time to make this change. Reconsider after covid vaccine has been rolled out.
Nicole 12/5/20 7:26 AM I strongly oppose this and am concerned about the consequences.
Bryan 12/5/20 7:37 AM This is wholly unnecessary and dangerous. This proposal is further straining and already stressed system and department. This proposal by roach and others could significantly undermine the county and city’s ability or effectively respond to covid-19. It’s thoughtless. It’s an example of partisan politics causing harm. Put this to bed ASAP and admonish council members for bringing up random crap in the middle of a pandemic. We need a council who focuses on what matters to residents. We don’t members who focus on their own political clout.
Lauren Linscott 12/5/20 7:52 AM I am so disappointed that an ordinance like this is being proposed during a raging pandemic. The focus should be on getting the health board and department the resources they need to squash this pandemic. If there is a perceived issue with representation then why not address that with the current board? Why dissolve a collaborative working relationship that’s been in place for decades? Why eliminate medical professionals from having a voice on the board? Why is the vote being rushed? Where is the cost benefit analysis? Where is the collaboration with stakeholders, cities, towns, medical professionals? Who is asking for this change? It does not seem to be in the best interest of the people. I have to assume it is political. Shame on you.
Frank Conn 12/5/20 7:53 AM BTW the "View District Map" link fails. It makes little sense to restructure the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Dept as the pandemic rages. The timing of such a move shouldn't hinge on the term of the sponsor. If it is to be considered, it should be during calmer times.
James Moyer 12/5/20 7:54 AM There is a reason I live in an unincorporated part of pierce county, and that is because I don't need Tacoma to make decisions for the rural areas of the county. This proposal has no effect on the "pandemic" that will continue no matter how this proposal is decided. Let the county deal with the county and the city deal with the city.
Fred Block 12/5/20 7:55 AM This matter should be tabled until after we emerge from the worst public health crisis of our lives.
Martin Graham 12/5/20 8:11 AM Vote no. There is no reason for this.
Julie Riley 12/5/20 8:36 AM As a public health professional and a resident of Pierce County, I oppose this measure and find it to be irresponsible and reckless during a pandemic. I do not and have not worked for this health department, but I closely watch its actions during this time. I believe that they are effective as is and interference in leadership and subsequent impact on functions and funding would be catastrophic at this time. I will be closely watching who supports such a misguided endeavor
Amber Pritchard 12/5/20 8:46 AM I strongly oppose.
Margaret Wyneken 12/5/20 8:47 AM Incredibly bad timing, Pam.
David Schultz 12/5/20 8:53 AM Reject ordinance 2020 136. It will cost more lives and money.WE ARE IN A PANDEMIC!!! Coordinated, cooperation between all Gov entities is essential to solving health issues.
Faith Holland 12/5/20 9:04 AM We need to stop the policitically driven dismantaling of the public health department, especially during this pandemic. I feel it is dangerous and unneccessary! Thank you for listening.
Thomas Edmond 12/5/20 9:05 AM Not now. We have much work to do with Covid and more discussion is needed on this major action.
Anthony A Woodruff 12/5/20 9:10 AM The fact is that even if we do need to make changes to the health department structure, the middle of a global pandemic is arguably the worst possible time to consider such a move. This feels much more like a vindictive move to get around restrictions that prevent conservatives from getting the Friday fish-n-chips special at Applebees without regard to the impact on public health from such selfish, unwise actions. The fact is that we all need to make sacrifices for the common good. It is patriotic and moral to care for our common citizens.
Patricia Lauretano 12/5/20 9:20 AM I oppose this move to sever the relationship with Tacoma in the midst of a pandemic. Doing so now, without a fully functioning County run replacement in place is civic negligence. Any attempt to create and operate a new, separate county public health department at this time is insane.
Sandy Wusterbarth Brown 12/5/20 9:49 AM Stop. Focus on helping Pierce County navigate a pandemic. This is not the time for a power grab. Keep the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department as transparent as possible. If this is truly a move that will benefit all of Pierce County, table it and discuss it with a reasonable timeline.
Kristina Petsas 12/5/20 9:51 AM As a physician trying to protect my patients and their families. Having our health department is absolutely critical given the worsening condition of our current public crisis. It is completely negligent to your duty of protecting our community if this proposal is accepted. I will not hesitate to direct any patients harmed or impacted to the specific members that caused their injuries.
Michealea Lemons 12/5/20 10:00 AM Hello County County- Please do not approve this ordinance. If this has truly been proposed to support more Pierce County residents, then there should have been more conversation with the community and community partners. Other solutions could be created. This seems rushed, especially as we are in the middle of a global pandemic and eventually the distribution of a COVID vaccine.
Carl Olson 12/5/20 10:04 AM As a resident of neighboring Kitsap County, this proposal must be voted down. COVID-19 doesn’t recognize borders and politicization of critical response measures will negatively impact surrounding counties and beyond.
Troy Taylor 12/5/20 10:09 AM I am opposed to Ordinance 2020-136. Not so much for what it is trying to do but for the timing. Leave our health professionals alone and let them deal with the important task at hand of fighting this pandemic. If you truly standy and support our health professionals you will let them do their job right now, with your support, and not distract them with your petty partisan bickering.
Virginia E Peterson 12/5/20 10:15 AM Terrible idea. What is the roach thinking?
aimee 12/5/20 10:16 AM In the middle of a global pandemic, the idea of disbanding the T-PC Public Health Department is, unequivocally, a foolish and partisan idea. Council member Roach wrongly believes the seven-member county council should also sit on the health department board. The county council is a political council; the health department council is not and should not be a domain for political rivalries. For the continued safety of everyone in all of Pierce County, the health department council absolutely should be guided by health science directives geared for public safety and not develop into a platform for political moves at the drastic cost of public health.
Stephanie Ostmann 12/5/20 10:20 AM It would be a most unfortunate move to dissolve the TPCHD at a time when the pandemic is surging and distribution of vaccines requires planning. Our current structure has operated efficiently and responsibly and is less subject to political manipulation than the proposed structure would be. I strongly object to this proposal.
Tim Reeber 12/5/20 10:24 AM Dear Pierce County Council Members, I strongly oppose Ordinance 2020-136 to dismantle the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. Now is not the time to pursue such drastic change. We are I. The middle of a serious pandemic and need our public health officials to remain focused on this crisis. I would appreciate it if you, as elected officials, also focus on the current crisis and how to help the people of Pierce County instead of considering such ill-advised legislation. Thank you in advance for voting against 2020-136. Respectfully, Tim Reeber
Nancy Wolfe 12/5/20 10:41 AM Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136 is an attempt to politicize our Health Dept. City of Tacoma was left out of the process. Truly unforgivable at this moment in time.
James D. Bales, Jr., MD, FACP, FACPM 12/5/20 10:55 AM This proposal is a bad idea. It will not save money or be more responsive to Pierce County. I have voluntarily served the TPCHD to include the nationally recognized Medical Reserve Corps for over 20 years. During this time, we have saved Pierce County hundreds of thousands of dollars through volunteer service. This has never been more important than now when we are all struggling with management of a killer pandemic. I can only imagine the cost of mass vaccination without the current planning and volunteer work of the TPCHD MRC not to mention lives lost due to disruption of mitigation efforts. Do not add insult to injury by disrupting the massive ongoing efforts to protect Pierce County lives by implying that the TPCHD has not been frugal or responsive to Pierce County. James D. Bales, Jr, MD, FACP, FACPM Past President of Pierce County Medical Society and Delegate of Washington State Medical Society. Volunteer Medical Director (and founder) of the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department Medical Reserve Corps (see for background on this national effort).
Theresa James 12/5/20 10:57 AM In the middle of a pandemic, it is outrageous to even consider terminating this partnership that is working so much better, in comparison, than the rest of the nation. I feel fortunate to live here in Tacoma Pierce County, when I hear stories of what's going on with the rest of the country. To do this without any studies,or discussion of possible effects, is wreckless, dangerous, irresponsible and not who we are as a community.
Damita O'Dell 12/5/20 11:25 AM This is an irresponsible proposal done without community discussion during a pandemic of all times! It should be withdrawn, what an embarrassment!
Christine Parrish 12/5/20 12:19 PM What a ridiculous proposal by two lame duck morons! In the middle of a pandemic. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves... maybe you can suck up to Trump when he’s in jail. LAME!
Harlan Zinck 12/5/20 12:24 PM What is this nonsense about dissolving the Pierce County Department of Public Health IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC??? I get that some departing council members are vindictive enough to want to burn down whatever they can before they leave, but let's see the adults in the room stand up to delinquent would-be assassins like Pam Roach before they get their nasty way and even more Pierce County resudents end up dying from this once-preventable plague.
Karin Dhaese 12/5/20 12:26 PM I cannot claim to know the intricacies of the departmental set up and so it my be possible that disbanding the county/city link could be better. But what I know for sure is that now in the middle of the worst public health crisis in 100 years is not the time. Those working in public health have enough to do right now and the bureaucracy of setting up new depts during this time will hurt this county and its people. We need to be focused on beating a pandemic, not who reports to who.
Cassie Schmitt 12/5/20 12:54 PM It is irresponsible and negligent to propose/pass structural changes to the health dept during a global pandemic. It is irresponsible to propose structural changes without research and study by staff that provides data and evidence as to why the current structure is no longer appropriate AND why the proposed structure will be an improvement. It is irresponsible to try to push through a structural change without an extensive public comment period and opportunity for residents to understand the effects of the changes and to engage in the process. It is irresponsible to pursue such a change without partnership of the City of Tacoma and the support and partnership of medical associations. It is financially irresponsible to propose this change without studied financial projections on the direct effect this will have on public health. We are in a global pandemic and desperate for elected officials to care about us as human beings and protect our health. Proposing a huge change to the administrative and governing structure of the health department is the opposite of that. Passing this ordinance tells the residents of Pierce County that you don't care if we live or die.
Davida Navarre 12/5/20 1:09 PM Changing the present system is a bad idea. During the pandemic is the wrong time. Changing -- without carefully exploring consequences -- of a very effective agency directly related to the this year's biggest crisis is a worse idea. In summary, do not change the Health Dept's present situation, organization, and structure. As Lincoln said - Don't swap horses when crossing a river.
Sheryl Diamond 12/5/20 1:12 PM Absolutely do not close down Health Dept.
Erin O’Hagan 12/5/20 1:13 PM This would never be something I think is worth supporting, much less in the middle of a pandemic.
Karen Nolan 12/5/20 1:15 PM Vote NO on Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136
Kasandra Paholsky 12/5/20 1:15 PM I do not support this legislation. I support the health department as it is currently set up. Please rescind this legislation.
Rachel Bakke 12/5/20 1:20 PM I am shocked by the fact anyone would even think to make this proposal during a global pandemic. A health department should not be making decisions based on political parties. We’ve seen just how catastrophic the partisan decisions have been at the federal level. This proposal is incredibly reckless and poses an imminent danger to the health of pierce county residents. I am 100% opposed to this proposal and sincerely hope the rest of the council does the right thing choosing to vehemently oppose the proposal in order to ensure the citizens of our county will continue to be kept safe and informed under the guidance of the TPCHD which whom bases its directives on science instead of politics.
Sandra Seibert 12/5/20 1:25 PM I am against Proposed Ordinance No 2020-136. Having one DOH in Pierce County makes sense instead of creating another DOH. It is best to have one DOH that is unified. During this pandemic this is not the time to rush this through!!
Rev. Velma Ruth Schulenberg 12/5/20 1:26 PM Having served as a volunteer county sheriff’s department chaplain and as local clergy there several years ago, my heart is still in Tacoma though I live in Texas now. Without a robust, funded plan in place as an alternative and without extensive public input, making such a dramatic change in the public health infrastructure undermines the well-being of the community in a time of pandemic. Without the advice and leadership of trained health professionals, public health governed solely by political leaders elected for a short period of time puts the community at the mercy of partisan agendas (regardless of party affiliation). The medical safety of residents should be led in partnership with medical professionals, not solely by elected officials without medical expertise.
Bruce Buchanan 12/5/20 1:42 PM I am surprised that any mention of a change to the health department is made as a last breath ordinance by lsme duck Pam Roach and supported by also outgoing council member Doug Richardson. This would be more appropriately discussed by the incoming council that will live by the results. It sounds as if these two council members are taking opposition to Dr. Chan's leadership personally when this is a business decision. The Health Department has functioned quite well as is. This issue is politically motivated and is not in the best interest of Pierce County or Tacoma. Members of the council please vote against this motion.
Maggie Smith 12/5/20 1:45 PM Disbanding, restructuring, or placing undue burden on a health department in the middle of a global pandemic is just about the worst idea I've ever heard. The Tacoma Piece County Health Department has kept my parents, who are elderly, diabetic, and fighting cancer safe during this pandemic while I am living abroad. I am a Puyallup homeowner, taxpayer, and overseas voter and I am taking time to write you from Morocco today to ask that you continue to keep my parents safe by dismissing this outrageous proposal and letting the health department continue to do its job to protect our citizens. Regards, Maggie Smith
Kathleen M. Grover 12/5/20 1:50 PM This is insane. In the middle of a pandemic, with our hospitals, schools, businesses, and families trying to deal with all of the pandemic caused issues, to all of a sudden yank us out of a partnership that has worked well for almost 50 years is crazy. Particularly since it appears to be an attempt to take the Health Department away from non-partisan control and make it part of the political perks controlled by the County Commissioner. We need to leave the Health Department alone in the middle of a pandemic. Furthermore, what's the rush? If the two council members who proposed this truly thought there was actual merit to it, they would want all aspects of it to be studied and laid out for public consideration. Instead, they are lame ducks trying to cram it through in secret, with nearly no notice to the citizens of Pierce County. This is un-American. We deserve to know what our Council is planning and how it affects us and how these changes will get paid for. Please vote NO on this proposed ordinance.
Raylene Fowler 12/5/20 2:05 PM This proposal is dangerous and would cause harm to the citizens of Pierce County as we try to control the pandemic.
Rochelle Riling 12/5/20 2:38 PM Please maintain your current public health structure at this time. Even from central Wa, when I saw this pending change, I was appalled. The rapidity with which this proposal emerged in the middle of a pandemic is dangerous. This is not the time for untested administrative changes risking unintended consequences. Take your time.
Nathe Lawver 12/5/20 2:48 PM Good afternoon. I am writing today to express my opposition to Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136, and ask you to vote no on this proposal. It is boggling how, during the time of a global pandemic, where more than 250,000 Americans have died from complications related to COVID-19, this is even on the radar of the council. Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136 injects a level of partisan politics into the realm of public health that should not be there. If there needs to be a restructuring of the Tacoma Pierce County Department of health, then bring together the community stakeholders to have that conversation. Beginning these radical, ideologically motivated adjustments during a global pandemic are tone deaf to the trust the public places in our elected officials, and will endanger the lives of Pierce County Citizens in both the short and long term. Please do what is correct at this time and vote no on this ill-thought proposal. Sincerely, Nathe Lawver 4215 N Gove St Tacoma, Wash. 98407 253-973-3765
Kaly Gomez 12/5/20 2:51 PM It is unacceptable to be changing our health department during a pandemic. Our health department is recognized as one of the best in the state. It makes no sense to change that now. Let the health department continue to do it’s job and stop trying to politicize a department that is vital to our community, especially right now.
Jenyfer Ewig 12/5/20 2:52 PM Pam Roach's proposal puts a strain on resources during an already precarious time of pandemic. To adopt it is too dangerous, too costly, and just a really bad idea.Please vote against it.
Janice K. Eidson 12/5/20 2:54 PM Please do not dissolve the TPCHD, we need their guidance, education and information,. This is not well thought out proposal.
Kiera Hayes 12/5/20 2:55 PM To the Pierce County Council Re: Ordinance 2020-136, My name is Kiera Hayes, and I am a concerned physician who lives and works in Tacoma who is writing to you today to encourage you to reject Ordinance No 2020-136. We have all suffered during this pandemic. The emotional, physical, and economic impact of this disease will have longstanding ramifications for our families, ourselves, and our communities that will take years to recover. While it has been a privilege to provide guidance, maintain health and safety through telemedicine, and care for those who fell ill with Covid-19, it has been an exhausting journey from needing to wear a disposable mask until it literally fell apart to watching our patients die alone on ventilators in the hospital. Throughout the struggle, it has been a comfort to know that there is an independent organization working tirelessly to ensure the health of the public based on the developing science and not hindered by political agendas. The Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department has been a model during this Pandemic, and without their tireless leadership, it is difficult to imagine where we would be today or what may be the course of tomorrow. I am concerned about my patients’ safety if this proposed administrative change were to occur, especially given the lack of clarity about what structure would replace it and how science and public health would continue to guide the Department’s recommendations. While we recognize the importance of representation in government, it is also important to maintain some separation between politics and public health. Additionally, given that the current Board is made up of elected County and City officials chosen from their peers to serve on the board itself, and given that the current Pierce County Council will have turn over in January 2021, I question the timing and motivations of this Ordinance. In light of the above, I am concerned and suggest some considerations that must be made to maintain the health of the public if this Ordinance is to be considered. • What funding source will replace the $1.1million budget shortfall that would result if this Ordinance were to pass? The Health Department and Pierce County citizens cannot afford to lose health funding during this pandemic and its aftermath. • How will the new Board be structured to take into account the unique needs of high density communities such as Tacoma along with lower density communities? • How will restructuring a functioning organization in the middle of the largest public health crisis in a century effect population health, and will restructuring pause or otherwise negatively impact the response to the pandemic and the safety of community members? As your constituent, I urge you in the interest of the current pandemic, the next pandemic, and the health of the public to reject Ordinance No 2020-136 and maintain the current Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department structure. Adjustments may be warranted to maintain the health of people in Pierce County, but until the questions posed above can be answered, now is not the time to experiment or slow the important work of the Health Department’s response to Covid-19. Thank you very much for your time, Kiera Hayes, MD, MSc –
Jane E Jacobs 12/5/20 3:10 PM I oppose this amendment, especially in the middle of a pandemic, and right before newly elected council members take office.
Selena Atkinson 12/5/20 3:12 PM This proposal will harm public health, I absolutely do not support this!
Rachel Eden 12/5/20 3:16 PM Why are you dismantling a public health organization in the middle of a pandemic? No.
Gale Lee 12/5/20 3:41 PM I strongly oppose any heath Dept. changes, especially in view of the current crisis. Also, any decision affecting public health should be made with adequate input from the voters (not snuck through committee)
Luke Byram 12/5/20 3:49 PM Mr. Young, As a son of a nurse practitioner who works at St. Anthony Hospital who had the first COVID case in the county this ordinance is a slap in face to all healthcare workers, especially dedicated public health professionals at the health department. This is a republican grab of power. This is the most BS I have seen in government at the most local level.
Alicia Blakefield 12/5/20 4:20 PM As a lifelong Tacoma Resident I am horrified by this proposal. It is terrifying in this day and age. Please do not pass.
Joan Bichsel 12/5/20 4:42 PM I oppose proposed ordinance 2020-136. Keep the tacoma pierce county health department the way it is.
Tracy Gray 12/5/20 4:47 PM I oppose this ordinance and seriously question why, in the middle of a pandemic, the council would even consider dismantling the public health department. It concerns me that such a huge decision like this would be rushed through a process in barely two weeks time. This would remove the only voice of a health care professional from the overseeing body of our public health department. The health department and our health care workers need to be focused on the pandemic. This should not be political, yet this rushed decision making feels very political. Dismantling the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department will do more harm than good. I urge the Pierce County Council to postpone further policy discussion and legislative action until a full analysis and robust stakeholder engagement can be completed. Not rushed to be done in a few days.
David Dunham 12/5/20 5:10 PM It’s a bad idea in the best of times, but messing with public health (when it's not broken) in the middle of a pandemic is foolish. I strongly oppose this proposal (2020-136).
Valerie Randall 12/5/20 5:13 PM Now is not the time to make a drastic change to our public health administration. Something of this magnitude has to be well thought out and then presented to the public for our input.
Jennifer Edwards 12/5/20 5:51 PM During a pandemic? This is some shady business, clearly designed to grab power for one side over the other. People are suffering. The Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department are working their butts off to keep our citizens safe, and rearranging their structure right now (during a PANDEMIC) is neither wise nor compassionate.
Raeshawna Ware 12/5/20 6:13 PM To all Pierce County Council Members - I am deeply concerned at the swift vote timeline of this ordinance. Amid these challenging times, destabilizing a functioning health entity raises questions around trustworthiness as elected officials. With all due regard, can you all provide a meaningful explanation to all of your constituents as to the reason why a decision of this magnitude is being considered in unprecedented times? Have you or will you delay to hear from your constituents? As it stands, I oppose this ordinance and ask that you reflect on your role as representatives of public interest and not your partisan standing. If, after community voice is included and a designed plan is proposed, I may be well informed enough to stand with you in your decision. However, as it is now, I feel ignored, uninformed, blindsided, and full of distrust in the council members sworn in to serve the public good. Thank you for reading this. Be well. Raeshawna Ware
lovey offerle 12/5/20 6:24 PM Vote NO!!! I am adamantly opposed to this! Why are you dismantling a health department that is working well and serving the public as it should. And with such short notice. We are in the midst of a pandemic,in case you hadn't noticed. And the folks working for the health department are working hard to fight this and don't need this distraction worrying about their future. Shame on you for doing that!! I don't work for the health dept but I can imagine the stress. And I am concerned as a citizen and resident of Pierce County. VOTE NO!
Dana DeWitt Anderson 12/5/20 6:37 PM If approved, this legislation will interfere with coordination of Public Health efforts, uncoordinated efforts cannot be effective as virus are not stopped by city limits. As a result, more Covid patients will die unnecessarily. The likelihood of our hospitals being overwhelmed will increase significantly. These are not fears. These are facts. This would be legislation of questionable legitimacy under normal times. To promote this being implemented during what is clearly to be the worst time of the worst pandemic in this country since 1918 is grossly irresponsible. To date, we have had 17,667 Covid cases and 247 deaths in our county. Please don't vote to add one more unnecessary case or death.
Heidi Schutz 12/5/20 6:55 PM This proposal undermines the work of an agency that is critical to not only the community gathering of data which informs a response to the pandemic, but also to our capacity to have clean water, mitigate soil and air pollution and prepare for other disease flare ups. This proposal has no basis in science and the rushed and uninformed process is not only irresponsible, but dangerous.
Ellen Elizabeth Moore 12/5/20 6:57 PM I do not feel the need to be particularly eloquent here. This is a really, really bad idea, not only during a pandemic but just in general. We need these types of departments for the safety of those who live in this County. I really cannot believe that this is even being proposed at this time. I am disappointed and think that you can do much better than this.
Edward A. Bachmann 12/5/20 7:20 PM Dear Councilmembers, Please seek input in a formal process involving community members and municipal leaders from across Pierce County prior to voting on this life-threatening change in public health administration. Not only is the timing and such a monumental change strained by current pandemic conditions, but also by year-end term expirations. The new council team, with wider imput from all constituents, should be allowed to make a thoroghly informed decision that will impact residents well into the future! Thank you for consideration of my input.
Patti Nelsen 12/5/20 8:08 PM I am concerned that this proposal is being ramrodded thru the system before the change in council members. Typical Republican move apparently. The impacts of this proposal should be studied more closely than it would appear they have been. What's the rush? If it's a good idea for the county, waiting until the newly elected council has had a chance to review should be reasonable. I am very opposed to this proposal being approved without more indepth consideration. Thank you! One of the people you work for....
Tina Saxowsky 12/5/20 8:18 PM I vehemently oppose this proposal, especially in our current public health situation. Please vote no.
Kevin Chung 12/5/20 8:40 PM Dear Pierce County Council, I am writing as a District 5 resident to express vehement opposition to Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the necessity of coordinated, cooperative, and non-partisan public health. We should be working toward improving the health of Pierce County residents with the guidance of medical and public health experts, and not playing with our health for partisan political power gambits. Not only does this proposed ordinance put at risk the health of Pierce County residents, but to do so in the midst of a lethal pandemic is asinine and unforgiveable. Even more concerning is the lack of prior communication with City of Tacoma and Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department leaders. I implore the Pierce County Council to reject this proposal and seek regional non-partisan coordination that puts the health of Pierce County residents first. This includes working closely with medical and public health experts who can help Pierce County through the COVID-19 pandemic with science-based decisions. Sincerely, Kevin Chung
KIETH PRIEBE 12/5/20 8:41 PM As a longtime taxpayer and resident of Pierce County, i vehemently oppose this proposal. With Tacoma being the largest city in Pierce county, they have much to offer in the way of resources and knowledge that would surely provide a greater benefit to the residents of Pierce county with their input and involvement in our health department than would be provided without them. With a global pandemic in full swing, this proposal is especially dangerous to the residents of Pierce county and Washington state on the whole. To deprive the people of Pierce county of the services and knowledge the City of Tacoma provides through their involvement in our joint Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department would be both irresponsible and negligent. The people of Pierce county deserve better than to be played as pawns in a disgusting game of partisan politics as part of a shameless power-grab. It's painfully clear to any thinking person that this proposal is about posturing and politics, and not the health and well-being of the people who live in Pierce county. In fact, this proposal shows complete and total disregard for the best interests of the residents of Pierce county by the very people elected to represent them and is an absolute betrayal of trust.
Christine Harris ARNP, Family Nurse Practitioner 12/5/20 9:00 PM Thank you for your work on behalf of our community on the Pierce County Council. Unfortunately, I believe this proposed ordinance will not be beneficial to our community & I urge you to vote against it. As a Family Nurse Practitioner working in family practice in Pierce County for 25 years, I have experienced excellent advocacy, leadership & support from the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. The organization is responsive, diligent & proactive in working for the health of the whole community. If a restructuring would be of benefit, I beleive a conversation with all the stakeholders & the wider community would be of benefit first, which this ordinance process has not allowed. Those initiating this proposal are publically claiming a desire for more accountability, yet those same leaders are without accountability in this (some are leaving the Council). By not allowing for community participation & conversation, they are NOT accountable, which seems ironic & is worrisome, given the complexity of such a change & the huge amount of money the Health Dept would lose through this ordinance. Moreover, in raising this proposal on a tight timeline in the middle of a pandemic, our worst public health crisis in a century, the leaders involved show little concern for the community, for the wellbeing of public health & for the wellbeing of our tireless health care workers at the Healthh Dept & throughout the County. I urge you to vote no in this untimely, unaccountable ordinance process! Thank you for your thoughtful consideration. In deep concern for the wellbeing of our community, Christine Harris ARNP
Nan Nop 12/5/20 9:20 PM Tacoma Health Department is doing a wonderful job with pandemic happening it is not right to make such a change while we already facing crisis instead go and support them and work with them. I oppose to this proposal.
Liz Doyle 12/5/20 9:27 PM This is one of the most asinine, dangerous proposals to cross Pierce County and alarming that this is even on the table. Put personal agendas and politics aside - protect our community. Shoot down this proposal and let our health professionals focus on getting this pandemic under control.
RR Anderson 12/5/20 9:51 PM I am a constituent, small business and job creator of your district. I am writing today to express my opposition to Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136. Please vote no on this very very bad idea. we are in a pandemic for crying out loud. Thank you.
Ellen Floyd 12/5/20 10:06 PM I am a Tacoma resident. I want to know how the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department can be taken apart without input from my representatives. Who would replace the current Board of Health? We have many questions which deserve deeper study than your timeline allows. We need to hear from professionals in the Health Department. They have credibility and authority on issues of public health, which could not be more important at this moment. Please reach out to all citizens of Pierce County, many of whom depend on the Department.
Markiva Contris 12/5/20 10:08 PM This is a reckless and dangerous proposal that would politicize the TPCHD. It is selfish and irresponsible of Roach and Richardson to try to pull these political shenanigans in the midst of a public health crisis. Shame on you. Why is it that Republicans think only of political power and never the health and well being of their constituents?
Jana Lancaster-White 12/5/20 10:10 PM Dissolving the partnership of the TPCHD in the middle of a public health crisis is criminal! What’s the big rush to cram this legislation through the Council? This Issue should be researched and studied for more than a couple weeks. Public health should not be a partisan issue! Shame on those who are making it a partisan issue! Put your egos aside and make well thought out and researched policy decisions for the public good.
Nick Bayard 12/5/20 10:24 PM Dear Members of the Pierce County Council, I write to strongly urge you to vote against Proposed Ordinance 2020-136 for a number of reasons: 1) Virtually no time has been given for any reasonable study of the public health implications of this proposal. 2) The entire Health Department staff is now worried about their job security at a time when we all need to be supporting them to focus all energy on containing this pandemic. 3) The important work the Health Department has done to start to address racial and other inequities in health is at risk of being undone if it is turned into a County department. 4) Losing the voices of health practitioners on the Department's oversight body has serious implications for the administration of the Department. 5) Eliminating the coordination function between Pierce County and Tacoma that the interlocal agreement provides means less efficient use of resources and less effective public health administration. Thank you for your consideration. See you on December 15th. Nick Bayard
Ashley Mearns 12/5/20 10:25 PM This is a disgusting and ridiculous proposal. Irresponsible in the extreme, not backed by data and guranteed to cost taxpayers at least the 1.17 million now covered by Tacoma in addition to the inevitable costs associated with such a division. Nevermind the gross negligence of trying to disrupt a functioning, effective, and critical health department during a pandemic. This move will certainly disrupt operations which in turn will disrupt contact tracing, data collection and vaccine distributions. It will cost lives. This is an unconscionable decision fueled by partisan politics and the petty behavior of a person repeatedly censured and reported for vulgar abusive behavior. Stop this nonsense and get back to work for us, your constituents and stop trying to kill us.
Joni Sensel 12/5/20 10:39 PM This proposal to change the governance of the T/PC Health Dept. by terminating the interlocal agreement, in effect disbanding the current structure, is foolish, particularly now. We're in a pandemic and the existing public health organizations are doing a heroic job of trying to get us through it; don't disrupt them now. If the council feels there's any merit to the proposal, which is dubious, since public health should NOT be subject to partisan decisionmaking or influence, it can be reconsidered in 2021 or 2022 when we might've gotten through the worst of this crisis and have useful to bear on the question. Please vote against 2020-136.
Caryn Wise 12/5/20 10:59 PM Horrible time to shake up a critical public health support system. Ridiculous!
Joe A Kunzler 12/6/20 12:19 AM Please do NOT dismantle your public health governance structure. I do not see the logic of passing Ordinance 2020-136 just as vaccine distribution begins. This is just going to create chaos and arguably impact Washington State public health when we need stable public health governance. If we're going to roll back the public health restrictions and save lives; we need smooth vaccination distribution and Ordinance 2020-136 will mess that up. If the Council majority decides to pass this legislation; I call upon the same Executive Dammimeier I have stuck up for at Sound Transit public comment pre-pandemic to please exhibit his trademark integrity plus the Sound Transit Boardmember's loyalty to Pierce County interests in a very competitive high threat environment... to VETO WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE this madness please. Lives are at stake and governance chaos is the LAST THING WE NEED RIGHT NOW.
Toni Gates 12/6/20 5:29 AM Ordinance 2020-136 is an attempted coup of the health department. Councilmember Roach has a contentious relationship with Director of Health Chen and this proposal is a vengeful act against Chen before she vacates her position at the end of the month. The Health Department has operated without a glitch during the pandemic and this proposal by Roach seems ill-timed and ill-advised. No large move in operations during a health crisis should happen in the middle of the crisis. If this should go forth, it should not be voted on until after the crisis has passed. The goal needs to remain on bringing the pandemic under control. They also will soon be starting to distribute the vaccine to the frontline workers and county. The health department is not political and should always be apolitical. Roach is trying hard to make it political and needs to be stopped in her tracks. The Health Department should be left alone right now so they can focus on ending COVID-19 here in Pierce County.
Lindsay Furber 12/6/20 6:15 AM Dismantling the THD during a pandemic is idiotic. You should be offering more funding and support during a time like this.
Wendy Pantoja 12/6/20 6:17 AM Please vote not for this proposal
William Hall 12/6/20 7:47 AM This is a big decision and shouldn't be rushed through in the 11th hour. Council people should act more responsibly, instead of throwing grenades before exiting the public stage. Shameful.
Kristin Pool 12/6/20 8:05 AM This proposal is unsafe during a pandemic. If y’all want to discuss after a pandemic- go right ahead. But right now we need safety and security and we don’t need to be distracted by this conversation.
Walter N Croshaw 12/6/20 8:50 AM There is no evidence this measure will improve the health of Pierce County residents. In fact, it will do the opposite. Do not play political games with our lives.
Jill Purdy 12/6/20 8:50 AM This proposal places our citizens at great risk, especially children and the elderly. The council lacks the expertise needed to administer the many health programs that are essential to so many in our community. Please do not allow politics to threaten the lives of the people you were elected to serve. This kind of coup is not befitting a great democracy.
Doreen Zeitvogel 12/6/20 8:52 AM I'm curious as to the reason behind this proposal. The health department has been instrumental in keeping us informed not only on the pandemic but also on other health-related issues. I have found them to be intelligent, hardworking, kind, and responsive. They are constantly updating their charts and other information to keep up on top of the details of what is obviously a critical situation that needs everyone's support and cooperation. In view of that, this proposal makes no sense. If there is a solid reason behind it, then that should be clarified before the Council makes any decisions. My guess, however, is that this is yet another emanation of the rampant thoughtlessness that we're seeing across the country.
John Seiler 12/6/20 8:54 AM Makes no sense to disrupt this department during Covid. To start with new staffs, organization with the worst health crisis going on is stupid, irresponsible, an exposures the community to more health risk, impedes the plan and implementation of organized plans to protect the community and defeat Covid. If this is political, you need to resign because you do not have the good of the public center stage in making any changes especially this one.
Christopher Davis 12/6/20 9:05 AM This is a reckless and irresponsible proposal that has dubious timing given the pandemic. It’s clearly a political ploy by council members Richardson and Roach.
Amanda Walston 12/6/20 9:06 AM I strongly oppose this!! It is short-sighted to attempt this ill-planned waste of time and resources at a time when we so desperately need the guidance of science, epidemiopgists, and true health professionals - all of which have been provided successfully by TPCHD for years. At the very least it reeks of overreach and deilfinitely gives the appearance of some council members making a grab for control of an organization/board they ALREADY have representation on, and an attempt to circumvent checks and balances by making the County Council and Executivw the sole decision makers. We have seen on a national level what happens when medical professionals and scientists are replaced by unqualified individuals who push unvalidated theories and practices based on general opinion without proper oversight, and this will be even worse because it would be the same group playing judge and jury. The citizens of Pierce County should not have to be pawns in this dangerous game of second guessing, and upending a system that has been in place to protect us for YEARS. Please don't play games with our lives and our health. We deserve better.
Jon Rodin 12/6/20 9:07 AM I see no explanation of why this proposal has been presented. It's hard to imagine there are any supporters of this while we're all dealing with the struggles of COVID-19 and an increasing homeless population problem. Please be reasonable and inform the public for which you represent.
Naomi Wilson 12/6/20 9:26 AM Ordinance 2020-136 to dismantle the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department is reckless and dangerous! We need our public health workers focused on COVID-19. This sudden move is a distraction at the exact moment we all need to pull together and pull through. Healthcare workers, community members, and those who rely on Tacoma-Pierce Health Department were all shocked by this sudden and unexplained action. The City of Tacoma was not consulted as a stakeholder and partner in this policy move, nor were any other cities or towns in Pierce County. This is a significant dissolution and reorganization of a partnership that deserves more than one week of discussion. This should not be rushed. At a time that partnership and collaboration is so essential, this dissolves and weakens the ability for our county and city leaders to work with medical providers, educators, parents, workers and employers. Even if this is a good idea, which I don’t believe it is, then it will still be a good idea post-pandemic. We should all focus on fighting COVID-19 right now. Let’s have a robust debate when all parties and community impacted can do so without jeopardizing the live of PC residents by not focusing 100% on the pandemic at hand. Do not pass this ordinance.
Heidi Schooley 12/6/20 9:59 AM I call on County Executive Bruce Dammeier and Pierce County Council to remove Pam Roach’s proposed ordinance to disband Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department from the Pierce County Council’s December 7, 2020 agenda. Roach’s proposed ordinance is a hasty and irresponsible move which threatens all Pierce County residents safety and well-being. Roach’s Proposal: 1. Has not gone through the proper channels, as defined by our county, before being proposed (no Human Services Committee or public review). 2. Seeks to dismantle the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department during a global pandemic unnecessarily putting Pierce County residents at risk. 3. Calls for the creation of a new department, unnecessarily and wastefully using taxpayer money to hire and train staff, update letterhead, and furnish a new organization. 4. Enacts layoffs of Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department employees, who have provided Pierce County residents with excellent services and guidance. Pierce County Council and Bruce Dammeier have the ability to hold our county’s protocols and standards in place for the safety of our community. Roach's harmful ordinance should be taken off the December 7th, 2020, agenda with no further discussion. 1. We’re in the middle of a pandemic. 2. Two weeks is not enough time to figure ANY of this out. 3. TPCHD and the City of Tacoma didn’t know about this. 4. Ending the city-county partnership and switching to a county-only health board means they lose the $1.1 million that Tacoma contributes to the agency. Stop the politically-driven dismantling of our public health department during this roaring pandemic - it is reckless and dangerous. We need our public health workers focused on the pandemic, not politics. Even as we’re seeing light at the end of the tunnel, we have to get through what might be our darkest hour first. This debate is a divisive distraction at the exact moment we all need to pull together and pull through. This 11th hour surprise move weakens our efforts rather than strengthens them. It will do more harm than good at this precarious hour. At a time that partnership and collaboration is so essential, this dissolves and weakens the ability for our county and city leaders to work with medical providers, educators, parents, workers and employers. We are all exhausted and ready for this pandemic to end. But this simply adds another sordid chapter to this very long saga. Once we’re through this pandemic, we’ll all have time to reflect on how we can improve our public health and health care systems. This move has ramifications for everything from drinking water and drug treatment and maternal health. This is a significant dissolution and reorganization of a half-century-old partnership that deserves more than one week of discussion. Call to Action We urge the Pierce County Executive and County Council to postpone further policy discussion and legislative action on this matter until such a time that a full analysis and robust stakeholder engagement can be completed. We request that County officials reach out to cities and towns, the medical community, educators, and other vital stakeholders to fully vet the implications of the decision to dissolve the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department prior to considering any legislation.
Sallie Shawl 12/6/20 10:16 AM The timing on this ordinance is absurd. Personnel in the Health Dept need to be focused solely on helping our community through this pandemic, period, end of paragraph! Prior to voting on such an extremely consequential action, there needs to be a thorough and transparent assessment of possible new models, pros and cons, cost and benefits (literal and figurative). This is all just much too fast. If there are problems and/or inefficiencies to be solved, it's worth taking some time to do it right. It is absolutely crazy to do something so extreme at this time.
Nancy E. Henderson 12/6/20 10:54 AM I was surprised to see the sudden proposal to dismantle the current Tacoma-Pierce County Health Dept with such a rushed process. This is concerning and alarming due to: 1) Lack of outreach and consultation with stakeholders. Both the City of Tacoma and the Health Dept were blindsided by this proposal. 2) Plans for an imminent vote without adequate time for wider consultation with stakeholders and public input. Rushed decisions often lack a factual foundation and yield regret. They also suggest a hidden agenda which erodes trust in government. 3) Lack of convincing justification of the necessity for this change. Where are specific facts/figures? The suggestion that there will be better representation is dubious. Buckley Mayor Pat Johnson represents small Towns and Cities. How would her removal give us more representation? 4) Proposal for a massive disruption of a health organization thoroughly engaged in maneuvering us through a time of crisis with the COVID-19 pandemic. It is treacherous to change canoes when paddling in whitewater. 5) The optics are terrible. Two county council members almost out the door proposing rushed plans to dismantle part of the home without convincing arguments of the need or solid plans for remodeling. Maybe the proposal itself is a good idea, or maybe not. In either case, please put this on hold and reconsider this when heads are not spinning from just trying to combat the pandemic. Consult all the stakeholders first. Lay out the reasons clearly. Have a public process for input. Make a decision based on careful analysis and review to ensure we get this right.
SUNNY CAIRNS 12/6/20 11:02 AM Please consider your actions. ​The politically-driven dismantling of our public health department during this roaring pandemic is reckless and dangerous.
Josephine M Stortini 12/6/20 11:23 AM Oppose Disbanding Public Health Department. It has been successful especially during COVID-19 PANDEMIC. DR. CHEN has been excellent in communication, informative about COVID-19 and management of disease process. Department of Health should be separate and independent.
Evelyn 12/6/20 11:39 AM This proposal comes at a time when what we really need is collaboration. I'm only 12 years old and I know that you guys are making an idiotical decision! Stand down! For goodness sakes.
Diana Stadden 12/6/20 11:47 AM We are in the very worst part of a pandemic! To even think about terminating our health department at a time like this deserves NO consideration. I rely on their COVID-19 updates, which I check every day. With a vaccine on the horizon, we don't need to place public health in jeopardy. Don't play politics with our health!
Anzhane Slaughter 12/6/20 12:27 PM Pierce County Council, The Tacoma- Pierce county community is extremely disappointed in the Pierce county council idea to dismantle their partnership with the Public Health Department. During a Pandemic is simply not the time to be discussing a takeover. If the county decides to pass this resolution the community will ultimately lose faith and trust in the council to adequately represent the peoples best interest. Dismantling a partnership with our public health department only distracts us from the real issue of Covid19 and its fatal impact on our communities. Please do not pass this ordinance.
Jeanne Archie 12/6/20 12:36 PM Ordinance 2020-136 I assume there are issues I am not aware of driving this ordinance. That said, I want to know what those issues are that would prompt Doug Richardson and Pam Roach to submit this ordinance for review and approval. Why would they believe that doing so, in the middle of the world’s largest pandemic, would help our community? The current governing relationship has been in place for some 30 years. I appreciate that there are Pierce County Board members, plus medical community leaders and mayors from several cities on the current board that oversees the Tacoma/Pierce County Health Department. I believe it is unscrupulous to put this organization in more trauma attempting a major re-organizational shift at this time. I ask the Council to hit the “pause” button and re-address this in late 2021 when we are past the pandemic. I ask that there be a study conducted to assess what is perceived to be current shortcomings with recommendations brought forward for the Council to thoughtfully consider before acting. Respectfully, Jeanne Archie
Cynthia Dalton 12/6/20 12:40 PM Please do not pass this idiotic legislation proposed by lame duck members of the Council who seem to be looking for revenge for not being re-elected to office. This is an extremely bad idea to propose in the middle of a public health crisis affecting not only our County but the entire nation. Who will determine Covid vaccine distribution for our county if this passes? Is it too much to hope that the good of the entire county is more important than the blatent power grab of 2 lame duck council members who apparently just want to ruin things for the whole county since they lost?
Phil Gardner 12/6/20 12:44 PM This proposal is a ridiculous political power grab and must be withdrawn or voted down. The health care workers and public health professionals trying to save lives in Pierce County need our support, not unnecessary and harmful political distractions like this. Dismantling the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department would be reckless and irresponsible at any time, but rushing this plan through the county council during the worst public health crisis we've ever faced is a particularly bad idea. Do what's in the public interest and do not go forward with this awful plan.
Claudia Donato 12/6/20 1:03 PM I think it is ridiculous to be considering this during the rest of the chaos happening. Want to restructure/dissolve it? Have open discussions with the people when we aren't pushed to the limits daily as it is. This feels like a manipulation of the situation. I thought we were better than this. Guess we're like the rest of the nation: trample the real meaning of democracy and feeding the hate filled retoric of politics. What has happened to our great nation. Those elected to serve it are devouring it alive. It's shameful and this is one more example of trying to just push things along agends before leaving office. I'd like to know ALL the information.
Susannah Nuriel 12/6/20 1:28 PM I am a Tacoma resident in District 7. How can the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department be taken apart without input from my representatives? Who would replace the current Board of Health? Doing this without community discussion in the middle of a devastating pandemic shows an appalling lack of concern for the citizens this council supposedly represents. We have many questions which deserve deeper study than your timeline allows. We need to hear from professionals in the Health Department. They have credibility and authority on issues of public health, which could not be more important at this moment. Please reach out to all citizens of Pierce County, many of whom depend on the Department.
Chuck 12/6/20 1:35 PM When does the County Council and Executive propose we address the divisiveness between the two parties? 2020-136 is proof positive that the Republicans on the Pierce County council believe that this is their last best chance to continue the practice of "in their face" politics when it comes to the other party, the largest city city and in fact all the other municipalities in the County. Right in time for Christmas during a pandemic they decide that going it alone is how they intend to continue to operate even down at the local level. I truly wish we as humans could talk first instead of pulling the trigger without any discussion what so ever. TLKA WITH THE OTHER PARTIES BEFORE ENACTING THIS UGLY PIECE OF PARTISAN ACTION. You should be ashamed, but I guess that is not part of the Republican "open government" / integrity platform.
Melinda Rajacich 12/6/20 2:10 PM To the Pierce County Council, The subject is concerned citizen but should be citizens. “The health of a community is dependent on the strength and support of the health department and its public health system”. Our health department represents an essential trust between our government and the people; to provide safe water, food, housing, sewage, general health of our community and much more. The importance of our health department may not always be obvious. Our public health system is a vital part of our community’s health monitoring and support system. Our health department is our front line of defense against food poisoning in restaurants. It is the primary distributer of health education. It is organizer of our response to infectious diseases measles, croup, pneumonia, environmental hazards, and, of course, Covid-19. When the Health Department is functioning at its best, diseases (measles, tuberculosis, hepatitis, whooping cough) are contained; our water is safe, outbreaks at restaurants don’t occur and it is tempting to assume that the Health department isn’t needed. My grandfather lost children to rubella and diphtheria and his neighbors lost their lives to environmental poisoning. Those deaths would not have occurred today because of improvements in public health which are monitored by our Health Department as overseen by the Board of Health. The Board of Health is composed of people in the field or who have gained expertise by their experience on the Board. As a result, Health Department decisions are made according the best available science. Oversight by a political organization (such as the County Council) will inevitably subject the Department to political whim (which the current efforts with 2020-136 are a perfect example of) rather than best science, and this would be a tragedy. Our health department has done a remarkable job managing the Covid-19 pandemic from the beginning and it is continuing to work hard to keep our community safe. I feel that passage of 2020-136 will put all of that in jeopardy. Please vote down 2020-136 and allow the TPCHD to do it very important work without political interference. Sincerely, Melinda Rajacich
Linda Hiser 12/6/20 2:11 PM I stand firmly against the Pam Roach’s proposal to terminate the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department and allow Pierce County to take over sole responsibility of our community healthcare programs. This is nothing but a Republican Pierce County Council members monetary power grab. Pierce County is fraught with ineptitude and past history of fraud charges and convictions. The millions of dollars available to deal with COVID-19 are being allocated appropriately by the Tacoma Health department. Pierce County office of the assessor’s office cannot even figure out how to refund a check to me of $3, so they kept it!
Bethany Maines 12/6/20 2:12 PM This proposal is reckless, politically motivated and extremely rushed. Stop playing with the health and lives of the people of Tacoma and Pierce County. Stop trying to jam this through at the last second and behaving like children. Vote this proposal down or delay until there can be appropriate hearings.
Chelsea McElroy 12/6/20 2:43 PM Now is not the time to dissolve the health department. The work they are currently doing helps so many communities. This looks like a partisan political stunt instead of an actual policy to benefit the lives of the residents of the county.
John Van Buskirk 12/6/20 2:56 PM To the Pierce County Council Re: Ordinance 2020-136, I am a concerned physician who has lived and worked in Tacoma for over 35 years and am writing to you today to encourage you to reject Ordinance No 2020-136. We have all suffered during this pandemic. The emotional, physical, and economic impact of this disease will have longstanding ramifications for our families, ourselves, and our communities that will take years to recover. While it has been a privilege to provide guidance, maintain health and safety through telemedicine, and care for those who fell ill with Covid-19, it has been an exhausting journey from needing to wear a disposable mask until it literally fell apart to watching our patients die alone on ventilators in the hospital. Throughout the struggle, it has been a comfort to know that there is an independent organization working tirelessly to ensure the health of the public based on the developing science and not hindered by political agendas. The Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department has been a model during this Pandemic, and without their tireless leadership, it is difficult to imagine where we would be today or what may be the course of tomorrow. I am concerned about my patients’ safety if this proposed administrative change were to occur, especially given the lack of clarity about what structure would replace it and how science and public health would continue to guide the Department’s recommendations. While we recognize the importance of representation in government, it is also important to maintain some separation between politics and public health. Additionally, given that the current Board is made up of elected County and City officials chosen from their peers to serve on the board itself, and given that the current Pierce County Council will have turn over in January 2021, I question the timing and motivations of this Ordinance. In light of the above, I am concerned and suggest some considerations that must be made to maintain the health of the public if this Ordinance is to be considered. • What funding source will replace the $1.1million budget shortfall that would result if this Ordinance were to pass? The Health Department and Pierce County citizens cannot afford to lose health funding during this pandemic and its aftermath. • How will the new Board be structured to take into account the unique needs of high density communities such as Tacoma along with lower density communities? • How will restructuring a functioning organization in the middle of the largest public health crisis in a century effect population health, and will restructuring pause or otherwise negatively impact the response to the pandemic and the safety of community members? As your constituent, I urge you in the interest of the current pandemic, the next pandemic, and the health of the public to reject Ordinance No 2020-136 and maintain the current Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department structure. Adjustments may be warranted to maintain the health of people in Pierce County, but until the questions posed above can be answered, now is not the time to experiment or slow the important work of the Health Department’s response to Covid-19. Thank you very much for your time, John Van Buskirk, DO Family Physician
Miles Winder 12/6/20 3:09 PM This proposal is designed to jeopardize the health and safety of the residents of Pierce County in favor of granting political adventurers the ability to grant more patronage. I am embarrassed that it has even been submitted for council consideration. The fact that one Councilperson does not agree with the health professionals scientific pronouncements should not be the basis for dismantling the whole interlocal agreement.
Amy Van Mechelen 12/6/20 3:15 PM I think this is insane and should be opposed by all council members. The county health department has been amazing during this pandemic and to break it up now would be a disservice to all those in the county and potentially create public health crisis. Pam Roach, you’ve got to go too.
Rebecca Schumaker 12/6/20 3:44 PM This proposal is one of the most irresponsible things I’ve ever heard of from the elected officials in our areas. The thought of disbanding our local health department in the middle of a historic global pandemic is absolutely ridiculous. I hope the rest of the council will see through Pam Roach’s insane politics.
Cassandra Lee 12/6/20 3:47 PM I don't remember my district and lookup tool isn't working. I OPPOSE this proposal.
Mark Hallman 12/6/20 4:08 PM Roach’s proposed ordinance is a hasty and irresponsible move which threatens all Pierce County residents safety and well-being. Roach’s Proposal: 1. Has not gone through the proper channels, as defined by our county, before being proposed (no Human Services Committee or public review). 2. Seeks to dismantle the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department during a global pandemic unnecessarily putting Pierce County Residents at risk. 3. Calls for the creation of a new department, unnecessarily and wastefully using taxpayer money on hiring and training staff, updating letterhead, and furnishing a new organization. 4. Enacts layoffs of Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department employees, who have provided Pierce County residents with excellent services and guidance.
Sue Boggs 12/6/20 4:09 PM I think it is a bad idea to make any change to the health department in the middle of a pandemic, especially as the change only seems to be a political one, not one aimed at improving the health or health services of the county. The change deletes the fact that the Board is administered by the Director of Health as well as all the specific duties and functions of the department and only states that "The Pierce County Council shall constitute the official county Health Board." The Council already has a representative on the Board. This just appears to be a political takeover, removing all the other groups currently governing the Board. There is no specific improvement outlined to provide oversight of health care or policy. Please vote no on this proposal.
Lorraine Davila 12/6/20 4:19 PM How can this even be considered? This is disappointing and if my council member votes for this, I will be actively speaking against re-election! I have relied on the PCHD for all of my years living in this area. It is wrong and unwarranted to do this!!
Derek McNeill 12/6/20 4:25 PM Proposed ordinance number 2020-136 regarding disbanding the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department during a pandemic is a shocking and deeply troubling idea. I can’t imagine why anyone would think this is a good idea as the entire world is trying to roll out a vaccine that could save lives like mine. Living with a compromised immune system is difficult and if I don’t follow my doctor’s advice I could die. Councilmember Roach's actions look like she is trying to sabotage the Health Department right at a time when we need it the most. Is this timing important to her? Could it not wait 2 years or 4 years? Or is she trying to leave behind a legacy of making things more difficult for the many people who depend on the Health Department? Please withdraw this terrible ordinance and do the right thing, submit it again in a few years when this is all behind us. I’ll vote against anyone who supports this idea because the partnership works and does a great job keeping people safe.
Abigail L Sarno 12/6/20 4:26 PM I thoroughly oppose this legislation. We need to be following the guidance of public health experts. As such, they should be independent experts. With all due respect to the council, council members do not have the knowledge, education, training or expertise to perform the functions of the health department. Given the fact that we are in the middle of a global pandemic, we need to be listening to the leadership of scientific experts rather than undermining it. The health and well being of Pierce County's population should not be politicized. With a highly effective vaccine on the horizon, I am hopeful this pandemic will be ended by a testament to innovation and science, meanwhile this proposal aims to undermine the only way we have out of this unprecedented situation. And why? Following the health department's guidance is (mostly) voluntary to begin with. Why take this action? I cannot fathom any such reason to attack the folks who have been working to hard to save lives. We need to follow their guidance to the best of our ability while we wait for a vaccine. What the science says may not be popular, but it is facts. Facts that save lives. I recognize that people may be struggling economically as a result of guidance and restrictions- but let me suggest that perhaps the council could focus on building programs to mitigate the impact rather than trying to dismantle the guidance itself. Doing anything less is shirking your responsibility to safeguard the health and wellbeing of Pierce County's residence. Lastly, the fact that you are trying to mislead the public by calling this a "reorganization," is pretty awful if not outright dishonest. We see through this wordplay and I'm honestly losing faith and trust in a council that is okay with being so willfully deceptive. Please vote NO on this proposal.
Melody Duke 12/6/20 4:31 PM Why fix something that is not broken at expense to the taxpayers. I am satisfied with the job this agency is doing during these critical times. The proposal to disband this effective and necessary group at this time makes no sense to me.
Dolores Biblarz 12/6/20 4:36 PM I am very much against this proposal by Pam Roach! It would be detrimental to quality care in our Covid pandemic. Frankly it doesn’t make sense.
Sharon Fochtman 12/6/20 4:45 PM Embarrassed that this proposal came from my district representative. Our county needs to be building health resources, not destroying what is in place. How dare our elected officials even consider this horrible proposal. I will actively campaign against anyone who votes for this proposal.
christopher gavin 12/6/20 5:01 PM This proposal undermines the necessary and critical guidance that all schools need from our TPCHD. We have relied on and have received weekly information and consultation from the Health Department during this pandemic. There is no school in our County that has not benefited from the professionalism of the entire staff. We may not have always agreed with their positions but I never doubted their judgment in keeping all of our children safer. This is true for private and public schools. Do not dissolve this critical county department. thank you Chris Gavin
Audrey Pitigliano 12/6/20 5:19 PM I've heard no good reasons for this move, and it is not reasonable to make changes in management and system structures when resources are at a premium and focus is on the pandemic! It also sounds like it would result in duplication of services and cost more than is spent now collectively. I would hope that the council spends more time finding solutions to homelessness - that is a priority.
Frank Dacca 12/6/20 5:32 PM As a life long resident of Pierce County and as a retired Pierce County District Court Judge, I wish to express my strong opposition to this radical and untimely ordinance to dismantle and eliminate the 50 year old Tacoma-Pierce County Department. At the heighth of the surging pandemic, this dangerous proposal is being promoted by the lame duck Republican majority and is poised to politicize the public health decisions of this community and to put control in the hands of a County department and its politicians. This current Health Department is an autonomous agency made up of dedicated staff and experts and presently has a broad representation on the Board to make decisions on a scientific basis for the welfare of our community. Like many others, I am not persuaded in any way that this proposed Ordinance is being considered to promote streamlining and increase pubic input. If the County Executive and County Council wish to consider a reorganization of the Health Department, let all of the stakeholders be involved in the process to consider options in a deliberate fashion which may promote efficiency and the public good. I also sense some hypocrisy here. In March of this year when the important issue of a mental health tax was before the Republican majority Council, this issue was rejected and tabled on the basis that further study and consultation was needed. I submit where is that need for further study and collaboration now at this hour? This ordinance should properly be withdrawn or tabled at this time. Our public health and welfare and that of our children are at stake. Thank you for taking the time to review my comments. Frank Dacca
Andrea Sulusi 12/6/20 5:42 PM Pierce County Council Members, On behalf of the Board of Directors of NAMI Pierce County (National Alliance on Mental Illness), I urge you to vote NO on Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136. This proposal to dismantle the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department at this time, without a meaningful review of the potential repercussions, is irresponsible and unconscionable. We are in the midst of pandemic, hospitals are filling up, and our first responders and health care providers are overwhelmed. We need our public health agency responding to and focused on this ongoing public health crises, not fighting for their survival. Dissolving the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department jeorpardizes the health and safety of all the residents they serve. They have been a champion for families, the environment, public health and safety, and an advocate for mental health. Because of their support , NAMI PIerce County has been able to expand and provide our programs to underserved communities who would otherwise not be able to find support. Such a proposal would affect so many families...many already suffering with anxiety, depression and other forms of mental health issues . For the sake of the health and safety of your constituents and the public you serve, I strongly urge you to vote NO on Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136. Respectfully, Andrea Sulusi Board Secretary , NAMI Pierce County National Alliance on Mental Illness Image
Jane Vaccaro 12/6/20 5:50 PM I have a long history of working as an RN in Pierce County and as a small business owner and entrepreneur. I also have a Masters in Public Health and have worked throughout the state and The Pierce County community in disaster preparedness. This proposal is ill-conceived in the best of times. In the midst of the worse Public Health Crisis in my lifetime it is disastrous. The TPCHD is a leader and an example to other departments across the state. This proposal will result in increased costs for county residents and poor health outcomes. Please vote down Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136. Jane Vaccaro, MPH, BSN, RN, CCM, CLCP
Natalie Nunes 12/6/20 6:12 PM My name is Natalie Nunes and I am a concerned physician who lives in University Place and works as a family physician in Tacoma. I am writing to you today to encourage you to reject Ordinance No 2020-136. We have all suffered during this pandemic. The emotional, physical, and economic impact of this disease will have longstanding ramifications for our families, ourselves, and our communities that will take years to recover. While it has been a privilege to provide guidance, maintain health and safety through telemedicine, and care for those who fell ill with Covid-19, it has been an exhausting journey from needing to wear a disposable mask until it literally fell apart to watching our patients die alone on ventilators in the hospital. Throughout the struggle, it has been a comfort to know that there is an independent organization working tirelessly to ensure the health of the public based on the developing science and not hindered by political agendas. The Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department has been a model during this Pandemic, and without their tireless leadership, it is difficult to imagine where we would be today or what may be the course of tomorrow. I am concerned about my patients’ safety if this proposed administrative change were to occur, especially given the lack of clarity about what structure would replace it and how science and public health would continue to guide the Department’s recommendations. While we recognize the importance of representation in government, it is also important to maintain some separation between politics and public health. Additionally, given that the current Board is made up of elected County and City officials chosen from their peers to serve on the board itself, and given that the current Pierce County Council will have turn over in January 2021, I question the timing and motivations of this Ordinance. In light of the above, I am concerned and suggest some considerations that must be made to maintain the health of the public if this Ordinance is to be considered. • What funding source will replace the $1.1million budget shortfall that would result if this Ordinance were to pass? The Health Department and Pierce County citizens cannot afford to lose health funding during this pandemic and its aftermath. • How will the new Board be structured to take into account the unique needs of high density communities such as Tacoma along with lower density communities? • How will restructuring a functioning organization in the middle of the largest public health crisis in a century effect population health, and will restructuring pause or otherwise negatively impact the response to the pandemic and the safety of community members? As your constituent, I urge you in the interest of the current pandemic, the next pandemic, and the health of the public to reject Ordinance No 2020-136 and maintain the current Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department structure. Adjustments may be warranted to maintain the health of people in Pierce County, but until the questions posed above can be answered, now is not the time to experiment or slow the important work of the Health Department’s response to Covid-19. Thank you very much for your time, Natalie Nunes MD
Barbara Samora 12/6/20 6:15 PM Department must remain independent of politics. They have done a great job under these difficult pandemic conditions and it is unbelievable that the council is considering this during a very serious pandemic. Please consider the welfare of your constituents and vote NO on this ordinance and keep the Health Department free of partisan politics. Please do not put our health at risk as I believe this proposal would.
Irene Bensinger 12/6/20 6:28 PM This is the worst possible moment to politicize health care in Pierce county. We're in the middle of a terrifying pandemic! We citizens need much more information about the implications of this ordinance as well as a forum for decussion about an issue that affects the health of our families.
Joseph Lowery 12/6/20 6:45 PM As a longtime Tacoma Pierce County Member, Im urging you to vote against dismantling the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department. Its unfathomable to me that a council member would even propose such a dangerous idea during one the deadly pandemics of our time. It would be irresponsible and a dereliction of your duty as a public service member to vote in favor of such a damaging deadly proposal.
Laurie Kajca 12/6/20 6:52 PM Regarding 2020-136 Ordinance: I do not support the decision to eliminate the Pierce County Tacoma Health Department Board. I urge all council members to vote NO on this proposed ordinance to terminate the contract with TPCHD. This proposal does not make any sense especially at the highest surge to date of the pandemic, to rush this plan through without proper vetting. Making this change would cause nothing but chaos and delay in life savings services to all Pierce County residents. Laurie Kajca
Ashley Millette Cote 12/6/20 6:53 PM I am concerned about my patients’ safety if this proposed administrative change were to occur, especially given the lack of clarity about what structure would replace it and how science and public health would continue to guide the Department’s recommendations. While we recognize the importance of representation in government, it is also important to maintain some separation between politics and public health. Additionally, given that the current Board is made up of elected County and City officials chosen from their peers to serve on the board itself, and given that the current Pierce County Council will have turn over in January 2021, I question the timing and motivations of this Ordinance.
Sarah Joslyn 12/6/20 7:02 PM We do not need to draw the focus of the Health Department away from it's vital work to get us through a pandemic by creating transition and upheaval. This is inappropriate and should be tabled until we get through to the other side of the COVID crisis.
Randolph M. Fritz 12/6/20 7:07 PM This makes no sense. We are in the middle of a huge pandemic. Washington state is expected to run out of hospital capacity in early January. Throwing our public health system into chaos at this time makes no sense. In addition to which, the TPCHD is doing an excellent job and is a national model for running a local health care system. We ought to keep it, not dismantle it. And, finally, this politicizes a government function which, of all government functions, must not be political. Because disease doesn’t care. It doesn’t care if you are Republican or Democratic. It doesn’t care if you are rich or poor or white or black. Among all government functions, the fight against disease is a fight for humanity. It should not be subject to the winds of politics. Do not pass this ordinance.
Roxy Giddings 12/6/20 7:16 PM Postpone Indefinitely - let it go - zero out
Leo Stauch 12/6/20 7:23 PM The proposal to terminate the agreement with City of Tacoma to continue the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department is baffling, at best. The country, Washington State, and Pierce County are under assault by a coronavirus (Covid-19) that has killed 247 County Residents and nearly 300,000 Americans and the County Councils response to this is to eliminate the Health Department? How irresponsible! This proposal has no merit, it has no replacement policy; it loads the responsibility for public health onto an incoming council, while the past members simply walk away. Responsible council members and the executive need to withdraw this proposal from consideration immediately. Thank you
Elise Bowditch 12/6/20 7:41 PM This is not the time to entertain such an unnecessary idea - I am disgusted that anyone would seriously consider disrupting the health care in Pierce County in the middle of a pandemic. Also, this appears to be being pushed through very quickly, when it's an issue that deserves much public education and time for deliberation. Don't do this now.
Charlene Cook 12/6/20 7:57 PM I am very concerned about this proposal and the speed at which it is being rushed through with no time for input from Pierce Co. cities and individual residents. A time when we are experiencing an increase in Covid 19 cases, does not seem to be an appropriate time to make changes in our county health system. As a resident who has experienced close family members who have tested positive, this hits very close to home. My 7 year old granddaughter experienced the high fevers and severe convulsions that some children have with the virus. My pregnant niece and her pastor husband experienced the general tiredness, fever, and terrible coughing fits. My elderly uncle in a nursing home received a positive test on a Friday and passed away on the next Monday. My sister-in-law was positive but asymptomatic but my brother was not so lucky. He tested positive a week before Thanksgiving and has still not recovered. He has reoccurring fevers and severe coughing spells. I urge you to not carry through with this plan to make changes to the health department at this critical time in our county's health and well being!
Evan Scott 12/6/20 7:57 PM I have lived in Pierce County since February of 2010. In that time, I have had military healthcare, Veterans Affairs healthcare, employer-provided healthcare, and periods with no accessible healthcare at all. Over the past decade, I have received more reliable healthcare support from the Tacoma-Pierce County Public Health Department (TPCPHD) than I have had from most of my other healthcare arrangements. TPCPHD provides valuable and essential services in Pierce County. Friends, loved ones, and I have directly benefited from their services on numerous occasions. Please do not pass Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136. This ordinance threatens the health and well-being of all who benefit from the services of TPCPHD. Further, disrupting any public health department during a pandemic threatens the health and safety of everyone, even those who do not directly benefit from TPCPHD.
Susan Hyde 12/6/20 7:59 PM Dear Council, I was surprised to read about this proposal to dismantle the current health department and reorganize it under different oversight and different members. This seems to be incredibly short-sighted and rushed. I am writing to ask that this proposal be shelved for now so that adequate time is allowed for study and comments on the ramifications of such a proposal. It is unbelievable to me that this has been proposed in the middle of our greatest public health crisis in my lifetime. It is possible that this move could ultimately be a good one, but not at this time and not without adequate study. Please, please, please vote NO on this ordinance.
Krystle Amundson 12/6/20 8:02 PM Dearest Executive Bruce Dammeier, Council Chair Douglas Richardson, Councilmember Pamela Roach, Councilmember Jim McCune, Councilmember Connie Ladenburg, Councilmember Marty Campbell and Councilmember Derek Young: Vote no on Pierce County Council Ordinance 2020-136 and decline to authorize policy making decisions that lead to redlining the City of Tacoma and the only elected Black/African American Boardmember out of representing the Board of Health. Decline to engage in Jim Crow legislative policy gerrymandering that results in the removal of City of Tacoma representing 20,000 Black/African-Americans (30 percent of the African-American residents in Pierce County) and the only elected Black/African-American representative on the Board of Health. A Pierce County Council governing the board within the next election term limits guarantees the only Black/African-American representation on the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department Board of Health will be redlined off of the Board of Health. Further, the board would lose additional neutral representation from the professional expert medical community with the loss of Dr. William Hirota’s representation through the Pierce County Medical Society, and lose representation from the Association of Cities and Towns, Mayor Pat Johnson. The Pierce County Council already has a weighted advantage on the board with their one Executive and three Pierce County Council appointees. City of Tacoma has only two appointees compared to the County’s total of four appointees. There are two more neutral appointees representing the board with one for cities and towns—rural Buckley in particular—and one for the medical community who would both be lost by Failing to Reject this ordinance. Do not further marginalize the representation of BIPOC and the City of Tacoma on the Board of Health to 0% representation. Similar insidious large scale white supremacist policy tactics have been witnessed in cities with large populations of Black/African-American and BIPOC voters in cities across America since November 2020. Resist these tactics and embrace healing by working collaboratively and collectively with the current ILA’s Holistic legislative representation on the Board of Health. Let us mend, bind, cure and heal our wounds as a community equitably and collectively Together, taking into account History, Resiliency, Dialogue, Reconciliation, empirical studies and the hundreds of public comments on proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136 written and voiced by The People. A unilateral decision made out of traumatic reaction to pandemic by your singular, small jurisdiction does not do our people justice. Resist the urge to engage in lateral violence and scapegoating in the midst of this global pandemic. We are Better Together. Prayerfully, Krystle Amundson LEXICON: Jim Crow – Jim Crow was the name of the racial caste system which operated primarily, but not exclusively in southern and border states, between 1877 and the mid-1960s. Jim Crow was more than a series of rigid anti-black laws. It was a way of life. Under Jim Crow, African Americans were relegated to the status of second class citizens. Jim Crow represented the legitimization of anti-black racism. Many Christian ministers and theologians taught that whites were the Chosen people, blacks were cursed to be servants, and God supported racial segregation. Craniologists, eugenicists, phrenologists, and Social Darwinists, at every educational level, buttressed the belief that blacks were innately intellectually and culturally inferior to whites. Pro-segregation politicians gave eloquent speeches on the great danger of integration: the mongrelization of the white race. Newspaper and magazine writers routinely reinforced anti-black stereotypes. All major societal institutions reflected and supported the oppression of blacks. ( Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia) Racial Gerrymandering – Racial gerrymandering refers to defining voting districts to lesson or eliminate a minority’s voting power. Redlining - the systematic denial of various services by federal government agencies, local governments, or the private sector either directly or through the selective raising of prices. This often manifested by placing strict criteria on certain goods that often disadvantaged poor and minority communities. BIPOC - Black, Indigenous and People of Color Trauma - Traumatic experiences often involve a threat to life or safety, but any situation that leaves you feeling overwhelmed and isolated can result in trauma. Lateral violence - is displaced violence directed against one's peers rather than adversaries. Scapegoat - a person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others, especially for reasons of expediency. EIS - An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is a document prepared to describe the effects for proposed activities on the environment. "Environment," in this case, is defined as the natural and physical environment and the relationship of people with that environment. HIS - A health impact statement is a brief summary in lay terms of the result of an intervention, program, or policy that contributed to a measurable change in health, behavioral, or environmental outcome in a defined population. EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a process of evaluating the likely environmental impacts of a proposed project or development, taking into account inter-related socio-economic, cultural and human-health impacts, both beneficial and adverse HIA - Health Impact Assessment (HIA) is a practical approach used to judge the potential health effects of a policy, program or project on a population, particularly on vulnerable or disadvantaged groups. Recommendations are produced for decision-makers and stakeholders, with the aim of maximising the proposal's positive health effects and minimising its negative health effects. The approach can be applied in diverse economic sectors and uses quantitative, qualitative and participatory techniques. REIA - A Racial Equity Impact Assessment (REIA) is a systematic examination of how different racial and ethnic groups will likely be affected by a proposed action or decision. REIS – A Racial Equity Impact Statement is a process to evaluate effects of policy & programs in reducing disparities. HLAT - Reviewing a policy or program in terms of its positive or negative health impacts. Failed: no independent EIS completed. Failed: no independent HIS completed. Failed: no independent REIS completed. Failed: no independent EIA completed. Failed: no independent HIA completed. Failed: no independent REIA completed. Failed: no independent Health Lens Analysis tool completed.
