Council Database

Public Safety, Human Services, and Budget Meeting

Date: August 14, 2017
Time: 1:30 PM
Location: 930 Tacoma Avenue South, Room 1045
Tacoma, WA 98402

Agendas and packets are uploaded by 3:00 pm the Friday before the meeting. Meeting agendas approved by the Council's Rules Committee are available at on Wednesdays by 1:00 pm.

Proposal # Title
2017-29 An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Adopting a New Chapter 8.09 of the Pierce County Code "Chronic Nuisance Properties"; Creating an Enforcement Protocol for Chronic Nuisance Properties; Establishing Procedures for the Abatement of Chronic Nuisance Properties; Creating Joint and Several Liability for Multiple Persons in Charge of a Nuisance Property; Clarifying Due Process Procedures Applicable to Abatement of Chronic Nuisance Properties; Requiring Persons in Charge of Chronic Nuisance Properties to Enter into Abatement Agreements Approved by the County to Abate Chronic Nuisances within 15 Days of the Issuance of the Chronic Nuisance Notice; Establishing a Graduated Penalty System Whereby a Person is Warned First, Cited with a Class 1 Civil Infraction Second, and Abated through a Superior Court Warrant Third; Incorporates the Victim Protection Limitation under RCW 59.18.580; Adds the Option of the County to Pursue Receivership as a Way to Facilitate Returning Chronic Nuisance Properties to Productive Use; and Adding the Option of Relocation Assistance. (Chronic Nuisance Properties)