Council Database

Council Meeting

Date: January 9, 2018
Time: 3:00 PM
Location: 930 Tacoma Avenue South, Room 1045
Tacoma, WA 98402

 Council Members
Name District
Douglas G. Richardson (Chair) 6
Dan Roach 1
Pam Roach 2
Jim McCune 3
Connie Ladenburg 4
Rick Talbert 5
Derek Young 7

Agendas and packets are uploaded by 3:00 pm the Friday before the meeting. Meeting agendas approved by the Council's Rules Committee are available at on Wednesdays by 1:00 pm.

 For Final Consideration
Proposal # Title
2017-92s An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Approving the Transfer of Ultimate Control of the Cable Franchise Owned by OH WDH Holdco, LLC, with Ultimate Majority Ownership and Control held by Oak Hill Partners, to Radiate Holdings and Principals of TPG Global, LLC; and Establishing Conditions for the Acceptance of the Franchise. (Cable Franchise - Transfer of Control)
R2017-143s A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Ratifying the Sale of Certain County-Owned Surplus Real Property Located 9515 & 9411 39th Avenue Court SW, Lakewood, Washington (Commonly Referred to as the “Lakewood Road Shop Property”). (Ratification of Sale - Lakewood Road Shop Property)
R2018-1 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Making Appointments of Councilmembers and Staff to Positions on External Boards, Commissions, Committees, and Other Organizations for the Year 2018. (Appointments to External Boards and Commissions)
R2018-2 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Establishing the Council's Standing and Select Committees; Naming the Committee Memberships; and Setting Meeting Times for Standing and Select Committee Meetings for 2018. (Establishment of Standing, Select, and Ad Hoc Committees)
R2018-3 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Amending Resolution No. R2017-59 to Correct the Term Expiration Date of Eric Corp on the Pierce County Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. (Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - Term Correction)
R2018-4 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Confirming the Appointment of One New Member (Meilee Anderson) to the Pierce County Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. (Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - Appointment)
R2018-5 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Confirming the Reappointment of One Existing Member (Rick Hogan) to the Sheriff’s Civil Service Commission. (Sheriff's Civil Service Commission - Reappointment)
R2018-6 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council and Executive Remembering the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for His Contributions to the Ideals of Equality and Justice Throughout the World. (Proclamation - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day)

 Consent Items - Introduction, Referral, Setting Dates
Proposal # Title
R2017-122 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Authorizing the Pierce County Executive or Designee to Execute an Interlocal Agreement with the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department, King County Prosecutor’s Office, and the Municipalities of Auburn, Bonney Lake, Federal Way, Lakewood, Tacoma, and Tukwila for the Creation of the Puget Sound Auto Theft Task Force. (Puget Sound Auto Theft Task Force)
2018-1 An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Canceling Certain Uncollectible Personal Property Taxes. (Canceling Certain Uncollectible Personal Property Taxes)
2018-2 An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Amending Ordinance No. 2002-7, as Amended by Ordinance Nos. 2014-47 and 2015-45, by Removing the Prohibition Against the Discharge of Firearms on Approximately 525 Acres in the Graham/Kapowsin Area of Pierce County. (Firearms Discharge Restriction)
2018-3s An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Authorizing the Prosecuting Attorney to Commence Condemnation Proceedings (after 180 days from the date the County presents the first formal offer) to Acquire Real Property for County Road Project (CRP) 5726, Entitled Canyon Road East - 99th Street Court East to 84th Street East, and Providing Notice to Affected Property Owners of Record of the Final Action Specifically Relating to the Following Properties: Tax Parcel Numbers (TIN) 0419062056; 0419062014; 0419062017; 0419062030; 0419062003; 7565000150; 7565000140; 0420313083; 0420313084; 7565000050; 0419062062; 0420313042; 0420317021; 0320364058; 0320364050; 0420313027; 0420313061; 0320364099; 0320368022; 0420313060; 0420313046; 0420313005; 0320364104; 0420313065; 0320364100; 0320364095; 0320364117; 0320364118; 0420313081; 0420313079; 0320368017; 0420317001; 3423000140; 0420312022; 3423000010; 0420316059; 0320365012; 5000940200; 5000940010; 0320361016; 0320361043; 0420316019; 0320361014; 0420316009; 0420312039; 0420312031; and 0420312040. (Condemnation Proceedings - Grant of Authority to Prosecuting Attorney)