Nicholas Snow 12/6/20 8:03 PM To the Pierce County Council Re: Ordinance 2020-136, My name is Dr. Nicholas Snow, and I am a concerned physician who lives and works in Tacoma who is writing to you today to encourage you to reject Ordinance No 2020-136. We have all suffered during this pandemic. The emotional, physical, and economic impact of this disease will have longstanding ramifications for our families, ourselves, and our communities that will take years to recover. While it has been a privilege to provide guidance, maintain health and safety through telemedicine, and care for those who fell ill with Covid-19, it has been an exhausting journey from needing to wear a disposable mask until it literally fell apart to watching our patients die alone on ventilators in the hospital. Throughout the struggle, it has been a comfort to know that there is an independent organization working tirelessly to ensure the health of the public based on the developing science and not hindered by political agendas. The Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department has been a model during this Pandemic, and without their tireless leadership, it is difficult to imagine where we would be today or what may be the course of tomorrow. I am concerned about my patients’ safety if this proposed administrative change were to occur, especially given the lack of clarity about what structure would replace it and how science and public health would continue to guide the Department’s recommendations. While we recognize the importance of representation in government, it is also important to maintain some separation between politics and public health. Additionally, given that the current Board is made up of elected County and City officials chosen from their peers to serve on the board itself, and given that the current Pierce County Council will have turn over in January 2021, I question the timing and motivations of this Ordinance. In light of the above, I am concerned and suggest some considerations that must be made to maintain the health of the public if this Ordinance is to be considered. · What funding source will replace the $1.1million budget shortfall that would result if this Ordinance were to pass? The Health Department and Pierce County citizens cannot afford to lose health funding during this pandemic and its aftermath. · How will the new Board be structured to take into account the unique needs of high density communities such as Tacoma along with lower density communities? · How will restructuring a functioning organization in the middle of the largest public health crisis in a century effect population health, and will restructuring pause or otherwise negatively impact the response to the pandemic and the safety of community members? As your constituent, I urge you in the interest of the current pandemic, the next pandemic, and the health of the public to reject Ordinance No 2020-136 and maintain the current Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department structure. Adjustments may be warranted to maintain the health of people in Pierce County, but until the questions posed above can be answered, now is not the time to experiment or slow the important work of the Health Department’s response to Covid-19. Thank you very much for your time, Nicholas Snow, DO
Melissa Skaugset, MD 12/6/20 8:06 PM What funding source will replace the $1.1million budget shortfall that would result if this Ordinance were to pass? The Health Department and Pierce County citizens cannot afford to lose health funding during this pandemic and its aftermath. How will the new Board be structured to take into account the unique needs of high density communities such as Tacoma along with lower density communities? How will restructuring a functioning organization in the middle of the largest public health crisis in a century effect population health, and will restructuring pause or otherwise negatively impact the response to the pandemic and the safety of community members? As your constituents, we urge you in the interest of the current pandemic, the next pandemic, and the health of the public to reject Ordinance No 2020-136 and maintain the current Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department structure. Adjustments may be warranted to maintain the health of people in Pierce County, but until the questions posed above can be answered, now is not the time to experiment or slow the important work of the Health Department’s response to Covid-19.
Susan Sparrow 12/6/20 8:12 PM In the midst of a pandemic, a bureaucratic restructuring will require diversion of precious resources. This proposal can wait.
James McMichael 12/6/20 8:17 PM I am writing to voice my opposition to the rushed and politically-driven push to dismantle the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department. This would be a bad idea in the best of times, but in the midst of a surging pandemic it is simply idiotic. Neither the parties involved, nor the community who will be affected, have even been consulted on the matter. The Pierce County Executive and County Council should postpone any action on this matter until a full analysis and robust stakeholder engagement can be completed to fully vet the implications of such a radical action.
Kat Wood 12/6/20 8:47 PM My name is Kat Wood and I am a healthcare provider at St. Joseph Medical Center in Tacoma and a resident of Pierce County. I can’t believe in the middle of a pandemic that such a reckless and politically-driven action as ordinance 2020-136 is being attempted by members of this council. Our public health department has always been non-partisan and run by both officials throughout Pierce County, the health department and healthcare workers, and it should remain this way, at least until a proper evaluation can be done. Right now I am putting my life and health and that of my family on the line by going to work every day to care for the sickest members of our community, and I need to know that my elected officials are doing everything to support us healthcare workers in this fight. This is neither the time nor the place to be revamping the health department – we need to be focusing on fighting Covid-19 together. Once the pandemic is over we can revisit this idea and really have the time to evaluate and study the potential outcomes of dismantling the current health department partnership, but such a move done quickly, recklessly and without proper thought for the ramifications puts all of your constituents at risk. And all stakeholders in the current health department partnership, and those that it serves deserve a chance to heard before voting on such important legislation. Thank you for your time and I truly hope you will protect your constituents with a vote against ordinance 2020-136.
Lawrence West 12/6/20 9:23 PM I oppose this irresponsible proposal that merely distracts the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department staff during the pandemic crisis.
Annie Ko 12/6/20 10:09 PM Hello, As a physician, I wholeheartedly oppose disbanding the public health department during a pandemic. In this time of crisis, we need consistent, steady leadership, and this change would seriously undermine the public health response. Annie Ko
Ferdinand Wagner 12/6/20 10:19 PM I oppose Ordinance No. 2020-136 because it is poorly conceived. Section 5 of the ordinance makes it clear that no replacement for the dissolved partnership has been created by the Pierce County Council. I assume that the City of Tacoma has no plan in place either since they seem not to have known about this ordinance prior to its referral date. Dissolving a partnership involving a critical service relied upon by the city and county without knowing how to replace that partnership is horrible policy. The ordinance has been presented to the public without analysis of the advantages and disadvantages for the citizenry. Will the dissolution of the partnership create additional bureaucracy for the populace of either the city or county? Or will it streamline that bureaucracy? Where is the cost-benefit analysis? How will this affect the quality and cost of our drinking water or the efficacy and cost of our waste water treatment? Will this make it possible for Pierce County or Tacoma to become another Flint, MI? Will taxes have to be increased in the county or city to support two separate entities doing duplicate work in the same region? Will costs increase for recreational sanitation inspections? Will the dissolution speed up the permitting process for building away from sewer connections? How will mental health services be affected? How will county-wide emergencies be handled? I would hope that my representative would want to know all of these impacts before voting for or against this ordinance. Two weeks from the ordinance's proposal to its final consideration is too little time to make a monumental decision such as this. Please oppose this ordinance until such time as the council and the public have had a chance to view analysis of the costs it will impose and benefits it will bring to both the city and the county. I want my elected officials to make good decisions based on good information.
Sarah Lieu 12/6/20 10:19 PM This is not the time to be considering such significant changes to the TPCHD! Let's get through the pandemic first.
Delonna Harris 12/6/20 10:31 PM Please do not disband the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. It is a bad idea anytime, but especially in the middle of a pandemic.
Shane Maloney 12/6/20 10:33 PM I do not agree with or support disbanding the Tacoma Pierce County Health department now, during a time of national crisis due to pandemic, or anytime.
Luke Byram 12/6/20 10:47 PM Dear Council Members, I am a son of a nurse practitioner who is caring for patients tirelessly during a pandemic. I am urging you to oppose Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136. The Tacoma Pierce County Health Department (TPCHD) is a trusted partner for providers. Health care workers depend on their health advisories and guidance, especially now. It must be allowed to remain intact and continue its critical, life-saving work. TPCHD is on point for the distribution of the COVID-19 Vaccine for health care workers and patients. The public is depending on us and we are depending on TPCHD. It is critical that the planning for and distribution of the vaccine is not interrupted. Every second counts in the battle against COVID-19. My mom and her colleagues cannot afford anymore disruption in practicing medicine. This ordinance is impractical, ineffectual, and unnecessary. I urge you again to oppose this dangerous measure. Sincerely, Luke Byram
Peter kajca 12/6/20 10:56 PM I oppose proposal 2020-136. This is not the right time to terminate the agreement with the Tacoma-pierce health department, in the middle of a pandemic! So I have a few questions. How much money would be spent to recreate something new when we already have it now and it works. Next question was this a big problem and for how long. If it was why was this not talk about and worked on in the past? That now we have a big problem, that we have to change in the middle of a pandemic! I don’t think so. I think this is a scorch the earth plan, by two of the counsel members who are retiring for the council. Shame on them!
Jeremy Reimers 12/6/20 11:11 PM This proposal is a terrible thing to do in the midst of a health crisis. A plan should be researched by all stakeholders and not rushed.
John M Hautala 12/6/20 11:28 PM Strongly oppose this proposal to make purely elected officials Executive Directors of all Health Board functions and decisions without regard to medical/public health expertise
Marcia Jacobs 12/6/20 11:53 PM Disbanding the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department in the midst of the third surge of a deadly pandemic is the stupidest, most idiotic idea that anyone could possibly think of. This level of pure idiocy should disqualify the person who proposed it from serving on the council & from serving in any public capacity ever, because it demonstrates a stunning lack of attention to reality. And since reality exists & there is a raging pandemic in reality that is literally killing people, dissolving the health department is the exact opposite of what we should do & what people who understand reality want to do. In fact, we should expand the TPCHD & give it more money so it can protect us. I suggest that we the people fire the person who proposed this stupid idea & use the money we save to help support the health department’s coffee budget. Politicians should have no role in public health. None. Zero. Doctors & healthcare experts should lead us.
Heidi Roberts 12/7/20 12:16 AM Why in God’s green earth would we want to dismantle the health department in the middle of a pandemic? We must ask ourselves: who does this benefit? What is at stake, and who does this benefit? Not the public good, or people’s safety. I used to live in Tacoma and still work here, in a position that provides public service. If this proposal passes, it does not make me feel confident that the city will be a safe place to be at all. The fact that it was even proposed makes me wonder if the leadership has completely taken leave of their senses. We have so many essential workers and Heathcare professionals working to try to help us survive this crisis. Let’s not make their jobs impossible.
Patricia Blau 12/7/20 1:05 AM This proposal is ludicrous. We are in the middle of a pandemic and you want to start messing with the health department. NO.
Matt 12/7/20 1:19 AM After reading what I thought to be clickbait articles about this plan to get rid of the current Tacoma-Pierce county public health department, I was mortified to learn of the truth behind it and the fact there is no plan currently to replace it. Even more shocking is it comes in the middle of the worst public health crisis in a century, when a shake of up this proportion could lead to disastrous outcome if not done properly. Considering the partisan and rushed introduction though, I feel it is a safe bet it won’t be done properly. I sincerely ask the council to reject this proposal till it can at very least be discussed when our state isn’t in an on going health crisis where communication and cooperating with our health department is most crucial. In the first place though, you would think we can fix what we have and not require and whole overhaul of the system.
Guion Rosenzweig 12/7/20 5:33 AM This flagrant political posturing has noplace in the middle of a pandemic. There is literally no reason to be putting this up at this juncture. If the county wants to look into this, which I think is a terrible idea given how the county funds services currently, years of study/tax organization/management creation/records transfer/training/facilities etc would have to be created. There is simply not time in a pandemic to do this. This will hurt the county residents and put more pressure on the city to deal with the fall out - as with most half measure services from the county. The county provides a drop in the bucket of what is needed service wise. I do not trust that given it's current configuration that this is an office that should be run by the county. Leaving scorched earth upon departure from a council seat and putting public health at risk is not for the benefit of the public. This is political showboating to bring chaos - something we should not seek in our political leaders. Unstable leadership does not make a happy or productive society.
Marc Aversa MD 12/7/20 5:53 AM Don't upend our health department governance and structure without a public discernment process and planning. Could we improve governance with a county only health department? Maybe. But the Pierce County council is already well represented in the TPCHD. As a physician practicing in a Puyallup independent practice we rely on the health department for support. Any change made without engaging the community stakeholders first would be foolish.
Nancy Fitta 12/7/20 6:44 AM I strongly oppose proposal 2020-136. The TPCHD fairly and equitably responds to the health and safety needs of our district and county in its current model of governance. I see this proposal as an effort to make public health a matter of partisan whim. This is wrong. Public health should be handled without partisanship or political agendas, especially in the midst of a pandemic. This proposal should die in committee and not be allowed to come to vote. If it comes up for vote by the council I strongly encourage council members to vote no. Outgoing council members should not be allowed to cause this significant disruption which will distract the TPCHD from its critically needed work responding to the pandemic.
Ardys Curtis 12/7/20 6:46 AM RE: 2020-136 I strongly urge a no vote on this proposal. It will not serve the citizens of our county well. Please leave the health concerns to the experts. Thank you
Ann Locsin 12/7/20 6:55 AM Let me get this straight.....2 lame duck Republicans who are leaving office want to play political games with our lives and dismantle the health department in the middle of a pandemic? Please stop playing games with our lives!
Paul Throne 12/7/20 7:09 AM This is ill-advised and ill-informed. Weakening our public health system at the time we need it most is a terrible idea. Please do not take actions that would dismantle our public health department and disrupt their vital work.
Teresa ferreira 12/7/20 8:03 AM I strongly oppose the proposed ordinance to dissolve the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. Bad idea and wrong time.
Anita Latch 12/7/20 8:25 AM Do not politicize our health department. We will need to keep our attention on your decisions because this horrible idea must be only a distraction from other bad decisions by this administration.
John Mischo 12/7/20 8:33 AM Tacoma Pierce County Health Department has been successful for over 50 years in its mission to protect the health of the people of Pierce County. Until this past year, the idea of protecting public health and safety was not a controversial issue. In fact, rather than being an issue it was regarded as a benefit of living in modern society and a basic human right. Most people take for granted the protection offered by the often invisible effort of those working in our public health and safety systems. It is impossible to know the extent of harm that has been averted as a result of this work, but often it remains unrecognized and unthanked. This attempt to sabotage our effective and respected health system is preposterous. Most people today do not have a working knowledge of how local municipal governments work. Life seems to go fine without paying much attention to it. Occasionally we have a reason that pushes some aspect of it into our notice such as renewing a license, getting a permit, or paying a ticket. We learn enough to complete our errand, and once we are done move on to our next task remaining unaware of the other 98% of the functions being carried out on our behalf. Meanwhile, thousands of professionals go to work every day, ensuring that transportation works, the schools open, and the infrastructure of our civilization gets maintained and operated. They work in service to better the lives of their fellow citizens. In making knowledge available through schools and libraries, they work to protect our health in many ways, from a hospital, or a fire truck, or even a restaurant health inspection. The suggestion that Public Health policy should be subject to the political process because somehow that the input of these professionals is insufficient to represent the members of their own communities is insulting to those who are currently putting their lives on the line daily for us. The idea that because some members of the council are not on the Health Board that their constituents lack representation is likewise ludacris. By that rationale there could be no committees, because every representative needs to be part of every decision making process. That is why some members are not on the Health Board, not because they have been disenfranchised in any way. Councilwoman Pam Roach is exploiting people's lack of personal knowledge to assert some vague speculations about fair representation. In the radio interview she posted on her Twitter feed, she clearly indicates a lack of understanding of any potential ramification of this change, She described it as “Crazy thing is, I don’t think there would be any changes” She goes on to express her dislike of Democrats and other critics she has encountered. She was unable to point to any actual problem with the system that has been working for 50 years that needs to be righted by this change. I am left to wonder why the Councilwoman held back for 30 years of her career until she was on the eve of leaving office to bring forth this move that she will not be around to ensure goes smoothly. This attempt to shove public health into partisan politics by a lame duck partisan was done without the consultation of the other stakeholders. It is clearly another example of the unprecedented scorched earth policy of transition that we have seen from Republicans across the nation from the top down this year. While a proposal such as this nature has no business wasting the time of the council, should this body decide to take up this issue for consideration. I would urge you to do so with all solemnity and give it a full review. Take the time to consult with stakeholders and do an impact study. You would be abandoning a working system for a hypothetical system that offers no tangible benefit in achieving the department's purpose. Do not attempt to force this upon the public as it will only create greater division in our nation. Right now confidence in the nature of the rule of law is in question. Politicians willfully eroding that confidence is not helping that process. Believe me, I will trust a qualified professional in health management hired to fulfill the duty of advocating for my welfare before any elected official in any scenario on any day. Please end this measure at the first opportunity. John Mischo 27-475 Pierce County District 2
Marian Berejikian 12/7/20 8:35 AM Please do not pass this proposal. The Health Dept. is crucial to residents of Pierce County and we need the vital services and operations they provide - now more then ever.
Dr. Audra Stallard 12/7/20 8:44 AM To the Pierce County Council Re: Ordinance 2020-136, My name is Dr. Audra Stallard, and I am a concerned physician who lives and works in Tacoma who is writing to you today to encourage you to reject Ordinance No 2020-136. We have all suffered during this pandemic. Throughout the struggle as a citizen and as a physician, it has been a comfort to know that there is an independent organization working tirelessly to ensure the health of the public based on the developing science and not hindered by political agendas. The Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department has been a model during this Pandemic, and without their tireless leadership, it is difficult to imagine where we would be today or what may be the course of tomorrow. I am concerned about my patients’ safety if this proposed administrative change were to occur, especially given the lack of clarity about what structure would replace it and how science and public health would continue to guide the Department’s recommendations. While we recognize the importance of representation in government, it is also important to maintain some separation between politics and public health. Additionally, given that the current Board is made up of elected County and City officials chosen from their peers to serve on the board itself, and given that the current Pierce County Council will have turn over in January 2021, I question the timing and motivations of this Ordinance. In light of the above, I am concerned and suggest some considerations that must be made to maintain the health of the public if this Ordinance is to be considered. • What funding source will replace the $1.1million budget shortfall that would result if this Ordinance were to pass? The Health Department and Pierce County citizens cannot afford to lose health funding during this pandemic and its aftermath. • How will the new Board be structured to take into account the unique needs of high density communities such as Tacoma along with lower density communities? • How will restructuring a functioning organization in the middle of the largest public health crisis in a century effect population health, and will restructuring pause or otherwise negatively impact the response to the pandemic and the safety of community members? As your constituent, I urge you in the interest of the current pandemic, the next pandemic, and the health of the public to reject Ordinance No 2020-136 and maintain the current Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department structure. Adjustments may be warranted to maintain the health of people in Pierce County, but until the questions posed above can be answered, now is not the time to experiment or slow the important work of the Health Department’s response to Covid-19. Thank you very much for your time, Audra Stallard, MD –
Jon Holdaway 12/7/20 8:49 AM We are in the midst of a deepening pandemic crisis. To decouple County from Health Department at this time would be the height of irresponsibility.
Antony Wuller 12/7/20 8:59 AM Now is not the time to play politics with our health, lives and economy. Leave health issues in the hands of health professionals not politicians. Please quash this proposal.
Alan Gill MD 12/7/20 9:06 AM Please vote against Ordinance 2020-136. I am a family physician practicing in the Hilltop area. This proposal to alter the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department in the midst of the COVID pandemic is shocking and destructive. I have heard no cogent argument in favor of this change. In my opinion based on 20 years of practice in Tacoma, we have a high functioning system. Disrupting it at the moment we need it most to face a historic public health challenge in appalling. Oppose this measure.
Martin Higgins 12/7/20 9:26 AM It is with great sadness that I am writing to you regarding the dissolution of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Dept. that your board will be contemplating today. The TPCHD is an organization that was erected to support and transform the lives of all of those who make up our shared community, including, but not limited to, those who been subject to less-than-ideal circumstances over time. As we know, some of our most underserved and underprivileged fellow community members reside here in Tacoma, and in removing this partnership, you are directly making decisions that will hurt and further demolish the opportunities that we have to build a better community. As It is through the programs, procedures and partnerships the TPCHD has built, that great supports to our modern human condition are able to be enacted. They are present to help us learn, both in subject and in human emotional growth, and ascend as a community away from the many barriers our modern condition has borne. In striving to educate, protect and transform the lives of those supported by their programs, the TPCHD, in its present form is an amazing ally to many of us helping to right societal wrongs. By promoting best practices to families, individuals and communities, we have had the ability to make all of our lives ones in which we can succeed, thrive, and be healthy. All members of our community deserve to have enriched and socially inclusive lives, with equal access to the resources that can lead us there. To play a game of politics in today’s climate is not only irresponsible, but it is downright cruel. It seems that it is with malice, hatred and discrimination in mind that the resolution was presented. It’s with that in mind that I wish to strongly discourage the dissolution of the TPCHD today. Thank you.
Debbie Ranniger 12/7/20 9:26 AM I am a Pierce County resident, 67years old and in the high-risk category for contracting COVID-19, as are many of my friends and colleagues here in Pierce County. I rely upon the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department on a DAILY basis to check the latest information regarding the impact of the virus in my own neighborhood and in all of Pierce County. Their daily data updates are easy to read and follow, directly inform my decision-making regarding my own risk and the daily decisions I make to protect my health. Politics should NOT play a role in Public Health. We have seen the disastrous impacts of that played out on the national scene as our country lags so far behind other countries in getting on top of this virus. Our Public Health Department has done an excellent job with providing resources, testing and messaging. I am shocked that the Pierce County Council would even entertain the idea, let alone seriously consider dismantling the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department. They are a vital information source and are providing a coordinated and thorough response, accessible in multiple languages. Politics should NOT play a role in Public Health. We have seen the disastrous impacts of that played out on the national scene as our country lags so far behind other countries in getting on top of this virus. Our Public Health Department has done an excellent job with providing resources, testing and messaging. I am shocked that the Pierce County Council would even entertain the idea, let alone seriously consider dismantling the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department. They are a vital information source and are providing a coordinated and thorough response, accessible in multiple languages.Politics should NOT play a role in Public Health. We have seen the disastrous impacts of that played out on the national scene as our country lags so far behind other countries in getting on top of this virus. Our Public Health Department has done an excellent job with providing resources, testing and messaging. I am shocked that the Pierce County Council would even entertain the idea, let alone seriously consider dismantling the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department. They are a vital information source and are providing a coordinated and thorough response, accessible in multiple languages. Don’t dismantle or disband the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department
Karen Nelson 12/7/20 9:27 AM Dismantling the County Board of Health and Department of Public Health and moving the health-related decisions to council members is a wholly irresponsible application of the trust of your constituents. Health-related decisions should be made by those with expertise, not city council. Keep the County Board of Health as it is, and give them more support.
Julianne L Anderson 12/7/20 9:29 AM I think this is incredibly irresponsible of the County, especially in the middle of a pandemic. As citizens we rely on the Health Department for pertinent information and guidance. To disband it, especially without a plan for replacement, is not only irresponsible as leaders of the community, but it shows that you do not have your constituents' health and safety at heart.
Dr Stacey Rittmueller 12/7/20 9:38 AM This is unbelievably short sighted and harmful to our community. As a physician who works in Tacoma, I can’t fathom why this would be proposed in the midst of a pandemic. This signals to me that the city doesn’t support its constituents or its medical community. This is a time for unified action, and this proposal is not the way forward.
Doug Blanchard 12/7/20 9:45 AM What kind of scheme is this to distract from the work that needs to be done to deal with the pandemic? Medical professionals are under enough stress as they deal with Covid issues. Reject the proposal and those that support it.
Janice Kampbell 12/7/20 10:15 AM I oppose this proposed ordinance and question the timing of this huge change in our health department. Why was the initial sponsor of the proposed change Doug Richardson and now Pam Roach? In the midst of a pandemic is not a good time to make these massive changes to our health department that we depend on for vital information. Covid will continue to be a challenging pandemic to control for months to years into the future. I think it is irresponsible to take any action.
Julie Davidson 12/7/20 10:18 AM Stop the politically-driven dismantling of our public health department during this roaring pandemic – it is reckless and dangerous.
Rick 12/7/20 10:37 AM Dissolving the Tacoma-Pierce County Heath Dept. is not necessary and serves no articulated reason for doing so that is related to the health of citizens of Tacoma or Pierce Co. in general. There has been presented NO good reason for the Pierce County executive to take over administration. The is not a well thought out proposal. Both the leadership of TPCHD and the City of Tacoma were not fully informed about these proceedings and felt blindsided by this proposal. I ask that this proposal not move forward and if there is a need for a different system of governance for the Health Department that all parties involved should be well informed and engaged in the process. Rick Samyn MSW Pastoral Assistant for Social Justice St. Leo Church Tacoma WA
Susan Repp 12/7/20 10:41 AM It is completley unethical to submit and act on such a proposl without open discussion by all impacted parties. Lame Duck actions such as this reflect negatively on ALL who participate.
Christine McAfee 12/7/20 10:41 AM Now us not the time to being creating a ‘new’ department! TCPH health department has done an outstanding job throughout the years and during this pandemic. Look at investing these monies that would be used towards creating this new department into the small businesses, including bars and restaurants, that are suffering.. Listen to your constituents please
judith chelotti 12/7/20 11:14 AM Don’t put politics before health. This bill could only have one sponsor and that in P Roach. This is evil and people will die if this is done. The politically-driven dismantling of our public health department during this roaring pandemic is reckless and dangerous! No political who has an R after their name should have anything to do with public health. They have no concern for public safety. No belief in science. We need our public health workers focused on the pandemic, not politics. This sudden move is a divisive distraction at the exact moment we all need to pull together and pull through. A global pandemic is not the time to play politics with our healthcare. No consultation, no community engagement. The City of Tacoma was not consulted as a stakeholder and partner in this policy move, nor were any other cities or towns in Pierce County. Healthcare workers, community members, and those who rely on Tacoma-Pierce Health Department the most were all shocked by this sudden and unexplained action. This is a significant dissolution and reorganization of a half-century-old partnership that deserves more than ONE WEEK of discussion. How much is this going to cost. I DO NOT want to pay taxes to maintain and staff 2 fracking health departments. I thought the republicans were so fiscally conservative. Bad idea, at the WORST time This 11th hour surprise move weakens our efforts rather than strengthens them. At a time that partnership and collaboration is so essential, this dissolves and weakens the ability for our county and city leaders to work with medical providers, educators, parents, workers and employers. This move has ramifications for everything from drinking water and drug treatment and maternal health sewer permits and food and handlers safety. We are in a spike of a global pandemic; not the time for playing politics with healthcare. This should not be rushed.
Michelle Hayes 12/7/20 11:25 AM Doing this just as we are experiencing huge increases in COVID19 cases is unconscionable. We need the health department focused on getting us through this crisis with contact tracing, immunization planning, and other supportive services.
Mike Yestramski 12/7/20 11:38 AM I write to oppose this plan. As a healthcare worker, I find this “plan,” if it can even be called that, to be reckless and short sighted. It makes no sense to rush this through during a lame duck session without full vetting. Vote No!
Janet Hazelton 12/7/20 11:41 AM Please DO NOT pass this ordinance. It is a very bad idea! This is a shocking sudden and unexplained action! This move would weaken partnership and collaboration in the MIDDLE of a PANDEMIC!!This is not a time for playing politics.
Karin Dhaese 12/7/20 11:53 AM Why are you now lying about having support for this insane proposal? Literally every single public comment in the meeting today as well as every facebook or twitter comment I've seen is against. You are elected to represent us, not go against the will of the people.
Belen Schneider 12/7/20 12:01 PM I do not disagree that there is merit in having a discussion about whether PCHD needs to be restructured, the timing of this proposed ordinance is deeply troubling. The Pierce County Council could have prioritized this topic at any point in its legislative agenda. The fact that this is being proposed in a lame duck session, weeks before the outgoing council members depart, on an expedited timeline, during a health crisis is not the caliber of integrity that I expect from my representatives to engage in an informed and carefully considered discussion. Please revisit this ordinance once the new council members are in place.
Marion Sharp 12/7/20 12:01 PM The Pierce County Council should not be changing the operating agreement that oversees the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department - particularly at this time and particularly with an unreasonably short time line for action. Considering the importance of the Health Department to our area, there should first be a study, then AFTER a careful study, recommendations and consequences should be put on the table for all to see. Ideally, there would be a consultation with the City of Tacoma, the agency’s other partner. To make a change to a nearly 50-year old operating agreement without sufficient time for the public to understand the pros and cons of such a change is not in the best interest of the people of Pierce County. Furthermore, to do so during a pandemic is irresponsible, harmful to the health of the people of Pierce County, and to our economy. The Health Department will be CRITICAL to the roll out of coronavirus vaccine(s) through out the county. Until most of us are vaccinated, we will all be living curtailed lives. Asking the Health Department to prepare for a change of this magnitude, at this moment, while handling the critical demands placed upon the department is UNNECESSARY, and is a prescription for failure. The Council should soberly consider its responsibility to the people of Pierce County and kill this proposed ordinance.
Ceri Ellen Peters 12/7/20 12:03 PM I am opposed to the ordinance that would bring the health department under the control of county politicians - science and doctors should drive health policy, not politicians. If the current bealth department is problematic - are they not providing for the health of the county community? If not, what is problematic in terms of the health of the community? Address that instead of just shifting the politics of it.
Ana Maria Sierra, Ph.D. 12/7/20 12:06 PM I am strongly opposed to Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136. This is a disastrous and destructive ordinance and despicable action in the midst of a pandemic.
Dorothy E McBride 12/7/20 12:07 PM I strongly oppose the proposed ordinance to dismantle the existing Tacoma/Pierce County health department. Roach and Richardson are attempting to rush through this major change without due consideration and certainly without making the case to the public. WE are in the middle of a pandemic for one thing--definitely not the time to upend our health system. In my opinion the director and his team have been doing an excellent job keeping the public informed. Please reject what many see as a power grab by a soon to be minority of the council.
Shoshannah Crom 12/7/20 12:12 PM Now is not the time for such drastic changes. Can we please just focus on the pandemic that has turned our lives upside down. Every single citizen has been impacted by Covid 19 in some way. There are still so many unknowns. So how about not creating more unknowns. The timing of this is irresponsible and will only cause more anxiety and fear. Personally, this doesn’t make me feel confident about those I entrusted with the safety and well-being of myself and my loved ones. My goodness, let something stay the same for a moment!
John Christensen 12/7/20 12:21 PM Please do not make any changes to the current Tacoma-Pierce County Health Board. Changing the structure of public health boards in the midst of a pandemic puts everyone’s life at risk. Placing elected politicians on a public health board eliminates any possibility of a check and balance to the system. Health care professionals should make up public health boards, not individuals who do not have specific training and knowledge about the decisions that need to be made.
Barbara Eckiss 12/7/20 12:22 PM I do not believe this ordinance is not in the best interest of our community during a pandemic. We do not need the entire Pierce County Council on the Board for the Health Department Board to fairly represent this county's people. I believe the health department should have parties represented by special interest communities - largest and smaller cities - to represent our community fairly. I am also NOT in favor of having a single political figure governing our Director of Health. I expect it would take a majority vote by the Board of Health to dissolve the director's position, mostly because I expect a bipartisan collaboration on our health issues. We need fewer politics in our healthcare issues. There isn’t a plan in place. There weren’t details given to the community. Please do better to be more thorough with actions by communicating the intentions and having plans to resolve issues before changing this caliber. This is an unnecessary stressor and distraction when our community and the health department is already under tremendous pressure.
Dana Matsukawa 12/7/20 12:25 PM Defunding/dismantling the health department is possibly the worst idea this council has ever had. The fact that it is being considered during the worst pandemic our country has ever seen is entirely reprehensible.
Kristen Reed 12/7/20 12:26 PM It would be detrimental to our county if the council decides to terminate its contract with the DOH.The City of Tacoma needs to be consulted and partnered in this policy move, along with any other cities or towns in Pierce County.
Rachaud Reed 12/7/20 12:30 PM The DOH has provided appropriate guidelines during this pandemic. Do not terminate the DOH contract.
Lisa Medel 12/7/20 12:32 PM Stop Ordinance 2020-136 right now! Amidst a pandemic is absolutely the wrong time to be making changes to the structure and leadership in our public health department. This is especially true when you have not discussed the changes with the medical professionals who would be directly affected by the change. If changes are needed, they can be evaluated and discussed after the pandemic. Stop being irresponsible with the health of our citizens!
Carol Green 12/7/20 12:33 PM In the midst of a pandemic where it is more critical than ever to keep politics far away from science, I think this is a foolish move. Dr. Chen is doing a great job and we are relying on his wisdom and guidance to get our schools back open. He does not need this distraction or disruption.
Janelle Guirguis-Blake 12/7/20 12:37 PM As a researcher, doctor and scientist, I believe that the independence of the public health department is paramount. I oppose the current proposal to dissolve the Tacoma-Pierce Co Health Department.
Nicholas Rajacich 12/7/20 12:48 PM I listened with great interest to the County Council meeting today and specifically to the public session with a great deal of public testimony all of which is opposed this ordinance. I heard Pam Roach try to explanation of what was hoped to be accomplished by the change that is proposed. Do you realize that that is the first time that anyone in the public has heard any kind of coherent explanation for why you want to do this? I don’t feel anywhere near well enough informed to make a decision about the merits of 2020/136. You heard virtually every piece of testimony and undoubtedly have read the hundreds of emails all asking for a slow down, a delay, let’s take stock and think about this before we do anything rash. For these reasons more so than what is intended, I plead with you to not pass this ordinance until we have thought through what it means and what is best for our county and its citizens
Tisha 12/7/20 1:04 PM My name is Tisha. I am a Tacoma resident in district 4 and am unequivocally opposed to all matters relating the 2020-136 ordinance. I would like to echo everything stated by my fellow concerned citizens during this morning's meeting (The Rules & Operations Committee), especially Kristy Gledhill who emphasized that the health safety of over 940k people should not be decided by8 politicians all of whom are not health professionals. I am not surprised Ms. Pam Roach has played a major role in this proposal. She has also vocally expressed her disapproval of the Pierce County Public Review Committee's development and proposed resolutions for ethnic diversity & inclusion. Her moral compass appears broken, and I would be remiss if I thought otherwise for all those involved in pushing this to the council with hope it passes. This proposed ordinance has no moral justification. It is reckless, fiscally irresponsible, and the process or lack thereof a process is insulting to the public and health professionals.  Furthermore, it is absolutely disgusting this ordinance was even drafted in the first place while in midst of a national health crisis COVID-19. The drafting of this ordinance implies no care for the healthy safety of our community, no respect to the City of Tacoma and its representatives, complete disregard of the expertise of health professionals and TPCHD employees. Efforts to rescind the terms of the bilateral agreement and sever the 50 years of successful bipartisan partnership with the City of Tacoma was done in secret. Just because it can be done, does not mean it is the right thing to do, especially in the middle of a global health pandemic.  We have lost hundreds of thousands of people to COVID-19 this year, we have experienced an overwhelming demand for social justice and an end to systemic racism, an unprecedented presidential election with the highest number of votes in the history of our nation, an economic decline, reconfiguration of schooling for our youth and so much more. Did you think all of this would have distracted the community you serve from creating resistance to this ordinance? If so, I am proud to be of surprise. This community is more competent than you may assume and as you have witnessed during today's meeting we refuse to be an afterthought or ignored. The worst part about all of this is the ordinance will likely be pushed through to council regardless of the needs and comments from the public. Regrettably this email may be sent in vain. It seems today’s meeting was likely a plan to “check a box” to say there was a conversation with the public before the ordinance is passed to the council. Shameful if true. Please know that if you were once for this ordinance and end up changing your mind you are not a hypocrite. It would suggest you actually listened to, and care about the community you serve. I, and undoubtedly thousands of others, oppose this ordinance. Please vote NO for ordinance 2020-136. I hope to be able to thank you soon.
