An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Relating to Title 3 of the Pierce County Code (PCC), "Personnel"; Amending Chapters 3.08, "Definitions," 3.12, "Code of Ethics," 3.14, "Whistleblower Protection," 3.15, "Workplace Safety and Violence Prevention," 3.32, "Classification Plan," 3.40, "Personnel Board Appeals," 3.52, "Working Conditions," 3.68, "Sick Leave," 3.69, "Humanitarian Catastrophic Sick Leave," 3.70, "Shared Sick Leave Program," 3.72, "Vacation Leave," 3.76, "Leave of Absence with Pay," 3.80, "Leave of Absence Without Pay," 3.81, "Military Service," 3.92, "Reimbursement of Expenses," and 3.98, "Domestic Partnership Benefits"; Renaming Chapter 3.16 PCC, "Equal Employment Opportunity," Adopting a New Chapter 3.18 PCC, "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion"; and Directing the Human Resources Director to Update the Administrative Guidelines to Incorporate Changes Authorized by this Ordinance.