Proposal # |
Title |
A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Adopting the Pierce County Five-Year Strategic Plan to Address Homelessness. (Five-Year Strategic Plan to Address Homelessness) |
An Emergency Resolution of the Pierce County Council Establishing County Funding Principles and Priorities for the Expenditure of Coronavirus Relief Funds; and Acknowledging the Recommendations of the COVID-19 Recovery Steering Committee. (COVID 19 - Coronavirus Relief Funds) |
An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Declaring Certain County-Owned Personal Property, Used Equipment (Three John Deere Wheel Loaders, One GMC/Morton Paint Striper and Three Broom Bear Street Sweepers) Owned by the Public Works Department Equipment Revolving and Rental Fund, to be Surplus; and Authorizing the Sale Thereof. (Surplus Personal Property - Various Equipment)
An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Adopting Amendments to Title 18A of the Pierce County Code (PCC), Development Regulations – Zoning" to Reduce and Clarify Allowed Rural Farm Uses; Amending the Rural and Resource Zone Classifications Use Tables for All Areas Outside Community Plan Areas in PCC 18A.17.020, for the Gig Harbor Peninsula in PCC 18A.23.020, for Mid-County in PCC 18A.27.020, and for Upper Nisqually in PCC 18A.31.020; and Adopting Findings of Fact. (Development Regulations - Rural Farm) |
An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Amending the Pierce County Shoreline Master Program in Response to the Order on Compliance Issued by the Growth Management Hearings Board in Case No. 18-3-0013c; Amending Title 18S of the Pierce County Code (PCC), "Development Policies and Regulations -- Shorelines," and Title 18E PCC, "Development Regulations -- Critical Areas"; Adopting Findings of Fact; and Setting an Effective Date. (Shoreline Master Program - Critical Areas Regulations - Growth Management Hearings Board Compliance) |
An Emergency Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Relating to the COVID-19 Pandemic; Amending Ordinance No. 2019-86s, as Amended by Ordinance Nos. 2020-35, 2020-42, and 2020-54, the Biennial Budget of Pierce County for Fiscal Years 2020-2021; and Declaring an Emergency.
(Emergency 2020-2021 Biennial Budget Supplemental) |
Proposal # |
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An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Ratifying the Collective Bargaining Agreement Reached with Council 2, Washington State Council of County and City Employees, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), AFL-CIO, Local 3752 - Pierce County Corrections and Detention Center Non-Uniformed Group (Local 3752CN); and Amending the Pierce County Classification Plan. (Collective Bargaining Agreement - Ratification) |
An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Ratifying the Collective Bargaining Agreement Reached with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO, Local No. 483 Traffic Signal; and Amending the Pierce County Classification Plan. (Collective Bargaining Agreement - Ratification) |
An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Ratifying the Collective Bargaining Agreement Reached with Council 2, Washington State Council and City Employees, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), AFL-CIO, Local 120 - Wastewater Unit; and Amending the Pierce County Salary Classification Plan. (Collective Bargaining Agreement - Ratification)