Lynn Swisher 12/7/20 1:07 PM I am not in support of this for a number of reasons. It has not been studied and is being rushed through at the end of the year in the middle of a pandemic. This ends the Interlocal Agreement (ILA) with the City of Tacoma that has been in place for 50 years and results in the loss of nearly 1 million dollars from the Tacoma. This gives board authority, policy decisions and fiscal oversite to politicians – the County Council. This moves the department into County government, without a review of the costs or evaluation of efficiencies. It places control of the Department under the County Executive decreasing the reliance on the expertise of those educated in public health and increasing the danger of infusing politics into decision making over health policies. In other words this is politics at its worst. The result: politicians will be making public health decisions! To give you an example, there is currently one member on the County Council that has gone on the record during this pandemic and expressed that masking is not necessary and that it actually puts a person at more risk of COVID. Further, it was also expressed on the record that contact tracing is a waste of money. (There is no evidence to support either of these political points of view. There is medical expertise that shows that both are effective in controlling the spread of the virus.) These would be the people making the policy decisions on public health! We should not be putting politicians in total control of public health. The Health Department is not broken! Why is someone trying to fix something that is not broken?
Carman Ambrose 12/7/20 1:08 PM I urge you yo vote no on this proposal. Any disruption to our health department during a global pandemic is absolutely reckless.
Lori Lachut 12/7/20 1:24 PM Please vote NO on this proposal, it will be disastrous.
Virginia Myers 12/7/20 1:28 PM This is a shameful proposal especially during a pandemic while council members are running out the door. PCC has no business being involved in TPCHD in any way. The health department has been fine and there is no reason to change it right now or even to suggest that it should happen in the future. Unfortunately the elected officials in my district could not be more opposed to science, medicine, community, compassion or even a shred of what PUBLIC HEALTH is. Follow the money. What is in this proposal that will benefit them personally?
Kimberly Pleger 12/7/20 1:34 PM I am writing to OPPOSE proposed ordinance No 2020-136. This is NOT the time to make any major changes to an area that is working on a worldwide pandemic. Further, this proposal wreaks of political corruption. It is not based in facts or basic human reasoning and logic.
Delia McGinnis 12/7/20 1:41 PM Stop the dismantling of our public health department during this pandemic. It is nothing more than a politically motivated power grab during a time when all resources, stakeholders and the council should be collaborating should be working together to combat this virus.
Robin Brown 12/7/20 1:42 PM Do not make changes to the current Tacoma-Pierce County Health Board. Changing the structure of public health boards during a pandemic is irresponsible and puts lives at risk. In addition, placing elected politicians on a public health board eliminates any possibility of checks and balances to the system. It is critical that health care professionals make up public health boards, not individuals who lack specific training and knowledge about the decisions that need to be made.
Nancy Carr 12/7/20 1:51 PM This is too much of a change at the wrong time. It is like it is being pushed through quickly hoping no one will notice until it is done.
Ava 12/7/20 1:53 PM This is a serious proposal that has a very short comment and voting period. Why is there not more time for planning and analysis before proposing to terminate the joint health department? I do not support this proposal as presented and do not support this action without a detailed and publicly supported alternative.
Noel Blyler 12/7/20 2:01 PM I strongly oppose ordinance 2020-136, and the termination of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department.There are several arguments why this ordinance should not be enacted. First and foremost, the Health Department works well, and particularly during the Coronavirus Pandemic the value of a coordinated department and approach to a public health challenge has been evident. 2. The arguments in favor of this ordinance have not been fully investigated by the Council, and 3. the introduction of this ordinance so close to the end of the term of this council means there is not enough time to examine the advantages and disadvantages of this change prior to the vote. 4. It appears that this ordinance, if enacted, would cost Pierce County millions of dollars, due to the loss of financial support from the city of Tacoma. I strongly encourage the council to vote this ordinance down, and if it passes, Mr. Dammeier should veto it. Thank you.
Marsha Kremen 12/7/20 2:05 PM I am writing to comment on the incredibly poorly timed proposal to eliminate the partnership between the Pierce County and Tacoma Public Health departments. The current health department is doing an incredibly difficult job managing the pandemic and they are doing it extremely well. Moving forward with this legislation risks severely impacting their ability to serve the public and get us through this crises. The very health of many in our county might be impacted by this untimely move. I urge you to table this legislation until the pandemic is over the cooler heads can consider it's merits.
Robert Evans 12/7/20 2:06 PM It is a really bad idea to transfer decision making power solely into the hands of the Council and the Executive. Public health professionals need to make decisions based on science, not politics. And right now during the pandemic is a real bad time to make such a major change in our health department. It is also very regrettable that council members are proposing this at a time when the public cannot attend meetings or hearings in person. It is a sinister, undemocratic move.
NORMAN MCLOUGHLIN 12/7/20 2:14 PM Now during a Pandemic is not the time to be switching.
Elise Z Harnois 12/7/20 2:21 PM This letter is in opposition to Ordinance No. 2020-136, scheduled for public discussion on December 8 and council vote on December 15. As a retired health care provider, I have significant worry about the rationale behind this proposal and what the outcome would be for vulnerable members of our community. The purported reason for this Ordinance proposal is to improve representation of all county residents in decision-making by the existing Health Board. Questions that need to be answered: 1. In what way are county residents not already represented by a bipartisan board that includes medical specialists and individuals from the county and all cities and towns within the county? a. Are there examples of the board failing to represent the public welfare in health matters? b. If there is no evidence of flawed performance, why is this change really being recommended? 2. If there were demonstrable failure of the existing Board to represent the better health interests of Pierce county residents, is dissolution of the Board a good response? a. How will dissolving the board and creating an executive committee improve health outcomes in Pierce County? Based on what measurable criteria? Are council members fully versed in public health science and medicine? Why should the Council be given this responsibility? b. At the peak of a global pandemic, with the highest daily rates yet seen of new cases even in relatively protected Pierce County, Public Health bodies are critical decision-making and resource-allocating structures. Dissolving this body will endanger the lives of county residents and complicate ongoing efforts to limit the pandemic spread. I strongly encourage you to vote against this proposal and allow the Health Board to continue doing its job during the current nationwide health crisis. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Elise Z Harnois 14215 121st Ave Ct NW Gig Harbor, WA 98329
James Lovejoy 12/7/20 2:22 PM I urge you to oppose making changes to the current management structure of the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department. The TPCHD as presently constituted is an exemplary local public health agency, and does not need disruption in the midst of the worst public health crisis on the past 100 years. Furthermore, the way in which the proposed changes have been put forward without consultation with the City of Tacoma is insulting to the City and its residents, and suggests motives other than improving out local public health adminstration. Thank you.
Joshua Peters 12/7/20 2:25 PM To take up such a proposal in the midst of a pandemic is irresponsible. If this is truly for what is best for the county then proper studies should be completed. Public health should be apolitical and this move undermines that status.
Brittany Carbullido 12/7/20 2:41 PM I am extremely disturbed that the Councilmembers who brought this forward have not fully explained their motivations. If they have received concerns from county residents about our health department, then please share them for a full and transparent discussion. This is not a decision that should be made lightly and over the course of just three public meetings. The fact that the city of Tacoma was unaware that this was being brought forward is jaw-dropping. Please stop playing politics with people's health.
Justin Ackley 12/7/20 2:49 PM This step in the best of times would require more research preparation and vetting. Given the current state of public health and the COVID-19 pandemic, At best the timing of this proposal is problematic, at worst it is wholly irresponsible.
Andrew Chadick 12/7/20 2:52 PM As a resident of Pierce County, I would like to formally object to the proposed Ordinance No 2020-136; with the intent to dissolve/restructure the current Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department in favor of a new Pierce County Department of Health. I'm completely against terminating the agreement for the combined County-City Health Department known as the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department, and further would like to say that by trying to do this course of action in the midst of a health crisis (COVID-19) is truly poor timing, and where as the public that needs to be able to take action on this matter has to be computer literate, or stay silent in order to be safe at home and not risk getting the virus. The current city/county relationship and resulting health department functions perfectly well, and in the course of my daily life, and that of my work, the standing health department serves its purpose. This proposal for a new formation of a Pierce County Health Department is in my opinion a waste of time and resources. to: Jeff Cox
Jo'el Roth 12/7/20 3:02 PM I am writing to oppose Pierce County Ordinance No. 2020-136. I live in Lacey but work at JBLM. As a Rehabilitation Counselor, I work with individuals with a variety of medical and psychological conditions. The help that they and all related agencies receive from the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department are critical to their health, well-being and ability to find employment. This is a meaningless and cruel disruption to an already overburdened healthcare system in the midst of a world wide pandemic. COVID-19 is real, and does not have a political position. The public needs health care and protections. I ask that you oppose Pierce County Ordinance 2020-136. Most Sincerely, Ms. Jo'el Roth, MS, CRC Certified Rehabilitation Counselor 619-992-0871 5626 29th Court SE Lacey, WA 98503
Tedd Wilkinson, LPN, MRC 12/7/20 3:05 PM This proposal, as written, makes little sense. It is being rushed through legislation at a time when we are in the midst of a global pandemic. Resources, already stretched thin, would be needed to implement this change. As a Leadership member of the Pierce County Medical Reserve Corps which is a cooperative arm of TPCHD our future would be uncertain under this proposal. We and the health department as currently structured provide vital services such as Covid testing, immunization services, disaster response and homeless community outreach. The cooperative model of Tacoma and the County as currently structured works. There is little reason for this proposed change, other than political self motivation. I strongly encourage the council to vote NO on this proposal.
Mary Bartley 12/7/20 3:11 PM For a lame duck legislator to submit a proposal on Dec 1 to be voted on Dec 15 is highly suspect. For the legislature to eliminate what is by all reports a well-functioning health department, and replace it with a new politically controlled body would be irresponsible, especially during this pandemic. I urge all legislators to vote against this proposal, and for the County executive to veto it if passed.
Kristi Martinez 12/7/20 3:13 PM I am opposed to Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136s. We are in the middle of a global pandemic. Now is not the time to rush through a decision to disband our current public health governance. Where is the due diligence demonstrating to constituents that this is the best and most appropriate use of our tax dollars? Dr. Chen has provided sound, science-based leadership during the pandemic and should be allowed to continue to do so until the council can demonstrate that their plan will do a better job for the people of Pierce County.
Sarah Kowash 12/7/20 3:20 PM I am against this proposed ordinance and find it completely disruptive given the pandemic and irresponsible.
Theodore Kowash 12/7/20 3:24 PM I oppose this ordinance. This proposed ordinance does not serve the citizens of Pierce County during a pandemic.
Laure C Nichols 12/7/20 3:28 PM Dear County Council: I am writing you today to strongly oppose ordinance 2020-136 sponsored by Pam Roach. I am truly shocked by this move to end a 48 year agreement between Tacoma and Pierce Co. for our independent public health department which has served its citizens so well. In fact, its absolutely irresponsible to make this proposal without cause or study in the midst of the worst pandemic of the last century. I have spent my entire career in health care management and earned a master's of public health and epidemiology. This is definitely NOT the time to experiment with a strong health department which is clearly not broken. The County Council has good existing representation on the TPC Health Department's Board. I urge you and the Council to table this perilous proposal and concentrate instead on how to deploy Federal funding for pandemic relief; help keep our citizens safe; and make our health professionals, hospitals and front line workers priority #1. Thank you for listening. Sincerely, Laure Nichols
Maryanne Zarrella 12/7/20 3:29 PM I oppose Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136s Don’t put politics before health. A global pandemic is not the time to play politics with our healthcare. The City of Tacoma was not consulted as a stakeholder and partner in this policy move, nor were any other cities or towns in Pierce County. Healthcare workers, community members, and those who rely on Tacoma-Pierce Health Department, including myself, were all shocked by this sudden and unexplained action. This is a significant dissolution and reorganization of a half-century-old partnership that deserves more than ONE WEEK of discussion. At a time that partnership and collaboration is so essential, this move dissolves and weakens the ability for our county and city leaders to work with medical providers, educators, parents, workers and employers. This move has ramifications for everything from drinking water and drug treatment and maternal health. We are in a spike of a global pandemic; not the time for playing politics with healthcare. This should not be rushed. I urge the Pierce County Executive and County Council to postpone further policy discussion and legislative action on this matter until such time that a full analysis and robust stakeholder engagement can be completed. I request that County officials reach out to cities and towns, the medical community, educators, and other vital stakeholders to fully vet the implications of the decision to dissolve the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department prior to considering any legislation.
Michelle Husain 12/7/20 3:55 PM I strongly oppose this proposal
Ali Husain 12/7/20 3:55 PM I strongly oppose this proposal
Theresa Girard 12/7/20 3:56 PM I oppose the dismantling of the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department.
Ingelaurie Lisher 12/7/20 4:14 PM For 50 years the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department has been working and while things probably aren't perfect, this is not the time or the circumstances to change things. I believe the Pierce county council is NOT a health or medical board and should not act as such. I would think the Pierce County Council has enough to do to represent our vast and diverse county--honestly let the experts do their job and you do yours, it is what we voted for. Thank you for your time and please oppose this proposal.
Christopher Young 12/7/20 4:24 PM I am urging the Council to postpone legislative action on this ordinance until a full analysis of it's implications can be completed. Destroying our public health department in the middle of a pandemic is ill-considered and reckless, especially if it's being destroyed for purely political reasons. The citizens of Pierce County deserve better.
Chris Cherbas 12/7/20 4:27 PM This is a decision that the people should decide on. Not more government duplicating an already existing agency. Let the people be heard. This is supposed to be a democracy.
Mary Heremd 12/7/20 4:58 PM I don't understand why the action to terminate the combined health department should be fast tracked. This is a major step, in the middle of Covid, so should have broad-based discussion and input. There is no need to rush is.
Kathleen Figetakis 12/7/20 5:13 PM Dear Pierce County Council, As a resident of Pierce County, I respectfully request that Pierce County Council discontinue moving forward with the proposed ordinance No. 2020-136 regarding Tacoma Pierce County Health Department at this time. The reasons for this request are: 1) the proposed change is unnecessarily rushed 2) the proposed change has not included community / voice of all stakeholders 3) the alternative method of renegotiating the agreement would be more productive and less destructive As a Pierce County resident, I find it saddening that this proposal is happening in our community during a health care crisis. Sincerely, Kathleen Figetakis
Michele Bazdyrev 12/7/20 5:37 PM This is a horrible idea. I disagree completely with the notion that all the elected officials need to be on the health board. Let the experts in their fields do their work without political grandstanding. I have always voted as an independent for the Pierce County Executive position but if this passes I will never consider a Republican for executive again.
Mary Dolan 12/7/20 5:43 PM I cannot believe this attempt by P. Roach to dissolve the TPCHD. She has been a destructive force for years. It’s time to dissolve her from the council.
John D. Barline 12/7/20 5:54 PM I am against this proposal. Our County and Country are in the biggest “Heath crisis” ever. Our fellow citizens are getting sick and dying at rates never before seen. Now is NOT the time to play politics. Now is the time to act for the benefit of the people of Pierce County. Keep the Health Dept “as is”. Protect us. No games! If the County Council feels change is needed, then take a reasonable period of time to study it and openly report to your community.
Jeff Weideman 12/7/20 6:01 PM Tell Pam to take her Trumpian crap and stuff it.
Lindsey Topping-Schuetz 12/7/20 6:30 PM I do NOT support this and I am disgusted that this would be brought up during a pandemic.
Sarah Yamamoto 12/7/20 6:36 PM I am concerned about the politicization of our public health, especially in the midst of the pandemic and before a leadership change within the Pierce County Council. Please let medical experts guide our region's response rather than political motives.
Elizabeth Favreau 12/7/20 7:00 PM This is not what is best. The health department should remain as it is and not be run by the county.
Pam Topping 12/7/20 7:09 PM This is a bad decision especially considering the timing!
Benjamin Schuetz 12/7/20 7:27 PM Makes no sense right now.
Alia Greenbaum 12/7/20 7:36 PM Terminating a Health Department in the middle of a pandemic, no matter the motive, is a poor move. Changing the system from the ground up can wait until after we beat this disease.
Troy Pokswinski 12/7/20 7:42 PM If the County can save money and provide better service for the County as a whole, this is an easy pass.
Eleanor van Noppen 12/7/20 8:29 PM Dear Pierce County Council, Please vote no on proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136, dismantling the Health Dept. This will effect many people with mental illness. Some will die by suicide, like my son did. I have bipolar illness myself and need to see an ARNP counselor every 3 months and take meds.
Shane Larson 12/7/20 8:34 PM I strongly oppose this!
Bryce Lowe 12/7/20 9:03 PM Can you please tell me how this makes sense during a pandemic? To say I oppose the proposal doesn't go quite far enough. Please share with me your thoughts here.
Stephanie Smith 12/7/20 9:11 PM As a PH physician I support this proposal. The response to COVID-19 has shown that the current TPCHD cannot appropriately be held accountable by the constituents it serves. There is not equitable representation for those who do not live in Tacoma, and furthermore, a significant amount of the representation are not elected by the constituents the PH department serves. Unelected Medical professionals should be viewed as consultants primarily. It is often citizens of a community who are best at making risk assessments to guide their public health decisions. Particularly in an age of many unknowns. The current arrangement does not allow for constituents to vote for course correction when the health department makes poor choices on behalf of the community. This was most clear with Dr Chen’s mandate for school closures.
Carri Heitz 12/7/20 9:38 PM Do not eliminate the health department in the midst of a pandemic. Leave public health decisions to professionals, not politicians.
Jim Zuluaga 12/7/20 10:01 PM When two political jurisdictions have a long history of working together seamlessly to serve the public there should be a good reason to break up that relationship. In this case it is the Health Department in the middle of a pandemic at the precise time we need cooperation in policy and vaccine distribution. Lets table this idea and discuss it when the seas are calm. We are risking many lives to create disfunction at this moment in time.
Luke Byram 12/7/20 10:09 PM I am a son of a nurse practitioner who is caring for patients tirelessly during a pandemic. I am urging you to oppose Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136. The Tacoma Pierce County Health Department (TPCHD) is a trusted partner for providers. Health care workers depend on their health advisories and guidance, especially now. It must be allowed to remain intact and continue its critical, life-saving work. TPCHD is on point for the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine for health care workers and patients. The public is depending on healthcare workers and are healthcare workers are depending on TPCHD. It is critical that the planning for and distribution of the vaccine is not interrupted. Every second counts in the battle against COVID-19. My mom and her colleagues cannot afford anymore disruption in practicing medicine. This ordinance is impractical, ineffectual, and unnecessary. I urge you again to oppose this dangerous measure.
Deborah J Mischo, LICSW 12/7/20 10:33 PM I am writing to urge you to oppose the elimination of the Tacoma-Pierce Co Health Department. The people supporting this effort are not healthcare professionals and have no business running a health department or making such changes during a pandemic. I am a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker in private practice in Tacoma. I have been in the healthcare field for 30 years. The TPCHD has been an invaluable resource throughout my career as well as throughout my life, having been born here in 1969 and having lived in Pierce County most of my life. The sponsor of this measure has shown herself to have no knowledge of public health and safety. How are we as providers and residents supposed to trust the Health Department to people such as this? It is a blatant power grab by people who only understand division and partisanship. This has no place in my field and is the height of arrogance. Again, please oppose on this measure. Thank you. Respectfully, Deborah J. Mischo, LICSW Owner/Therapist--Connections Counseling and Consulting
Alixandre Wilkins 12/7/20 10:35 PM The health department is important in helping people make healthy decisions as well as providing healthcare resources to people. They are vital to our communities especially during a viral pandemic.
Melissa Ford 12/7/20 10:39 PM I’m concerned about how this change will negatively impact the TPCHD’s ability to address local Impacts of the COVID pandemic and to hinder public health initiatives in general. I work with vulnerable populations in our county and worry about how they will fare under these changes. I haven’t heard any decent explanation for why this proposal is being pushed so rapidly right now. This does not appear to benefit the Pierce County community.
K. Clough 12/7/20 10:52 PM Deconstructing our health department during the worst public health crisis of our lives is ludicrous.
Judy Ferguson 12/7/20 11:21 PM Council members - I was a sophomore at PLU when the interlocal agreement for the current Health Department was written. 50 years of effective service to the community is to be commended, not disbanded without doing the necessary due diligence of discussion and input. Why the rush to do a major department shakeup in the middle of a pandemic with a Covid-19 vaccine distribution in the offing? This doesn't sound like studied, transparent and effective governance of a crucial department at a critical time to me! This is a time to have all hands on deck doing strategic planning on how to carry out the myriad of tasks that Covid-19 requires, not a time to upset the apple cart and shift the focus of public health staff away from the pandemic. I have no doubt that TPCHD staff are giving 110% to their work every day. I also know that they are carrying the burden of this Ordinance's potential outcome with them. The pressure of working daily on Covid related public health issues becomes even more stressful when the security of your workplace is also put into question. Some of the department's best and brightest might be giving thought to finding employment elsewhere. There is a lack of transparency in the rush to push this Ordinance through and a concern when the Board of Health, the Health Department and the TPCHD partners were surprised by it. What due diligence was done to support this Ordinance? Was there consultation with Pierce County stakeholders, cities and towns? Was there discussion and input collected from Pierce County healthcare workers, community members and TPCHD users? It was disturbing to learn that at today's Dec. 7th public meeting, citizen comments were limited to 1 hour, with many turned away who were prepared to give their remarks. Is that an example of good governance? Should this Ordinance be passed, the blowback will be its ultimate legacy - - a weakening of the Health Department at the most crucial time in its history and a fracture of partnership, collaboration and trust between County and City leaders and medical care folks - providers, educators, social workers, staff, employers and parents. This is an unprecedented time with unprecedented crises at multiple levels in health, housing, employment and funding. Worry and uncertainty are on the minds of everyone and all of us are weary. Now is not the time to pull a political stunt out of a hat. Sufficient time for policy discussion and legislative action must be allowed to ensure that a full analysis has been done and that stakeholder engagement has been completed with all parties - cities, towns, medical communities and educators. Anything less than this is unacceptable at this level of government! My personal opinion is that this is not a well thought out proposal and that it has already done harm. I urge a NO vote on this Ordinance. I also ask that you meet with Health Department staff to mend any rift that has been created and to thank them for all that they've done as valued 'essential workers' for the last 8 months. Tacoma Pierce County Health Department staff are our crucial front line folks in getting Pierce County residents to the other side of this pandemic safely. Their work and commitment to the task must be acknowledged and applauded. Finally, ni a very short period of time, during a pandemic and in the midst of the Holiday countdown, the Council has received hundreds of comments regarding this Ordinance. Do not fail to read them and take them into account. Pierce County citizens are taking time to speak to you about something they are very concerned about and the amount of feedback you're receiving is unprecedented. People care! Thank you for reading my concerns. Judy Ferguson 7219 East Side Dr NE Tacoma, WA 98422
Melissa Roach 12/7/20 11:38 PM This is unacceptable. We are in the middle of a pandemic and the health department has been working around the clock to keep people safe and informed. What a slap in the face to every person working with the doctors and scientists. And for what? This situation isn't broken. Move on.
Lika Smith 12/8/20 1:19 AM The Pacific Islander Health Board of Washington is an organization composed of Pacific Islander leaders who are devoted to the education of, the advocacy for, and the care of the Pacific Islander community. Our organization is deeply concerned by Councilmember Roach’s proposition to eliminate the Public Health Department, as well as her recent divisive commentary regarding the proposal. In title, this proposition is being touted as a “restructuring” of the department. In practice, this proposition would function as an elimination of a system whose sole focus is the health and wellbeing of the residents of Pierce county. We are facing an ongoing public health crisis that has significantly impacted the county, and the number of cases of Covid-19 is reaching unprecedented highs as the weeks progress. The timing of any sort of department overhaul could not be more out of touch, nor more egregiously detrimental to the community if these policies are to move forward. The proposal was presented, and the vote will take place, without a cost-benefit analysis of the restructuring of this entire department. To add to the chaos this sudden news has caused, the Councilmember has made comments which have disheartened minority communities and deepened the divide in the county at an instance in history which it was never been more pertinent to come together as a community to fight this global pandemic. Public health should not be a matter of political interests; however, Councilmember Roach’s’ recent comments have unnecessarily purported it as such. The Pacific Islander Health board is acting in the best interest of the community at this time by sending out volunteers to address community needs and leading the effort in testing outreach for communities who are disproportionately affected by Covid-19. It would be reckless to end a relationship with TPCHD, an organization who has helped us and the community at large in maintaining vital community health. We urge the council to stop utilizing divisive language and tactics as the public health should never be the used as a political ploy to advance the agenda of a few. These sentiments are emphasized with consideration that these same councilmembers are not on the frontlines of this fight. We value our frontline workers and wish to support them, rather than cause them unnecessary harm and further detriment and our thousands of Pierce County community members are confused and distressed by the timing and rush of this proposal. We urge you to consider the profoundly negative and unintended consequences for our communities. We urge to recognize the good works of Tacoma Pierce County Health Department and the excellent delivery of health care services they have provided to all citizens of Pierce County. Their work is especially critical at a time when our health care system is already under incredible strain as cases continue to rise to unparalleled levels. Respectfully, Lika Smith Executive Director, Pacific Islander Health Board of WA
Teresa Lax 12/8/20 5:32 AM I support uncoupling Pierce County health from Tacoma’s health dept.
Jarek Sarnacki 12/8/20 6:07 AM Keep the health department united as it currently stands. Dismantling it in such a way as this during a pandemic is unconscionable and shameful. Let it continue to guide public health and safety matters without politics interfering unnecessarily.
Jessica Morrish 12/8/20 7:45 AM Health care professionals need to make up public health boards. They should not be people that will be concerned about whether they are getting re-elected or not.
William Bulis 12/8/20 8:00 AM Terminating the 1972 joint health agency agreement will complicate recovery from the COVID pandemic and would make the new health agency dependent on a political entity. This proposal appears to be a blatant political power grab by the current Council majority during a highly charged political season and is pandering to their political goals instead of doing what is best for their overall constituency. This proposal is reckless and will adversely affect public health in our county. It should be rejected immediately.
Shannon Mandel 12/8/20 8:31 AM This country is in the middle of a surging pandemic. Any proposal should be aimed at how can we best support and protect our public health department and the our medical experts so they can continue to do all they can to minimize community transmission of Covid. Professionals with medical expertise in disease and epidemiology having training in managing public health, most politicians do not. Local hospitals are full and we have not even hit winter yet. Dismantling our public health department because a politician feels like it is not a rational argument. Let’s optimize outcomes in our community during this hard time by supporting and listening to our health experts. And as community members let’s do all we can to care about others by listening to the health experts. Sincerely, Shannon Mandel, BSN, PA-C
Michael Griswold 12/8/20 8:54 AM This is a blatant attempt by the lame duck Republican's to take down our health department when we need it most. It is being done at the last minute and in a rush because everyone knows it's a power grab and a scam. Changing the administration of our health department during a pandemic is asinine. We need the consistency of message that Chen is offering, not Republican conspiracy and lies. If this is a worthy proposal, it still will be after a month or two of study.
Shelby Isham 12/8/20 9:05 AM The idea of terminating the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department in the middle of a pandemic is equal parts stupid and evil. I fail to see how this will benefit the city or county, and have not seen any counter measures proposed to account for the many services this department provides. Furthermore, health should not be left up to public opinion. I think the inconsiderate and willfully ignorant response of many individuals to this pandemic illustrates that. Not everyone has the specialized knowledge and experience needed to make informed decisions about how to respond to issues of public health. A department made up of such individuals is necessary to advise and carry out measures to ensure public health and safety. It is literally inconceivable to me that anyone would think terminating the health department is a good idea. Please, I am begging you, as a citizen of Tacoma and Pierce County, who loves this place and its people dearly, DO NOT DO IT.
Caroline Swinehart 12/8/20 9:05 AM I attended yesterday's committee meeting and I stand with the 90+ callers who testified in opposition to this proposal. Specifically, I want to emphasize that the Pierce County Council (not anyone else) is responsible for the widespread mistrust and suspicion around this proposal. This mistrust is reasonable, as standard procedures were not followed, and community partners were taken by surprise. I agree with the voices asking the questions, "What's going on here?" and "What's the rush?" Preserving trusting relationships with your concerned constituents should be your priority here. We deserve more clarity on this important matter. Like others have said, if Pam Roach (and whoever wrote this proposal) have such good arguments, then it's clear that they'll need to be communicated better and without this time pressure and sense of confusion. That matters. Thank you.
Marian Schwartz 12/8/20 9:29 AM Now is not the time to be spending time and energy on restructuring the health department. It already has its “hands full” with responding to the global pandemic. The Tacoma branch of the Pierce County Health Department has played a vital role in supporting the health and well being of the Tacoma residents. Please allow this branch to continue its job without undermining its goals. Restructuring now is a very bad idea.
Jeff Zahir 12/8/20 9:32 AM I served as an Economist for Pierce County, the Boeing Company, the Puyallup Tribe of Indians and the State of Washington. I also served as an epidemiologist for Washington State Department of Health and for and several private research firms. In addition, I hold a master’s degree in Public Administration from the University of Washington. Please do not dissolve the current inter-jurisdictional agreement of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. The economies of scale in interjurisdictional collaborations are well documented and have served the region well for several decades. It’s not just the benefits we reap from the decrease in cost but the consistency of service helps prevent the unintended consequences of assortative mixing and red-lining. The economies of scope are even more important in matters of civic health, safety and welfare. The economies that we currently enjoy through a central resource for immunization, information and professional cooperation simply break down if they’re replaced by populist calls for “every man for himself!”. Several of the most compelling arguments for interjurisdictional cooperatives are economic but when it comes to health, the mathematics of contagion require the widest possible authority for governmental action. We have learned, at great cost, that planning for pandemics regionally are not effective and the hubris to think so can lead to tragic consequences. There are no cases in public health history when the characterization of health care authorities as “oppressing individual rights” didn’t spread disease. Please reject proposed ordinance 2020-136 and consider passing a motion in support of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. Respectfully submitted, Jeff Zahir 806 Avalon Ct SE Olympia, Washington 98513
Jeanette Lunceford 12/8/20 9:43 AM Ordinance No.2020-136 It is irresponsible and dangerous to create such upheaval in the middle of a pandemic without any due diligence or public dialogue. The Pierce County Medical Society states "This is an unnecessary disruption to an already fragile healthcare system and a distraction the physician community does not need." PLEASE DO NOT LET THIS PROPOSED ORDINANCE PASS.
Sacha Helling-Christy 12/8/20 9:46 AM Disbanding the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department during a global health crisis is not only irresponsible; it also shows an utter disregard for the well-being of Pierce County residents. Please stick to politics; health care should not be political.
Ron Lunceford 12/8/20 9:52 AM In the midst of a national health crisis? REALLY? "Ill-advised" would be the understatement of the century. How ignorant and or apathetic do Council members who support this proposal think voting citizens are?
Melinda Rajacich 12/8/20 9:55 AM To the Pierce County Council, The subject is concerned citizen but should be citizens. “The health of a community is dependent on the strength and support of the health department and its public health system”. Our health department represents an essential trust between our government and the people; to provide safe water, food, housing, sewage, general health of our community and much more. The importance of our health department may not always be obvious. Our public health system is a vital part of our community’s health monitoring and support system. Our health department is our front line of defense against food poisoning in restaurants. It is the primary distributer of health education. It is organizer of our response to infectious diseases measles, croup, pneumonia, environmental hazards, and, of course, Covid-19. When the Health Department is functioning at its best, diseases (measles, tuberculosis, hepatitis, whooping cough) are contained; our water is safe, outbreaks at restaurants don’t occur and it is tempting to assume that the Health department isn’t needed. My grandfather lost children to rubella and diphtheria and his neighbors lost their lives to environmental poisoning. Those deaths would not have occurred today because of improvements in public health which are monitored by our Health Department as overseen by the Board of Health. The Board of Health is composed of people in the field or who have gained expertise by their experience on the Board. As a result, Health Department decisions are made according the best available science. Oversight by a political organization (such as the County Council) will inevitably subject the Department to political whim (which the current efforts with 2020-136 are a perfect example of) rather than best science, and this would be a tragedy. Our health department has done a remarkable job managing the Covid-19 pandemic from the beginning and it is continuing to work hard to keep our community safe. I feel that passage of 2020-136 will put all of that in jeopardy. Please vote down 2020-136 and allow the TPCHD to do it very important work without political interference. Sincerely, Melinda Rajacich
Billie Porter 12/8/20 9:58 AM It is unfathomable to me that any health department leadership could come from those without any public health expertise. This is a strange and unpredictable time for the community. Please do not make it worse by removing someone whose guidance is greatly needed.
Carol Goodin 12/8/20 10:24 AM This proposed ordinance is improper and made without thought to the consequences to so many needy individuals in Pierce County. Its record with mentally needy people speaks for itself.
Kelsey Horne 12/8/20 10:30 AM Dear Pierce County Council /Connie Ladenburg My name is Kelsey, and I am a resident of Pierce County District 4 represented by Connie Ladenburg. I am writing to express my deep concern over Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136, which requests the dissolution of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. We are in the middle of a global pandemic. As of December 2nd, Pierce County has had more than 18,000 positive COVID cases and 321 COVID deaths. On November 28, a staggering 411 COVID cases were reported. This peak is part of an ongoing surge in COVID cases, with daily reported cases greatly surpassing the number of reported cases in the previous April and July surges. The Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department provides the residents of Pierce County with free and accessible COVID testing. Paired with critical contact tracing, this saves lives, reduces the strain on our overburdened healthcare providers, and reduces the spread of COVID. This work is crucial during the COVID pandemic, and the dissolution of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department at this time would be disastrous for our county. Understanding that this ordinance would not take effect until January 2022, its passage would cause a redirection of Health Department budget and staff time into transitional planning and away from COVID prevention measures. Additionally, it would undermine the decisions of the Health Department in the public eye, making it more difficult to enact and enforce public safety measures. This proposed ordinance comes at the very end of the county budget process. I am asking you to please have the courage to vote against this ordinance or against the budget if this ordinance is included. I ask that you set aside criticisms of the Health Department at this time and understand that such drastic changes are not the solution and will have incredible negative impacts over the coming months. If this ordinance is passed, I ask that Councilmembers take up the work to undo this action as soon as the new session begins. Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope that you will make the choice to reject this ordinance for the health and safety of our county and everyone in it. Sincerely, Kelsey Horne
Kristina Segel 12/8/20 10:38 AM I Believe this article says it all. I am strongly opposed to dissolving the agreement between Tacoma and Pierce county health department. We are in the middle of a pandemic and there has been no replacement plan provided. This is not the time to cut services or re-organize the health department. Any Council member who votes too support this member I will ensure does not get reelected. I will never vote for any of them and I won’t sure that my contacts, friends and family who live in the Pierce County area will also not vote for any member of the council who supports this proposal. I will take it on as a personal mission to ensure any supporting councilmembers never get my vote.
