Agendas and packets are uploaded by 3:00 pm the Friday before the meeting. Meeting agendas approved by the Council's
Rules Committee are available at
on Wednesdays by 1:00 pm.
A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Altering the Right-of-Way Located on a Portion of 7622 Otso Point Road and Relocating the Right-of-Way to a Portion of 7711 Otso Point Road on Anderson Island, in Pierce County Washington.
A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Ratifying the Exchange of Surplus County-Owned Real Property Located on a Portion of 7622 Otso Point Road for Certain Real Property Owned by GlassJaw LLC Located on a Portion of 7711 Otso Point Road on Anderson Island, in Pierce County, Washington.
A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Authorizing the Pierce County Executive to Execute an Interlocal Agreement Between Pierce County and the City of Fife for the Provision of Animal Services.