Council Database

Council Meeting

Date: May 7, 2019
Time: 3:00 PM
Location: 930 Tacoma Avenue South, Room 1045
Tacoma, WA 98402

 Council Members
Name District
Douglas G. Richardson (Chair) 6
Dave Morell 1
Pam Roach 2
Jim McCune 3
Connie Ladenburg 4
Marty Campbell 5
Derek Young 7

Agendas and packets are uploaded by 3:00 pm the Friday before the meeting. Meeting agendas approved by the Council's Rules Committee are available at on Wednesdays by 1:00 pm.

 For Final Consideration
Proposal # Title
2019-10s An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Authorizing the Executive to Enter into a Long-Term Ground Lease with Chambers Bay Resort, LLC Allowing Construction of a Hotel and Resort on a Portion of the Chambers Creek Properties. (Long Term Ground Lease - Chambers Creek Properties)
2019-19 An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Amending Ordinance Nos. 2012-12s, 2013-15, 2014-26, 2015-19, 2016-10, 2017-11, and 2018-14 and Adopting New Voting Precinct Boundary Maps Pursuant to Chapter 29A.16 of the Revised Code of Washington. (Voting Precinct Boundary Maps - Adoption)
R2019-49 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council, Executive and Courts Proclaiming the Month of May 2019 to be "Juror Appreciation Month" in Pierce County, Washington. (Proclamation - "Juror Appreciation Month")
R2019-52 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Expressing its Intent to Conduct a Market and Budget Impact Analysis of the Proposed Resort on the Chambers Creek Properties and the Ground Lease Agreement. (Chambers Creek Properties - Market Analysis of Resort and Ground Lease Agreement)
R2019-53 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council and Executive Proclaiming May 18, 2019, to be "American Legion Edward B. Rhodes Post #2 - American Legion Centennial Day." (Proclamation - "American Legion Edward B. Rhodes Post #2 - American Legion Centennial Day")
R2019-56 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council and Executive Proclaiming the Week of May 5-11, 2019, as "Municipal Clerks Week" in Pierce County, Washington. (Proclamation - "Municipal Clerks Week")
R2019-58 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Confirming the Reappointment of One Existing Member (Jeremy Calkins) to the Graham Advisory Commission. (Graham Advisory Commission - Reappointment)

 Consent Items - Introduction, Referral, Setting Dates
Proposal # Title
2019-20 An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Adopting a New Section 10.12.060 of the Pierce County Code, "Ferry Queues," and Designating Violations Thereof as Traffic Infractions; Directing the County Engineer to Erect Notification Signage; and Establishing an Effective Date. (Ferry Queues)
2019-21 An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Amending Chapter 8.09 of the Pierce County Code, "Chronic Nuisance Properties" by Amending Sections 8.09.010, "Purpose and Intent," 8.09.030, "Definitions," 8.09.050, "Chronic Nuisance Property - Procedure," and 8.09.052, "Commencement of Abatement Action - Chronic Nuisance - Enforcement;" and Adopting New Sections 8.09.057, "Criminal Penalties," 8.09.060, "Cost Recovery," 8.09.065, "Special Assessment," and 8.09.070, "Entry." (Chronic Nuisances Properties)
2019-24 An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Amending Section 4.28.130 of the Pierce County Code, "Criminal Justice Purposes Tax - Allocation and Use." (Prevention Services - Allocation of Tax Revenues)
R2019-57 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Establishing Meeting Times for Council Retreats and Committee of the Whole Meetings for Consideration of County Budget Issues in 2019. (Regular meeting days and times - Committees of the Whole and Budget Retreats)
R2019-59s A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Establishing an Agricultural Drainage Task Force; Describing Its Purpose and Desired Membership; and Establishing a Sunset Date for the Task Force. (Agricultural Drainage Task Force)