Lauren Tozzi 12/8/20 10:38 AM Health Care is a right! Mental Health care is a must! DO NOT TERMINATE this Health Dept! Especially during a PANDEMIC! WE MUST HELP PEOPLE!!!!
Jay Andreottola 12/8/20 11:02 AM I oppose this proposal because the Tacoma Pierce Public Health department is important to everyone, especially as we are in a global pandemic. Public health is more important than ever in these difficult times.
Rachel Haxtema 12/8/20 11:18 AM I oppose Ordinance No. 2020-136s and ask all council members to oppose. A global pandemic is not only not the time to take action to change or disrupt our health district, but it is ridiculous to consider this proposal on every level. The TPCHD has provided important guidance and support on a number of important community concerns and this is time to strengthen their work to protect public health. This is not a political issue. Water quality, dealing with wildfire smoke, food safety, etc. transcend city boundaries and it makes complete sense to collaborate between Tacoma and the county. Please vote no and stop wasting time on political stunts - take action to protect and care for our communities using the best collaborations and resources available. As you can see from protests and the number of comments, this is a nonsensical time to propose a change without the time and energy to plan carefully.
Greg Walker 12/8/20 11:19 AM I am writing to oppose the scheduled vote on Proposed Ordinance No 2020-136s. The proponents of this proposal have provided no justification for this very significant change, at this crucial time, in this frantic manner. I am open to a discussion of the merits of changing an ~50 year partnership, but am unable to participate in an informed discussion, as the council has provided no information to discuss. I am not a medical or public health professional, but even prior to COVID, my work required me to interact with TPCHD on a recurring basis. Since the onset of this pandemic, I have had dozens of occasions to interact with them as the organization I lead seeks to care for vulnerable youth in our community and keep them and our staff healthy. TPCHD has been an exceptionally responsive and supportive partner, and from my perspective has done an excellent job of guiding us through an unprecedented crisis. I have seen no evidence of performance by the organization that is so unacceptable to justify a reorganization in the midst of a crisis, so I must assume that the justification for this proposal is not based on unsatisfactory performance. I have many questions to the Council that I expect you to be able to answer prior to making such a significant move. -What is the problem this ordinance proposes to solve? -Where is the detailed study that defines and analyses multiple viable courses of action to address the problem? -Where is the fiscal analysis to identify the immediate and long term cost/benefit of this proposed change? -Where is the input from the County Executive's Office that will be charged with implementation of this change? Should we not seek their input before throwing the administration of an $80M budget and 200+ staff organization onto their accountabilities? -Where can I find the summary of study sessions seeking input from constituents of TPCHD, other key stakeholders, and community input as a whole? CM Roach has stated that her purposes include providing more open government that hears the voice of the public, but there doesn't appear to be much effort to receive and consider input to this point. Based on public comment in council meetings, and published interviews, this change has been developed amongst a few councilmembers consulting in private, without inviting the input of effected community leaders, medical and public health professionals, or even the community that is served. This seems to be the exact type of government action that many councilmembers have railed about in the past. -What is the urgency to commit to this change before there is thorough public study/discussion? Chair Richardson has stated that there is time for due diligence after the vote is cast. This is a very unusual approach to decision-making that would seem to be justified only by extremely time-sensitive conditions. What are those conditions? I believe a council that seeks to be transparent and responsive to citizens should be very forthcoming in explaining the rationale for this very unusual approach to make the decision prior to gathering information to enable an informed decision. Absent answers to these questions, you as a council are behaving irresponsibly if you proceed to vote on this proposal, and you each have an obligation to vote against the proposal if it is brought to a vote without answers. I expect each member of the council to behave like leaders, and to follow a well-thought-out decision-making process that results in outcomes that are demonstrably beneficial to the county. I see no evidence of that to this point, and without that, insist that you vote NO on this proposal.
MaryAnne Tran 12/8/20 11:19 AM Keeping the department is vital for the human safety of Tacoma-Pierce County residents, esp in the middle of a pandemic.
Donald Graham 12/8/20 11:19 AM This proposal should be studied and not suddenly adopted during a pandemic. Further, what happens to permits and processes underway or already approved by current agency...will all approvals be continued if there is a new health authority?
JEFF WURTS 12/8/20 11:28 AM The proposed ordinance title should specify what date this dissolution takes effect as specified in the 2020-136 ordinance with exhibit PDF. Reading the fine print prompts my comment today. This council is considering restructuring our current health department in just 12 months. 12 months to get this right in an active pandemic period is optimistic to be polite. I am torn as I am a conservative leaning citizen-veteran that respects the ideals of representative responsible government and as an experienced front line urban first responder with far too much experience seeing covid 19 in Tacoma specifically. Feel free to visit your health care workers on the front of this battle. It js very real. No politics about that. If four of the seven county council districts already represent large populations of Tacoma residents then is that not the representative government the ordinance authors seek ? In simple English, can we hear from this ordi aces proponents about some more specjfic examples of the benefit of this proposed divorce and how specifically the county residents outside of the Tacoma boundary will benefit and how many of the county citizens we are considering? Considering the footprint both physically and connection wise of our current Health Department (located in the heart of Tacoma by the way)what is the plan for those of us that reside outside of Tacoma? Will all the current Health department medical expertise be gutted and or left to Tacoma? This new proposed system is not clearly explained . All the levels of existing Health Department services,all the responsibility and associated expertjse in only a perfect world would be able to be recreated at the same performance level by December 2021. Let us not be fooled. While the RCW allows you the Pierce County Council to enact this change, that does not mean it is a change with a greater benefit versus a greater risk. In a multiple casualty incident I think in terms of triage, to do the most good for the most casualties, with a finite amount of available resources. Should we the county residents not hold our council and the proposals proponents to that same expectation? Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Lieutenant-Paramedic Jeff Wurts City of Tacoma Fire Department
Lia Van Steeter 12/8/20 11:48 AM I write to express my utmost opposition to the proposal No. 2020-136s. A politically independent public health department is imperative to the well-being of Pierce County, especially during a public health crisis and global pandemic. There is absolutely no reason why this ordinance should be approved; it represents a heartless attack on the wellbeing of Pierce County residents.
Ariana Haidari 12/8/20 11:56 AM This proposal is an example of how policy and politics should NOT be done. This proposal, which has major ramifications and the potential to impact all of Puget Sound, deserves study, discussion, and time. Removing the Board of Health places too much power in the hands of the councilmembers, republican or democrat, and turns the Health Department into a partisan organization. I am particularly concerned as to how the influence of the county executive will impact permits and licensing when developers who can write big checks approach the council for permission to develop. These decisions should NOT be centralized to the council, which represents nearly 1 million people. Govern responsibly, include stakeholders in major decisions, and vote NO on Ordinance 2020-136.
Chelsey Oedewaldt 12/8/20 12:03 PM Please do not approve this ordinance. The Tacoma-Pierce County partnership has worked well. There is no need to dismantle our public health department, ESPECIALLY with such short notice (is there even a plan? What happens without the $$$ from the city of Tacoma?!) AND during a global pandemic. Please don’t take away public health.
Mark & Nancy Haley 12/8/20 12:08 PM Stop the politically-driven dismantling of our public health department during this roaring pandemic – it is reckless and dangerous.
Joseph Krezelak 12/8/20 12:10 PM I Encourage all actions that will allow less control by Tacoma over my life and monies. After all, we are talking about reducing the power of a bait and switch city government who funds their everyday whims without equal support to all the county taxpayers.
Diane Shaughnessy 12/8/20 12:16 PM Please do not eliminate the Pierce County-Tacoma Health Department Board. Changing the way this organization runs and is working makes no sense in the middle of a pandemic. IF there is a reason to look at changing after the Pandemic is over, then study and really look at what it means because this would be a big change.
Susan Quigley 12/8/20 12:54 PM Strongly oppose proper ordinance 2020-136s. It makes no sense to do this during a pandemic. The council needs to spend more time evaluating prior to even possibly considering this change. Very irresponsible
Kristen Gledhill 12/8/20 12:58 PM County Council members: I urge you to put ordinance 2020-136 back in the bag. You can save yourselves and everyone else a lot of time and effort if you kill it now and then come back AFTER the public health crisis of the pandemic is behind us to WORK TOGETHER to come up with a plan. You have invited skepticism, resistance and suspicion by neglecting to mention your plan to your partner, the City of Tacoma, or to the health department itself, or to US—the public you serve who has the most at stake in how your scheme plays out. Right now is NOT the time for the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department to be burdened with the administrative and political nonsense of streamlining. I want laser like focus on preventing more deaths and distributing the coming vaccine as quickly, efficiently and equitably as possible. I want that focus by the TPCHD AND by the County Council. Instead, we’re forced to chase you around about this nonsense. You have gravely misjudged many things here: You thought we weren’t paying attention. You thought we were too exhausted at the end of this exhausting year to care. You thought we were distracted with the holidays. You thought we couldn’t muster the effort in the one week you wanted to take to shove this through. ALL of those assumptions are wrong. Drop it now. Talk to your partners. Engage the community if you want to come up with a better model for the health department. Do not think you can put health of 904,000 people who live in this county in the hands of 8 politicians—none of them health professionals and all of them white. We have had enough, on a national level, with COVID confusion and politicization. Don’t bring it home to us here in Pierce County. We are not going to accept your flimsy explanations or your shady timeline and technique for introducing this ordinance. Shame on you (and council members Roach and McCune and county executive Dammeier) for thinking this would be ok with ANY of us. Shame on your for putting politics over people. We see what you’re doing. Vice chair Morell, you have the most at stake here. Pay attention to what your constituents are saying. Do not vote yes on this.
Leah Ford 12/8/20 12:59 PM I am writing to strongly oppose Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136. This is a drastic action at a time of tremendous stress on our public health employees working at Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department (TPCHD) as well as healthcare staff working in hospitals that are at capacity due to the surge of COVID-19 cases that I assume we will continue to see increase. All Pierce County residents working in response to COVID-19 have worked too hard to be disrespected in this way. We need public health experts and professionals focused on the pandemic, not politics. This is an unwarranted political distraction highlighting our racist law and justice system. This move is an example of systemic racism distracting professionals and residents of Pierce County from the realities that exist during this pandemic and otherwise. The current structure of the TPCHD serves residents of Pierce County efficiently well and should remain in place as is. The partnership and collaboration of TPCHD and the City of Tacoma is imperative. Do not weaken the ability for city and county leaders to work with medical professionals, educators, parents, workers and employers. Do not cause further harm to those disproportionately impacted by racism and this pandemic. I urge the Pierce County Executive and County Council to postpone further policy discussions and legislative action on this matter until a full and thorough analysis can be completed with stakeholder engagement. This work and much more must be completed prior to considering any legislation.
Julianne Briggs 12/8/20 1:12 PM This is not the time to dissolve and recreate the Health Department. Please table this proposal until after the pandemic has resolved.
Dana Peregrine 12/8/20 1:39 PM The news of proposed ordinance No. 2020-136 to dismantle the Tacoma Pierce County Public Health Department (TPCHD) took my breath away. I was aghast. As a health educator and health promotion professional of 20 years I know and have lived the value of public health. And this value is exponentially greater in this time of a pandemic when we need all hands on deck to distribute a vaccine, and keep educating the public about behaviors to eliminate the pandemic. The TPCHD is a model of an independently run public health organization. IF this ordinance has merit I would like to see why. For example, as has been requested, I too would like to see: -- Feasibility Study (showing analysis of options.) -- Evaluation of impact on the community. -- Financial analysis of proposed change (5, 10 and 20 year rate of return) -- Risk assessment and proposed mitigation strategy if required. -- Rationale for avoiding community input and comments. Additionally, IF this proposal has any merit, then involve TPCHD partners, like the Board of Health, in the process and any ordinance development. Do the right thing for Pierce County residents. REJECT this ordinance now. Do further analysis and consult with partners to determine the necessity of any ordinance relating to the TPCHD.
Julie Andrzejewski 12/8/20 2:06 PM After reading articles and information about the proposed Ordinance 2020-136 to eliminate the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department, there is no evidence that it is motivated by concern and care for the citizens of Pierce County. Indeed, two of the Council members (Richardson and Morell) seemed completely unresponsive to the approximately 30 people who were allowed testify in opposition to 2020-136 given the time constraints they imposed. Those who testified included mayors and other elected officials but also many highly qualified health professionals and health care managers. NO PERSON SPOKE IN FAVOR OF THIS PROPOSAL! And yet, it was voted forward to the full Council with only one “no” vote – that of Councilmember Young. Such behavior by the two Councilmembers who voted in favor of the proposal in spite of the extensive opposition bespeaks complete disregard for the concerns of the public. I strongly oppose this Ordinance for the following reasons: • The Rationale is Bogus: The reasons given for it do not hold water. The Health Dept is currently governed by a group that represents important and diverse citizen and group interests. Putting it under the county will minimize representation. • Waste of Tax-Payer Money: Contrary to streamlining and efficiency, it will cost more to reconfigure the Health Dept and will be a significant waste of tax-payer money. • Lack of Stakeholder Input and Due Process: It is being rushed without contacting or allowing input from stakeholders. If there are truly issues that need to be addressed, inviting all the groups at the table and the citizens of Pierce County adequate time to provide input and ideas is the appropriate process. • Dangerous Timing: To propose this and rush it through during a pandemic by a lame duck Council when we need our Health Department to maintain full attention on addressing how to protect the health and safety of our PC citizens is dangerous and puts our citizens at great risk! • Science not Politics: Health and safety is being politicized in this Ordinance when they should remain in the hands of the independent agency and health professionals. • Employee Stress: At a time when COVID is taking a terrible toll in WA State and Pierce County, we need to support health care professionals at every level, this proposal puts their very jobs at risk and increases unnecessary stress. Pierce County Council Representatives are not elected for their scientific and health credentials and should not be making decisions about the health and safety of our citizens especially in a pandemic without adequate input. Who is being protected here? It does not seem to be Pierce County citizens. I urge Council members to WITHDRAW or VOTE NO on this Ordinance! I suspect those who support this hasty and harmful proposal will eventually come to regret it.
Debra Gorman Blount 12/8/20 2:08 PM It is totally inappropriate to rush a decision on this in a lame duck session especially without ample time to consider impacts and engage in public discussion. Renegotiating the current contract would also require more research on impacts this proposal would incur. Vote No.
Debra Gorman Blount 12/8/20 2:13 PM This is a correction, I mistakenly identified the wrong district in my first comment because the link to the district map on your website is broken! This proposal is being rushed through without necessary time to consider impacts to our community. The timing is wrong to even consider doing such a change given the top priority of successfully dealing with the pandemic. Vote No.
Maude Laslie 12/8/20 2:13 PM Now is not the right time to consider this proposal--we are in the midst of a pandemic! Additionally, there has been little to zero opportunity for community dialog on the proposal. Why now? Just a few things that should be shared with Tacoma/Pierce residents: who will be most affected and how can we mitigate the impact on rural and urban patrons of the department's health and sanitation services? The proposal appears to have manifested out of nowhere--put forward without community engagement by lame duck council members. Don't do this without telling the community "why". Thank you.
Virginia M Hall 12/8/20 2:15 PM Even IF ordinance #2020-136s were the best idea ever it would still be the worst timing. Please vote against this proposal. The current system is proven & functioning. Don't cripple it just when it's needed to function at it's best. Don't choose now to reinvent the system only to find out the next has a lot of bugs to work out in the first few years. Thank-you for not supporting this ill timed proposal.
Kelsey George 12/8/20 2:20 PM The Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department has taken great steps in providing mental health support for our underserved and marginalized populations. Dismantling this department would mean ending these crucial services and leaving Pierce County residents without these much needed supports during a time of chaos and crisis.
Olga Kimbrel 12/8/20 2:24 PM This proposal does not make sense. According to this plan - removing the TPCBH will end up costing the county more money in the long run.
Cheyenne Hallie 12/8/20 2:29 PM Please protect our health during this terrifying time of pandemic and economic downturn by STOPPING the politicization of of our health department. Please keep us safe
Kevin Shintaku 12/8/20 2:51 PM How could dismantling the Tacoma Pierce county health department during a pandemic do any good? This is irresponsible and doesn’t serve the interests of the health of the community that relies on these services.
EMILY STRONG 12/8/20 2:51 PM Please keep the health dept in tact! We need all the public health we can get!
Kyungmin Yook 12/8/20 2:55 PM As a constituent of Pierce County, I strongly insist that the County Council vote to oppose this ordinance. Anything less is unacceptable. I cannot fathom why Republican councilmembers would even find it in themselves to consider such a reckless act, especially during a pandemic, to begin with. This blatant disregard for reason, science, health, and humanity will create needless chaos and disrupt the lives of the countless citizens of Pierce County who have benefitted from the Health Department in a variety of ways. I lend, unequivocally, my support to Dr. Chen, all medical professionals, and the Health Department. What a disgusting and shameful day.
Pattie S. Green 12/8/20 2:57 PM Rushing through a proposal like this in the midst of a pandemic in insanity. If this occurs, it will hamper our area in responding to our current crisis including efficiently making vaccines available to help end the pandemic. Even if there is some merit to reviewing the details of the interlocal agreement, in the midst of a global epidemic that is claiming too many local lives is not the time. Further, it is imperative that public health decisions remain in the hands of those knowledgeable about public health not politicians, and especially not politicians trying to create havoc in their lame-duck period.
Colleen Wise 12/8/20 3:00 PM I am in favor of this legislation. Seeing that It would take a year and not interfere with the current efforts on the Covid Virus, this is a good conversation to have. Also noted that this is the only Health Department in the state that is not regulated by elected officials. We need accountability of any department that has a budget. With the current TPCHD we have no way to speak to the issues that may arise to a non-elected board, which is not productive or accountable to the citizens of Pierce County.
Deana Holmes 12/8/20 3:11 PM 12/8/2020 Dear County Councilmembers, My name is Deana Holmes. As a resident and school counselor in Pierce County, I have a deep personal interest in Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136 which jeopardizes the pivotal services offered by the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department (TPCHD). I strongly advocate its opposition and ask you, respectfully, to vote no on the proposal. TPCHD provides a host of critical services that keep the county safe, from operating support centers with a focus on infant and family health, to assisting Pierce County residents and providers with the COVID pandemic response. TPCHD also has a strong track record of supporting mental health services in Pierce County. Recently they have partnered with the National Alliance on Mental Illness, Pierce County (NAMI Pierce County) to expand its essential services. This pandemic is likely to have lasting effects both on our physical and mental health. In fact I see its impact every day in my work as a school counselor. The proposal to dismantle the TPCHD during a pandemic and without a rigorous review of the repercussions is both irresponsible and dangerous. Hospitals are filling up, our first responders and healthcare providers are overwhelmed. We need our public health agencies responding to the ongoing public health crises, not fighting for their survival. By dissolving this partnership, families like mine and those that I serve in my role as a school counselor, will lose the mental health services and support we need to thrive. This is why I am voicing my strong opposition to the dissolution of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. Please vote no on Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136 when it comes up for a vote December 15th. Sincerely, Deana Holmes
David Neufeld 12/8/20 4:10 PM Dear Pierce County Council--I am writing in regard to the proposed ordinance to dismantle the Pierce County Health Department. This ordinance is ill-advised and ill-timed. No reasonable rationale has been stated as to how the people of Pierce County will benefit from the dismantling of a very necessary department which has served the health needs of its citizens in multiple ways. DO NOT enact this Ordinance. As to being ill-advised: What is the rationale? Why is the council proposing this? What are the plans to provide the services that the health department currently offers? As an example, the status of mental health services in Pierce County is already bare bones. Why does the council wish to eliminate one of the main agencies which is working so hard to provide this service? I have lived in Pierce County since 1965. I care deeply about how our citizenry is served. From a public health perspective, no defensible rationale has been presented for this ordinance. The dismantling of the health department does not serve the needs of Pierce County residents. I can only conclude that this ordinance is being proposed for reasons other than what is in the best interest of the people who reside here. As to being ill-timed: This ordinance, if approved, represents a major shift for our county. Given the gravity of the actions being considered, the timeline from proposal to vote is unfairly short. It begs the question, why is the council pushing for such an aggressive timeline? Quite frankly, both the timing (at the end of the year just prior to changes in elected officials) and the timeline (unfairly aggressive and short) give the distinct impression that the council is deliberately pursuing legislative action in such a way so as to eliminate opposition, alienate stakeholders and to discourage honest investigation into the proposal. I begin to wonder. Could it be that the council actually wants to eliminate an agency that makes recommendations about the status of Pierce County schools during COVID? I wonder. Could it be that the council has a partisan agenda known only to them? I wonder. I've been around for a long time and have observed human behavior over the years. Proposals like this, presented with a timeline and time frame such as this, do not happen randomly. At this point I do not have confidence that the council is being transparent about what their purpose is. This ordinance is ill-advised, ill-timed and has no defensible rationale. Bottom line, the whole process is rushed and amounts to a power grab by a council whose membership will soon be changing. So, at the end of the day, maybe the council is being more transparent than I originally thought.
John Ohlson 12/8/20 5:14 PM Stop the politically-driven dismantling of our public health department during this roaring pandemic - it is reckless and dangerous. We need our public health workers focused on the pandemic, not politics. Even as we’re seeing light at the end of the tunnel, we have to get through what might be our darkest hour first. This debate is a divisive distraction at the exact moment we all need to pull together and pull through. This 11th hour surprise move weakens our efforts rather than strengthens them. It will do more harm than good. At a time that partnership and collaboration is so essential, this dissolves and weakens the ability for our county and city leaders to work with medical providers, educators, parents, workers and employers. We urge the Pierce County Executive and County Council to postpone further policy discussion and legislative action on this matter until such time that a full analysis and robust stakeholder engagement can be completed. We request that County officials reach out to cities and towns, the medical community, educators, and other vital stakeholders to fully vet the implications of the decision to dissolve the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department prior to considering any legislation. Thank you for your time.
Dennis Trittin 12/8/20 5:25 PM I am writing in support of the resolution to dissolve the TPCHD and consolidate health affairs under a unified County health department reporting to the Council. Sometimes it takes a crisis to expose the limitations and weaknesses of an inferior organization structure, and 2020 has done just that with the current interlocal model. Among the obvious benefits of the proposed organizational structure under the Council’s governance are: 1. Greater accountability to ALL citizens of Pierce County with elected officials leading, rather than unelected bureaucrats and a smattering of Council representatives on the Board. 2. More equitable treatment of non-Tacoma locations within Pierce County. Under current leadership, a “one size fits all” mentality has pervaded policy making with limited regard to smaller communities with different demographics and risks than Tacoma. Tacoma shouldn’t be “the tail wagging the dog” and its mayor should have no supervisory/leadership role over a County health director. 3. Improved efficiencies and reduced administrative duplication in the proposed model. Such a change can readily be structured so as not to affect the health of County citizens, but rather to be a more efficient governance model that would allow funds to be maximized. 4. Reduced risk of rogue behavior by the health leader due to improved oversight and evaluation by the entire Council. Examples of deeply flawed policy, communication, and implementation under the current Health Director include: a. Often treating all locales in a diverse county as the same via blanket policy-making. b. Operating in rogue fashion compared to other WA county health directors regarding school re-openings. Dr. Chen has been dictatorial regarding recommendations/requirements, causing considerable upheaval among independent schools and school districts that want to be in person. Instead of emphasizing that decisions are appropriately the domain of the districts (messaged by the Governor and Supt. Of Public Instruction), his communications have been heavy handed and are being politicized by teacher unions to delay in-person education. In addition, this recommendation-to-requirement change in messaging was determined without TPCHB or affected party input. This is not evidence of collaborative leadership. c. Knowing the overwhelming benefits of in-person schooling, Dr. Chen appears almost singularly focused on COVID-19 cases, without taking a proper, holistic view of health. This, despite the extremely low risk for students of symptoms and transmission. Yet, where is the accountability for this myopia? Contrary to his comments, it is wildly inappropriate and narrow to suggest that the chief goal of a health director is to eliminate COVID-19 risk. The impact of his policies on the overall health, well-being, and education of students and families in the County has been devastating. Yet, the County Council has no overall governing authority to fix this. Finally, for no logical or compelling reason, this interlocal model has persisted despite its rarity across the other counties in the state. Why is Pierce County acting as an outlier with its largest city having such governing influence? Repeatedly, the County and Health Director have been operating at odds with other counties in the state and this is the consequence of an inefficient and inherently biased operating model. There is a better way, and I applaud the Council for considering and supporting this more common organizational structure. Respectfully submitted, Dennis Trittin Gig Harbor
James Miller 12/8/20 5:35 PM Now is not the time to terminate our current County City Health Dept. It defies common sense to do so. At the same time it is important to understand a health dept. should be one agency overseeing good health decisions for not only our unincorporated areas but also the cities within the county so there is a unified approach. Now is the time for all affected parties to work together not separately. Thank you for you consideration.
Abbe Salk 12/8/20 5:39 PM I strongly urge the Council to oppose Ordinance 2020-136. I agree with many of my fellow constituents who have already expressed their concern and dismay over the proposal to change the reporting structure of an essential public health partner in the midst of a health crisis. The Council proposed this ordinance in a rushed, non-transparent manner. Lacking an articulated rationale for the public good, this move appears to be politically motivated. So many questions come to mind. What real problem is this proposal addressing? Is it essential to make this decision at a time when our community is reeling from a pandemic? How is the Pierce County Council’s current representation on the TPCHD Health Board insufficient? Given the myriad of other challenges with which the Council should be dealing -- employment, housing, mental health come to mind – should it really be contemplating expanding its direct oversight of a crucial public agency? Does the Council really think that it is better positioned than Dr. Chen and TPCHD’s team of experts to oversee the local health and safety data, multi-lingual communications, epidemiological research, and community partnership that so many Pierce County non-profits, other government agencies, and businesses rely on? Certainly how public health is managed and provided within a community is a significant matter for public consideration and one that requires transparency and sufficient public engagement. Until that is possible, please vote NO on Ordinance 2020-136.
Jillian Luger 12/8/20 6:17 PM The joint health department has supported our community during the pandemic and helped contain its spread. They deserve our ongoing support. The proposed change has not been explained in sufficient detail to the public, nor has sufficient public and expert input been sought. Please do not approve this proposal.
Kim ONeal 12/8/20 6:31 PM It is outrageous to dismantle a working public health agency in the middle of the worst public health crisis in 100 years because Pam Roach is irresponsible. Stop this! Show some leadership and responsibility. We will not forget this outrage!
Joe Bushnell II 12/8/20 6:41 PM Dear Councilwoman Roach Regarding ordinance 2020-136 I'm a resident of Tacoma and my Grandchildren are sixth generation Tacoma/Pierce County residents. I believe that the action to dismantle the Tacoma/Pierce County Health Dept. is ill timed and poorly conceived. While we are in the middle of the worst Health Crises in the last 100 years since the Spanish Flu outbreak at the beginning of the last century it is inconceivable that you would even entertain the notion of shutting down the Health Dep. We need then now more than ever to oversee the distribution the vaccines as they become available. This is like doing away with the Fire Department when they are in route and responding to a structure fire. The Health Dept. needs to be run by a well qualified Health Professional and not by carrier politicians. Please reject this ordinance. Joe Bushnell 2802 47th Street NE Tacoma, WA 98422
Lindsey Mesa 12/8/20 7:02 PM Messing with the health department I’m the middle of a pandemic seems grossly negligent. I would rather have any health recommendations given by medical professionals/scientists rather than any elected officials who aren’t experts in the health field.
Veronica Dykas 12/8/20 7:21 PM I appreciate the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department because it is an independent and nimble public health department. They have have led in public health improvements such as limiting tobacco advertising targeted to youth, ban on Smoking in Public Places, safe medicine return, safe needle exchange, watershed and shellfish protection, and policy leadership such as Health in All Policies, and the Board of Health’s recent resolution to be an anti-racist organization. Part of the reason they have been able to lead on these and other population health advancements is in large part because of their independent role. I support their experienced, data-driven approach to improving the health of all citizens.
Destiny McFarlan 12/8/20 8:23 PM Let's have this debate, but lets NOT do it in the middle of a pandemic.
Ann Marie Genco 12/8/20 8:27 PM I urge the Council to pull back the Proposed Ordinance #2020-136s. I listened to the Public Hearing of the Rules and Operations Committee on 12/7/2020. I am in agreement with Mayor Woodards, specifically regarding the improper process of this proposal. I am in agreement with the Chair of the Board of Health, specifically the fact that there is no fiscal impact report. In fact, I carefully read the letter by Dr. Anthony Chen of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. In his letter he provides the information of the negative fiscal impact of this proposal. I believe the Tacoma - Pierce County Health Department is a diverse, independent Board that serves the residents incredibly well! Look at the work they currently do during a pandemic to notify and keep residents safe. I agree with Mayor Woodards - this is not the right time for this proposal. All of our effort should be in support of the Department and not working against them. In the letter I read about all of the activities of the Department and I was further impressed. So, thank you for bringing their work to the forefront, albeit in the wrong way. Now, please do not advance this ordinance and let the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department continue its work of caring for the residents. It is critical at this time. I have noted your names as sponsors and will remember this outrageous under-handed move, as well as your bad-timing in this proposal, when it comes to the next election period.
Marissa Claiborne 12/8/20 9:07 PM The current program works well
Laurie Bock 12/9/20 5:30 AM I strongly Oppose Proposed Ordinance No 2020-136s. Please do not vote this in. It's absolutely the wrong way to go in this pandemic time.
Jennifer Rada 12/9/20 9:01 AM Why would you pull this stunt in the middle of a pandemic? Do you think we're stupid? We know exactly the motive here. It's a Republican driven effort to politicize the pandemic just like you've done in every other aspect. I'm a nurse here in the community and you Repubs disgust me. Especially Pam Roach who's been toxic to this county. Halt this til the pandemic is under control and people can show up to the hearings so you can explain to our faces, instead of rushing to pull this stunt from under our noses. You don't represent the majority of the residents in this county. We're not going to let this go.
Diane Dvorak 12/9/20 9:54 AM Do not support this proposal in ANYWAY!
Marnie Nickel 12/9/20 10:38 AM I believe that the TPCHD has many important functions and has an important role in our community but, I believe they have to much authority and not enough accountability to the people they serve. I support a change in the oversight of the TPCHD and direct representation of the people.
Megan Nolan 12/9/20 10:49 AM As a social worker employed in the public health field I implore you to reconsider this proposal. Especially during this time of a global pandemic and the swiftly approaching cruitial next step of vaccinations, it is important that the experts at the Tacoma-Peirce County Health Department are able to maintain their place as leaders. They are providing immense, expert support to our local health systems and anything that would disrupt their work during this critical time is recklessly dangerous. Furthermore as a citizen of Pierce County I would prefer that the direction of public health be kept in the hands of public health experts and not elected officials who may have no medical, social work or public helath experience.
Mia McFarland 12/9/20 10:54 AM Please do not approve this ordinance. We urge the Pierce County Executive and County Council to postpone further policy discussion and legislative action on this matter until such time that a full analysis and robust stakeholder engagement can be completed. We request that County officials reach out to cities and towns, the medical community, educators, and other vital stakeholders to fully vet the implications of the decision to dissolve the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department prior to considering any legislation. We are in a spike of a global pandemic; not the time for playing politics with healthcare. This should not be rushed. As a proud resident of Pierce County, I am embarrassed by the actions of council and I urge you to put aside politics until this can be discussed with your constituents.
Elissa Springer 12/9/20 11:06 AM It is a horrible idea to replace health experts with partisan politicians. This absolutely cannot happen and will cause so much undue harm to the citizens of this state.
Beth Kuwahara 12/9/20 11:15 AM This proposal, at this time, during these conditions seems super dodgy. I don't feel that it is in the best interest of the community as a whole to make any broad changes to the health department at this time. Thanks for your attention. Beth
Michelle Sabia 12/9/20 12:02 PM I am writing in strong opposition of the Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136. As a Public Health Professional and a Board Member of the Neighborhood Clinic, a free clinic serving uninsured and underinsured Tacoma residents, I feel it is imperative to keep the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department in tact. TPCHD is providing critical guidance during COVID-19 and will be instrumental in the distribution of the vaccine and dissemination of accurate information. This proposed ordinance risks increased deaths from COVID-19 and decreased vaccination rates during a time when misinformation is rampant. Now more than ever, our community needs continuity and stability in our health department. The disruption this proposed ordinance would cause will be detrimental to the health, safety, and education of our community while our hospitals are full and our community-based organizations and services are looking for guidance on how to keep our residents safe. The passing of Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136 would be irresponsible and dangerous. I urge you to vote "no" on Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136. Best, Michelle Sabia, MPH, CPH
Dayl Eccles 12/9/20 12:07 PM As a healthcare provider I understand the value of the services that TPCHD is providing, and refer patients to services often. Though I understand the intent of this ordinance, and may agree with it with more stakeholder input and planning, I feel the current structure has been not only functional but also positive and productive. I do not feel the community is misrepresented by the current structure, and I trust TPCHD's work as an independent body that includes input from elected officials already. Allocating resources to restructuring as opposed to keeping the health jurisdiction focused on the pandemic and providing services to your constituents makes me question the priorities of our elected officials. Please delay this proposal for more comment and after TPCHD has indicated a need for restructuring.
Angela Tinker 12/9/20 12:15 PM This proposal is playing politics with people's lives. T-PCHD helped save my spouse's life after a COVID-19 diagnosis in June, and helped me find a safe place to quarantine while my spouse recovered at home. T-PCHD's work has been commendable, and as COVID-19 cases have never been worse in county or country then they are right now, T-PCHD needs as much support as we can give them rather than being dismantled and restructured by politicians making a power grab. T-PCHD workers should be strategizing vaccine distribution right now, not strategizing if they'll need to be getting a new job.
Russell Dial 12/9/20 12:22 PM Dissolving the TPCHD during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic has zero public health benefit. I strongly oppose this proposal.
Kelly Firkins 12/9/20 12:23 PM I oppose.
Aries Dial 12/9/20 12:31 PM I oppose dissolving the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department during the peak of COVID 19. How cruel can you be?
Melissa Amaya 12/9/20 1:15 PM December 9, 2020 Dear County Councilmember Pam Roach, My name is Melissa Amaya. As a constituent in your district, I have a deep personal interest in Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136 which jeopardizes the pivotal services offered by the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department (TPCHD). I strongly advocate its opposition and ask you, respectfully, to vote no on the proposal. Living in Tacoma, WA now for 10 years and growing up in the nearby area, this is my home. After leaving Seattle in 2010, I could not help but notice the large mentally challenged homeless population in both Seattle and Tacoma. It is an issue that needs to be addressed and should stay addressed. Homelessness and mental health go hand in hand. I believe that TPCHD provides a host of critical services that keep the county safe, from operating support centers with a focus on infant and family health, to assisting Pierce County residents and providers with the COVID pandemic response. TPCHD also has a strong track record of supporting mental health services in Pierce County. Recently they have partnered with the National Alliance on Mental Illness, Pierce County (NAMI Pierce County) to expand its essential services. This pandemic is likely to have lasting effects both on our physical and mental health. The proposal to dismantle the TPCHD during a pandemic and without a rigorous review of the repercussions is both irresponsible and dangerous. By dissolving this partnership, families like mine will lose the mental health services and support we need to thrive. This is why I am voicing my strong opposition to the dissolution of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. Please vote no on Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136 when it comes up for a vote December 15th. Melissa Amaya 5411 North 44th Street Tacoma, WA 98407 253-226-0336
April Doidge 12/9/20 1:19 PM Leave it alone!! Now is not the time to make changes!
