Council Database

Rules and Operations Meeting

Date: June 11, 2018
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: 930 Tacoma Avenue South, Room 1045
Tacoma, WA 98402

Name Role
Douglas G. Richardson Chair
Dan Roach Vice Chair
Connie Ladenburg Member
Jim McCune Member
Susan Long Lead Staff Member
Jenifer Schultz Committee Clerk

Agendas and packets are uploaded by 3:00 pm the Friday before the meeting. Meeting agendas approved by the Council's Rules Committee are available at on Wednesdays by 1:00 pm.

Proposal # Title
2018-26s An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Amending Pierce County Code Chapter 3.67, "Family and Medical Leave"; and Section 3.81.090, "Military Family Leave"; and Setting an Effective Date. (Personnel - Leave)
2018-33 An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Ratifying the Collective Bargaining Agreement Reached with the Teamsters Local Union No. 117, Affiliated with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, General Unit; and Amending the Pierce County Salary Classification Plan. (Collective Bargaining Agreement)
2018-36 An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Authorizing the Approval of Applications for Open Space Classification Under Current Use Assessment on Certain Properties Located Within the Unincorporated Boundaries of Pierce County; and Adopting Findings of Fact. (Application Nos. OS 7-17, OS8-17, OS12-17, OS14-17) (Open Space Applications)
2018-38 An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Ratifying the Collective Bargaining Agreement Reached with the Pierce County Deputy Sheriff’s Independent Guild, Local No. 1889 Community Service Officers; and Amending the Pierce County Salary Classification Plan. (Collective Bargaining Agreement - Ratification)