Council Database

Council Meeting

Date: October 11, 2016
Time: 3:00 PM
Location: 930 Tacoma Avenue South, Room 1045
Tacoma, WA 98402

 Council Members
Name District
Douglas G. Richardson (Chair) 6
Dan Roach 1
Joyce McDonald 2
Jim McCune 3
Connie Ladenburg 4
Rick Talbert 5
Derek Young 7

Agendas and packets are uploaded by 3:00 pm the Friday before the meeting. Meeting agendas approved by the Council's Rules Committee are available at on Wednesdays by 1:00 pm.

 For Final Consideration
Proposal # Title
2016-50 An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Amending Section 4.16.010 of the Pierce County Code, "Imposition of Special Excise Tax"; Clarifying that Revenues from the Excise Tax on Lodging May be Used to Support Capital Expenditures of Tourism-Related Facilities Owned by a Municipality Pursuant to Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 67.28.1816; and Setting an Effective Date.
2016-53 An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Finding the Proposed Non-Exclusive Telecommunications Franchise to Mobilitie Services, LLC, for a Telecommunications Network in Pierce County to be in the Public Interest; Setting Forth Terms and Conditions Accompanying the Granting of the Telecommunications Franchise; Providing for the Regulation of Construction, Operation, Maintenance, and Use of the Network; Prescribing Remedies for the Violation of the Provisions of the Franchise; and Authorizing the County Executive to Enter into the Franchise Agreement.
2016-54 An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Ratifying and Confirming a Nonexclusive Franchise for Twenty Years between Pierce County and the City of University Place for the Sanitary Sewer System in the Public Rights-of-Way of the City; Authorizing the Pierce County Executive to Accept and Implement this Franchise; Amending Section 13.13.085 of the Pierce County Code, "Rates and Charges," to Recover a Franchise Agreement Fee from Sewer Customers within the City of University Place; and Setting an Effective Date for These Amendments.
R2016-115s A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Supporting the Parks and Recreation Services Department's Fiscal Policy in Accordance with the Recommendations from the Impact Fee Working Group.
R2016-117 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Recognizing the Boulevard of Remembrance Located within the Interstate 5 Corridor in the Vicinity of Joint Base Lewis-McChord; and Requesting the Washington State Department of Transportation Recognize the Corridor with Official Highway Signage and a Historical Marker.
R2016-136 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Confirming the Reappointment of One Existing Member (Donald Swensen) to the Key Peninsula Advisory Commission.
R2016-143 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council and Executive Proclaiming its Intent to Participate in The Great Washington Shakeout on October 20, 2016, and Work Toward Becoming a Safer Community.

 Consent Items - Introduction, Referral, Setting Dates
Proposal # Title
2016-51s An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Amending Pierce County Code Chapter 4A.01, "Impact Fees - Authority and Purpose," Chapter 4A.10, "Impact Fees - General Requirements," Chapter 4A.20, "Impact Fees - Parks," Section 18.20.025, "Impact Fees," and Section 18A.65.040, "Financial Incentives"; Adopting Findings of Fact; and Setting an Effective Date.
2016-55 An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Amending Chapter 18J.15 of the Pierce County Code, "Countywide Design Standards and Guidelines," to Modify the On-Site Recreation Area Requirements Within a Subdivision; Adopting Findings of Fact; and Setting an Effective Date.
2016-63s2 An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Implementing the 2017 Budget; Amending the Pierce County Code and the Powers, Duties or Responsibilities of Certain Pierce County Departments, Boards, or Commissions; Amending Chapter 2.124 of the Pierce County Code, "Motor Pool Vehicle Assignment and Use"; Amending Section 2.45.115 of the Pierce County Code, "Key Peninsula Community Land Use Advisory Commission Pilot Program"; Amending Section 4.48.020 of the Pierce County Code, "Special Revenue Funds," to Create a Drug Enforcement Fund; Adopting a New Section 13.04.048 of the Pierce County Code, "Residential Side Sewer Conservation Loan Program"; Amending or Repealing Certain Ordinances; and Setting an Effective Date.
2016-64s2 An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Implementing the 2017 Budget by Requesting Certain County Departments, Boards and Commissions to Take Certain Actions; and Setting an Effective Date.
2016-65s2 An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Adopting the Annual Budget of Pierce County for Fiscal Year 2017; and Setting an Effective Date.
2016-67s An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Adopting the "Pierce County Capital Facilities Plan - 2017 Amendments"; Amending Chapter 19E.10 of the Pierce County Code, "Introduction"; Adopting Findings of Fact; and Setting an Effective Date.
2016-68 An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Authorizing Wage Adjustments for Non-Represented Employees; Amending the Pierce County Salary Classification Plan; and Setting an Effective Date.
2016-69s An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Setting the 2017 Ad Valorem Tax Levies for Pierce County for Levy in 2016 and Collection in 2017.
2016-70 An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Amending Chapter 9.47 of the Pierce County Code, "Jail Incarceration Rates," to Establish Rates for Incarceration and Booking of Inmates into the Pierce County Jail; and Setting an Effective Date.
2016-73 An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Amending Pierce County Code (PCC) Section 13.04.085, "Connection Charge - Rates," to Establish a 2017 Consumer Price Index Adjustment as Identified in PCC 13.04.085 D. on Rates for Connecting to the Public Sewer System, and Amending Section 13.13.085, "Rates and Charges," by Establishing the Year 2017 Rates and Charges for the Availability and Furnishing of Sanitary Sewer Service; and Setting an Effective Date.
R2016-126 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Requesting the Pierce County Executive Include Funding for the Demolition of the Puget Sound Hospital Site in the 2017 County Budget and to Complete Building Demolition and Site Clean-up in the First Quarter of 2017.
R2016-134 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Implementing the 2017 Budget; Declaring Certain County Policy; Requesting Information from Agencies of County Government; and Setting an Effective Date.
R2016-137s A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Declaring Certain Tax Title Lands be Sold; Authorizing the County Executive to Pursue Disposal of the Property by Sale, Lease, or Exchange; and Authorizing the County Executive to Sell Certain Tax Title Lands by Private Negotiation, Without a Call for Bids, For Not Less Than the Principal Amount of the Unpaid Taxes Pursuant to Revised Code of Washington 36.35.
R2016-139s A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Approving the 2017 Pierce County Historic Preservation Grant Fund Disbursement Including Projects and Programs Recommended by the Pierce County Landmarks and Historic Preservation Commission.
R2016-141 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Related to the Storm Drainage and Surface Water Management Utility; Finding that the Public Works Department has Complied with Provisions of the 2016 Budget; and Authorizing Potential Acquisition of Certain Flood Risk and Damaged Properties.