Scott chapman 12/9/20 1:28 PM This is ridiculous. Do you even have a viable plan? This is incredibly dangerous, especially for people that rely on DOH. A leader is supposed to see *solutions* to problems.
Alan Billingsley 12/9/20 1:28 PM Why would you change the structure of the Tacoma-Pierce county health department in the middle of a crises. Delay this action for more public information and support. COVID MUST be the primary focus for the next 6 months
Alex Barnes, MSW 12/9/20 1:37 PM This proposal is dangerous in good times, but especially so during a pandemic. This legislation proposes taking power from constituents. TPCHD board already has a board composed of local leaders who are closer to our communities and understand our needs. Taking this away means less voice and choice for communities. Additionally, TPCHD is essential in helping us survive COVID-19 and ending epidemics such as HIV. As someone working in the HIV field, TPCHD has been essential in identify and preventing new infections. If this legislation is to go through, it will severely harm our communities. We will see a rise in rates of COVID-19, HIV, and other preventable disease. TPCHD needs a board that is by and for the people, not a power grab for political and personal gain. I strongly oppose this proposal.
Toni Gates 12/9/20 2:56 PM I oppose Ordinance 2020-136. The Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department has operated without a glitch for the past 32 years. This proposal is ill-timed and ill-advised. No large move in operations during a public health crisis should be considered so hastily and without any studies. If this should go forth, it should not be voted on until after the crisis has passed and citizens of Pierce County are aware of the ramifications. The goal needs to remain on bringing the pandemic under control. Vaccine distribution is about to begin for the county and this would disrupt the process. The health department is not political and should always be apolitical. The proposal will make it political. The Health Department should be left alone right now so they can focus on ending COVID-19 here in Pierce County.
Janece Levien 12/9/20 2:58 PM Dear Council Member Richardson My name is Janece Levien. I write to voice my urgent concern with Ordinance 2020-136 which would dismantle the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department, with an intent to consolidate it as a regular department of Pierce County under authority of the County Executive and County Council only. I have of individuals who live, work, play and study in Pierce County. Historical and scientific research repeatedly reveal that not all neighborhoods are resourced equally. One evidence of unequal resource allocation is that individuals from lower income and historically marginalized communities are disproportionately impacted by lack of timely access to quality health care. This is just one element of health care disparities in the US and Pierce County is no exception. In addition, not all residents’ concerns are represented equally. This 11th hour surprise of Ordinance 2020-136 is one such example. Furthermore, lower income and historically marginalized communities (be it race or ethnicity) often have less control over their work schedules, therefore, many are unable to engage in the democratic process through public forums which often occur in the evenings while many are still working. Unfortunately, this barrier to public participation often translate into less political representation in the public policy spheres. How do I know this? As a a biracial woman growing up in a single parent household outside of Portland, Oregon, my family and I have been personally impacted by these barriers. Access to adequate healthcare and resources were always a struggle. I attended and graduate from the University of Puget Sound, Tacoma has been home for 15 years. Pierce County is where my heart is, although I reside in Thurston County now, my work is in Pierce County and is for and with the Pierce County community. The people in Pierce County do not deserve this. This ordinance will hurt more than anything, particularly for BIPOC communities. Despite historical setbacks and systemic inequities, many community members, and businesses from lower income and historically marginalized households continue to live as contributors to the regional economy. As such, many of them run small businesses and work as front-line workers who do not have the luxury to work from home during the pandemic. Many of these community members are also cultural makers who enrich the social and cultural fabric of Pierce County. Fortunately, Tacoma Public Health Department takes into consideration the importance of dismantling health disparities. As such TPCHD health equity division notes, “Health equity means everyone has the opportunity to reach their full health potential. Health should not be determined by zip code, income, race or any other factor. Healthy choices should be convenient choices for everyone in Pierce County.” If Ordinance 2020-136 were to be enacted, I am afraid advances made through health equity initiatives thus far might go obsolete. As a result, those who are already burdened by existing health disparities will suffer more. Therefore, I urge the council to stop this action to dismantle of our public health department during this roaring pandemic - it is reckless and dangerous. Our key messages for the council are: ● We urge the Pierce County Executive and County Council to postpone further policy discussion and legislative action on this matter until such time that a full analysis and robust stakeholder engagement can be completed. ● We request that County officials reach out to cities and towns, the medical community, educators, and other vital stakeholders to fully vet the implications of the decision to dissolve the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department prior to considering any legislation. • We need our public health workers focused on the pandemic, not politics. Even as we’re seeing light at the end of the tunnel, we have to get through what might be our darkest hour first. This debate is a divisive distraction at the exact moment we all need to pull together and pull through. ● This 11th hour surprise move weakens our efforts rather than strengthens them. It will do more harm than good at this precarious hour. At a time that partnership and collaboration is so essential, this dissolves and weakens the ability for our county and city leaders to work with medical providers, educators, parents, workers and employers. ● We are all exhausted and ready for this pandemic to end. But this simply adds another sordid chapter to this very long saga. Once we’re through this pandemic, we’ll all have time to reflect on how we can improve our public health and health care systems. This move has ramifications for everything from drinking water and drug treatment and maternal health. This is a significant dissolution and reorganization of a half-century-old partnership that deserves more than one week of discussion. Call to Action Sincerely, Name: Janece Levien City: Olympia, WA Zip Code: 98506
James Tsou-Wong 12/9/20 3:24 PM I would like the Pierce County executive and county council to oppose Ordinance 2020-136 and postpone further discussion and legislative action on this matter until a full analysis with all stakeholders can be done as I believe Ordinance 2020-136 weakens our efforts to provide health care during an ongoing pandemic and is a reckless attack on our healthcare system.
Ken McDouall 12/9/20 5:10 PM This is ridiculous. Disrupting a highly effective public health organization in a pandemic? I think Pam Roach needs to be drug tested.
Deborah McClain 12/9/20 5:19 PM I am opposed to Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136s.
Katherine Miller 12/9/20 5:21 PM Please stop this legislation from moving forward until there can be a detailed discussion of the impact to the residents of Tacoma and Pierce County as well as on the ability to provide public health services.
James Nieves 12/9/20 6:35 PM I find it APPALLING to say the least that dismantling the health dept is even up for a vote during a pandemic crisis!!! This is just ludicrous!!!! It’s like telling soldiers on a battlefield that all the ammunition has been taken away. I implore you to revisit this proposal until we have this deadly virus under control!! For the sake of our communities this should be a bipartisan effort but it reeks of a power grab as Republican council members are headed out the door. SHAME on them if this is their play!! There is absolutely no rhyme or reason why the health dept needs to dissolve. Pls do the right thing and not proceed with the vote. Thank you!! James (father of 7 and 10 yr old)
Marcia Matthaei 12/9/20 7:13 PM TPCHD is already governed by a diverse board with representatives from the county, the city of Tacoma, the Pierce County Cities and Towns Association and the Pierce County Medical Society, who put out this alert on Thursday: “This is an unnecessary disruption to an already fragile healthcare system and a distraction the physician community does not need.” P
Susan Coolbaugh 12/9/20 8:14 PM Public Health Dept should remain intact!
Hector Castro 12/9/20 8:55 PM Thank you for the opportunity to comment. I wish to express my opposition to proposed ordinance 2020-136S. I do not believe there has been enough work done studying this proposal. Even a small change should be carefully considered when it has the potential to affect almost 800,000 people. I looked carefully on the Pierce County website and found no cost-benefit analysis among the documents listed with this proposal, no examination of the number of programs that might be reduced or eliminated, and no effort to identify the potential economic impact, good or bad, to the City of Tacoma, nor the county. I urge the County Council to reject this proposal or, at a minimum, establish a sub-committee to truly examine the ramifications of this idea. Thank you
Kimberly Toal 12/9/20 9:58 PM A pandemic is a poor time to make the sudden choice to dissolve TPCHD and put county council members in the place of public health officials. It appears to be a political move and demands an immediate decision that would otherwise take time and consideration to make. These are trying times as it is, don’t make it more so for the citizens of Pierce County.
Patrick walton 12/9/20 10:44 PM I would say if they are thinking of taking the whole thing down, no. If only a few depts, I could honestly say, the IT dept hass been looked at previously... the county could easily save a million a year just taking the IT dept under their wing. The manager makes over one hundred thousand and does nothing, rarely even in the office. The other depts hold the IT dept up, pierce county could easily run the IT department. It only has about 8 people. Huge waste of money to taxpayers. An Albatros to the county residents to have to pay for
ALYSSA N URISH 12/9/20 10:48 PM Dear Pierce County Council Members, I am a Pierce County resident in District 4 and am writing to strongly encourage you to vote NO on the proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136s, which seeks to dissolve the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. I was floored to hear of this consideration -- especially given the quick timeline to rush this proposal to vote. In this short amount of time, you have heard from hundreds of Pierce County residents like myself who are strongly opposed to making such a brash move in the middle of a pandemic. Your stated reasons for making this move do not outweigh the certain risks to our community facing an alarming rise in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations. This is no time to dissolve our health department or replace our health director. Our communities health must not be a political move or anyone's legacy. Our lives are our legacies and this move would undermine the health of our community. Vote no. Listen to your constituents, even as you are on your way out. This is not the time for any rushed, ill-founded moves. Sincerely, Alyssa Urish
Carrie Montoya 12/9/20 11:49 PM I wholeheartedly oppose this proposed change. The Health Department must be independent and free from political influence. This proposed change will dismantle that freedom.
Catherine Curtis 12/10/20 8:57 AM This proposal seems like a way to politicize a vital service to the citizens of the county. I think we should have learned from the current situation that putting folks other than scientists and doctors in positions that affect public health decisions is a bad idea. This is literally life and death. Vote NO!
Irvin L Stahlnecker 12/10/20 9:35 AM It is extremely poor and suspicious timing to take this action and dissolve this Department. We are in the middle of a global pandemic! The last such pandemic was over 100 years ago. In addition, it appears to be sour grapes legislation from outgoing Republican council member(s). I seriously question the ethics behind this proposal.
Laura Gardner 12/10/20 10:11 AM I am opposed to the timing of this proposed ordinance. No matter WHAT the reason (response to Covid-19, help contractors get permits more easily, "streamline" the department) this proposed ordinance has not been properly vetted and analyzed. Where is the cost estimate for the "streamlining"? The Council has taken YEARS to analyze the value of the Behavioral Health Tax - which will benefit the most vulnerable in the community yet is RUSHING this ordinance without any analysis or involvement of the cities in Pierce County and the health care providers who will be impacted by this decision. Please listen to your constituents and slow this down so everyone involved can participate and a good decision is made. I listened to the public comments at the Rules Committee meeting on Monday - there were NO comments in favor of this ordinance. Who supports it? Let's be transparent about what is behind this LAME DUCK rush to change a 50+ year old relationship. Thank you for your consideration. You work for the taxpayers of this County not the developers.
Judy Nelson 12/10/20 10:23 AM Now is not the time. We need more discussion and input from a broader base. This is a far bigger issue with huge impacts for both Tacoma and the county. Let the new council take leadership for this action after adequate study and input.
Henry Waymack 12/10/20 10:32 AM It is truly appalling to think that the council is even considering abolishing TCPHD in the midst of a pandemic. TCPHD has done and continue to exemplary work, whether providing free testing for HIV/AIDS & STDs, or timely and safe testing for COVID-19. Not to mention the countless public health education pieces they provide. This measure is shameful and cowardly, and should not be passed.
Jessica Barkas 12/10/20 10:58 AM County Councilmembers, this is absolutely not the time to be fiddling with the oversight and operations of our local health department. If there is a suspicion that the current cooperative arrangement is not best serving the citizens in our county, then that should be carefully studied, possible alternatives developed, and impacts should be identified and considered. The health department as currently constituted has a heck of a job on its hands trying to protect the health of people in our county and they don’t need the distraction that a small group of politicians would create by pulling authority from the current board, right here, right now, to heck with the consequences. Jessica Barkas
Abigail Garrison 12/10/20 11:10 AM Dear Council members Please STOP the Dismantling of our public health department during this roaring pandemic, it is reckless and Dangerous. Our public health workers should focus on the pandemic and mental health care and not politics. We need to pull together with all available resources to get through the worst part of the pandemic and cooperate to achieve mass dispensing of the pending Covid vaccine. Debating about funding and collaborating distracts from important efforts. Please support what our citizens need. This proposal doesn’t seem to benefit anyone. Without evidence that this move would greatly benefit all citizens of Pierce County you need to stop it now and only make moves that would help us, especially during this terrible time in our public health history. Collaboration is so essential. Dissolving alliances in public health can only weaken the ability of our county and city leaders to work with medical providers, educators, parents, workers and employers. I am asking that the Pierce County Executive and County Council postpone further policy discussion and legislative actions involving the Health Department until such a time that full analysis and robust stakeholder engagement can be completed. We ask that if this move is important to discuss that you do it when county officials can and will collaborate with all cities, towns, the medical community, educators, and other vital stakeholders to fully vet the implications of the decision to dissolve the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department prior to considering any Legislation. I look forward to hearing a reply and reassurance from your office that you will be voting against the dismantling of our Public Health Department. Sincerely, Abigail Garrison RN (mother, nurse, community member of University Place and Pierce County) 260-513-2639 University Place WA Employed by CHI Tacoma St. Joseph Medical Center
Tara Demma 12/10/20 11:22 AM The TPCHD is vital to both our county and the City of Tacoma. This organization effectively and efficiently performs their role of promoting and protecting public health. Programs crucial to underserved populations in our county will be grievously impacted if Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136s is passed. The public, who both fund and benefit from the work of the TPCHD, deserve to be made aware of why this proposal was brought forth, and especially at a time of great national and local public health distress due to the current pandemic. I believe transparency and ethical consideration is paramount with regard to this issue. Please do the right thing and dismiss this proposal. I believe the timing is very wrong and the people of Pierce County have the right to be made aware of all the ramifications of making a change BEFORE a change is made.
Orting Community Network Partnership 12/10/20 11:25 AM The Orting Community Network Partnership is a collaboration between faith communities, local and county-wide service agencies, and the Orting School District. We all agree and work together toward a common goal of building a safe, healthy, and drug-free Orting! As a community coalition in East Pierce County, we depend upon the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department for continued support of our senior citizens, families, and children; especially during this public health crisis. We need our public health liaisons to focus on improved public health; this includes nutrition, drug treatment, maternal health, parent support and training, and our current health crisis, NOT a restructuring. Ordinance 2020-136 was a surprise! This distraction weakens our efforts to support this community, especially during this crisis. We are asking you to support us and to postpone further policy discussion and action on this matter until such a time that a full analysis and stakeholder engagement can be completed. Since this is an important decision to the health and growth of our community, please take the time to talk with us and make the right decision. Please let us know when you are available! Thank you for working with us to support our citizens in Orting and surrounding communities. Sincerely, Orting Community Network Partnership: Christopher Willis, Executive Director, Orting School District Colleen Flanagan, Homeless Liaison, Orting School District Connor Schultz, Safe Street Community Mobilization Specialist Staci A. Guirsch, Director, Orting Senior Center. Rev. Alexa Eisenbarth, Pastor, Orting United Methodist Church Rena Thompson, Director, Orting Valley Recovery Café Stephanie Lathrop, President, Orting Food Bank Todd Hobart, Safe Families Program Manager, Olive Crest Mary Beth Holmes, Prairie Ridge Community and Family First Coalition Sarah Irish, Orting Community Network Partnership Shannon Butt, Orting Community Network Partnership
Stacey Guadnola 12/10/20 11:27 AM Please stop the politically-driven dismantling of our public health department during this roaring pandemic - it is reckless and dangerous.
J James Rooks, JR MD 12/10/20 11:49 AM While this may need to be addressed at a different time, it is my feeling that this is not the time as it separates the hospitals, clinics, and physicians from direct participation during this pandemic which is of paramount importance to the council in providing expertise.. I base this opinion on many years in medical practice in Tacoma/Pierce Co; former president of the Pierce Co. Medical Society, and former Medical Director at Tacoma General Hospital, and former Board Member of FHS(CHI). Respectfully, J James Rooks JR MD FACS
Lucas Larreau 12/10/20 11:53 AM I am in strong opposition of defunding the Heath department. We are in the middle of a pandemic, to defund a source of healthcare of the people of Pierce country is irresponsible.
Felicia Tran 12/10/20 11:56 AM Public health is a crucial issue that should not be tinkered with. It is foolish to defund this department as a show of political power in the pandemic or not. The redistribution of funds will not bring any revitalization and positive investment to the county if residents are sick and dying. I hope to see the county thrive and prosper just as any of the council members , but if my health and the health of my neighbors are being played like poker chips in hopes of a big win toward whatever cause, it is irresponsible and immature. Please be wise and choose to maintain and grow the literal health of our county and its residents.
Alicia Bradshaw 12/10/20 12:00 PM In my own work in public service, I have seen TPCHD's vital response throughout the pandemic. To quote a friend, Benita Ki, the Executive Director of Neighborhood Clinic in the Hilltop: "This ordinance is impractical, ineffectual, and unnecessary." I strongly oppose this careless proposal for the impacts it will have on the individuals and communities whose resilience depends on resources provided through TPCHD.
Audrey Goulart 12/10/20 12:05 PM This proposal is moving too fast and needs more public hearings and consideration on what populations it is helping/hurting. We are in the middle of a pandemic and should not be making any drastic choices to our current health department mode. I oppose this proposal.
Susan M Pierce 12/10/20 12:12 PM Stop the politically-driven dismantling of our public health department during this roaring pandemic—it is reckless and dangerous. Where is the transparency in all of this? Do you honestly believe that this is the most opportune time to implement and take this action? Maybe you should consider the 18,915 Pierce County citizens who have tested positive for Covid-19 as of December 9th or the 254 deaths that have occurred... Why, at this time of uncertainty, disruption to our everyday work and home routines and the increased stresses in our mental and social wellbeing would you choose to do this? We need our public health workers focused on the pandemic, not politics. Even as we’re seeing light at the end of the tunnel, we have to get through what might be our darkest hour first. This debate is a divisive distraction at the exact moment we all need to pull together and pull through. This 11th hour surprise move weakens our efforts rather than strengthens them. It will do more harm than good at this precarious hour. At a time that partnership and collaboration is so essential, this dissolves and weakens the ability for our county and city leaders to work with medical providers, educators, parents, workers and employers. We are all exhausted and ready for this pandemic to end. But this simply adds another sordid chapter to this very long saga. Once we’re through this pandemic, we’ll all have time to reflect on how we can improve our public health and health care systems. This move has ramifications for everything from drinking water and drug treatment to infectious disease and maternal health. This is a significant dissolution and reorganization of a half-century-old partnership that deserves more than one week of discussion. I urge the Pierce County Executive and County Council to postpone further policy discussion and legislative action on this matter until such a time that a full analysis and robust stakeholder engagement can be completed. I request that County officials reach out to cities and towns, the medical community, educators, and other vital stakeholders to fully vet the implications of the decision to dissolve the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department prior to considering or taking any further actions on this proposal. I am requesting that you oppose this proposal. Thank you for the opportunity to provide input.
Genny Boots 12/10/20 12:20 PM In a global pandemic it is not only RIDICULOUS to end the TPCHD partnership, it is evil.
Amy Cooper 12/10/20 12:21 PM Keep the health department.
Kennedy Iverson 12/10/20 12:40 PM This is reckless! This desperately needs more discussion
Cindy Smith 12/10/20 12:47 PM I strongly OPPOSE this HARMFUL proposal by my representative Pam Roach. Public Health measures are based on basic infection Prevention Interventions such as Containment and Mitigation. These measures are evidenced based on scientific research and MUST be independent of political influence. Public Health interventions are in the interest of ALL constituents and thereby, cannot be influenced by the will of the individual. Said individuals not wishing to comply with public health and safety measures can choose to live outside of this social contract and live outside the county. My council representative should be working to protect the health and well being of her constituents by supporting the recommendations and funding of this nationally PHAB accredited service agency. Pierce County residents are extremely fortunate to have such an exemplar public health department to serve their community needs. VOTE NO on Ordinance # 2020-136s. Signed, Cindy A Smith, BSN RN Infection Prevention Advanced Practice Nurse Specialist Career Public Health RN serving residents of Clark County NV (Las Vegas), Pierce County, WA, and King County WA I would like to speak at this county council meeting. I have left message for Jeff Cox at 253.798.7579
Kyle Bradshaw 12/10/20 1:11 PM Dear Councilmembers, I urge you to not dissolve the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department (TPCHD). We are in the middle of a pandemic and this action would greatly disrupt many organizations that rely on the TPCHD. A good friend of mine runs a free urgent care clinic in the Hilltop that helps see to the medical needs of many of our most vulnerable people in Pierce County. She regularly looks to TPCHD as a trusted partner for health advisories and guidance. If TPCHD is dissolved she, and many others would not have the adequate information they need espcially during this pandemic time. The TPCHD also runs point for the distribution of a Covid-19 vaccine. Dissolving them would leave the planning of this important task without the critical time and thought it needs towards implementation. Please do the right thing and oppose this dangerous measure. With hope, Kyle Bradshaw
Kariza Ysabelle Bautista Nolasco 12/10/20 1:27 PM In consideration of our houseless neighbors and LGBTQIA+ community, I dissent the advancement of this proposal.
Margaret Doman 12/10/20 1:51 PM RE:2020 036s I totally disagree with this proposed ordinance because we are in the middle of a pandemic here and the County Council wants to dismember the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department!?!!! Is there a plan in place to do the work of the Health Department? Is there funds to set up a County Health Department? Is there time to do it while the pandemic is pandemicing? What idiots came up with this? Is this a plan to get out of paying a share of the current Health Department? Low blow if so. Timing is hideous and we don't need another panic-inciting event NOW!
Meagan Galacgac 12/10/20 2:10 PM Hi my name is Meagan. I reside in Tacoma, near the border or Federal Way. I want to express my opposition for Ordinance No. 2020-136s, which will terminate the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department. I do not believe it is a good idea to end a department right now while we are in a COVID pandemic. I believe it is a bad move. Right now we need a consistent group of people to help plan for things related to public health: such as COVID testing, vaccine distribution planning, and all other related things that we must deal with right now. To completely terminate this department and plan for a restructured group will waste time. I think the department should remain and plan and restructure within itself.
Stephanie Caldwell 12/10/20 2:13 PM I strongly oppose the Pierce County Council Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136 to dissolve the agreement with the City of Tacoma and consolidate the Health Department as a regular department of Pierce County under the authority of the County Executive and County Council only. This action would be a disservice to the community particularly the BIPOC community. Please reject this proposed ordinance. Sincerely, Stephanie Caldwell
Nikki Lever 12/10/20 2:35 PM Our county is facing a pandemic! It is unconscionable for the PCC to dissolve the health department now, particularly since there is no proposal to replacement it. Why are you waiting our tax dollars on this?
Oliver Johnson 12/10/20 2:51 PM I don’t want the health department to be defunded! Especially in the midst of this health crisis when we all need them the most.
Katie Judson, MPH 12/10/20 3:18 PM As a public health professional working for a large health care system in Pierce County, I vehemently oppose this proposal. Disbanding TPCHD in the middle of the worst wave of the worst public health crisis this country has ever known is reprehensible. Right now, the hospitals in our region are at near capacity, and COVID hospitalizations and deaths are rising every day. Disbanding TPCHD will disrupt vital COVID prevention education, testing, vaccine distribution planning to the second hardest hit county in Washington State. Without a strong public health foundation supporting our community with prevention education, COVID hospitalizations and deaths will skyrocket. Passage of this proposal will absolutely cause unnecessary and unwanted harm and deaths to the people of Pierce County.
Ryan Millard 12/10/20 3:22 PM I vehemently oppose this based on merit and process. It's an obvious political coup for power during the worst global pandemic in 100 years. Anyone supporting this measure will have to answer for additional deaths and will be forever linked to unnecessary tragedy.
Julie Long 12/10/20 3:33 PM Dear Pierce County Council, Our current Tacoma-Pierce County Health Dept does wonderful work in our community. Their work, while always vital, is even more vital during the current COVID-19 pandemic. The work they are doing with testing, contact tracing and soon with immunizations is imperative in helping us save lives, limit the overrun of our healthcare system and, once the vaccine is deployed, help us return to some semblance of normal. While I strongly believe that the partnership between Pierce County and Tacoma be continued long term, I implore you to, at very least, wait on this ordinance. Take time to get all parties involved in a discussion, to plan for what happens next BEFORE approving any ordinance that terminates the agreement creating a combined Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. Don't do this during a pandemic when our health department needs all their time and attention for addressing the emergent issue of COVID-19.
EDWARD A PULLEN 12/10/20 4:46 PM As a family physician I think that it is dangerous and foolish to try to implement a major public health structural change in the midst of the Covid pandemic. Please, either voter against this proposal, or at least postpone change until after the vaccine is fully implemented. Respectfully, Dr Ed Pullen
Patrick Vigil 12/10/20 5:05 PM Dear Council member Richardson,I am writing as a concerned family physician, I urge you to stand with the medical community in our darkest hour and reject Ordinance 2020-136s.The healthcare system is at dangerous occupancy levels. There is a tremendous and unprecedented strain on providers and medical resources.We are nowhere near rounding out this pandemic, which Council member Morrell tweeted recently. TPCHD is the first line of defense in the COVID-19 Crisis. It is not a good time for change at TPCHD. I urge you to reject this ordinance. At the very least, put this ordinance on hold until the end of the pandemic to avoid excess deaths in the rural, suburban and urban areas of Pierce County. Sincerely, Patrick Vigil, MD PhD
Christian Jordan 12/10/20 5:43 PM This proposal during a pandemic with no study, discussion or research is anti Pierce County. Why would you jeopardize public health right now during the most deadly pandemic in 100 years. OPPOSE this nonsense.
Colin Sabia 12/10/20 6:00 PM How can any government official think that this is a prudent venture during a pandemic? Seriously, can you please think of the people you're supposed to be serving? How is this helping? Please reconsider this asinine proposal so the rest of us can get back to doing our jobs and stop wasting our time contacting you.
Darryl Tan 12/10/20 6:27 PM It is a bad idea to politicize the Health Department. Our Health Department has worked well for the community until now.
David Dunham 12/10/20 7:13 PM If this is meant to simply permitting, it is about the worst possible way to do it. Address that, don’t throw out a perfectly good partnership that will endanger ALL Pierce County residents by causing turmoil in an overstressed situation. There is a pandemic! The partnership has been fine.
Stephanie Acierno, MD MPH FAAP FACS 12/10/20 9:19 PM Dear City Council, As a pediatric general surgeon who lives (Gig Harbor) and works(at Mary Bridge) in Pierce County, I implore you to reject the proposed ordinance to dissolve TPCHD. At the peak of a pandemic, just when vaccinations are just about to be available, it is the worst possible time for such action. TPCHD has been a reliable resource for my colleagues and I. In our opinion, TPCHD has done an excellent job thus far and this type of action puts our community at greater risk. Please reject this proposal and allow TPCHD and the medical community get back to the work of getting COVID under control. Thank you. Stephanie Acierno, MD MPH, FAAP FACS Pediatric General Surgeon Mary Bridge Children's Hospital Resident of Gig Harbor Washington
Alexinna C Civ USAF ACC 99 MDOS/SGOF Johns 12/11/20 12:05 AM This proposal seeks to make a change in the middle of the COVID Pandemic, which is the worse possible time in our community. As a practicing physician, I object to this sudden decision and request a review of the motivation behind this action. Thanks so much for your attention.
Rachel 12/11/20 6:23 AM TPCHD is on point for the distribution of the COVID-19 Vaccine for health care workers and the rest of our community. As an essential worker, my 63 year old father relies on TPCHD testing sites in the Puyallup area to remain safe while he provides for himself. He does not have the luxury of working from home like so many. TPCHD is critical that the planning for and distribution of the vaccine and should not be interrupted. Every second counts in the battle against COVID-19 and we cannot waste any time negotiating a new system in the middle of a pandemic. This ordinance is impractical, ineffectual, and unnecessary. Please oppose this dangerous measure.
Judy Ferguson 12/11/20 7:28 AM Executive Dammeier and Pierce County County Council members Richardson, Roach, Morell, McCune, Ladenburg, Campbell and Young - Hats off to you on your ability to rally your constituents to actively participate in County governance. The response to Ordinance 2020-136 in written and phoned in comments over the last few days is very impressive. I hope your 'listening ears' were on as residents spoke to you and that you have read each of the hundreds of thoughts that were put into writing by concerned citizens who certainly had many other things they also needed to do that day. They made you and Pierce County a top priority in ensuring that their viewpoints were received within a very limited time response window. A 99% majority response overwhelmingly requests that the Ordinance be voted down. The cat is now out of the bag, as it seems the Pierce County Council takeover of the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department has nothing to do with the Health services provided, but is rather all about septic tank and other development permitting. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that the Council's two week rush from Ordinance introduction to final vote was out of the norm and smelling 'fishy.' The rationale for the Ordinance lacked substance and normal vetting legwork, and implementation details were non-existent. Not knowing the back story, it's a relief to know that the initial instinct that something was up was, indeed, spot on. The Council has put itself in a place where deception and catering to special interests has been revealed to all involved and the on going tale that was woven is making Council actions look very sketchy and deceitful. Under the table deals, cronyism and favors are repugnant. It would seem that the Executive and some Council members have forgotten they represent their constituents and that Pierce County is not their fiefdom to govern as they wish with no explanation required for eleventh hour shenanigans. Growing up, this would have been called a 'stunt' in our family and there would have been repercussions for the deceptive behavior. Ms. Roach was quite adamant in her words prior to Citizen comment on December 8th that callers not waste time repeating talking points that had already been heard. Does the Council, both as a group and individually, realize and appreciate how much time hard working citizens have spent on addressing this phony, County created 'crisis'? Can the Council even begin to contemplate the angst and worry that TPCHD staff are now working under? I have no doubt that TPCHD staff are giving 110% to their work every day. The pressure of working daily on Covid related public health issues becomes even more stressful when the security of their workplace has been put into question by something that turns out to be fabricated to address a different Council agenda. Does the Council realize that the actions taken may cause TPCHD to lose some of the department's best and brightest employees as they apply for positions elsewhere because they feel their job is tenuous and their work is not appreciated? What part of Ordinance 2020-136 has been transparent - - absolutely nothing! Do Council members care so little about their constituent's thoughts and input on County issues that trying to fly Ordinance 2020-136 in under the radar is an acceptable practice? It would seem that the Council's attempt to sneakily 'fast track' the shift of development permitting from TPCHD to Pierce County has backfired and citizens are now seeing the deception, half truths and cronyism that are the foundation of all of this upset. The universal distaste for this Ordinance among your constituents is forever documented for all to see and read down the road. It is not a good look and will certainly have County citizens paying close attention to why and what the Council is doing in the future. A trust has been broken. Executive Dammeier and Council members, like all parents, you have taught your children how to stand up, admit the truth and make amends when caught in a wrong. That is the spot where you stand right now. There is much to apologize for and many to apologize to. Shame on you! Step up and begin to undo this mess you have created by voting NO on Ordinance 2020-136 on Tuesday, December 15th. Citizens are no longer in the dark and the spotlight is shining on you! Judy Ferguson 7219 East Side Dr NE Tacoma, WA 98422
Angela Christine Aliabadi 12/11/20 7:56 AM Moving our public health into the hands of a small group of people from Lakewood is not a good idea and will diminish the effectiveness of our public health system. The timing is suspect,, proposing this in the middle of a pandemic and during the holidays is outrageous.
Katherine Peter 12/11/20 8:30 AM It is unprecedented and absurd to dismantle a public health organization during a pandemic, let alone during regular times. The community needs the valuable guidance, support, and data gathering functionalities of the TPCHD to create a healthy community for all who live in it. I 100% oppose any efforts to dismantle TPCHD and anticipate that any other common-sense arguments would stand with me.
Betsy A. Terrones 12/11/20 9:32 AM Don’t put politics before health: -The politically-driven dismantling of our public health department during this roaring pandemic is reckless and dangerous!  -We need our public health workers focused on the pandemic, not politics.  -This sudden move is a divisive distraction at the exact moment we all need to pull together and pull through. A global pandemic is not the time to play politics with our healthcare. No consultation, no community engagement: -The City of Tacoma was not consulted as a stakeholder and partner in this policy move, nor were any other cities or towns in Pierce County. -Healthcare workers, community members, and those who rely on Tacoma-Pierce Health Department the most were all shocked by this sudden and unexplained action. This is a significant dissolution and reorganization of a half-century-old partnership that deserves more than ONE WEEK of discussion. Bad idea, at the WORST time: -This 11th hour surprise move weakens our efforts rather than strengthens them. -At a time that partnership and collaboration is so essential, this dissolves and weakens the ability for our county and city leaders to work with medical providers, educators, parents, workers and employers. -This move has ramifications for everything from drinking water and drug treatment and maternal health. We are in a spike of a global pandemic; not the time for playing politics with healthcare. This should not be rushed. CALL TO ACTION! -We urge the Pierce County Executive and County Council to postpone further policy discussion and legislative action on this matter until such time that a full analysis and robust stakeholder engagement can be completed. -We request that County officials reach out to cities and towns, the medical community, educators, and other vital stakeholders to fully vet the implications of the decision to dissolve the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department prior to considering any legislation. Betsy A. Terrones
Gabrielle Joyce 12/11/20 9:35 AM Please provide detailed information as to how this is a benefit to the community these services are currently supporting specifically people who fall into a low socioeconomic status, the elderly, and other vulernable populations who may have limitations in transportation or care coverage. Explain how this a beneficial action during the current medical crisis - and how is the strong and sustainable action for future medical needs? Thank you.
Kimberly Patrick 12/11/20 9:44 AM To make such a huge change in the middle of a National pandemic is mind boggling. Think about those it will effect, people who need this department the most. Not a good idea.
Tim Asher, MD 12/11/20 9:47 AM Dear Councilmember Young, I am writing as a concerned citizen and local physician, I urge you to stand with the medical community to reject Ordinance 2020-136s. I practice urgent care medicine, and have been testing and evaluating patients for COVID in the ambulatory setting throughout this pandemic. There are many challenges our current system is failing to adequately address - but not a SINGLE ONE will be made better by restructuring public health at the department level in the middle of this chaos. The healthcare system is at dangerous occupancy levels. There is a tremendous and unprecedented strain on providers and medical resources. We are nowhere near rounding out this pandemic, we are at the very earliest stages of starting an unprecedented process of vaccinations. Previous efforts of similar kind have taken 2-3 years. Even cutting that in half, with extraordinary effort and a bit of luck, we are still going to be living on a razor's edge well into 2022. TPCHD is the first line of defense in the COVID-19 Crisis. It is not a good time for change at TPCHD. I urge you to reject this ordinance. At the very least, put this ordinance on hold until the end of the pandemic to avoid excess deaths in the rural, suburban and urban areas of Pierce County. Sincerely, Tim Asher, MD Board certified family medicine
Rebekah Cousins 12/11/20 10:29 AM I am urging you oppose Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136. I am frankly horrified the council would even consider dismantling a health department in the middle of a global pandemic. The Tacoma Pierce County Health Department has done an incredible job saving lives and providing vital information to the public during this period. They are also essential for the distribution of the coming vaccine. I trust medical experts to provide accurate information about healthcare. I do not trust politicians to do the same, including this council. The politicization of the pandemic is appalling, including the fact that is has reached my local council. I urge you to oppose this dangerous measure.
