Council Database

Rules and Operations Meeting

Date: May 22, 2023
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: 930 Tacoma Avenue South, Room 1045
Tacoma, WA 98402

Name Role
Ryan Mello Chair
Marty Campbell Vice Chair
Dave Morell Member
Jani Hitchen Alternate
Patty Face Committee Clerk

Agendas and packets are uploaded by 3:00 pm the Friday before the meeting. Meeting agendas approved by the Council's Rules Committee are available at on Wednesdays by 1:00 pm.

Proposal # Title
2023-17 An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Amending Ordinance No. 2021-100s2, as Amended by Ordinance Nos. 2022-30, 2022-50 and 2022-76s2, and 2023-12s, the Biennial Budget of Pierce County for Fiscal Years 2022-2023; and Amending the Pierce County Capital Facilities Plan Adopted Pursuant to Ordinance No. 2021-110s3, as Codified in Chapter 19E.20 of the Pierce County Code.
2023-19 An Ordinance of the Pierce County Council Amending Chapter 1.28 of the Pierce County Code, "Rules of Procedure - Pierce County Council."
R2023-79 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Relating to Contracting Indebtedness; and Expressing the Council's Intent to Authorize the Issuance of Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds in an Amount Sufficient to Produce $50,000,000 in Proceeds Needed to Finance the Costs of Purchasing an Office Building for County Governmental Use, Making Certain Improvements Thereto and Acquiring Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment Therefor, and Carrying Out Certain Remodeling and Renovation Improvements to the County-City Building Campus.
R2023-80 A Resolution of the Pierce County Council Authorizing the Pierce County Executive to Execute a Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement.