Council Database

Council Meeting

Date: May 9, 2023
Time: 3:00 PM
Location: 930 Tacoma Avenue South, Room 1045
Tacoma, WA 98402

 Council Members
Name District
Dave Morell 1
Paul Herrera 2
Amy Cruver 3
Ryan Mello 4
Marty Campbell 5
Jani Hitchen 6
Robyn Denson 7

Agendas and packets are uploaded by 3:00 pm the Friday before the meeting. Meeting agendas approved by the Council's Rules Committee are available at on Wednesdays by 1:00 pm.

 For Final Consideration
Proposal # Title
2023-9s An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Finding the Proposed Non-Exclusive Cable Television Franchise to Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC, for a Cable System in Pierce County to be in the Public Interest; Setting Forth Terms and Conditions Accompanying the Granting of the Franchise; Providing for Regulation of Construction, Operation, Maintenance, and Use of the System; Prescribing Remedies for the Violation of the Provisions of the Franchise; and Authorizing the County Executive to Enter into the Franchise Agreement.
R2023-64 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Proclaiming the Month of May 2023 as "Mental Health Month" in Pierce County, Washington.
R2023-65 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Proclaiming the Month of May 2023 as "Bike Month" in Pierce County, Washington.
R2023-67 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Proclaiming the week of May 7-13, 2023, as "Affordable Housing Week" in Pierce County, Washington.

 Consent Items - Introduction, Referral, Setting Dates
Proposal # Title
2023-15s An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Adopting a New Chapter 9.64 of the Pierce County Code (PCC), "Controlled Substances"; Amending PCC 2.51.020, "Purpose," Relating to the Behavioral Health Advisory Board; and Setting an Effective Date.
R2023-69 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Initiating a Process to Consider Amendments to Title 18D of the Pierce County Code, "Development Regulations - Environmental," to Raise the Categorical Exemption Thresholds for Single-Family and Multifamily Projects to the Maximum Exemption Level Allowed by Washington Administrative Code 197-11-800(1); Requesting the Planning and Public Works Department to Take Certain Actions; and Requesting a Report and Recommendations be Transmitted to the Council and the Planning Commission by Dates Certain.