Marelise Nieuwenhuizen 12/11/20 10:42 AM Dear Councilmember Doug Richardson, I am writing as a concerned VA treating provider. I urge you to stand with the medical community in our darkest hour and reject Ordinance 2020-136s. The healthcare system is at dangerous occupancy levels. There is a tremendous and unprecedented strain on providers and medical resources. We are nowhere near rounding out this pandemic, which Councilmember Morrell tweeted recently. To dismantle such an organization needs further assessment of the risks vs benefits and such a decision should not be rushed. TPCHD is the first line of defense in the COVID-19 Crisis. It is not a good time for change at TPCHD. I urge you to reject this ordinance. At the very least, put this ordinance on hold until the end of the pandemic to avoid excess deaths in the rural, suburban and urban areas of Pierce County. Sincerely, Marelise Nieuwenhuizen, MD
Virginia Buccola 12/11/20 11:32 AM Dear Councilmember Ladenburg, I am writing as a concerned Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, I urge you to stand with the medical community in our darkest hour and reject Ordinance 2020-136s. The healthcare system is at dangerous occupancy levels. There is a tremendous and unprecedented strain on providers and medical resources. We are nowhere near rounding out this pandemic, which Councilmember Morrell tweeted recently. TPCHD is the first line of defense in the COVID-19 Crisis. It is not a good time for change at TPCHD. I urge you to reject this ordinance. At the very least, put this ordinance on hold until the end of the pandemic to avoid excess deaths in the rural, suburban and urban areas of Pierce County. Sincerely, Virginia Buccola, DNP, PMHNP-BC, ARNP
Jennifer Harrison 12/11/20 12:27 PM I support this proposal
Amy Twyman 12/11/20 12:33 PM Can you please explain how this change would be beneficial for the low income, vulnerable, elderly, and disabled population that this service is currently supporting and explain how this is a good move during a pandemic and how this will be sustainable in the future.
Krystle Amundson 12/11/20 1:12 PM December 11, 2020 Dearest Executive Bruce Dammeier, Council Chair Douglas Richardson, Councilmember Pamela Roach, Councilmember Jim McCune, Councilmember Connie Ladenburg, Councilmember Marty Campbell and Councilmember Derek Young:   Vote no on Pierce County Council Ordinance 2020-136/s and decline to authorize policy making decisions that lead to redlining the City of Tacoma and the only elected Black/African American Boardmember out of representing the Board of Health, our honorable City of Tacoma Deputy Mayor.   Decline to engage in Jim Crow legislative policy gerrymandering that results in the removal of City of Tacoma representing 20,000 Black/African-Americans (30 percent of the African-American residents in Pierce County) and the only elected Black/African-American representative on the Board of Health.   A Pierce County Council governing the board within the next election term limits guarantees the only elected Black/African-American representation on the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department Board of Health will be redlined off of the Board of Health.   Further, the board would lose additional neutral representation from the professional expert medical community with the loss of Dr. William Hirota’s representation through the Pierce County Medical Society. Representation from the Association of Cities and Towns, Buckley’s elected Mayor Pat Johnson would also be lost by Failing to Reject this ordinance.   The Pierce County Council already has a weighted advantage on the board with their one elected Executive and three elected Pierce County Council appointees.   City of Tacoma has only two elected appointees compared to the County’s total of four elected appointees.   Do not further marginalize the representation of BIPOC and the City of Tacoma on the Board of Health to 0% representation.   Similar insidious large scale white supremacist policy tactics have been witnessed in cities with large populations of Black/African-American and BIPOC voters in cities across America since November 2020.   Resist these tactics and embrace healing by working collaboratively and collectively with the current ILA’s Holistic legislative representation on the Board of Health. Embody right relationship and work with your partners at City of Tacoma per Tacoma City Council Resolution 40710, which opposes Pierce County Ordinance no. 2020-136/s.   Let us mend, bind, cure and heal our wounds as a community equitably and collectively Together, taking into account History, Resiliency, Dialogue, Reconciliation, empirical studies and the hundreds of public comments on proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136/s written and voiced by The People. A unilateral decision made out of traumatic reaction to pandemic by your singular, small jurisdiction does not do our people justice. Resist the urge to engage in lateral violence and scapegoating in the midst of this global pandemic. We are Better Together.   Prayerfully,   Krystle Amundson       LEXICON:   Jim Crow – Jim Crow was the name of the racial caste system which operated primarily, but not exclusively in southern and border states. Jim Crow was more than a series of rigid anti-black laws. It was a way of life. Under Jim Crow, African Americans were relegated to the status of second class citizens. Jim Crow represented the legitimization of anti-black racism. Many Christian ministers and theologians taught that whites were the Chosen people, blacks were cursed to be servants, and God supported racial segregation. Craniologists, eugenicists, phrenologists, and Social Darwinists, at every educational level, buttressed the belief that blacks were innately intellectually and culturally inferior to whites. Pro-segregation politicians gave eloquent speeches on the great danger of integration: the mongrelization of the white race. Newspaper and magazine writers routinely reinforced anti-black stereotypes. All major societal institutions reflected and supported the oppression of blacks. ( Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia)   Racial Gerrymandering – Racial gerrymandering refers to defining voting districts to lesson or eliminate a minority’s voting power.   Redlining – the systematic denial of various services by federal government agencies, local governments, or the private sector either directly or through the selective raising of prices. This often manifested by placing strict criteria on certain goods that often disadvantaged poor and minority communities.   BIPOC – Black, Indigenous and People of Color   Trauma – Traumatic experiences often involve a threat to life or safety, but any situation that leaves you feeling overwhelmed and isolated can result in trauma.   Lateral violence – is displaced violence directed against one's peers rather than adversaries.   Scapegoat – a person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others, especially for reasons of expediency.   EIS – An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is a document prepared to describe the effects for proposed activities on the environment. "Environment," in this case, is defined as the natural and physical environment and the relationship of people with that environment.   HIS – A health impact statement is a brief summary in lay terms of the result of an intervention, program, or policy that contributed to a measurable change in health, behavioral, or environmental outcome in a defined population.   EIA – Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a process of evaluating the likely environmental impacts of a proposed project or development, taking into account inter-related socio-economic, cultural and human-health impacts, both beneficial and adverse   HIA – Health Impact Assessment (HIA) is a practical approach used to judge the potential health effects of a policy, program or project on a population, particularly on vulnerable or disadvantaged groups. Recommendations are produced for decision-makers and stakeholders, with the aim of maximising the proposal's positive health effects and minimising its negative health effects. The approach can be applied in diverse economic sectors and uses quantitative, qualitative and participatory techniques.   REIA – A Racial Equity Impact Assessment (REIA) is a systematic examination of how different racial and ethnic groups will likely be affected by a proposed action or decision.   REIS – A Racial Equity Impact Statement is a process to evaluate effects of policy & programs in reducing disparities.   HLAT – Reviewing a policy or program in terms of its positive or negative health impacts.   Failed: no independent EIS completed. Failed: no independent HIS completed. Failed: no independent REIS completed. Failed: no independent EIA completed. Failed: no independent HIA completed. Failed: no independent REIA completed. Failed: no independent Health Lens Analysis tool completed.
Krystle Amundson 12/11/20 1:15 PM Dearest Executive Bruce Dammeier, Council Chair Douglas Richardson, Councilmember Pamela Roach, Councilmember Jim McCune, Councilmember Connie Ladenburg, Councilmember Marty Campbell and Councilmember Derek Young:   Vote no on Pierce County Council Ordinance 2020-136/s and decline to authorize policy making decisions that lead to redlining the City of Tacoma and the only elected Black/African American Boardmember out of representing the Board of Health, our honorable City of Tacoma Deputy Mayor.   Decline to engage in Jim Crow legislative policy gerrymandering that results in the removal of City of Tacoma representing 20,000 Black/African-Americans (30 percent of the African-American residents in Pierce County) and the only elected Black/African-American representative on the Board of Health.   A Pierce County Council governing the board within the next election term limits guarantees the only elected Black/African-American representation on the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department Board of Health will be redlined off of the Board of Health.   Further, the board would lose additional neutral representation from the professional expert medical community with the loss of Dr. William Hirota’s representation through the Pierce County Medical Society. Representation from the Association of Cities and Towns, Buckley’s elected Mayor Pat Johnson would also be lost by Failing to Reject this ordinance.   The Pierce County Council already has a weighted advantage on the board with their one elected Executive and three elected Pierce County Council appointees.   City of Tacoma has only two elected appointees compared to the County’s total of four elected appointees.   Do not further marginalize the representation of BIPOC and the City of Tacoma on the Board of Health to 0% representation.   Similar insidious large scale white supremacist policy tactics have been witnessed in cities with large populations of Black/African-American and BIPOC voters in cities across America since November 2020.   Resist these tactics and embrace healing by working collaboratively and collectively with the current ILA’s Holistic legislative representation on the Board of Health. Embody right relationship and work with your partners at City of Tacoma per Tacoma City Council Resolution 40710, which opposes Pierce County Ordinance no. 2020-136/s.   Let us mend, bind, cure and heal our wounds as a community equitably and collectively Together, taking into account History, Resiliency, Dialogue, Reconciliation, empirical studies and the hundreds of public comments on proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136/s written and voiced by The People. A unilateral decision made out of traumatic reaction to pandemic by your singular, small jurisdiction does not do our people justice. Resist the urge to engage in lateral violence and scapegoating in the midst of this global pandemic. We are Better Together.   Prayerfully,   Krystle Amundson       LEXICON:   Jim Crow – Jim Crow was the name of the racial caste system which operated primarily, but not exclusively in southern and border states. Jim Crow was more than a series of rigid anti-black laws. It was a way of life. Under Jim Crow, African Americans were relegated to the status of second class citizens. Jim Crow represented the legitimization of anti-black racism. Many Christian ministers and theologians taught that whites were the Chosen people, blacks were cursed to be servants, and God supported racial segregation. Craniologists, eugenicists, phrenologists, and Social Darwinists, at every educational level, buttressed the belief that blacks were innately intellectually and culturally inferior to whites. Pro-segregation politicians gave eloquent speeches on the great danger of integration: the mongrelization of the white race. Newspaper and magazine writers routinely reinforced anti-black stereotypes. All major societal institutions reflected and supported the oppression of blacks. ( Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia)   Racial Gerrymandering – Racial gerrymandering refers to defining voting districts to lesson or eliminate a minority’s voting power.   Redlining – the systematic denial of various services by federal government agencies, local governments, or the private sector either directly or through the selective raising of prices. This often manifested by placing strict criteria on certain goods that often disadvantaged poor and minority communities.   BIPOC – Black, Indigenous and People of Color   Trauma – Traumatic experiences often involve a threat to life or safety, but any situation that leaves you feeling overwhelmed and isolated can result in trauma.   Lateral violence – is displaced violence directed against one's peers rather than adversaries.   Scapegoat – a person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others, especially for reasons of expediency.   EIS – An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is a document prepared to describe the effects for proposed activities on the environment. "Environment," in this case, is defined as the natural and physical environment and the relationship of people with that environment.   HIS – A health impact statement is a brief summary in lay terms of the result of an intervention, program, or policy that contributed to a measurable change in health, behavioral, or environmental outcome in a defined population.   EIA – Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a process of evaluating the likely environmental impacts of a proposed project or development, taking into account inter-related socio-economic, cultural and human-health impacts, both beneficial and adverse   HIA – Health Impact Assessment (HIA) is a practical approach used to judge the potential health effects of a policy, program or project on a population, particularly on vulnerable or disadvantaged groups. Recommendations are produced for decision-makers and stakeholders, with the aim of maximising the proposal's positive health effects and minimising its negative health effects. The approach can be applied in diverse economic sectors and uses quantitative, qualitative and participatory techniques.   REIA – A Racial Equity Impact Assessment (REIA) is a systematic examination of how different racial and ethnic groups will likely be affected by a proposed action or decision.   REIS – A Racial Equity Impact Statement is a process to evaluate effects of policy & programs in reducing disparities.   HLAT – Reviewing a policy or program in terms of its positive or negative health impacts.   Failed: no independent EIS completed. Failed: no independent HIS completed. Failed: no independent REIS completed. Failed: no independent EIA completed. Failed: no independent HIA completed. Failed: no independent REIA completed. Failed: no independent Health Lens Analysis tool completed.
Katharine McKnight 12/11/20 2:25 PM Please do NOT approve this ordinance. The people who would be most affected by this decision are the ones who are the least able to advocate for themselves and in need of the services the current partnership provides. This partnership allows critical programs, including those provided at no cost by NAMI Pierce County, to reach a wider audience and have a greater impact than either the county or the city could have alone. Please do not use the current political climate to dismantle or disrupt critical social service programs.
Susan M Adams 12/11/20 2:26 PM Absolutely not! Keep your hands off our health department. Your job is to serve us, not go around like children making messes.
Karen Schilde 12/11/20 2:38 PM Terminating the agreement for the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department would put Tacoma on the map internationally, but for a disastrous, callous, decision in Covid times. This would be folly and directly lead to additional deaths and preventative efforts against Covid. If that is not enough, community mental health, already seriously endangered further by Covid, will suffer another fallout by removing office space and funding for the NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Pierce County affiliate, a leader in community advocacy, support and education for mental illness, which affects also populations of Pierce such as active duty military, veterans, and minorities. NAMI is primarily a volunteer organization run on a shoestring budget--it doesn't deserve to be decimated due to an unreasonable council decision. Our country is only 4% of the world's population with 19% of the Covid deaths and a suicide rate growing by 33% in the past decade before Covid. Imagine the world headlines about Tacoma removing the agency charged with leading local response to this public health crisis and directly ousting the only volunteer grass roots organization of volunteers campaigning for mental health, already stretched before the pandemic. Be instead a world leader to prevent Covid and to support mental health lifelines for families and individuals with advocacy and education. Thank you for reconsidering and opposing any efforts to terminate the agreement in proposed ordinance No. 2020-136s. Karen Schilde
lisa Oldoski 12/11/20 3:01 PM This is a dangerous and reckless action, that put politics ahead of people. This is a distraction that takes focus off the work needed by the health department in a pandemic and goes against the values of our communities. This act has huge repercussions and should not be taken lightly nor should it be made it haste.
Cheryl L Langlois 12/11/20 3:34 PM I was absolutely shocked to learn that the Pierce County Council is considering dissolving the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department as it is structured--during a dangerous pandemic, no less. Doing so would be irresponsible and unconscionable. Throughout this incredibly difficult year, I've been amazed at (and grateful for) the hard work the TPCHD has done to keep the public informed about the pandemic. Like many Pierce County residents, I've come to depend on them for accurate, life-saving information. If anything, the TPCHD should be given MORE support as they continue to protect our health and save lives Public health should not be political. Again, I urge you to stop the dangerous and reckless dismantling of our Health Department during the pandemic.
Pat Richmond 12/11/20 3:42 PM This is another Roach disaster. Public health is not political and this proposal does not just affect the TPCHD but all the connections (like the free Community Health Clinic, etc.) that should NOT be disrupted especially at a time like this pandemic. If the council wants to take over permits this too should NOT be political. The Pierce County residents deserve to have the TPCHD maintained as it is. If there are issues with the department address those but this proposal is beyond dangerous. I would write my council member (Roach) but she would not be responsive as has been the case in the past.
Marjory Hulscher 12/11/20 3:51 PM Please do not terminate the agreement creating a combined County-City Health Department. Trying to do this during a pandemic is a disservice to your constituents. We benefit from TPCHD's guidance to help control COVID-19, communicate testing locations and assit with vaccine ditrubution. An independent Public Health Department is more attractive to agencies offering grants. This is not the time to distract the TPCHD.
Kim Brown 12/11/20 4:25 PM Please do not support this power grab that would put the health and well-being of the people of Pierce County at the mercy of politics. This is a fragile moment for all of us, and we need the security that comes with the experience and expertise represented by TPCHD. Please do not support this unwarranted attack on an invaluable public agency.
robin Evans-agnew 12/11/20 4:32 PM I strongly oppose this ordinance. I am a public health nurse and Assistant Professor at UWT. I have worked in rural Pierce County as a public health nurse for 15 years. Some of the gravest health inequities in our county are borne by children living outside of Tacoma who suffer from poverty, access to preventative health services, and other environmental threats. This ordinance would create another systemic division in our county for addressing these threats; increasing administrative overhead; and degrading important prevention programs that are integrated within the current structure of the Tacoma-Pierce County health Department. In particular I recall the failure of local authorities to adequately protect the population from the Graham Landfill by the systematic and cynical degrading of technical and support services due to the extinction of significant public health funding by the passage of I695. Without a centralized public health system for our county, we risk returning to a piecemeal approach to permitting and a lack of equity in the protections provided to our residents.
Janet Primomo, PhD, RN 12/11/20 5:20 PM As UW Tacoma faculty, I have worked closely with the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department for almost 30 years. I have seen firsthand the expertise of our dedicated public health department that operates very well under the Board of Health, in partnership with City and County officials and departments. Pierce County Proposed Ordinance 2020-136 would dismantle the well-functioning Tacoma Pierce County Health Department. Consolidating the health department as a regular department of Pierce County under authority of the County Executive and County Council only departs from the long-standing, independent public health department, jointly governed by cities, towns, Pierce County and a medical professional - thus politicizing the local health department. This proposed ordinance endangers public health and is uncalled for during this pandemic. Please protect the public’s health and oppose this proposal. Janet Primomo, RN, PhD Associate Professor Emeritus University of Washington Tacoma School of Nursing & Healthcare Leadership Email: Cell phone: 206.228.8093
Linda Higgins 12/11/20 6:17 PM I disagree with the proposal to terminate the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. It's inexcusable to put forth this proposal during the pandemic, and with such short notice. Members of the department were blindsided by this proposal, and they do not deserve this distraction when they are working so hard to protect Pierce County resident from Covid 19. I also do not agree with any proposal that will increase the power of politicians in the operations of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department.
Kimberly Rose 12/11/20 8:18 PM I do NOT think this is the right timing for this to happen, nor do I think this is the right thing to do. Please defeat this proposal and if it does need to be considered, please reconsider after this pandemic is under control!
chris eberhardt 12/11/20 8:30 PM Addressing health challenges in Pierce County should be protected from political ideologies of elected representatives by maintaining the existing Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department (TPHD) structure. Policy that impacts the lives of over 800,000 people should not be rushed through in a lame duck session. When the new council convenes legislation should be proposed that strengthens TPHD.
michael 12/11/20 9:05 PM were in a crisis , we don't need political maneuvering .I'm amazed that is a consideration
Wonita Shin 12/11/20 9:08 PM Dear County Councilmembers, Please take heed and listen to your local constituents and healthcare providers. I urge you to put a stop to this legislation. There has been no evidence cited or reasons given for dismantling TPCHD. I am a physician and I oppose this legislation. Please do not politicize the management of health issues in our county. You were put in office because your constituents trust your citizenship and moral compass. Please do not disappoint us. Thank you. To councilmember Young, I appreciate your voice, thank you.
Laura MacCary 12/11/20 11:32 PM I think I'm in district 7, but can't check because your map link leads to a "404" error. Changing how the health department works during a pandemic, and so quickly that mailed comments wouldn't be certain to reach you in time, even without the pandemic and the feds' attempts to gut the postal service slowing things down, goes beyond cynical to cruel and idiotic. Really, are you actively trying to kill people? Stop it.
Joe A Kunzler 12/12/20 7:12 AM I do not support changing the governance of public health with vaccines to roll out deep into 2021. Thank you. Also we are Washington State - NOT Idaho.
Sally P Smith 12/12/20 9:16 AM The proposing members have failed to provide a cost-benefit analysis of their proposal, have not engaged citizens in a discussion of how this change would impact people, and have not engaged in a productive discourse with their current health care partners. The timeframe for putting forth this proposal is inadequate and done during a time of rising Covid-19 cases when the Health Department staff should be focused on public health. When first announced, I requested clarification of the reasons for this change; to do date, no one has provided a concrete, evidence-based reason. Please reject and study before pursuing it.
Lucas Labine 12/12/20 10:17 AM As a physician who works closely in primary care, in addition to hospital and acute care settings, the health department is invaluable and I strongly oppose this ordinance. Doing this will harm the community. Please reconsider for the sake of the people you serve.
Carol Webster 12/12/20 12:28 PM 1. This proposal would eliminate the needed medical viewpoint on the health department board. 2. This proposal would eliminate an independent department that is able to be nimble. Why have health, which needs public health expertise a part of Pierce County government? 3. There is nothing wrong with what we have now. "If it's not broken, don't fix it." 4. We are in the midst of a pandemic! 5. There was no advance warning nor public discussion before this was proposed, by lameduck electeds.
Marcia Gibbons 12/12/20 1:21 PM At a time when revenue is down, why add an extra expense of splitting from Tacoma? This makes no sense on a fiscal level, as well as a public health level. My dad always says If it ain't broke, don't fix it. TPCHD ain't broke, so stop trying to fix it.
Francesco Ortenzo 12/12/20 2:08 PM Shame on this council! Now is not the time or the place for this change. If it were so beneficial, why would it need to be rushed through a lame duck council? The people have spoken. If this proposal is indeed worthy of consideration, do it on a normal timeline, and do it when we aren’t in the middle of a pandemic. This is ludicrous.
Robert Papen 12/12/20 6:15 PM I do not support this Proposal.!! And I do not support this radical change being planned When the public you serve is under the distraction of a massive pandemic and economic panic!
Duane Hulscher 12/12/20 6:36 PM We are in the middle of a Pandemic and now is not the time to restructure our health department. Please do not politicize our community healthcare system.
Emily Hulscher 12/12/20 6:52 PM Please do not pass Ordinance No.2020-136s. I do not want the my community to lose health resources. The Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department is more likely to receive grants the way they are currently structured.
Teresa Smith 12/12/20 7:27 PM I am seriously disappointed in the fact that this was created so quickly and is going to be voted on so quickly. It very much feels like a political tactic used by members of the Council, and I suspect the Pierce County Executive. Issues surrounding health should not be controlled by or decided by people without a medical degree. If this was a conversation about who should really be dealing with septic tanks and permitting that would be one thing, but this is not. I find it highly dishonest for our Council to present something like this that should have had enough time for our community to be made aware and know what exactly this means for them and those the Health Department serves. I am very aware how this bill came about, the timing, and the convenient quiet from the Executive is a tactic used to get what they want for a political agenda. While I believe you will get what you want out of this because I have seen this tactic used before, I will definitely remember this action at voting, and will be very vocal when anyone who votes for this tries to run for office. Especially Bruce, because we all know he has his eye on higher offices and not the actual best for the County.
Mary Olson 12/12/20 9:50 PM Vehemently oppose this proposal, now is not the time for this.
Liz Ran 12/12/20 10:56 PM Hi there, Hope all is going well for everyone. Thank you for taking the time to read my comments. Myself, my family, the local, independent community pharmacy we are a part of for over 85 years are all extremely concerned about this ordinance. I'm reaching out on my own behalf, the behalf of my family, the behalf of our independent, community pharmacy for over 85 years, and more. We all are extremely concerned about and opposed to Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136s. I reached out to sponsor(s) and did not receive a response (not sure what happened). I would love to understand multiple perspectives on this proposed ordinance but unfortunately have not received a response. I tried. We, at Rankos Pharmacy are opposed to Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136s. I'm also, personally, extremely concerned and opposed to this proposal. As a pharmacist and local person, I have had many wonderful opportunities to collaborate with and learn from the TPCHD organization and the many people within it for years. We have collaborated and they have actively, rapidly improved the quality of care, and increased advanced prompt responses to public health issues, and increased the quality of life for many people in the area. I have enormous appreciation and respect for the TPCHD people and the vision. I live and work in Tacoma. I would like to keep my home and work address private please. I am in a unique position and offer a unique perspective as an independent businessperson and supporter of community health, support, services, community care, respect of individuals and the provision of essential health care services. There is no justification or explanation for this unexpected, unprecedented, and unjustified attack on the TPCHD. Anyone who could question the efforts and active response and positive impact the TPCHD makes on the community is unaware. Thank you for reading this comment. It is with the utmost respect and appreciation my feedback arises. Thank you again and best wishes. Do NOT make any changes to the current TPCHD structure. They should make all decisions, independently. The community will provide support needed of the current TPCHD structure.
Cathy Brady 12/13/20 9:27 AM We are in the middle of a pandemic, now is not the time to dissolve TPCHD. It’s a distraction from the work that needs to continue to combat COVID-19. Please take a step back and reconsider the timing of this proposal.
Jan Prichard 12/13/20 10:12 AM I do not believe this is a well considered proposal and should be postponed until everyone effected by it gets a chance to have their say.
Amber Still 12/13/20 10:12 AM Please stop the politically-driven dismantling of our public health department during this roaring pandemic – it is reckless and dangerous. Thank you.
steven brady 12/13/20 11:10 AM The manner with which this abrupt change was executed wreaks of political maneuvering and a power grab at the potential expense of the very people the council has been charged to serve. In order to justify the dissolution of this current organization, I would suggest waiting for all council seats to be filled, and to include the tpchd leadership as well and to include your constituents (recipients of care/ targets of programs) in an open and transparent forum). Let’s not make the same silly mistakes we’ve seen so frequently by weak politicians on both the left and right. Be strong and be transparent. Lead from the front. And most of all, serve the people and not a party or yourself.
Jon Holdaway 12/13/20 2:47 PM Is the Pierce County Council jeopardizing public health just as a COVID-19 vaccine is coming online? This coming Tuesday, December 15, the Pierce County Council will vote on a bill that would defund and dismantle the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department, just at the moment when TPCHD will be involved in COVID-19 vaccine dissemination. One might question if this proposed change is designed to improve public health or to improve the bottom line of developers. And will this change, done in a rush, interfere with TPCHDs ability to expedite county-wide vaccination?
Kathryn A Gendron 12/13/20 3:18 PM This is incredibly stupid and shortsighted in the face of an ongoing pandemic. You are playing with lives and for what? Why the rush? open it up to publice debate if you feel so strongly. The current health department is a vital service to the community!!!
Marsha Stephan 12/13/20 3:21 PM This is not the time to upend the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department in the middle of a pandemic! The citizens of this county need to have confidence that the health department with its medical expertise is there to support them. The County Council is shaking my confidence by rushing to end the agreement without presenting a replacement plan. Please vote against Proposed Ordinance 2020-136s. Marsha Stephan Retired School Nurse
betty devereux 12/13/20 5:12 PM i am writing to oppose this proposal. If permitting rules need to change, then make an amendment to change certain permitting rules. DO NOT DISRUPT one of the BEST AGENCies in Pierce County.
Jon Veitch 12/13/20 5:58 PM I’m a local small business owner that provides jobs in this community. I own an insurance company and I’m also a professional musician who speaks to the public. I wanted to voice that I oppose this proposal and will be letting my fans and clients know that we should oppose this bill and any politician who chooses to support.
Mark J. Stephan, M.D. 12/13/20 6:38 PM I am a Clinical Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics at the University of Washington and retired Department of the Army civilian physician. While practicing pediatrics at Madigan Army Medical Center for 33 years, I became fully acquainted with the superb preventive medicine services of the Health Department serving the residents of Pierce County. The rushed proposed ordinance #2020-136s to dissolve the current independent Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department and replace it with a county-only department at this time of management of a critical pandemic is very unfortunate in my opinion. The work and policies of a public health department must be guided by science, research, coordination of community health initiatives, and improvement of community health disparities. Our independent Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department is successfully meeting these objectives. Their work should not in future years be subject to funding decisions of politicians who potentially could lack accurate knowledge of the science of preventive medicine. The Flint, Michigan, water crisis serves as a devastating example of the consequences on family health and child development of placing public water safety entirely at the discretion of politicians. I strongly urge the members of the Pierce County Council to vote against proposed ordinance #2020-136s, especially at the current time, so that the Health Department professionals can focus their attention on the pandemic, COVID-19 vaccination, and saving lives of Pierce County residents. Thank you for your serious consideration of this matter.
Paige Folsom, 12/13/20 7:05 PM I strongly oppose proposed ordinance 2020-136 and encourage council representatives to vote against it on December 15, 2020. This proposal has been rushed to a vote without adequate time for community input, evidence-based evaluation, analysis, or planning. Also, in a normal year it would seem ill-advised to replace medical professionals entirely with politicians to set far-reaching health policies. During a global pandemic this idea seems completely idiotic. If this ordinance is approved it will derail robust health initiatives that are currently being run by the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. Now, more than ever, we need medical expertise and collaboration from regional stakeholders in order to educate and protect our community from COVID. Thank you for voting "no" to proposed ordinance 2020-136.
Carla Moschetti 12/13/20 7:58 PM I am writing to urge you not to dissolve the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department (TPCHD) as it is currently structured. This is not the time to distract health care workers from responding to the pandemic. Health department officials need to be able to focus their attention on vaccine distribution and a hopeful end to this pandemic, not politics. This process is contrary to the Pierce County values of partnership and accountability. The public has not had sufficient time to learn about the proposed ordinance or to share their input. There is also no information available to the public as to why this change has been proposed or how it would be enacted. Furthermore, partners at the City of Tacoma and TPCHD were not informed of this proposed Ordinance prior to its introduction in December. This change will impact more than the pandemic. Changes to our health department will impact everything from drinking water and drug treatment to infectious disease and maternal health. A change of this scope that impacts all of us needs more than one week of discussion. Please stop the dismantling of the Health Department during the pandemic; this is a dangerous and reckless action. Thank you for your attention. Carla Moschetti
James L Halmo 12/13/20 8:10 PM December 11, 2020 Mr. Chairman and Members of the Pierce County Council Ref: Proposed Ordinance 2020-136s I start this letter on the day that the U.S. Federal Government finally approved the first vaccine to address the Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic sweeping across our nation, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against a multi-State attempt to undermine our American democracy, and a comment that the number of Covid-19 deaths may have surpassed the number of our nation’s military killed in WWII. Weeks ago we surpassed the number of those in our military who had been killed in all wars and military adventures going back to the Korean War in 1950 --- over 70 years ago. We remain in the midst of a brutal but silent Covid-19 WAR, not with blood flowing down our streets, but in silent deaths in our nation’s hospitals and our homes. However, now the County Council has decided to move ahead in the future to dismantle the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department (TPCHD) structure during the throws of a major pandemic. I would not have been “surprised” if this was coming from the “other Washington.” But this is local, it is here, and it lays out no detailed, written, transparent rationale that I can find for this action. As the saying goes: What Gives?” Is the Health Department Not Doing a Proper Job? Based on the reported public opinion, the voting citizens seem to be satisfied that they are informed daily about the impact of the virus, and how locally health officials can plan based on the limited information coming from the other Washington. They are being very transparent. Can Citizens Talk with Health Officials? I had not heard, seen, or read about any problems or complaints on that score. They are willing to share as much information as they themselves have or can ascertain. Is there a problem with the City of Tacoma on health care issues? I can not find any issue which would call into question the current strong health partnership. Where is the additional revenue coming to replace the Tacoma cost-sharing portion of the partnership? The Council offers no information. Will this so-called streamlining result in health care positions being cut as we wrestle with this pandemic? That will be a strong possibility. What is the role of the County Executive? He must sign the legislation or veto it. However, he is totally silent. Is he the source for this legislation? That is a strong possibility, along with his Director of Planning and Public Works. What areas of the TPCHD responsibilities have been questioned? He we find from the press that Council Members have suggested finally that some areas tied to land use permitting could be “streamlined.” Suddenly, it seems clearer that the development lobby has been active “behind closed doors” pursing another agenda. Where is the cost-benefit analysis of this proposed action? I see none. How is this so-call streamlining being analyzed? I see no public documentation. Does the purpose for streamlining in rural areas include sewer lines? We know the development community wants them, even if illegal per State court decisions. If sewers are involved, who pays? We the citizens will pay. Unsuspecting home owners will be shocked at the new bills while the developers reap higher profits. What would the replaced health bureaucratic system look like? A good question. We do not know. What would be gained by the Development Lobby? The ability to exert more political pressure on responsible public servants (currently doing a terrific job) by sliding over “water problems” on land use permitting matters. I have seen far too many “water problems” over the past 18 years, from Certificates of Water Availability being issued without an accounting for numbered water rights, to improperly surveying and mapping of flood plains, to questionable lack of proper service to paying customers. Allowing the developers a larger role through the adoption of this Ordinance can only be considered improper and politically unsound, particularly in light of the strong negative comments about possible Council adoption at your December 15th meeting. Would the citizens be better represented if the County “goes it alone?” The Council says so, but watching on TV some of the falderal Council meetings this year leads one to believe that that is highly questionable. The reported Council Members’ statements about the dismantling of the TPCHD are totally unsubstantiated. Recommended Action: 1) Vote against this proposed Ordinance or, at a minimum, table it. 2) This is a partnership with the City of Tacoma. The initiation of Ordinance 200-136s calls into question the County’s honesty as a ‘good partner.’ Initiate a formal study with the City of Tacoma, calling for a reporting date after the pandemic is under control, so that we – the public - can see long term how the TCPHD has managed its operation. 3) If necessary, once the report is finished, some legal proposals might in order. Then the current members of the Council, who will be ending their terms of office this year, can appear before the Council. They can have their three minutes of testimony before the Council to state their opinions, like any citizen should be able to do. Right now the answers being offered by the Council Members lack substance, and seem to be nothing but “hearsay.” Maybe the newly found additional free time will allow them to consider and to offer more constructive answers at future Council meetings. We are in a WAR. Don’t forget it. This is the time when all citizens look for dignity and decency from their elected officials. We have been led astray for too long about the pandemic by elected officials in “the other Washington.” Don’t emulate them. Sincerely, James L. Halmo 9806 247th Street Ct. East Graham, WA 98338 (253) 875-1890
Heather Hudson 12/13/20 8:37 PM In the midst of a pandemic it is not only unclear why this reorganization of government is being rushed to a decision, but it is disconcerting. I ask the Council to not move forward with this proposal and instead focus on supporting and collaborating with the Dept. of Health to respond to COVID-19.
Melissa Knott 12/13/20 10:54 PM This proposal has negative ramifications for the people of our county. That is what we should be focused on. Our people. While this might make things "easier" for... who, exactly? I know I am pretty unsure... I know everyone I have discussed this proposal with knows it doesn't make things easier for the people you were elected to serve. Which brings me to wonder exactly why this proposal and why NOW in the middle of a pandemic? This proposal gives to much power to this council specifically and does not give good reason as to why. We, the public, are definitely angry that anyone would decide to force us to focus on something so unnecessary and so detrimental at a time where we are already stressed and worried about our lives. Please vote this down.
