Council Database

Council Meeting

Date: May 23, 2023
Time: 3:00 PM
Location: 930 Tacoma Avenue South, Room 1045
Tacoma, WA 98402

 Council Members
Name District
Dave Morell 1
Paul Herrera 2
Amy Cruver 3
Ryan Mello 4
Marty Campbell 5
Jani Hitchen 6
Robyn Denson 7

Agendas and packets are uploaded by 3:00 pm the Friday before the meeting. Meeting agendas approved by the Council's Rules Committee are available at on Wednesdays by 1:00 pm.

 For Final Consideration
Proposal # Title
2023-6 An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Amending Section 2.61.030 of the Pierce County Code, "Composition," Revising the Composition of the Anderson Island Citizens' Advisory Board.
2023-14 An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Modifying the Effective Date of Ordinance No. 2023-5s, Shared Housing Villages in the Residential Resource Zone of the Parkland-Spanaway-Midland Communities Plan Area, to Postpone the Effective Date of the Development Regulation Amendments Challenged under Growth Management Hearings Board - Central Region Case No. 23-3-0004.
R2023-73 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Proclaiming the Month of May 2023, as "Juror Appreciation Month" in Pierce County, Washington
R2023-74 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Proclaiming the Month of May as "Volcano Awareness Month" in Pierce County, Washington.
R2023-76 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Confirming the Appointment of One New Member (Patricia McIntyre) to the Aging and Disability Resources Advisory Board.
R2023-77 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Confirming the Reappointment of One Existing Member (James "Jim" Cook) to the Anderson Island Citizens' Advisory Board
R2023-78 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Confirming the Reappointment of One Existing Member (Caleb Heimlich) to the Pierce County Parks and Recreation Citizens' Advisory Board.

 Consent Items - Introduction, Referral, Setting Dates
Proposal # Title
2023-16 An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Granting a Nonexclusive Franchise to the Town of Eatonville, for Location of Sewer Lines on Certain County-Owned Rights-of-Way and Authorizing the County Executive to Execute Said Franchise.
2023-20 An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Amending Chapter 2.43 of the Pierce County Code, "Birth to 25 Advisory Board for Infant, Child, Youth, and Young Adult Development," by Adding a Representative from the Superintendents of Pierce County Public Schools to the Birth to 25 Advisory Board.
R2023-72 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Establishing Meeting Times for Council Retreats and Committee of the Whole Meetings for Consideration of County Budget Issues in 2023.
R2023-75 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Authorizing the Pierce County Executive or Designee to Execute a Funding Agreement Between Pierce County and the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Regarding Construction of the Puget Sound Gateway Program.
R2023-83 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Approving Pierce County District Court's Community Transition Services Pilot Program Pursuant to a Proviso in Ordinance No. 2022-76s2; and Authorizing Implementation of the Pilot Program.