Agendas and packets are uploaded by 3:00 pm the Friday before the meeting. Meeting agendas approved by the Council's
Rules Committee are available at
on Wednesdays by 1:00 pm.
An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Amending Pierce County Code Section 17B.20.005, "Required Improvement Tables"; Adopting a New Section 17B.20.008, "Rural Pathways for Civic Uses"; and Repealing Section 18J.15.150, "Rural Pathways for Civic Uses," To Implement Resolution No. R2019-113. (Rural Pathways for Civic Uses)
An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Establishing a Youth and Young Adult Jobs Initiative Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic; and Establishing a Sunset Date. (Youth and Young Adult Jobs Initiative)
An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Relating to the COVID-19 Pandemic; Amending Ordinance No. 2019-86s, as Amended by Ordinance Nos. 2020-35, 2020-42, 2020-52, 2020-54, and 2020-60, the Biennial Budget of Pierce County for Fiscal Years 2020-2021. (2020-2021 Biennial Budget Supplemental)
An Emergency Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Modifying the COVID-19 Adaptation Grant Program to Increase the Maximum Value of Grants and to Base Grant Award Value on Number of Employees; Amending Ordinance No. 2020-63s; and Declaring an Emergency. (COVID-19 Adaptation Grant Program Modification)
An Emergency Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Creating the COVID-19 Commercial Rent and Mortgage Payment Assistance Program; Authorizing the Department of Economic Development to Provide Grants to Certain Businesses Whose Operations are Significantly Restricted by the Safe Start Reopening Plan; Establishing a Sunset Date; and Declaring an Emergency. (COVID-19 Commercial Rent and Mortgage Payment Assistance Program)
An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Amending Chapter 5.12 of the Pierce County Code, "Pawnbrokers and Secondhand Dealers," by Revising Definitions, Licensing Requirements, and Business Regulations; and Setting an Effective Date. (Pawnbrokers and Secondhand Dealers)