Benjamin Scott 12/14/20 1:42 AM I vehemently oppose the naked attempt to destroy the political independence of the county's public health apparatus by dissolving the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. Our public health policy cannot, and must not, be subjected the political whims of our county politicians and their political donors. Nor should it be eliminated, dismantled, downsized, cleaved in two, or otherwise hobbled in any way, as is currently being attempted. The previous sentence would go without saying in normal times, but to attempt such a move during a pandemic?! It would thoroughly ludicrous were it not for the life and death implications. Oh, and how will the SEVEN FIGURE BUDGET GAP be covered?!?! Did I mention WE'RE IN A PANDEMIC?! Are the hatchers of this scheme completely INSANE?! And the RUSH to do this with a week's notice (in the middle of a pandemic), trying to do it under the radar, avoiding public engagement to stifle public consultation through limiting the time in which we can do it (in the middle of a pandemic) is absolutely DESPICABLE! Have you no SHAME?
Renee Lang 12/14/20 5:43 AM About as stupid as Orange Hitler’s staff could propose....are you trying to murder more Pierce County residents?
Kathy Ross 12/14/20 6:11 AM I strongly oppose Roach and Richardson's attempt to drag politics into health. They have not gone through the proper process to vet this proposal. There has been no discussion, no forewarning - absolutely nothing to provide any reason for dissolving the Tacoma Pierce County Health Dept at this time. Especially during this pandemic-the timing couldn't be more horrible. The county council has a responsibility to listen to PC residents -not just opinions from 2 of it's members. Take the time to do your research before upending a department that has provided great quality service to all people in Pierce County-not defined by political rhetoric. Roach and Richardson- you should be ashamed of yourselves. And Morrell-if you support this, you too will carry the burden of this disgrace. I do not support 2020-136s!
Meagan 12/14/20 7:10 AM I oppose of this proposal of terminating the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department. I think it is a bad idea to do so while the county is facing the consequences of a pandemic. Right now, we really need a constant group like the Tacoma Pierce County Department to help us deal with things such as COVID tests, contact tracing, and vaccine distribution
Dennis Townsend 12/14/20 7:24 AM I would like to submit this testimony for the public record. I do not request or desire a response from the Council at this time. Thank you. RE: The proposal R2020-136 - disbanding the TPCHD Interlocal Agreement – Vote NO. 1. The optics are horrible. Even the process of considering dismantling a 50-year old working relationship with the Health Board in the midst of 100-year pandemic event is unconsiconable and irresponsible. 2. The rationale is flimsy. Again, considering the dismantling and reconstitution of a functioning Health Board for "efficiencies" in the midst of pandemic presumes that they're needed; if they were, action of this gravity should have a taken place long ago, with study and public engagement. 3. The priorities are skewed. This fast-tracked decision will have significant implications on the operation of a fundamental government function, with repercussions in public safety and public health. Compare that to the behavioral health initiatives, which have been brow-beaten, analyzed and rejected for years, with the bemoaning from it's detractors as a "lack of a plan." 4. The timing / motives are suspect. In a backhanded consequence of term limits, such a decision rests with those who won't be around to be accountable to them. 5. The consequences (practical) are real, especially to our parks, schools, roads and particularly our water supply.. I still am firm in the notion that Pierce County, in many respects, is up to 40 years behind in infrastructure. Congested farm to market roads, filthy streets, little or no sidewalks, homeless campers in vacant lots (and puhleeze, stop telling me a $400K condo/home and $2,000 a month rent is affordable housing). Communities can't incorporate to set their own agenda because they too broke to be viable reinforces the point that (the the County doesn't seem to get) is that development doesn't pay for itself, so we are at the mercy of County government (with one of the poorest per capita ratios of representation regionally). Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. Concurrency is a fundamental concept in the County Land Use Plan; it's time to focus on it (and it's metrics) again and drive the point home - it's time to stop kicking the can down the road with yet another subdivision or multi-family complex built without consequent off-site services and infrastructure. 6. The political consequences are significant as well. As in any crisis comes opportunity; this is no different. The last-minute action has mobilized many and with good reason in defending an important public service; the calling out of the silence / lack of a position of the Master Builder's Association and the County Executive are relevant. A last-minute action by the Council will exacerbate mistrust and lay bare the influence of campaign money on county policy (cynically, I say, if trust is even important to the Council anymore). "Political contributions....that's not how I roll", may be a quote from one Council member, but it certainly helps to carry them across the finish line). To address either issue (planning and public health) without foresight and public engagement, as this hasty action does, will increase polarization and inhibit consensus, which is key in forming sensible public policy, especially in land use. This will always be remembered as back-door thievery of County policy by development interests, not an altruistic goal of efficiency. Although the margins are well-defined, Pierce remains a purple county, and political futures (of those who still have them) will be defined by this act, if carried through, will poison the well of public trust and not be forgotten for a long time - two and four years from now. RE: The proposal R2020-136 - disbanding the TPCHD Interlocal Agreement – Vote NO. 1. The optics are horrible. Even the process of considering dismantling a 50-year old working relationship with the Health Board in the midst of 100-year pandemic event is unconsiconable and irresponsible. 2. The rationale is flimsy. Again, considering the dismantling and reconstitution of a functioning Health Board for "efficiencies" in the midst of pandemic presumes that they're needed; if they were, action of this gravity should have a taken place long ago, with study and public engagement. 3. The priorities are skewed. This fast-tracked decision will have significant implications on the operation of a fundamental government function, with repercussions in public safety and public health. Compare that to the behavioral health initiatives, which have been brow-beaten, analyzed and rejected for years, with the bemoaning from it's detractors as a "lack of a plan." 4. The timing / motives are suspect. In a backhanded consequence of term limits, such a decision rests with those who won't be around to be accountable to them. 5. The consequences (practical) are real, especially to our parks, schools, roads and particularly our water supply.. I still am firm in the notion that Pierce County, in many respects, is up to 40 years behind in infrastructure. Congested farm to market roads, filthy streets, little or no sidewalks, homeless campers in vacant lots (and puhleeze, stop telling me a $400K condo/home and $2,000 a month rent is affordable housing). Communities can't incorporate to set their own agenda because they too broke to be viable reinforces the point that (the the County doesn't seem to get) is that development doesn't pay for itself, so we are at the mercy of County government (with one of the poorest per capita ratios of representation regionally). Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. Concurrency is a fundamental concept in the County Land Use Plan; it's time to focus on it (and it's metrics) again and drive the point home - it's time to stop kicking the can down the road with yet another subdivision or multi-family complex built without consequent off-site services and infrastructure. 6. The political consequences are significant as well. As in any crisis comes opportunity; this is no different. The last-minute action has mobilized many and with good reason in defending an important public service; the calling out of the silence / lack of a position of the Master Builder's Association and the County Executive are relevant. A last-minute action by the Council will exacerbate mistrust and lay bare the influence of campaign money on county policy (cynically, I say, if trust is even important to the Council anymore). "Political contributions....that's not how I roll", may be a quote from one Council member, but it certainly helps to carry them across the finish line). To address either issue (planning and public health) without foresight and public engagement, as this hasty action does, will increase polarization and inhibit consensus, which is key in forming sensible public policy, especially in land use. This will always be remembered as back-door thievery of County policy by development interests, not an altruistic goal of efficiency. Although the margins are well-defined, Pierce remains a purple county, and political futures (of those who still have them) will be defined by this act, if carried through, will poison the well of public trust and not be forgotten for a long time - two and four years from now. RE: The proposal R2020-136 - disbanding the TPCHD Interlocal Agreement – Vote NO. 1. The optics are horrible. Even the process of considering dismantling a 50-year old working relationship with the Health Board in the midst of 100-year pandemic event is unconsiconable and irresponsible. 2. The rationale is flimsy. Again, considering the dismantling and reconstitution of a functioning Health Board for "efficiencies" in the midst of pandemic presumes that they're needed; if they were, action of this gravity should have a taken place long ago, with study and public engagement. 3. The priorities are skewed. This fast-tracked decision will have significant implications on the operation of a fundamental government function, with repercussions in public safety and public health. Compare that to the behavioral health initiatives, which have been brow-beaten, analyzed and rejected for years, with the bemoaning from it's detractors as a "lack of a plan." 4. The timing / motives are suspect. In a backhanded consequence of term limits, such a decision rests with those who won't be around to be accountable to them. 5. The consequences (practical) are real, especially to our parks, schools, roads and particularly our water supply.. I still am firm in the notion that Pierce County, in many respects, is up to 40 years behind in infrastructure. Congested farm to market roads, filthy streets, little or no sidewalks, homeless campers in vacant lots (and puhleeze, stop telling me a $400K condo/home and $2,000 a month rent is affordable housing). Communities can't incorporate to set their own agenda because they too broke to be viable reinforces the point that (the the County doesn't seem to get) is that development doesn't pay for itself, so we are at the mercy of County government (with one of the poorest per capita ratios of representation regionally). Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. Concurrency is a fundamental concept in the County Land Use Plan; it's time to focus on it (and it's metrics) again and drive the point home - it's time to stop kicking the can down the road with yet another subdivision or multi-family complex built without consequent off-site services and infrastructure. 6. The political consequences are significant as well. As in any crisis comes opportunity; this is no different. The last-minute action has mobilized many and with good reason in defending an important public service; the calling out of the silence / lack of a position of the Master Builder's Association and the County Executive are relevant. A last-minute action by the Council will exacerbate mistrust and lay bare the influence of campaign money on county policy (cynically, I say, if trust is even important to the Council anymore). "Political contributions....that's not how I roll", may be a quote from one Council member, but it certainly helps to carry them across the finish line). To address either issue (planning and public health) without foresight and public engagement, as this hasty action does, will increase polarization and inhibit consensus, which is key in forming sensible public policy, especially in land use. This will always be remembered as back-door thievery of County policy by development interests, not an altruistic goal of efficiency. Although the margins are well-defined, Pierce remains a purple county, and political futures (of those who still have them) will be defined by this act, if carried through, will poison the well of public trust and will not be forgotten for a long time.
Kimberly Santiago 12/14/20 10:14 AM I strongly Oppose Ord.2020-136s because we must protect the Health Dept especially in a pandemic
Shannon Seidel 12/14/20 11:16 AM I strongly oppose this ordinance for many reason. First, the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department is doing critical work to improve testing in the region, particularly among K-12 schools and universities in Pierce County and should not be distracted from this work, even if the proposed ordinance does not take affect until after the pandemic. Second, it alarms me that we would lose public health expertise and put public health decision making in the hands of a council with little to no public health experience. Third, this is being rushed through quickly and with out sufficient planning. Please vote against this proposed ordinance and leave public health decision making and implementation to public health experts. Thank you for your consideration.
Judith Keyser 12/14/20 11:42 AM This proposal is a bad idea coming at the worst possible time. Please oppose and allow time for a feasibility study and a non-partisan appraisal of the pros and cons. This is too fast and uninformed for a change that affects the lives of the. citizens of this county.
Nolan Ryan 12/14/20 12:19 PM Reorganizing the Health Department in THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC!? Are you kidding??? This is completely irresponsible and very concerning! Don't you care about the health and well-being of your fellow citizens and constituents!?! This is a vast departure from the long-standing, independent Public Health Department, jointly governed by cities, towns, Pierce County and a medical professional - thus politicizing our local Health Department.
Carol Farer 12/14/20 12:27 PM This is ill conceived and untimely. More research and public involvement is needed if it were to be considered after the pandemic. It smacks of a political power grab and reflects poorly on those supporting it.
Susan Preciso 12/14/20 12:43 PM Add my name to the many citizens and health care professionals who are baffled by this misguided and rushed process--right while we're dealing with a pandemic. The hard working folks at the Tacoma Pierce County Health Department have enough to do without this disruption and distraction.
Laure C Nichols, MPH 12/14/20 1:05 PM Dear Council Members: I am writing and testifying again to STRONGLY OPPOSE ordinance 2020-136s. Without due process or study and in the midst of the worst pandemic of the last century, select members of this Council propose a reckless move which will jeopardize lives of our citizens. And if it is true that this is actually a move to expedite permitting for such things as water and septic permits, shame on you! This is politics at its absolute worst and it is unconscionable. We need more medical professionals and those with a master’s in public health and epidemiology on the Board of the Health Department, not Council members who are anti-mask and contact tracing, as I understand some of you are. Please make a decision that honors the greater good and benefits our County’s residents. Do not vote for this perilous proposal. Vote NO on 2020-136s!
Laure C Nichols, MPH 12/14/20 1:06 PM Dear Council Members: I am writing and testifying again to STRONGLY OPPOSE ordinance 2020-136s. Without due process or study and in the midst of the worst pandemic of the last century, select members of this Council propose a reckless move which will jeopardize lives of our citizens. And if it is true that this is actually a move to expedite permitting for such things as water and septic permits, shame on you! This is politics at its absolute worst and it is unconscionable. We need more medical professionals and those with a master’s in public health and epidemiology on the Board of the Health Department, not Council members who are anti-mask and contact tracing, as I understand some of you are. Please make a decision that honors the greater good and benefits our County’s residents. Do not vote for this perilous proposal. Vote NO on 2020-136s!
Sharon Dudash 12/14/20 1:06 PM Please do not close TPCHD
Laure C Nichols, MPH 12/14/20 1:06 PM Dear Council Members: I am writing and testifying again to STRONGLY OPPOSE ordinance 2020-136s. Without due process or study and in the midst of the worst pandemic of the last century, select members of this Council propose a reckless move which will jeopardize lives of our citizens. And if it is true that this is actually a move to expedite permitting for such things as water and septic permits, shame on you! This is politics at its absolute worst and it is unconscionable. We need more medical professionals and those with a master’s in public health and epidemiology on the Board of the Health Department, not Council members who are anti-mask and contact tracing, as I understand some of you are. Please make a decision that honors the greater good and benefits our County’s residents. Do not vote for this perilous proposal. Vote NO on 2020-136s!
Laure C Nichols, MPH 12/14/20 1:07 PM Dear Council Members: I am writing and testifying again to STRONGLY OPPOSE ordinance 2020-136s. Without due process or study and in the midst of the worst pandemic of the last century, select members of this Council propose a reckless move which will jeopardize lives of our citizens. And if it is true that this is actually a move to expedite permitting for such things as water and septic permits, shame on you! This is politics at its absolute worst and it is unconscionable. We need more medical professionals and those with a master’s in public health and epidemiology on the Board of the Health Department, not Council members who are anti-mask and contact tracing, as I understand some of you are. Please make a decision that honors the greater good and benefits our County’s residents. Do not vote for this perilous proposal. Vote NO on 2020-136s!
Laure C Nichols, MPH 12/14/20 1:07 PM Dear Council Members: I am writing and testifying again to STRONGLY OPPOSE ordinance 2020-136s. Without due process or study and in the midst of the worst pandemic of the last century, select members of this Council propose a reckless move which will jeopardize lives of our citizens. And if it is true that this is actually a move to expedite permitting for such things as water and septic permits, shame on you! This is politics at its absolute worst and it is unconscionable. We need more medical professionals and those with a master’s in public health and epidemiology on the Board of the Health Department, not Council members who are anti-mask and contact tracing, as I understand some of you are. Please make a decision that honors the greater good and benefits our County’s residents. Do not vote for this perilous proposal. Vote NO on 2020-136s!
Laure C Nichols MPH, 12/14/20 1:08 PM Dear Council Members: I am writing and testifying again to STRONGLY OPPOSE ordinance 2020-136s. Without due process or study and in the midst of the worst pandemic of the last century, select members of this Council propose a reckless move which will jeopardize lives of our citizens. And if it is true that this is actually a move to expedite permitting for such things as water and septic permits, shame on you! This is politics at its absolute worst and it is unconscionable. We need more medical professionals and those with a master’s in public health and epidemiology on the Board of the Health Department, not Council members who are anti-mask and contact tracing, as I understand some of you are. Please make a decision that honors the greater good and benefits our County’s residents. Do not vote for this perilous proposal. Vote NO on 2020-136s!
Laure C Nichols,MPH 12/14/20 1:08 PM Dear Council Members: I am writing and testifying again to STRONGLY OPPOSE ordinance 2020-136s. Without due process or study and in the midst of the worst pandemic of the last century, select members of this Council propose a reckless move which will jeopardize lives of our citizens. And if it is true that this is actually a move to expedite permitting for such things as water and septic permits, shame on you! This is politics at its absolute worst and it is unconscionable. We need more medical professionals and those with a master’s in public health and epidemiology on the Board of the Health Department, not Council members who are anti-mask and contact tracing, as I understand some of you are. Please make a decision that honors the greater good and benefits our County’s residents. Do not vote for this perilous proposal. Vote NO on 2020-136s!
Erin Guinup 12/14/20 1:47 PM I have been deeply disappointed by this proposal to restructure the county's arrangement with the health department, particularly in the middle of a pandemic. This is a terrible proposal which has not been properly studied and adds a major source of stress to a department that is working through a politicized health battle. I am deeply concerned that the implications of this proposal haven't been thoroughly considered and could literally lead to the unnecessary loss of lives due to staff being diverted to dealing with this ill-advised restructure while trying to get information and vaccines out to the community. Even if it weren't a pandemic though, I am frustrated by the lack of transparency in a matter of such importance. It is baffling to hear reports that this effort might be about bowing to special interests who want faster permitting. If so, why not have a conversation about faster permitting rather than risk lives by throwing out a health system that is working better than many counties of our size and is committed to addressing health inequities that make a significant impact on the economic health of our community. I am also concerned that the recent commitment to addressing racism as a public health crisis will be derailed. I was already concerned that the Pierce County Council does not have a staff member focused on addressing diversity, equity and inclusion and feel that it will be easier for the County Council to ignore these grave concerns with this change. I have been impressed with the heart and dedication of our health department through this pandemic and the many things they do for our community. I have personally known over 25 people who have contracted COVID-19, am connected with family members of 11 people who have died in this pandemic, and have seen the look of fear on immigrants in this community and the disproportionate impact on these communities. One of those who died is a mid-30s single mom whose 4-year old son is now motherless. The loss for this family is great and the fear of those connected to this woman cannot be understated. The impact of the pandemic is so much more than lives lost and people who are sick but also the fear and pain of those left behind. The innovative programs the health department is offering to deal with loss in a culturally-grounded way has been inspiring to me and helped me better understand how I can support members of our community. I also know that the health department will be fighting a huge uphill battle in getting our community vaccinated due to so much misinformation and TPCHD needs to be fully focused on that right now. Just this morning, two immigrant friends sent me text messages about why we can't trust the vaccine. These are friends who are high risk and really need to be vaccinated and I will need resources from our health department to help my friends understand that it will be safe. The already overburdened staff will be asked to further multi-task and figure out how they will prepare for an unnecessary transition or even question whether they need to be looking for a new job when we need them fully focused on distributing vaccines and saving lives and not this unnecessary political restructure. I am convinced that this ordinance will deeply hurt our community and will lead to more turmoil and losses on top of a devastating year. If changes are needed, please come to the table and discuss what is needed without making a difficult situation many times worse. Thanks so much. Sincerely, Erin
Benjamin Tucker 12/14/20 1:48 PM This is an absolutely in appropriate moment to make these changes.
Samantha Overstreet 12/14/20 1:50 PM Please vote no on Ordinance 2020-136s. This legislation is happening too fast, without consultation with local communities, and without any study of the impact of the proposed changes. I had hoped that a pandemic would help our County Council to see the absolute need for a strong, well-funded health department, but for this legislation to even be a question shows me that is not the case. Please oppose this legislation, and please oppose any efforts on the part of the Council to consolidate power into the hands of the County Executive.
Lacey Wisniewska 12/14/20 1:57 PM This is a significant dissolution and reorganization of a half-century-old partnership that deserves more than ONE WEEK of discussion.
Lynette Vogeley 12/14/20 1:58 PM Please do not go through with this proposal and save the health department. This is a political move that does not need to happen. Thank you. Sincerely, Lynette Vogeley
Neel Parikh 12/14/20 2:39 PM The health department is well run and very effective. It should be run by an independent board that has learned the issues connected with public health NOT the county council or county Executive. This will cost the taxpayers MORE and negatively impact the quality of the service.
Sheri Tonn 12/14/20 2:39 PM Dear County Council members - I wish to express my opposition to the adoption of propsoed ordinance 2020-136s which would terminate the agreement between Pierce County and the City of Tacoma, dissolving the Health Department as we have known it since 1972. As a resident of the 2nd District in unincorporated Pierce County I am keenly aware of the need for an independent evaluation of environmental issues relating to drinking water and wastewater. Fast tracking permits when there is reason to evaluate them further is just not good public policy. That would be the likely intent of this action. I ask that the ordinance be withdrawn or voted down at this time. There are mechanisms in place to do a review of the TPCHD short of this ordinance. If the council feels the need for such a review, it could be acted on by the incoming council next year. This politically driven process is just bad government. Sincerely yours, Sheri Tonn
Benjamin Scott 12/14/20 2:50 PM The rush to push this legislation through efore it can be thoroughly vetted and understood by the public is unconscionable and unacceptable. That this rush job is being pushed through at the last minute as fast as possible in a lame duck session by a majority that was just voted out of power smacks of an illegitimate power grap and corruption. I oppose this legislation in the current session. Those who support it and feel confident in its merits can propose it in the next session if they wish.
Glenn Kasman 12/14/20 3:02 PM Dear County Council Member Richardson, As a constituent in your district, I have a deep interest in Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136, which jeopardizes the pivotal services offered by the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department (TPCHD). I strongly advocate its opposition and ask you, respectfully, not to support the proposal. TPCHD provides a host of critical services that keep the county safe, from operating support centers with a focus on infant and family health, to assisting Pierce County residents and providers with the COVID pandemic response. TPCHD also has a strong track record of supporting mental health services in Pierce County. Recently they have partnered with the National Alliance on Mental Illness, Pierce County (NAMI Pierce County) to expand its essential services. This pandemic is likely to have lasting effects both on our physical and mental health. The proposal to dismantle the TPCHD during a pandemic and without a rigorous review of the repercussions is both irresponsible and dangerous. By dissolving this partnership, families will lose the support we need to thrive. I am opposed to the dissolution of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department and urge the Council to vote "no" on Proposed Ordinance No.2020-136.
John Peluso 12/14/20 3:05 PM This make no sense in the middle of a pandemic. It sounds like something the Seattle city counsel would do.
Sacha Helling-Christy 12/14/20 3:13 PM Please do not disband the TPCHD. We need stability more now than ever, and making this hasty, unstudied change will leave your constituents feeling even more unsettled in an unsettling time.
Rick and Janet Anthony 12/14/20 3:23 PM We are adamantly opposed to this proposal to dissolve the Health Department. To do this during a pandemic is irresponsible. This is a political move and the health of the public needs to take priority over politics.
Robert Eiffert 12/14/20 3:27 PM The rushing through, combined w little public information, casts a pall over the proceedings. And the effort has been shown to be a wolf in sheep's clothing Add that w ACC, stricter control of development is needed.
Benjamin Scott 12/14/20 3:27 PM The "savings" that will purportedly be reaped from eliminating TPCHD's HR department ignores and disregards the incalculable value in having its own HR department in the first place: preserving the independence of a public health organization and insulating it from the politics of county or city government. It appears the rush to eliminate this independence and insulation from political forces is the true goal of this legislation.
John Peluso 12/14/20 3:32 PM This proposal is a example of how our council members are in the hip pocket of the Home Builder association. I belive you should be taxing building permits at a higher rate to pay for the impact on schools and roads. You have not provided any cash for the infrastructure need in our community, causing us to raise out school taxes to pay for this. This permitting process is important in assuring these developments don't impact existing property's and insure separation of politicians vs experts who know how to protect our community. I strongly reject this proposal!
Jeff Southard 12/14/20 3:51 PM Hello, I feel the timing of this proposal is poor. Restructuring and eliminating a major source of funding during a pandemic will only lead to confusion and delay. Submitting this proposal in a year or two would be met with less resistance and could be better negotiated in person. I realize you are the sponsor of this ordinance. Please reconsider this action at this time. Thank you.
Tacoma-Pierce County Coalition to End Homelessness 12/14/20 4:14 PM It has come to the attention of the members of the Tacoma-Pierce County Coalition to End Homelessness that there is a proposed ordinance under consideration by the Pierce County Council that, if approved, would terminate the joint Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department and put the health department under unilateral management by Pierce County. As social service providers in Pierce County, we oppose this action. The Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department has been essential to our ability to serve clients. They have provided resources, guidance and support in assuring that our clients are handled in a manner that is safe and minimizes exposure to disease. Right now, in the COVID pandemic, they have been critical to assuring that our clients do not increase spread of the disease throughout the county. No acceptable reasons have been offered for this proposed change, and we see none that would justify it. We object to diverting attention of Health Department management and staff from their critical role during this pandemic to non-essential bureaucratic matters. The current Health Department structure also minimizes inter-jurisdictional concerns that could arise if the county is perceived as directing matters within cities. Our public health issues, and certainly homelessness issues, transcend jurisdictional boundaries and should continue to be handled independent of any single jurisdiction. To the Councilmembers: Please reject this proposal and vote NO. To the Executive: If this ordinance is passed, please veto it.
Jomichele Seidl 12/14/20 4:37 PM Having an independent Public Health department is beneficial to the residents of Pierce County. Their initiatives related to Covid are based on the best science, not political agendas. The Mobile testing initiative has been immensely effective! Their permitting and licensing programs safeguard public health and the environment we value so deeply in our beautiful county. I object to the lack of public consultation and the sneaky attempt to fast track this proposal. Vote no on this ill-conceived and destructive proposal!
Karin Van Vlack 12/14/20 4:47 PM I adamantly oppose 2020-136s. I could take the time to be articulate, thoughtful, and fair in my remarks but then that isn’t the approach the sponsor and her colleague have offered residents of the county in their approach; instead they prefer to stuff through this proposal in their waning days on the Council. In the midst of a pandemic, why would you pull the rug out from under public health officials in this way? The rapidity with which you proposed and scheduled action on this measure suggests blatantly political motives. So much for painting yourself as a reasonable, pragmatic Republican, Councilmember Richardson. Should you decide to run for office again, you can bet those moderates who supported you in the past will remember how you chose to spend your closing days with the Council and consider you “damaged goods.” Please reconsider this rushed approach. If the TPCHD needs fixing, this is not the way to achieve it with even a modicum of the community’s confidence.
Tracy Crib 12/14/20 5:43 PM It is totally inappropriate to be making this change in the middle of a pandemic. Please do NOT pass this ordinance.
Zachary Griswold 12/14/20 6:42 PM I strongly oppose this legislation. I believe it to be politically motivated with little to no thought given to the practical repercussions. It endangers the smooth functioning of our health care system during the worst pandemic since 1918 for no good reason. Any administrative changes can and should wait until after we have recovered.
Jennifer Perkins 12/14/20 7:02 PM As a nurse, I recognize the value our local Health Department brings to the table. Do the right thing here. No one in their right mind would think the health department should be dismantled. They have room for improvement I'm sure, but to dismantle them is absurd. If anything they need more support now and in the future if we want to have a healthy place to live. Public Health is more important than most folks realize. It’s something we often take for granted. Make no mistake, if you dismantle the TPCHD our people will lose.
Anna Barrett 12/14/20 10:10 PM I just wanted to say that I am happy the proposal is put on hold while we are in a PANDEMIC. Let's explore it again in two years when hopefully things are a bit more quiet. Oh and thankfully Pam Roach will be off of the council too, bonus!!
Barbie Pratt 12/15/20 1:53 AM I oppose dissolving TPCHD.
Theresa Power-Drutis 12/15/20 2:12 AM Ordinance No. 2020-136s would be a bad idea at any time - it is a reckless proposal at the height of the pandemic. Pam Roach claims that this is a way to give Pierce County residents more direct influence over health department issues. How about allowing us to influence our health department by honoring our votes?  We elected new council members- we've chosen these people to represent us. We count on county council members to provide information and ample time for public input about important proposed ordinances. A power play to promote a pet project of wealthy developer donors on your way out the door is the political equivalent of farting right before you leave an elevator.  I know this move is "business as usual" for some council members, but I'm surprised to see Chair Doug Richardson supporting this and perplexed that Executive Bruce Dammeier seems completely disengaged. This is a significant dissolution and reorganization of a half-century-old partnership that deserves the attention of all of our county representatives and certainly more than one week of discussion. If this ordinance is worthy and good for our county, make your case to us, your constituents. Don’t put politics before health and don't try to leave us out of the discussion. 
Kandy Morgan 12/15/20 6:38 AM Please Vote Yes. Proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136s
Brett Klaassen 12/15/20 8:57 AM Dissolving the TPCHD in the midst of a pandemic is a bad idea and you should feel bad. I am disgusted by the Republican members of this council for trying to power grab before their terms end. Shame on you.
Joshua Hird 12/15/20 9:27 AM There is no substance to the claims that this ordanance would improve efficiencies of any kind. Instead this propossal will disrupt the lives of the employees of TPCHD, amounting to a slap in the face during a time they deserve praise, as well as disrupting services to the community of Pierce County. It also serves to embitter relations with the City of Tacoma and other partner cities. Do not make TPCHD a partisan wing of the executives office, I strongly believe that is a bad choice now and in the future, regardless of hte party of the executive.
Teresa Oh Happy 12/15/20 9:42 AM THis is not beneficial. It's a political power grab. During the pandemic, it's a terri le idea!
Cheryl Kopec 12/15/20 10:03 AM Approving this ordinance in defiance of Governor Inslee's proclamation yesterday, expressly forbidding the unilateral dissolution of regional health departments, would not only be reckless and foolhardy, but it would represent a slap in the face to the many dedicated health professionals who are doing their best to keep us healthy and safe during a pandemic, and all of the citizens they serve. This ordinance should not even be on the agenda. Do not pass it.
Andrea Haug 12/15/20 10:31 AM It would be irresponsible of the Pierce County Council to disband the TPCHD during a pandemic to accommodate developers and a politically driven agenda. Please vote no on proposed ordinance 2020136. The council has not allowed enough time to weigh in on the subject and it would also be harmful to not fully investigate what the ramifications of such a move may have on the citizens of Pierce County. The Governor’s order needs to honored to preserve the integrity of the council. If the council does not honor the order how people be expected to trust or honor your orders, etc. Please lead by example.
Gayle Sommers 12/15/20 11:18 AM To all Councilmembers, in the 12/13 edition of the Tacoma New Tribune,Councilmembers Doug Richardson and Dave Morrel are quoted, saying that the Republicans losing their majority on the Pierce Council Council in three weeks wasn’t a factor in the timeline to act now in the dissolution of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. The Pierce County Council has not done any analysis regarding the impacts or costs of such a change, nor has it or have any staff talked to any of the stakeholders regarding such a change. The vast majority of public comment and many health care workers throughout the county have been strongly opposed to this precipitate change. If, as is claimed, there’s no reason for such a drastic change happening at this moment, when covid is raging and a vaccine has just begun to be distributed, why not wait and allow the new County Council to do its proper due diligence?
Amanda Webster-Martin 12/15/20 12:03 PM This proposal has not had sufficient time for review, research, or discussion. It is foolish to try and pass this ordinance during a pandemic.
Jason Walsh 12/15/20 12:31 PM As a master's in public health student at the UW, I am appalled at the proposed dissolution of the TPCBH, which has no basis in sound public health principles or in the vital public health needs of the community. In the middle of a COVID-19 surge, council member Roach has proposed to terminate the TPCBH with no plan for the provision of TPCBH's guidance and services at such a crucial time. One wonders whether the council member is looking to fully care for county members health or to imagined financial savings by eliminating the County's obligation to salaries, wages and operational fees. This an abhorrent proposed ordinance and needs to be stopped in its tracks now.
Jennifer Killion 12/15/20 12:39 PM I would like to express concern over the proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136s: termination of the agreement that underlies the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. I listened to the Rules and Operations subcommittee meeting last week. It has not been clear why this ordinance is being proposed. What is the gap not being met by the TPCHD? How would terminating the agreement benefit the citizens of Pierce County? There has been excellent work done by TPCHD over many years, but in particular during the pandemic. While I realize the dissolution wouldn't be effective for another year, it will create disruption and distraction at a time when the citizens of Pierce County deserve focused efforts toward keeping us safe. The Council is made up of elected individuals. It is clear from the overwhelming comments that the voting public does not support this ordinance. If changes are needed, there needs to be careful study and discussions among all stakeholders to determine the best course forward - NOT a rushed, seemingly politically-motivated vote in the eleventh hour. Please honor the citizens you serve by not disrupting a strong, independently overseen health department during a time it is most needed. Thank you.
Janet Thiessen 12/15/20 1:06 PM You have had years to dissolve Health Dept. Why would you do it at the height of worst pandemic in 100 years? And on day 1 of vaccine distribution? We need our Health Dept now more than ever.
Ann Sweeney 12/15/20 1:25 PM What a fool hardy and dangerous idea. Hello.....Pandemic??? I am sadly disapointed in your lack of foresight.
Carl Anthony Anderson 12/15/20 2:39 PM Dear County Council: Thank you for the opportunity to submit my comments regarding the Tacoma/Pierce County Health Department. As a retired small business owner, a Pierce County home owner and resident, and as a Pierce County taxpayer I strongly oppose any effort to dissolve our health department, particularly in the middle of a pandemic that threatens us all. The septic systems are not of any interest to me whatsoever. Thank you, Carl Anderson 909 North I Street Tacoma, WA 98403 253-307-6513
Andy Quarnstrom 12/15/20 3:19 PM My name is Andy Quarnstrom, President of the National Association of Boards of Health. I'm voicing my opposition to 2020-136s. The importance of not politicizing public health is more relevant now than ever. Termination of the current agreement does just that and during a global pandemic in what appears to be power play.
Christine Giannini 12/15/20 3:47 PM I oppose 2020-136s because I want the Health District decisions made by medical professionals and community, not Republican partisans. It is unconscionable that you have attempted to seize control of the Health Dept in this pandemic and haven't removed it from your agenda even after Gov Inslee has put an executive order against going forward with it. Stop! Let the doctors focus on their important work saving lives in Pierce County. Shame on you, those of you who supported this.
Don Moody 12/15/20 5:48 PM I am writing my express my clear opposition for proposed ordinance No. 2020-136. I believe that the current structure of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department governance works extremely well. As a community member, I have seen first-hand how responsive, clear, and evidence-driven our public health department has been to the COVID-19 outbreak, amid difficult times, and with limited resources. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Tacoma Pierce County Public Health approach to the ongoing challenges of protecting public health, and providing service to local residents. The independent nature of the agency puts it above politics, which is where it must remain. The Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department advocates public-private partnerships to maximize efforts. It answers to a jurisdictional representative board of health, which includes medical professionals. It is led by seasoned, educated professionals who have spent their careers in this field. Rushing through a decision like this, in the middle of an unprecedented pandemic that has already claimed the lives and livelihoods of so many Pierce County residents, is questionable at best, blatantly political and dangerous at worst. I request that proposed Ordinance No. 2020-136 is voted down for the sake of the ongoing protection of public health for all in Pierce County residents.
Sarah Johnson 12/15/20 6:12 PM Reject this disastrous, ridiculous, and irresponsible idea. What kind of monster comes up with this sort of thing in the middle of a pandemic?
Stephanie 12/15/20 6:43 PM Please disband the TPCHD
Kristy Gledhill 12/15/20 10:05 PM Thank you to Council members Young and Campbell for sticking with opposing this resolution from the beginning. Thank you to Council member Roach for voting yes, HOWEVER... you essentially saved us from yourself, by voting no on a proposal you sponsored and made us jump through all the hoops for during a very difficult and stressful time for all of us. Your motivation was transparent and you don't get a medal for it. I'm relieved that this plan to terminate the TPCHD interlocal agreement was dropped so we can all focus on more important things.